BioM: Riley, Jamie (2007)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Riley, Wiedenhoeft, Koppelman, Anthony, Walters, Diels

---Source: Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) Wednesday, 12 Dec. 2007; Page 11

---Riley, Jamie (Marriage - 19 Oct. 2007)


Jamie Riley and Eric Wiedenhoeft, both of Merrill were married Oct. 19, 2007, at the Koppelman Law Office. James Koppelman officiated at the afternoon ceremony.

The bride is the daughter of Michael Riley, Lake Tomahawk. The groom is the son of Peter and Patricia Wiedenhoeft, Gleason.

Maid of honor was Paula Anthony, Merrill; and James Walters, Merrill, was best man. Other members of the wedding party included mini brides Jolynn and Justice Diels, daughters of the bride, Merrill; and mini groom Saige Anthony, the bride's nephew, Merrill.

A reception will be held next spring, and the couple will take a honeymoon at a later date. Jamie and Eric are both self-employed. They live in Merrill.

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