Chat Cemetery Veterans

Birch Township, Lincoln County, Wisconsin

Transcribed by Crystal Wendt


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Name of Veteran Date of Birth Date of Death Notes
Ashwell, Charles R. 1927 Mar. 17 1992 July 19 CD3 U. S. Navy WWII/Korea
Bagley, Robert E. 1940 1965 Veteran
Benson, Norman L. 1928 Dec. 26 1977 Aug. 13 Cpl U. S. Army Korea
David, Charles J. 1924 Dec. 5 2002 Oct. 2 S Sgt U. S. Army Air Forces WW II
Davis, Allen G. 1931 April 4 2006 Oct. 18 U. S. Army - Vietnam War
Fehr, Duane Alan 1946 Sept. 15 1992 Aug. 12 U. S. Air Force
Fehr, John 1895 Nov. 14 1976 Feb. 7 PFC U. S. Army WWI
Fehr, John W. 1928 Oct. 21 2003 April 20 PFC U. S. Army Korea
Gothberg, Donald O. 1929 May 28 1951 June 13 Wis. Cpl 117 A. F. Installation Sq
Harkner, Joseph W. 1921 July 2 2000 Feb. 13 U. S. Navy II
Henke, John A. 1899 Mar. 10 1979 Jan. 27 Pvt. U. S. Army WWI
Jeske, Kenneth J. 1958 Dec. 20 1977 April 15 PFC
Jeske, Richard G. Sr. 1931 Aug. 7 1994 July 27 PL U. S. Marine Corps Korea
Johnson, Gilbert J. 1909 Oct. 20 1982 Nov. 29 Tec 5 U. S. Army WWII
Jourdan, Darrell W. 1921 April 27 1982 June 22 WWII
Kasper, George J. 1890 Oct. 6 1953 July 28 Wis. Pvt 449 SVC Park Unit MTC WWI
Lang, Harold R. 1912 Nov. 17 1982 June 8 T Sgt U. S. Army WWII
Lange, William B. 1894 Mar. 29 1975 May 3 PFC U. S. Army WWI
Larsen, Ole C. Jr.   1927 Mar. 16 Wis. Corpl 120 Field Art 32 Div
Litke, Henry H. 1893 May 23 1964 Oct. 22 Wis. PFC Medical Dept WWI
Lokemoen, John H. 1913 Mar. 26 1960 May 16 Wis. Sgt. Co A. 750 Tank Bn WWII
Lokemoen, Louis L. 1916 June 17 1997 Nov. 4 PFC U. S. Army WWII
Lutzke, Donald E. "Bud" 1929 Sept. 2 2006 June 17 Vet - U. S. Marine Corps
Nelson, Hans Sam 1890 April 29 1969 Feb. 5 Pvt Co K 344 Infantry WWI
Pay, August George 1898 Dec. 21 1967 April 9 Pvt. U. S. Army WWII
Pay, Johannes 1895 Sept. 10 1955 Mar. 29 Wis Pvt 158 Amb Co 40 Div WWI
Sollman, Edward 1918 Aug. 15 1953 Aug. 12 Wis. S. Sgt. 403 MP Escort Guard Co. WWII
Tipton, Lloyd K.   1936 Aug. 14 Wis. Pvt. U. S. Army
Weisman,Roger Fred 1949 Oct. 7 1999 Mar. 19 FA U. S. Navy Vietnam
Wiroll, Frank 1897 May 26 1976 April27 U. S. Coast Guard WWI
Wright, Bernard Lee 1924 April 24 1983 June 23 PFC U. S. Air Force WWII

Updated 12 June 2021


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