Obit: Schmidt, Julius (1844? – 1922)

Transcried by: Crystal Wendt

Surnames: Schmidt, Meyer

---Source: Merrill Star Advocate (Merrill, Lincoln Co., Wis.) 4 May 1922

---Schmidt, Julius (1844? – 1922)

Julius Schmidt died Saturday morning at the family home, Scott and Sixth Street, after a protracted illness. He was seventy-eight years old and a native of Germany.

Mr. Schmidt was married in Germany. He and his wife came to Wausau in 1835 where they lived for a time, later buying a farm in the town of Maine. They moved to Merrill about eighteen years ago.

The widow and two children survive the deceased. The children are Ben Schmidt of the town of Pine River and Mrs. Herman Meyer of Riplinger, Wis.

The funeral conducted by Rev. M. M. Schmidt was held Tuesday afternoon from the late home.

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