Bio: Zipp, Philip (Commemorative Bio - 1895)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

---Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Wisconsin Counties of Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langlade and Shawano. publ. 1895 by J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago 1110 pages, illustrated; Page 1079-1080

Philip Zipp

Philip Zipp, Proprietor of the “Lakeview Summer Resort,” was born in Germany, October 39, 1835, and is a son of Philip H. and Catherine (Phillips) Zipp. In the family were but two children, Philip and Philipena. The father, who was a mason by trade, came to America in 1849, settling in Cleveland, Ohio, where he still resides. He had one brother and one sister – John and Elizabeth- who came to this country ere his arrival; but little else is known concerning the family. During the Civil War Mr. Zipp aided in the defense of the Union as a member of an Ohio regiment. His wife died in Cleveland, Ohio, sometime since.

The gentleman, whose name introduces this review, acquired his education in the schools of the Fatherland, and at the age of fourteen, accompanied his parents on their emigration to America. He remained at home until seventeen years of age, after which he learned masonry, his father’s occupation, and went to the copper regions near Lake Superior, where he worked at his trade through the summer months, while in the winter season he engaged in mining. After three years he started for Green Bay, Wis., making the journey on foot. In February, 1855, he reached his destination, and there took stage to Fond du Lac, Wis., where he worked at his trade until after the breaking out of the Rebellion. Prompted then by a offered his services to the government, and was assigned to Company E, Twenty-sixth Wis. V. I., commanded by Capt. Kittler. His regiment was first attached to the Eleventh Corps. Army of the Potomac and in 1863 joined the Army of the Cumberland. Mr. Zipp saw much hard service, participating in the hotly contested battled of Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Missionary Ridge, besides others in minor importance. He was wounded at the battle of New Hope Church in 1864, and on account of the injuries sustained was honorably discharged, October 26, 1864. He entered the service as a private, and was mustered out as sergeant. True and loyal to the cause of his adopted country, he was always found at his post of duty, faithfully performing any task allotted to him.

On leaving the South Mr. Zipp returned to Fond du Lac, where he worked at his trade until 1882, when he came to Merrill, and the following year was here joined by his family. Again he carried on contracting and building, and his handiwork is seen in most of the important buildings of that place. In the spring of 1889, in company with his son, Otto, he purchased his present home, the “Lake View Summer Resort,” which is pleasantly located a mile from the city limits. They have a fine hotel on the banks of a beautiful lake, and the resort is becoming a great favorite with the people of Merrill and surrounding cities, while from St. Louis and the South come many visitors. The place is growing in popularity, new improvements are added each year, and every effort put forth to please and entertain the guests. Sail and row boats are kept on the lake, and the place furnishes excellent opportunities for fishing and duck hunting.

In Fond du Lac, in 1856, Mr. Zipp wedded Catherine Faber, who was born in Germany in 1836. They had a family of nine children, three of whom died in infancy; Catherine is now Mrs. Bast; Otto is with his father in business; Herman and John are grocery merchants in Merrill; Ida (now Mrs. Oder) resides in Muscatine, Ia., and Lena is the wife of William Anis, of Merrill. In politics, Mr. Zipp is a Republican, and has served as alderman of the Seventh ward, and is also a member of the Grand Army Post of Merrill.

Otto Zipp, who is associated with his father in business, was educated in the public schools of Fond du Lac, and then learned the painter’s trade, which he followed some twelve years, then joined his father as one of the proprietors of the “Lake View Hotel.” He married Theresa Lesselyoung, a native of Wisconsin, and a daughter of Nicholas and Mary (Cook) Lesselyoung, who were natives of Germany, and had a family of eight children, six of whom are living, as follows: Theresa, Caroline, Christina, Delia, Nicholas, and Michael. The parents of this family are still living, and the father follows farming. Otto Zipp is a Republican filled the office of alderman for one year, and is now serving as deputy sheriff. His wife is a member of the Catholic Church. Both Philip and Otto Zipp are gentlemen of pleasant and genial manner, possess good business ability, and are making a success in their new enterprise.

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