Bio: Zamzow, Charles (Commemorative Bio - 1895)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

---Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Wisconsin Counties of Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langlade and Shawano. publ. 1895 by J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago 1110 pages, illustrated; Page 1006-1007

Charles Zamzow

Charles Zamzow, a wide awake and enterprising young business man of Merrill, Lincoln County, is a native of Wisconsin, born in Berlin, Wis., May 25, 1863, a son of Ludwig Zamzow, who was born in 1824, in Germany. When the father had reached the age of twenty years both his parent died. He had one brother, August, and four sisters. In 1856, having decided to leave his native land, he crossed the ocean to America, and in this country was employed as a farm hand. About four years after his arrival he was united in marriage with Amelia Fehlheber, who was also a native of the fatherland. By this union have been born six children, who are still living: Herman, Charles, Robert, Albert, Otto and Emil. After his marriage the father entered a tract of land from the government in Marathon County, Wis., which he cleared and improved, but later sold and purchased the farm on which he now resides. He not has 320 acres of rich and arable land, under a high state of cultivation, and 1894, he built thereon a fine and substantial residence. He is one of the leading farmers of Marathon County, held in the highest respect by all who know him. While still residing in his native land he served as a soldier in the Germany Army.

In the district schools of the neighborhood of his early home the education of Charles A. Zamzow was obtained. On completing his studies, at the age of thirteen years, he still remained upon the farm, assisting in the labors of the fields until he had reached the age of eighteen, when he went to the city of Marathon, Wis., where he learned the blacksmith’s trade. After following occupation there some four and a half years, he then spent a short time in travel, leaving home on September, 1885, and during his absence worked some for other parties. In May, 1887, he came to Merrill and started his present shop, where he is now doing general blacksmithing and wagon making, and conducted a lucrative business. He is an excellent mechanic, and from the surrounding country receives a liberal patronage, which is justly deserved.

Mr. Zamzow was united in marriage with Miss Ida Krueger, the ceremony being performed in May, 1886. She was born in Germany in 1869, and is a daughter of August and Minnie (Milleager) Krueger, farming people, who had a family of ten children: Herman, William, Ida, Mary, August, Gerhardt, Minnie, Augusta, Louisa, and Bertha. Louisa died in 1894. In 1882 the parents, accompanied by their family, landed in the United States, and now reside upon a farm in Lincoln County. To our subject and his estimable wife have been born five children: Arthur, Edward, Elsie, Emma and Willie. Socially Mr. Zamzow belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America, and now holds office in the lodge at Merrill, while both he and his wife are members in good standing of the German Lutheran Church. In politics he uses his right of franchise in support of the Republican Party, casting his vote for its men and measures. He has made many warm friends since coming to Merrill, his genial courteous manner and other pleasant qualities attracting to him all with whom he has come in contract. With characteristic energy he has followed his chosen trade and bids fair to become a well to do citizen.

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