Obit: Eisele, Jane F. (1928 - 2005)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Eisele, Lagan, Wolf, Krall, Starr, Smallman

---Source: Merrill Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln, Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 16 Feb. 2005; page 11

---Eisele, Jane F. (15 Mar. 1928 - 12 Feb. 2005)

Jane F. Eisele, 76, of Merrill, died Saturday, February 12, 2005, at Good Samaritan Health Center, Merrill.

Born March 15, 1928, in Dwight, Ill.; Jane was the daughter of the late Nicholas and Priscilla Langan Wolf. She married Edward Eisele on June 21, 1958, in O-Dell, Ill. He preceded her in death March 1976.

Jane taught grade school in Illinois. She later worked as an accounting clerk. Jane graduated from the University of Illinois. She enjoyed reading and following baseball on television.

Survivors include her daughter Priscilla (Jeff) Krall, Merrill; sister Monica (Earl) Starr, Florissant, Mo.; and nephews Martin (Chrstina) Starr, O-Fallon, Mo.; and Christopher (Jeannie) Starr, Charleston, Mo.

Funeral services were Wednesday, February 16, at Pine Crest Nursing Home, Merrill. Rev. Robert Smallman officiated. Burial was in Merrill Memorial Park. The Waid Funeral Home, Merrill, served the family.

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