Obit: Schmidt, Norman A. (1912 – 1966)

T ranscribed by:Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Schmidt, Bigalow, Hass, Bauman, Neumann, Zimmerman, Hahn, Bade, Adams, Kleinschmidt, Beawer

---Source: Family data base - Leona (Rusch) Schmidt’s scrap book (Jan. 1966)

--- Schmidt, Norman A. (25 April 1912 – 11 Jan. 1966)


Norman A. Schmidt, 53, died of a broken back and exposure suffered in a mishap which occurred yesterday while cutting wood on his place on route 4, Merrill.

According to the Lincoln County Sheriff's office report Schmidt left home about 11 a.m. to cut firewood. When he failed to return home later his wife, Leona, called a neighbor, Ed. Hass who went into the woods to look for him. Schmidt was found dead under a tree he had felled. Another tree had been cut down. According to deputy coroner Dr. J. F. Bigalow the cause of death was from a broken back and exposure.

Schmidt was born April 25, 1912 in the Town of Corning to Arthur and Martha Hass Schmidt. He was a lifelong resident of the area and was a farmer and trucker. He was treasurer of the local unit of Pure Milk Products and secretary for the district organization. He was a member of Immanuel Lutheran Church, Town of Corning.

He was married to Leona Bauman October 9, 1937 in the town of Corning. His wife, his mother, Mrs. Martha Schmidt, Merrill; three daughters, Mrs. William (Alvera) Neumann, Wausau, and Diana and Lorraine, Town of Corning; a son, Earl, Town of Corning; four brothers, Elmer, Reuben, Alfred and Arthur, all of the town of Corning; five sisters, Mrs. Ed. (Lillian) Zimmerman and Mrs. Clarence (Laura) Hahn, both of Merrill, Mrs. Clarence (Elsie) Bade, and Mrs. Ronald (Selma) Adams, both of the Town of Scott, and Mrs. Kurt (Dorothy) Kleinschmidt, Town of Corning and four grandchildren survive.

Preceding him in death were his father and a brother, Fritz.

Funeral services were held Saturday at 1:30 p.m. at the Immanuel Lutheran Church, Town of Corning with the Rev. A. F. Beawer officiating. Burial will be in the church cemetery. The family will receive friends at the Taylor funeral home from Friday at 10 a.m. until 10 a.m. Saturday at which time Mr. Schmidt will be taken to the church where friends may call until the hour of services.

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