Bio: Koehler, Gustav F. (History - b 1854)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Koehler, Runge

---Transcribed from pages 438-450 "History of Northern Wisconsin" - Biographical Sketches

Gustav F. Koehler, blacksmith. Was born in Germany, April 19, 1854. He came with his parents and settled in Bloomfield, Waushara Co., Wis., in 1859. They remained there two years, then they moved to Berlin, Marathon Co., where he spent his school days, until the age of seventeen, when he went to Weyauwega, and learned the blacksmith trade, lived there one and one half years, and went to Wausau, where he remained about the same length of time. He then came to Merrill, bought a shop, and began business with the firm name of Behman & Koehler. They were in company two years, then he went into another shop, under the firm name of Koehler & Adams; they were together two years, then they built a shop, run it one year, and Mr. Koehler bought the whole interest, and is now alone. He was married, June 8, 1878, at Oshkosh, to Minnie Runge, who was born in Germany. They have one boy, Herman C.

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