Obit: Schmidt, John Julius William (1851 - 1930)

Transcribed by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Schmidt, Bacholz, Bucholz, Wendt, Bauermann, Braun

---Source: Merrill Star Advocate (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis.) Tuesday, 4 Nov. 1930

---Schmidt, John Julius William (11 July 1851 - 27 Oct. 1930)


Funeral Services For Late John J. W. Schmidt Will be Held Friday -- Built Home in Merrill

John Julius William Schmidt, passed away at the home of his son, Ewald, in the town of Scott, last week, following a paralytic stroke, which had stricken him a couple of days before.

Deceased was born in Germany, July 11, 1851.

Mr. Schmidt came to America in 1881, stopping at Elkhorn, prior to making his home in this county.

He was married October 5, 1882, in the town of Maine, Marathon County, to Emelia Bacholz.

Six children were born to them, of which five survive: Arthur of Corning; Ewald of Scott; Mrs. Robert Wendt, Corning; Edwin and Herbert, of Merrill. Also thirty grandchildren. Mrs. Schmidt passed away Jan. 8, 1929.

One sister, Mrs. Lena Bauermann, of Elkhorn, survives.

Deceased was a charter member of the Trinity Lutheran church in this city, but had been a member of the St. Paul's church in the town of Scott, since residing in that town. He had held several church offices during his lifetime.

Mr. Schmidt was one of the pioneers of this city and county, arriving in Merrill when it was known as the village of Jenny.

In an early day he built and owned a home on the site now occupied by the Aug. J. Braun residence on Cottage street.

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Notes: Alternate name spelling is: Johann Julius Wilhelm Schmidt. John's wife name is listed as Johanne Amelia W. Buchholz in the family files. -- Crystal Wendt

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