Chat Cemetery

Birch Township, Lincoln Co., Wis.

Contributed by: Kayla Cottrell

Return to Alpha-Index

Sc Name Birth Death Notes & Military Spouse Married Parents
P Ihlenfeld, Irene 1921 1921 Daughter of F. & E.  F. & E. Ihlenfeld
P Ihlenfeld, Mathilda 1861 1918 William Ihlenfeld
P Ihlenfeld, William 1858 1937 Mathilda
P Jach, Amy Ann 1981 Apr 2
P Jackson, Ella N. 1867 1957 Reuben C. Jackson
P Jackson, Emily L. 1893 Aug 29 1990 May 18 Ralph R. Jackson
P Jackson, Ralph R. 1889 Jan 10 1959 Jul 23 Emily L.
P Jackson, Reuben C. 1853 1932 Ella N.
P Jackson, Robert R. 1917 Oct 19 1999 Jul 30
p Jaeger, Evelyn 1922
P Jaeger, Theodore 1925 1976
P Jeske, Kenneth J. 1958 Dec 20 1977 Apr 15 PFC
P Jeske, Richard G. Sr. 1931 Aug 7 1994 Jul 27 CPL U. S. Marine Corps Korea
P Johnson, Alta 1927 Glenn Johnson
P Johnson, Barbara E. 1937 Gust and Hilda Johnson
P Johnson, Christina 1867 1953
P Johnson, Clara C. 1898 1988 Hugo A.Johnson
P Johnson, Clarence O. 1913 1986 Viola H. W.
P Johnson, Della 1922 1999 Lawrence Johnson
P Johnson, Elizabeth M. 1910 Feb 27 1996 Mar 1 Gilbert J.Johnson
P Johnson, Gilbert J. 1909 Oct 20 1982 Nov 29 Tec 5 U. S. Army WWII Elizabeth M.
P Johnson, Glenn 1926 Alta
P Johnson, Henry 1868 Jan 27 1943 Aug 9 Laura
P Johnson, Hugo A. 1888 1971 Clara C.
P Johnson, Johanna 1860 1965 John S. Johnson
P Johnson, John S. 1874 1956 Johanna
P Johnson, Laura 1882 Aug 9 1936 Sep 23 HenryJohnson
P Johnson, Lauren (Ole) 1939 Nov 21 1997 Jul 17
P Johnson, Lawrence 1909 1996 Della
P Johnson, Lennard R. 1921 Jul 20 1991 Nov 28
P Johnson, Nels 1874 1955
P Johnson, Olga A. 1907 1927
P Johnson, Roland R. 1916 1932
P Johnson, Steven Craig 1949 Jul 28 1949 Aug 9
POS Johnson, Viola H. W. 1918 Jan 3 2007 May 10 Clarence O. Johnson 1936 Oct 21 Gottlieb & Helga (Helmerson) Dreger
P Jourdan, Alvin S. 1897 Aug 1 1984 Dec 5 Ida E.
P Jourdan, Daisy D 1903 Mar 24 1943 Jun 24
P Jourdan, Darrell W. #2 1921 Apr 27 1982 Jun 22 WWII Pauline
P Jourdan, Ida E. 1901 Jul 18 1997 Feb 13 Alvin S. Jourdan
POS Jourdan, Pauline C. #2 1923 Dec 27 2008 Mar 14 Darrell E. Jourdan
P Jourdan, Roy E. 1887 Aug 19 1972 Aug 27
Juedes, Edwin 1914 1964
P Juedes, Wayne A. 1943 1944
P Jusenius, Saima E. 1890 1970 Urho I.Jusenius
P Jusenius, Urho I. 1883 1973 Saima E.
P Kapellen, Leona 1911 Apr 5 2000 Oct 20 Walter Kapellen
P Kapellen, Walter 1908 Nov 28 1966 Aug 21 Leona
P Kapfllen, Elsie I. 1936 Jun 17 1984 Feb 9
P Karaba, Dona 1933 2001 John Karaba
P Karaba, John 1930 2001 Dona
P Karaba, Starr Cheri 1962
P Kasper, George J. 1890 Oct 6 1953 Jul 28 Wis. Pvt 449 SVC Park Unit MTC WWI
P Kasper, Johanna B. 1910 Jun 3 1981 Jan 13
P Kaufman, Larry D. 1948 1992
PSD Korenko, Mary #2 1883 Dec 29 1981 Sep 5 John Korenko
PSD Korenko, John 1882 Apr 2 1973 Feb12 Mary John & Ann Korenko
P Krueger, Bertha 1902 1969 Ernest Krueger
P Krueger, Ernest 1898 1970 Bertha
P Lang, Ann Pauline 1913 1974
P Lang, Harold R. 1912 Nov 17 1982 Jun 8 T Sgt U. S. Army WWII
P Lang, Ralph Edward 1978
P Lange, Audrey E. No Dates
P Lange, Elmer G. 1895 Apr 30 1974 Jan 31
P Lange, Gustav 1863 Oct 9 1949 Apr 5 Hattie
P Lange, Hattie 1875 Jul 18 1905 Dec 20 Gutav Lange
P Lange, Myrtle E. #2 1902 Aug 27 1987 Aug 1 William B. Lange
P Lange, William E. #3 #4 1894 Mar 29 1975 May 3 PFC U. S. Army WWI - Middle intial is E or B Myrtle E.
P Larsen, Ingeborg 1850 May 5 1909 Nov 29 Hard to read
P Larsen, Ole C. Jr. 1927 Mar 16 Wis. Corpl 120 Field Art 32 Div
P Larsen, Ole C. 1854 May 4 1930 Feb 28
P Laue, Carl 1907 Inga
P Laue, Inga 1904 1984 Carl Laue
Lindell, Delia 1905 1908 P. & M. Lindell
P Lindell, Lars P. O. 1867 1929
P Lipke, Mark D. 1956 Sep 3 1956 Sep 3
P Litke, Elsie 1898 Feb 5 1965 Jul 6
P Litke, Henry H. 1893 May 23 1964 Oct 22 Wis. PFC Medical Dept WWI
P Lokemoen, Baby 1937
P Lokemoen, Berit 1869 Feb 25 1946 Jul 9 Hallik H. Lokemoen
P Lokemoen, Beatrice R. 1927 Jul 1 Louis L.Lokemoen 1944 Aug 17
P Lokemoen, Chas (Charles) 1871 May 29 1954 Jan 19
P Lokemoen, Helge H. 1904 Jul 27 1932 Sep 10
P Lokemoen, Hellik H. 1864 Jan 5 1937 Feb 22 Berit
P Lokemoen, John H. 1913 Mar 26 1960 May 16 Wis. Sgt. Co A. 750 Tank Bn WWII
P Lokemoen, Louis L. #3 1916 Jun 17 1997 Nov 4 PFC U. S. Army WWII Beatrice R. 1944 Aug 17
PO Lokemoen, Louise E. 1917 Jul 29 1975 Sep 1 Ole H. Lokemoen 1936 Aug 8 Frank Cotey Sr.
P Lokemoen, Ole H. 1910 Nov 5 1973 Aug 12 Louise E. Cotey 1936 Aug 8
P Lueck, Karl 1852 Jan 9 1937 Jul 9 Paulina
P Lueck, Paulina 1847 Aug 10 1936 Apr 3 Karl Lueck
P Lutzke, Byrdine A. 1932 Feb 19 Donald E. Lutzke 1952 Jul 26 Harkner
POS Lutzke, Donald E. "Bud" 1929 Sep 2 2006 Jun 17 Vet - U. S. Marine Corps Byrdine A. Harkner 1952 Jul 26 Ervin & Eleanor (Schreiber) Lutzke
P Lutzke, Eleanor 1903 Apr 16 1945 Oct 18 Ervin J. Lutzke
P Lutzke, Ervin J. 1899 Nov 30 1963 Jan 27 Eleanor
P Maas, John 1951 Mary
P Maas, Mary 1876 1946 John Maas
P Maas, Ruth 1929 1930
P Madden, Dale Lee 1959 1973 Grandson of Alfred & Myrtle Graap
POS Madden, James M. 1930 Sep 23 2005 Jan 20 Evelyn Mae Graap Melvin & Lena (Neitzke) Madden
P Magnuson, Carroll A. 1926 1930 Son Henry & Mable R Magnuson
P Marschall, Lynne Renee 1956 Jul 14
P Martens, William "Bill" L. 1957 Dec 18 2009 Apr 21
P Michelson, Alfreida Sofia #2 1885 Feb 23 1909 Sep 24 Nelse P Michelson 1905 Aug 3 Hans F & Ida Sofia (Jacobson) Peterson
P Michelson, Christian #2 #3 1925 Jul 10 1925 Sep 3
P Michelson, Mettie #2 #3 1845 1915 Peter Michelson
P Michelson, Peter 1839 1920 Mettie M.
P Mikeal, Barbara 19?? May 12 Gary L. Mikeal
P Mikeal, Gary L. 1958 Jul 27 2008 Jan 5 Barbara
P Miners, Eva M. 1906 May 10 1983 Apr 22
P Moore, Florence 1900 1979       Benson

Updated 21 June 2021

Sc = Source Information *

C = Court House

D = Death Index

F = Family data base

O = Obituary Information

P = Picture of tombstone

S = Social Security Death Index

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