Bio: Barr, Arthur H. (Commemorative Bio - 1895)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

---Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Wisconsin Counties of Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langlade and Shawano. publ. 1895 by J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago 1110 pages, illustrated; Page 619-620

Arthur H. Barr

Arthur H. Barr, one of Lincoln County’s most enterprising young men, takes his home in the city of Merrill. He is a native of Wisconsin, born in Oshkosh, February 10, 1867, and is a son of James H. Barr, whose birth occurred in New Jersey in 1834. The paternal grandfather died when James was quite young, and left four children: James H., Lean, Ann and Jane.

In 1854 the father of our subject emigrated to Wisconsin, locating in Oshkosh, where he worked at the carpenter’s trade. He was there married in 1865, the lady of his choice being Jane Shaw, and to them was born one son, Arthur H. The mother, who was a daughter of George and Kate Shaw, was born in Liverpool, England, in 1836, and was one of a family of nine children, those still living being Isabel, Agnes, George, Mary and Melissa. The father of this family was a painter by trade, and crossed the Atlantic to America in 1848. James H. Barr responded to the President’s call for troops, and became a member of a regiment of Illinois cavalry, in which he served three years and eight months. He had enlisted as a private, and at the time of his discharge was orderly sergeant. His first wife died in 1877, and later, in 1881, he married Miss Alice Gill. To them were born three children: James H., Jr., Alice R. and Lindon T., the latter of whom died at the age of four years. The father still resides in Oshkosh, where he is foremen of the Pane Carpenter Shops, and is a highly esteemed citizen.

The education of Arthur H. Barr was received in the schools of Oshkosh, being completed in the high school of that city, which he left at the age of fifteen, and began work in a sash and blind factory. For two years he remained with the one firm, gradually rising until he had obtained and excellent position. In 1884, however, he went to Charleston, S. C., and there worked at the same business for one year, on the expiration of which time he returned to Wisconsin and soon after came to Merrill, securing employment with the H. W. Wright Lumber Company as a machine hand. For three years he was foreman of the sash department, when he was made shipping clerk, which position he held for three and a half years. In April, 1894, he was appointed general foreman, and now has ninety men under his charge. He has the entire confidence of his employers, and the men under him hold him in the highest respect.

In Sherry, Wis., in November, 1889, Mr. Barr married Allie E. Hubbard, a native of Neenah, Wis., and the only child of Harrison and Julia Hubbard, who were Eastern people, coming to this State from New York. The father, who was a lumberman, died some years ago. Two children have been worn to our subject and his wife: Harrison H. and James Lindow. The mother of Mrs. Barr, after the death of her first husband, wedded James M. Brush, and now makes her home in Merrill. In this political view Mr. Barr coincides with the platform formulated by the Republican Party, although he takes little interest in politics outside of his duties in attending to his elective franchise. He holds membership with the I. O. O. F., taking an active part in the Lodge, and also belongs to the Junior Order of American Mechanics. Although a young man, he is rapidly growing into the esteem and respect of his fellow citizens, and bids fair in the near future to assume a prominent and influential position in the community.

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