Bio: Newbauer, Casper (History - b 1855)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Newbauer, Frochlich

---Transcribed from pages 438-450 "History of Northern Wisconsin" - Biographical Sketches

Casper Newbauer, of the firm of Newbauer & Frochlich, was born in Austria, October, 1855. He came to Schleisingerville, Wis., with his parents, in 1855, and spent his school days there. He went to Milwaukee in 1879, and began the cigar trade. After living there some time, he went to Rochester, Minn., where he remained fifteen months, when he returned to Milwaukee. In May, 1881, he came to Merrill. His wife’s maiden name was Anna Frochlich, she was born in Milwaukee, Wis., May 6, 1857. They have two boys, Hubert J. and John H.

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