Calvary Cemetery

City of Tomahawk

Bradley Township, Lincoln Co., Wis.

Contributed by: Kayla Cottrell & Crystal Wendt

Return to Alpha-Index

Sc Name Birth Death Notes & Military Spouse Married Parents
P Damon, Cyril J. 1934 Apr 16 1983 Apr 18 SP5 U.S. Army Korea & Vietnam
P Daniels, Leroy W. 1929 Mar 1 1990 Jul 15 U.S. Army WWII
P Daoust, Lawrence #2 1906 1998
P Daoust, Mary #3 1907 1971
P Dedic, Emily L. 1933 Sep 19 1992 Apr 19  
P Dedic, George F. Sr. 1919 Dec 23 1990 Dec 3 Pvt U.S. Army WWII
P Dehlinger, Albert C. 1893 1958 Martha M.
P Dehlinger, Martha M. 1891 1976 Albert C. Dehlinger
O Deitz, Charles E. 1941 Oct 24 2010 Sep 25   Patricia A.Troiber 1978 May 17  
P Dernbach, Christian 1871 1951 Martha
P Dernbach, Laura C. 1900 1974
P Dernbach, Margaret 1910 1999
P Dernbach, Martha 1871 1952 Christian Dernbach
P Devenport, Lloyd O. 1910 1978 Marie J.
P Devenport, Marie J. 1917 1998 Lloyd O. Devenport
P Dickinson, Edmund S. 1877 Nov 14 1959 Apr 19
P Dohnalik, Joseph 1911 Aug 2 2001 Oct 9 Cpl U.S. Marine Corps WWII
P Dohnalik, Verna H. 1918 Feb 14 2007 Jul 12
P Doucette, Betty J. 1924 Nieland R. Doucette
P Doucette, Galen Noah 1985 May 4 2002 Feb 12
POS Doucette, Nieland "Nocky" R. #2 1920 Mar 20 2005 Oct 15 S SGT US Army Air Forces WWII Betty J.
P Du Bois, Lois J. #2 1931 Feb 14 2005 Apr 20 Robert Gene
P Du Bois, Robert Gene 1927 Aug 27 Lois J.
P DuBois, Henry 1896 Feb 9 1978 Feb 2 PVT U.S. Army WWI
P DuBois, Myrtle H. 1902 Dec 3 1987 Jun 19
P Duff, Helen 1913 William J. Duff Sr.
P Duff, William J. Jr. #3 1946 1960 William J. & Helen Duff, Sr.
P Duff, William J. Sr. #2 1916 1974 Helen
P Dupont, Kelly Lynn 1962 Oct 26 2002 Jan 23 U.S. Navy

Updated 18 Sep 2024

Sc = Source Information *

C = Court House

D = Death Index

F = Family data base

O = Obituary Information

P = Picture of tombstone

S = Social Security Death Index

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