Bio: Ruder, Emil (Commemorative Bio - 1895)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

---Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Wisconsin Counties of Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langlade and Shawano. publ. 1895 by J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago 1110 pages, illustrated; Page 158-159

Emil Ruder

Emil Ruder (deceased), who for some twelve years conducted the well-known brewery owned by him at Merrill, Lincoln County, was born November 29, 1859, at Stevens Point, Wis., a son of George and Louisa (Schmidt) Ruder.

George Ruder was born September 7, 1827, in Nuremberg, Bavaria, and was a son of Wolfe and Katrina Ruder. The family are the German ancestry, and Wolfe Ruder, as was his father before him, was born in Germany. George Ruder was educated in his native land, and in early life learned that trade of brewer in his father’s brewery, afterward worked at his trade in some of the large cities in Europe, and traveled extensively through Germany. In 1854 he came to the United States, locating first in Milwaukee, where he worked at his trade upward of two years, and then, in 1856, he removed to Stevens Point, Portage County, purchased a brewery there, and conducted it some four years. At Stevens Point he married Miss Louisa Schmidt, who was born in the Province of Posen, Germany April 25, 1835, and children as follows were born to them: Louis, Emil, Herman, Louisa, Clara, Emma (wife of Henry Mombart, residing in Wausau), Edward (in Merrill, Lincoln County), Henry (in Wausau, Marathon County), William and Lena, of whom Emil, Louisa and Lena are now deceased. In 1860 George Ruder removed to Wausau, Marathon County, and there erected a brewery which he conducted up to 1887, when he retired from active business, the following year, accompanied by his wife and daughter, Emma, visiting his native land, and spending upward of twelve months in travel and sightseeing, among other places visiting Berlin and Munich. His death occurred December 29, 1893, at Milwaukee, Wis., whither he had gone for medical treatment, and was buried in Wausau Cemetery. He was a member of the I. O. O. F., was president of the village, and alderman of the city of Wausau four years.

Emil Ruder, whose name appears at the opening this sketch, on leaving school entered his father’s brewery in Wausau, in order to learn the business, and in 1882 accompanied him to Merrill. Here in 1886 he bought the brewery built by his father, and which he enlarged and improved, conducting same until his death, which occurred May 23, 1894. He left a widow and six children to mourn the early taking away of a loving husband and kind, indulgent father, besides many sorrowing friends who knew him as an active business man, generous-hearted and highly respected by all. Politically a Democrat, he served the city of Merrill as alderman; socially, he was a member of the Sons of Hermann, and a member of the Order of Druids of Merrill, and of the German Benevolent Society.

On July 27, 1884, Mr. Ruder was married, in Wausau, Wis., to Miss Mary Laessig, who was born in Chicago, Ill., daughter of Edward and Janette (Baenen) Laessig, who were the parents of twelve children: Edward, Mary, Henry, Augusta, Minnie, Frederick, Frank, Charles, Louis, Julia, Anna and Nellie, and the last named dying in infancy. The father was born July 15, 1835, in Saxony, Germany, whence when a young man he came to America, and for several years worked as a common laborer. In 1856, in Chicago, Ill., he married Miss Janette Baenen, who was born in Holland, in January, 1838, and same year came to America with her parents, who had a family of seven children, namely: Frank, Mary, Janette, John, Henry, Bell and Minnie. After marriage Mr. and Mrs. Laessig moved to Green Bay, Wis., and there resided nine years, when they moved to Wausau, and at the end of four years bought a farm in Marathon County, Wis., whither they removed and where they are yet residing. The children born to Emil Ruder are Lena, Lizzie, George, Edward, Willie and baby Emil.

William Ruder, a younger son of the late George Ruder, by his wife, Louisa (Schmidt) was born in Wausau, Wis., August, 12, 1873. Until he was fifteen years of age he attended school at Wausau, and then went to Milwaukee, where he took a course in a business college in that city, graduating from same in June, 1889. In the following August he came to Merrill, where he entered the employ of his brother Emil, in the capacity of bookkeeper, collector, etc.; positions he held until the death of the latter, since when he has had entire charge of the business for behoof of the widow. Though yet a young man, he has made many friends among the business men of Merrill. In his political affiliation he is a sound Democrat, while socially he is a member of the Sons of Hermann, the German Benevolent Society and the Order of Druids of Merrill, of which latter he is secretary.

On April 24, 1894, William Ruder and Theresa Bott was married at Wausau, Wis. She is a native of Illinois, born at Rockford, daughter of Marcus and Eva (Harris) Bott, who were the parents of five children: Theresa, Tillie, John, Frank, and one that died in infancy. Mr. Bott was a native of Germany, and came to America when a young man, a mason by trade, he followed it successfully until his death in Merrill, April, 1885. His widow was born in Wisconsin, near Milwaukee; she remarried, her second husband being Henry J. Hampel, by whom she has two children: Henry and George.

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