Bio: Emerson, Norman A. (Commemorative Bio - 1895)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

---Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Wisconsin Counties of Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langlade and Shawano. publ. 1895 by J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago 1110 pages, illustrated; Page 430-431

Norman A. Emerson

Norman A. Emerson was born April 26, 1864, in Iron Ridge, Dodge Co., Wis. Norman Emerson, his father, was a native of Vermont, a son of Asa Emerson, a farmer by vocation, who had but one child, Norman, who was reared to agricultural pursuits his boyhood being passed much in the manner of other lads in his day. In early life he moved to the State of New York, where he married Nancy Chapman, by whom he had seven children, as follows: Mary, Martha, Amanda, Nettie (who died in August, 1894), John W., David W., and Norman A. In 1840 the family came to Wisconsin locating in Iron Ridge, Dodge County, where the father followed his trade, that of a cooper, and also engaged in the lumber business till 1867, when he and his wife moved to Loyal, Clark County. Here the mother died in 1887; the father passed away in 1890 at the home of his son John W. He was an energetic business man, and left behind an enviable record for honesty and uprightness. During the War of the Rebellion he served his country in the Union Army.

Norman A. Emerson, the subject proper of these lines, received a liberal common school education, and at the age of eighteen commenced working in the lumber woods during the winter season, his summers being occupied on the river, and being economical, as well as industrious, he not only made money, but also saved it. In 1887 he moved to Tomahawk, Lincoln County, and commenced dealing in timber lands – buying and selling to advantage – finally becoming owner of a large tract of timber land. In March, 1895, the Bank of Tomahawk was established, of which he is president. In 1889, at Madison, Wis., he was united in marriage with Miss Amy L. Warnes, and three children have come to brighten the home: Elsa, Helen and a son not yet named. In his political sympathies Mr. Emerson is a Democrat; socially, he affiliated with Tomahawk Lodge, No. 243, F. & A. M. , and in religious faith he and his wife are members of the M. E. Church.

Mrs. Norman A. Emerson is a native of the State of Michigan, born in Polkton Township, Ottawa County, in 1858, a daughter of Ishmael and Melissa (House) Warnes, who were the parents of seven children, of whom Oliver F. and Amy L. are living, the others having died young. The parents are both natives of the State of New York, and there, in Jefferson County, were married, soon afterward morning to Michigan, later to Wisconsin, and settled near Madison, where the mother died in 1864. Two years later the father married Miss Jessie Micklejohn, who born him three children: Jessie, Sabina and one deceased in infancy. From Wisconsin the family moved to Tennessee, thence to Oregon, in 1892, where they now reside. Mrs. Emerson’s father is well educated, as was also her mother, and both at one time were school teachers, a profession the daughter followed until her marriage with Mr. Emerson. Mr. Warnes was a miller by trade, and his son, Oliver F., was head miller some eight years for Pillsbury, of Minneapolis, Minn., but is now living at Anoka, that State, being manger of their mill at that place. Mrs. Emerson’s maternal grandparents are natives of New York State, the grandmother being a daughter of John Franklin and a niece of Benjamin Franklin. Mr. Warnes’ father was a native of America. Her mother’s father is still living in Lewis County, N. Y., at the advanced age of eight-four years.

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