St. Paul Public Cemetery Veterans

Scott Township, Lincoln Co., Wis.

Transcribed by Crystal Wendt


Return to Alpha-Index

Name of Veteran Date of Birth Date of Death Notes
Briggs, Clifford L. 1917 August 11 1995 December 29 Tec 4 U.S. Army WWII
Buntrock, Duane B. 1937 November 5 2006 March 8 A2C U.S. Air Force
Emanuel, Gerald D. Sr. 1943 June 11 1976 March 14 Pvt U.S. Army Vietnam
Grunewald, William   1943 May 19 Wis Pvt Gen Hosp 25
Hass, Harold A. 1925 1971 Military Marker
Helmstadter, William J. 1931 July 10 2004 November 14 Military Marker
Kleinschmidt, Elmer 1914 October 22 1977 May 9 WWII
Kleinschmidt, Fredrich H. 1949 March 10 2005 May 10 Vietnam Vet 1969
Kleinschmidt, James E. 1938 January 22 1981 June 12 U. S. Marie Corps
Marnholtz, Louis G. 1928 November 26 2003 December 6 F1 U.S. Navy WWII
McDonald, Donald L. 1925 April 26 2003 June 5 Pfc U.S. Army Air Forces WWII
McDonald, Duncan J. 1917 1996 Military Marker
Schmidt, Fritz E. 1923 November 7 1944 November 11 Wis PFC 110 Inf 28 Inf Div WWII - died in Holland
Seehafer, Lester Ervin 1944 March 1 1999 July 10 Veteran
Seeger, Frederick C. 1917 July 12 2000 July 29 U.S. Army Air Forces WWII
Wendt, Arnold Herman Carl 1921 September 20 1944 September 29 Wis. Tec. 5 Engineers WWII - died in France
Wendt, Virgil Harold 1949 October 3 2005 March 27 SP5 US Army

Updated 12 June 2021


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