BioA: Whiting, Lyle & Fern (50th - 2006)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Whiting, Iwen, Jensen, Kaufman, Gritzmacher, Dunham

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Wednesday, 14 Feb. 2007; page 10

---Whiting, Lyle & Fern (50th - 22 Sept. 2006)

Lyle and Fern Whiting

Lyle and Fern Whiting of W3612 Yankee Rapids Trail, Merrill, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sept. 22, 2006, with dinner and dancing at Gail's Place, Merrill. Members of the original wedding party in attendance included Mrs. Jim Iwen, Merrill; Mrs. Roger Jensen, Birnamwood; and Marilyn Kaufman, Appleton.

Lyle and the former Fern Gritzmacher were married Sept. 22, 1956, in Trinity Lutheran Church, Wausau. The couple has two children, Russ Whiting, Merrill; and Renee (Bob) Dunham, Oak Creek; four grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Lyle worked for Rexworks for 43 years and Fern managed an A&W Drive In. They lived in Milwaukee for 41 years and after retirement built a home on the Prairie River near Merrill.

The pair is very active at Trinity Lutheran Church in Merrill. Lyle loves to fish, garden and hunt. Fern enjoys her part-time job at Green's Flower Shop and gardening, and they both enjoy their family and friends.

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