Obit: Simon, Matthew (1878 - 1954)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Simon, Heenan, Dagenhart, Kennedy, Shellbach, Raymore, Dean

---Source: Oneonta Star (Oneonta, New York) Friday, 14 May 1954; Page 2

---Simon, Matthew (17 Jul 1878 - 13 May 1954)

Matthew Simon

Roxbury - Matthew Simon, 75, died at Delhi Sanitarium yesterday where he had been a patient for three months.

Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday in Roxbury Catholic Church, the Rev. Edward Heenan, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Siamford Cemetery. Friend may call at the Gorach Funeral Home in Roxbury Friday afternoon and night.

Mr. Simon was born July 17, 1878, in Lincoln County, Wisconsin, a son of John and Madelins (Dagenhart) Simon. He married Catherine Kennedy in Wisconsin. He was a dairy farmer in Hardscrabble for many years.

He is survived by his wife; one son, Joseph, of Philadelphia; five brothers, Herman of Binghamton, John and Antone, both of Kukonne, Wis.; Peter of New York City, and Joseph H. of Milwaukee; and three sisters, Mrs. Mary Shellbach of Buchanan, Wis.; Mrs. Elizabeth Raymore of Milwaukee, and Mrs. Frances Dean of Nina, Wis.

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