Obit: Reinhardt, Theodore (1903 – 1970)

Poster: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Reinhardt, Sprague, Loew, Winkler, Kuck

---Source: Merrill Shopper & Foto News (Merrill, Lincoln County, Wis) Wed., Sept. 9, 1970, Page 7

---Reinhardt, Theodore (1 Aug. 1903 – 5 Sept. 1970)

Theodore Reinhardt, Sr., 67, Route 4, Merrill passed away at Holy Cross Hospital on September 5, 1970 after an illness of 3 months.

Mr. Reinhardt was born on August 1, 1903 in Zurich, Switzerland to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Reinhardt. He came to this country in 1921 and was married to Louise Sprague on April 4, 1925. He was engaged in farming.

He is survived by his wife Louise, a daughter, Mrs. Louise Loew, Chippewa Falls and three sons, Theodore, Jr., Green Bay, and Charles, Town of Scott.

Other survivors include his brother, Eberhardt Reinhdart, Zurich, Switzerland and a sister Mrs. Ericka Winkler, Basel, Switzerland, and fourteen grandchildren.

Funeral services were held Tuesday, September 8 at the Taylor Funeral home with the Rev. Dale Kuck officiating. Burial was in the Snow Hill Cemetery.

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