BioM: Vandre, Katie (2004)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Vandre, Baumann, Brandt, Banser, Hinz, Finanger, Hornung, Schade, Wordock, Reist, Blum, Stellick, Plautz, Schmidt, Weiler, Heckendorf, Berg

---Source: Merrill Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln, Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 26 Jan. 2005; page 15

---Vandre, Katie (Marriage - 25 Sept. 2004)

Katie Vandre and William Baumann, both of Merrill, were joined in marriage on Sept. 25, 2004, at St. John Lutheran Church, Merrill. Rev. Robert Brandt officiated at the afternoon ceremony where music was provided by guitarist Mary Banser, soloist Daniel Hinz and musicians David and Carol Finanger.

The bride is the daughter of Alan and Cindy Vandre, Merrill. The groom is the son of Marge Baumann, Merrill, and the late Harold Baumann. Matron of honor was Kristie Hornung, Wausau, and Shannon Hanneman, Merrill, and Brian Schade, Wausau, were best man.

Bridesmaids include Liz Wordock, Kalamazoo, Mich.; sister of the groom Amy Berndt, Leah Reist, Stacie Blum and sister of the groom Mary Bauman, all of Merrill; Erica Stellick, Madison; and Heather Plautz, Merrill. Miniature bride was Samantha Jo Berndt, the groom's niece, Merrill.

Serving as groomsmen were brother of the bride Peter Vandre, brother-in-law of the groom Tim Brandt and the groom's nephew Cody Schmidt, all of Merrill; T. J. Weiler, Spencer; and the groom's nephew Jared Schmidt and David "Beaver" Plautz, both of Merrill. Miniature groom was Desmond Heckendorf, the groom's cousin, Schofield.

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