Bio: Burger, Benjamin E. (Commemorative Bio - 1895) Poster: Crystal Wendt Benjamin E. Burger Benjamin E. Burger, D. D. S., holds a foremost place in the ranks of the dental profession in Lincoln County. He makes his home in Merrill, where he is also connected with heading business interests. A native of the neighboring State of Michigan, he was born in Brandon, Oakland County, on the 4th of May, 1857, and is a son of Cyrus Burger, who was born in Canandaigua, N. Y., in 1822. The grandfather died when Cyrus was quite young. The latter had three brothers - - Anson, Benencil and Sindey – and four sisters - - Hannah, Mary, Jane and Katharine. Cyrus Burger married Phoebe Elmer, also a native of New York, and in 1855 brought his family to the West, locating on a farm in Oakland County, Mich. The mother’s death occurred in that State in 1893, since which time the father has lived with Dr. Burger in Merrill. Their family numbered ten children – Sylvia, Eliza, Edwina L., Francina, Benjamin E., Newton H., and Bertram L., who are now living, Ruba, the eldest, died at the age of twenty-eight years, and two children died in infancy. Dr. Burger was reared on the old home farm in Michigan, where he remained until seventeen years of age. During that time, however, he was employed by neighboring farmers, and thus earned the money to pay his way through school. He attended the high school of Midland, from which he was graduated in 1878. He then worked at the trade of a carpenter with his father, and followed it for two years; but not content to make it a life work he resolved to enter the dental profession, and to this end began study in Midland, Mich., in the fall of 1880. After a year thus passed he entered upon a course of sturdy in Ann Arbor, Mich., and completed his preparation for his profession in the Ohio Dental College of Cincinnati, from which he was graduated in 1884. The succeeding year was spent in travel, working at the dental profession, and during the next year he was engaged in practice in Frankfort, Mich. He also spent a year in Shawano, Wis., and in 1886 came to Merrill, where he opened an office and soon built up a fine practice, his business steadily increasing until it has assumed extensive proportions for a town of its size. He has also become largely interested in lumbering, and in addition owns a fine home and business block in this city. The Doctor was married in July, 188, in Shawano, Wis., the lady of his choice being Luella Murdock, who was born on the Menomonee Reservation in Wisconsin, her father being in the government employ. Her parents, Edwin and Ella (Crane) Murdock, were both natives of Vermont, and the father was a farmer by occupation. In their family were three children, Earl, Luella and one who died in infancy. The mother was called to her final rest in the fall of 1893. The Doctor and his wife have two children, Leila and Leon. It his political affiliations Dr. Burger war formerly a Democrat, but now supports the men and measurers of the Republican Party. He has never been a politician in the sense of office seeking, yet has served as alderman from the Third War and was president of the council for one term. He is an honored and a charter member of Merrill Lodge, K. P., and is a gentleman highly esteemed by all who know him. He is entirely a self-made man, working his way through college and acquiring all that he has through his own efforts. ---Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Wisconsin Counties of Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langlade and Shawano. publ. 1895 by J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago 1110 pages, illustrated; Page 313-314 |
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