Bio: Larsen, Martin (Commemorative Bio - 1895)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

---Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Wisconsin Counties of Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langlade and Shawano. publ. 1895 by J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago 1110 pages, illustrated; Page 1012-1013

Martin Larsen

Martin Larsen is one of the leading blacksmiths of Merrill, Lincoln County, being a member of the well-known firm of Larsen & Kunkel, who are conducting a successful and lucrative business. His birth occurred June 11, 1833, and he is a son of Lars and Hannah Larsen, who were the parents of four children: Jens, Martin, Peter and John. The father was a carpenter by trade, and also engaged in fishing. He died in Sweden in 1847, his wife passing away in 1870.

The education which Martin Larsen received was very limited, being obtained in the common schools of Sweden, and at the age of eight he commenced herding cattle. When he had attained his fifteenth year he began learning the trade of a blacksmith, serving an apprenticeship of four years, during which time the only compensation he received was his board. In 1863, in Norway, he married Hannah Ludwika, a native of that country, where she was born in 1838, and by this union was born in 1838, and by this union were born in Christiania, Norway, four children: Victor E. A. and Helga M., stilling living; and two that died when quite young.

In 1873, Mr. Larsen, accompanied by his family crossed the broad Atlantic, landing in New York City, from which city he went direct to Boston, where he remained one year. He then went to Worchester, Mass., where for two years he was employed by a firm which was engaged in the manufacture of cutlery and firearms. In July, 1876, he removed to Wisconsin, first locating on a tract of wild land nine miles from the city of Merrill. There the family made their home, while he worked at his trade in the city, until July, 1890. At that time they removed into Merrill, where Mr. Larsen purchased a shop. In the fall of 1892 he and August Kunkel bough their present place of business, where they have since carried on general blacksmithing and wagon making under the firm name of Larsen & Kunkel. Mr. Larsen’s son Victor is also interested in the business, and they now have an excellent trade, which is constantly increasing.

Politically, Mr. Larsen affiliates with the Republican Party, being one of its staunch supporters. In religious faith he is a Lutheran, holding membership with the Norwegian Lutheran Church. He is one of the self-made men of the county, all that he now possesses being the result of his industry and frugality, and at the present time he owns a good home and two blacksmith shops in Merrill. On September 15, 1894, he was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, a most estimable lady, who had the respect of all who knew her.

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