Bio: Smith, Anson (Commemorative Bio - 1895)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

---Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Wisconsin Counties of Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langlade and Shawano. publ. 1895 by J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago 1110 pages, illustrated; Page 540-541

Anson Smith

Anson Smith, one of the leading contractors and builders of Merrill, Lincoln County, was born in Germany, April 21, 1854, a son of John G. Smith, who was a native of the same Province, born in 1813. Little is known concerning the father’s family except that he had two brothers. He was married in Germany to Kate Mannes, and to them were born four children, three of whom died in infancy, our subject being the only survivor.

By trade the father was a cabinetmaker. He brought his wife and child to the New World in 1854, stopping for a short time in Chicago, but later removing to Batavia, Ill., where the mother of our subject died in 1856. After her death the father married Christine Hensel, by whom he had seven children, only two of whom are now living: Charles and Edward. The family remained in Batavia until 1865, when they removed to Iowa, where they resided two years, on the expiration of which time they went to Chicago. In that city the father worked at his trade of cabinet making until the great fire in the fall of 1871, when he located at Green Bay. From that place he went to Appleton, Wis., where he remained two years and then located in Black Creek, where his death occurred in January, 1892. He was a well educated man, and in the various communities in which he made his home was held in the highest esteem. Politically he was a Democrat. His widow now resides with her son Edward; Charles is living with our subject in Merrill.

Anson Smith, whose name introduces this review, had but limited educational advantages, only being able to attend the common schools until he reached the age of ten years. When eleven years old he stated our in life for himself, first being employed in a sash and door factory at Chicago, where he remained seven years. In 1873 he went to Appleton, Wis., where he was engaged on the government work for six months and then entered the employ of a contactor as a carpenter, following the same for two years and a half. He then began contracting for himself among the farmers living near Black Creek, Wis. After his arrival in Merrill, in April, 1881, Mr. Smith worked for others about two and a half years, then commenced contracting and building for himself. He has employed as high as fifteen men at one time, and has erected some of the best buildings in the city, including the Heinman Block and the German Lutheran Church. In business dealing he is always fair and honorable, faithfully fulfilling his part of that contract and in this way has won a prominent place in business as well as social circles. He has been very successful in his transactions, and now owns a fine home in Merrill, as well as a farm near the city.

On February 4, 1885, Mr. Smith wedded Alferetta Given, who came to Wisconsin from the Eastern States, where her birth occurred. Politically our subject affiliates with the Democratic Party, while religiously he holds membership with the Catholic Church. He is one of the industrious and reliable business men of Lincoln County, and had gathered around his many warm friends who hold him in the highest regard.

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