Greenwood Cemetery

City of Tomahawk

Bradley Township, Lincoln Co., Wis.

Contributed by: Kayla Cottrell & Crystal Wendt

Return to Alpha-Index

Sc Street Names Birth Death Notes & Military Spouse Married Parents
    Klade, Arnold F. 1893 Aug 25 1965 Mar 3   Hilda Kainz 1919 Nov 8 Mr & Mrs John Klade
O   Klade, Margaret J. 1893 Sep 25 1982 Dec 21   Fred J. Klade 1920 Jun 2 Frederic & Martha Coey
    Klade, Robert L. 1890 Sep 22 1973 Jan 17 US Army WWI     Mr & Mrs Fred Klade
P 7th Klehn, Emilie 1864 Apr 22 1942 Jan 19 V.F.W. Aunxiliary War Mother
P 7th Klehn, Frederick A. 1889 Oct 26 1955 Jul 31 Wis. Pvt. US Army WWI Johan & Emilie Klehn
P 7th Klehn, Johan 1864 Jun 2 1931 Apr 10
PO   Kleinfeldt, Doris C. 1915 1996 Jun 15   William Kleinfeldt    
P 5th Ave Kleinfeldt, Emma #1 1885 Jun 18 1981 Wilhelm Kleinfeldt 1903 Jun 18 Barnacow
Fred Alery  
O   Kleinfeldt, Leonard   1998 Apr 24   Delilah Lauer    
P 5th Ave Kleinfeldt, Wilhelm #1 1879 Sep 12 1931 Sep 12 Emma Bertha Barnacow 1903 Jun 18
PO 5th Ave Kleinfeldt, William J. 1914 2005 Nov 7 Doris C.
P   Kleinschmidt, Adela 1904 Aug 31 1905 Oct 7        
P 8th Kleinschmidt, Alma L. 1912 1944
P 8th Kleinschmidt, Benjamin J. 1908 1987
P 8th Kleinschmidt, Marjorie 1917 1969
O   Klimke, Paul   2003 Sep 23 US Navy, WWII Margaret L.    
P 5th Ave Klingerman, Arthur 1921 May 23 1922 Mar 15
    Kluball, Margaret 1898 Nov 5 1973 Jul 31   Rudolph Kluball 1920 Mr & Mrs John Steger
P 8th Knipfer, Beverly Ann 1946 1946
PO 8th Knipfer, Edward R. 1944 2004 Feb 15 US Navy
P 8th Knipfer, Marie K. 1938 Oct 12 Rodney E. Knipfer 1957 Jun 8
P 8th Knipfer, Rodney E. 1933 Sep 14 Marie K. 1957 Jun 8
P 8th Knipfer, Russell Herbert 1927 1942
PO 8th Knipfer, Stearl E. 1904 1989 Jan 19
P 8th Knipfer, Virjean Ida 1935 1952
P 8th Knipfer, Winifred 1907 1962
P 8th Knudsen, Nils G. William #2 1875 1930
P 4th St Knudson, Louis M. 1868 1942
P 4th St Knudson, Ole M. 1864 1917
O   Koivisto, Eugene A. 1925 Feb 25 2008 Feb 7   Mary Tobias 1975 Jun 7 Hemme & Lempi (Hinch) Koivisto
P 10th Koivisto, John 1887 1954        
P 10th Koivisto, Tyyn F. 1891 1982        
OS   Kotila, Elsie 1932 Sep 10 2005 Feb 11   Walter E. Kotila, Sr.   Rooni
SDO   Komula, Andrew Rudolph 1905 Dec 17 1969 Oct 18   Mary Maki 1932 Aug 17 John & Hilda (Merila) Komula
OSD   Komula, Mary 1911 Mar 10 2006 Sep 26   Andrew Rudolph Komula 1932 Aug 17 Matt & Amanda (Kangas) Maki
O   Konaszewski, Alice E.   2006 Jan 19   James W. Konaszewski 1977 Jul 9 Helen Bickett
    Konaszewski, James W. 1940 Feb 18 1977 Oct 6 US Army 1957-60 Alice E. Bickett 1977 Jul 9 Wencel & Alice Konaszewski
PO 5th Ave Kopelke, Earl E. #1 1910 1996 Nov 22 Lillian D.
P 9th Kopelke, Edward H. 1877 1963 Esther F.
P 9th Kopelke, Esther F. 1889 1969 Edward H. Kopelke
O   Kopelke, Inger C. 1918 Jan 28 1998 Jun 20   Gerald Kopelke 1939 Sep 23 Andrew & Irene (Opheim) Torkelson
PO 5th Ave Kopelke, Lillian D. #1 1912 1996 Apr 13 Earl E. Kopelke
O   Kopplin, Gertrude 1898 May 16 1984 Nov 2   Edwin Alberg 1915 Oct 30  
Walter Kopplin 1939 Aug 5
P 10th Kopplin, Gladys I. 1905 Oct 10 1988 Jan 4   George Kopplin    
P 10th Kopplin, George F. 1896 Jan 18 1954 Apr 21 Wis PVt 120 Engineers, WWI Gladys I.    
P 2nd St Kopplin, Grace S. 1868 1935 Robert L. Kopplin
P 2nd St Kopplin, James L. 1887 Jul 21 1958 Jul 3 Wis. Pfc Hq 71
 Co Trans Corps WWI
P 2nd St Kopplin, Mary Estella 1909 1911
P 2nd St Kopplin, Robert L. 1865 1941 Grace S.
    Korhonen, Kalle 1884 Nov 26 1976 Feb 10   Maria Moilanen 1910 Mr & Mrs Kalle Korhonen
P 10th Korpikoski, Emil 1896 1964
P 10th Korpikoski, Katrina 1865 1949        
P 10th Koskela, Arthur J. 1916 Violet B.
P 5th Ave Koskela, Hanna 1891 Mar 1 1972 Sep 8 John E. Koskela 1914 May Mr & Mrs Matti Bjorkbakka
P 5th Ave Koskela, John E. 1887 1993 Hanna
P 5th Ave Koskela, Miriam E. 1928 William E. Koskela 1946
P 10th Koskela, Violet B. 1917 1987 Arthur J. Koskela
P 5th Ave Koskela, William E. "Iggy/Bill" #1 1915 2004 Musican Miriam E. 1946
O   Koth, George E.   1989 Nov 19        
    Koth, Herbert "Hoovie" 1928 Nov 6 1976 Aug 9 US Army 1951-1953     Mr & Mrs Walter A. Koth
O   Koth, Herman H.   1996 May 13   Margie Loftus    
O   Koth, Margie L.   2003 Aug 31       Loftus
O   Koth, Mayme M. 1895 Aug 29 1985 May 26   Walter A. Koth 1912 Jun 12 Henry & Mary Crass
    Koth, Richard R. 1957 Oct 28 1978 Jul 9       Ellsworth & Marlene Koth
O   Koth, Sherry J. 1981 Jul 9 1983 Apr 27       Kevin & Kim Koth
O   Koth, Walter W. 1914 Jun 7 1986 Jan 31 US Army, WWII     Walter & Mayme Koth
O   Kotila, Elsie   2005 Feb 11   Walter E. Kotila Sr   Rooni
O   Kottke, Catherine L.   1991 Sep 15        
O   Kottke, Gerald D., Sr 1939 Feb 24 1987 Apr 2 US Army, 20 years, 2 terms Vietnam Bonita Running 1961 Sep 30 John & Mary Kottke
    Kottke, John F. 1888 Aug 24 1977 Jan 6 US Army WWI, Purple Heart Mary Shilder 1919 Mar 12 Mr & Mrs John Kottke
O   Kottke, Mary 1901 Oct 19 1982 Dec 9   John Kottke 1919 Mar 19 James & Martha Shidler

Updated 18 Sep 2024

Sc = Source Information *

C = Court House

D = Death Index

F = Family data base

O = Obituary Information

P = Picture of tombstone

S = Social Security Death Index

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