Snow Hill Cemetery Association

by Laws Approved

May 17, 1993

Transcribed by Crystal Wendt



Snow Hill Cemetery Association By Laws posted on grounds.

Be it resolved that the following set of by-laws for the regulations of business of the Snow Hill cemetery Association be hereby adopted at this annual meeting, may 17, 1993. All previous rules or regulations as stated in previous minutes are hereby amended or revoked as the case may be.

Article 1: Meeting of Members:

Annual Meeting

Section 1 – The annual meeting of the members will be held at the Town of Scott Town Hall or such place designated by officers/trustees on the 3rd Monday of May each year, at 7:00 p.m., for the election of officers and the transaction of such business as may properly come before the meeting. Notice of the time of the meeting shall be given two weeks prior to the meeting in a Lincoln County Shopper Guide or any County Paper.


Section 2 – At all meetings of members, there shall be present at least ten members of the association, each entitled to one vote in order to constitute a quorum.

Special meetings

Section 3 – Special meetings may be called at any time by the majority to call such meetings whenever requested in writing to do so by twenty members in good standing of thee association. A notice of every special meeting, stating the time, place and object thereof, shall be given as is required for the annual meeting.

Order of Business

Section 4 – At the annual meeting the order of business shall be as follows:

1.) The President will call the meeting to order and the meeting shall be run, keeping with proper parliamentary

Section 5 – The secretary shall keep the minutes of the board of trustees, and also the minutes of the meetings of the association. The secretary shall attend to giving and serving of all types of notices of the association, he/she shall have charge of the membership book, plats, minute books and such other books and records of the association as the board of trustees may designate. The secretary shall endeavor to keep a membership record book, containing the names alphabetically arranged of all persons who are members of the association, showing their place of residence, description of the lot or portion thereof owned, the time when they become members and showing the assessments, if any, which each member has failed to pay, and such books shall be open for inspection to any trustees, or member of the association upon request. The secretary will take roll call of officers and members at each meeting and this will be recorded. The minutes of each meeting will be singed and dated by the secretary. The secretary’s books, as deemed necessary shall be held in security vault decided by trustees and access by secretary, president and senior trustee.

Article 4: Caretaker

Section 1 – The caretaker is hired by the association and works under the association’s caretaker contract.

Article 5: Members and Voting


Section 1: All persons owning one or more lots, or a portion of a lot for burial purposs in the cemetery of the association shall be members of the associations.


Section 2: Each remember owning one of more lots, shall be entitled to one vote at all meetings of the associations. In case there be several owners of a single lot, then such one of the several owners as the majority shall designate, shall cast the vote to


Section 3: No member can serve on two or more positions at one time as to pose a conflict of interest in the association.

Article 3: Duties of officers, trustees and auditors.


Section 1: The present shall preside at all meetings. He/she shall also sign all certificates, deeds, documents and all checks in the name of the association. He/she will manage the affairs of the association and perform duties incidental to his/her office under supervision and control of the board of trustees.

1stVice President

Section 2: The first vice president shall, in the absence or incapacity of the president, perform the duties of that office.


Section 3: Members of the trustees shall on a quarterly basis meet on the second Monday of Sept., Jan., & May, with officers to see that the association is being run smoothly and that things are in order. The senior member of the trustees will act as chairman of the trustees and also be 2nd vice president.


Section 4: The treasurer shall be in charge of all funds and securities of the association. All related papers and records shall be kept in a fireproof vault furnished by the association when not being worked on. He/she will be in charge of deposition funds in banks or trust funds as officers and trustees elect. He/she shall sign all checks, drafts, notes or orders for payment of money, which shall be countersigned by the president. He/she shall have books in order and ready for auditors by end of fiscal year, beginning May 1st of each year. A yearly report form as to the financial status of the association shall be filled out and available at annual meetings. The treasurer shall be appropriately bonded.

SecretaryProcedures (Robert’s Rules of order, a copy of which shall be on hand at each meeting.)

2.) The secretary will call role of officers. Registration of members will follow. Total roll call shall be recorded.

3.) Reading of the minutes by the secretary.

4.) Financial report shall be ready by treasurer (a yearly report book shall be developed for this and be available at annual meetings.)

5.) Report by auditing committee given.

6.) Report of officers.

7.) Report of committees.

8.) Old Business

9.) New business

10.) Election of officers, trustees and auditors.

11.) Adjournment.


Section 5. Voting will be done by voice call, but a member may call for a roll call vote or if felt necessary by secret ballot.

Article 2: Election of officers, Auditors and trustees.


Section 1. Officers, trustees and auditors shall be elected by majority vote for a period of three years. Elections shall be held as so only one officer, trustee and auditor is up for election in any given year as to keep continuity in the organization.


Section 2. Officers shall consist of:

1.) President

2.) First vice president

3.) Treasurer

4.) Secretary

5.) Trustees consisting of 3 members (2nd Term Trustee Acting as Vice President and also as chairman of trustees.)

6.) Auditors consisting of 3 members not related to association officers.

Which the ownerships of such lot is entitled, at all regular and special meetings of the association.

Article 6: Fiscal Year

Section 1. The fiscal year for the Snow Hill Cemetery Association Runs from May 1 to May 1.

Article 7: Amendments

Section 1: there by laws, rules and regulations enacted this year, May 17, 1993, by the Snow Hill Cemetery Association shall stand at such. They may be amended by majority of the votes present, provided the proposed amendment is inserted in the notice of the meeting.


1.) Any lot or portion of a lot purchased from the association and not paid in full within 90 days shall be charged 7% interest.

2.) That heirs of lot owners must get said lot transferred to the within one year from date of notice. Notice must be in writing. If not transferred in the given time, the lot then becomes the property of the association.

3.) That the transfer fee of lots or any portion thereof to any relatives be five dollars and shall be added to the general fund.

4.) If owner is 2 years behind in grass cutting payment, he is to receive notice that burial rights are forfeited until assessment is paid. If owner is five years behind, notice be given by registered letter that they have lost lot unless payment is made within 30 days and a fine of $1.00 be paid plus postage for registered letter. If not paid the unoccupied portion of said lot then becomes the property of the association.

5.) That the minimum perpetual care shall be $50.00 per grave. Perpetual care includes that cutting of grass, removal of leaves, and fallen limbs and debris, and keeping up the graves and head stones on the lot, but does not include the cleaning of monuments or the deposit of flowers.

6.) At the 1973 meeting it was voted that the graves left to be sold (in the old part of the cemetery) as single graves at price of $70.00, which includes perpetual care on old lot. New lots are $200.00 per grave with perpetual care.

7.) That the undertaker notify the person in charge of staking out the graves, and charge party requesting it $40.00 to be included in with the funeral expense at the time of the funeral.

8.) That graves stones on the new lot be only 8” in height. All military stones to be put in line with regular graves stones. No stone will be placed without notifying an officer of the association for placement. If not notified and stone is place there will be a $300.00 fine to all concerned.

9.) Shrubs must be in a base on each side of stone. Shrubs must be kept pruned to no more than 24” in height. If not kept pruned or trimmed by owners, one noticed will be given by association, that you have two weeks to take care of matter. After which caretaker or directors will have right to remove them. This was voted in at the 1990 association meeting.

10.) No interment will be permitted or body received unless the proper burial permit is furnished.

11.) No Pets, or persons with firearms shall be permitted within the grounds of the cemetery, except firing squads at Military funerals and public officials. Sign to be posted as such.

12.) The association shall not be liable for damage of theft to stones or markers or other private property, within the cemetery grounds, due to vandalism, fire, water, or any acts of God, military action, contract workers or any other source whatever.

13.) Two interments in one grave will not be permitted except in the case of a mother and infant or of two bodies mangled in such a manner as to be placed in one casket or container.

14.) All cremated burials shall be done by one officer and witnessed by at least one director or trustee with a fee of $100.00 this to include other special burials as well.

15.) All interments and cemetery business shall be in compliance with state laws.

16.) In case a body is to be exhumed and removed from the cemetery it shall be that responsibility of the owner of the said lot to remove the body and vault and fill in excavation, compact it and replace with sod at their expense. Reasonable notice shall be give the association and a removal permit shall be in our hands before permission shall be granted. Three directors shall witness the removal (App. May 16, 1994)

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