Bio: Nick, Jacob & Mathias (Commemorative Bio - 1895) Poster: Crystal Wendt Jacob & Mathias Nick Jacob and Mathias Nick, who compost the firm of Nick Brothers, furniture dealers of Tomahawk, Lincoln County, are both natives of Prussia, Jacob born October 17, 1860, and Mathias November 8, 1862. They are sons of John and Margaret (Kuntz) Nick, who were also born in Prussia, the father in 1819, and the mother in 1824. They were the parents of ten children, one of whom died in infancy, and the others are John, Anna, Katie, Lawrence, Sophia, Joseph, Mary, Jacob and Mathias, all now living with the exception of John, who departed this life in 1881, leaving a widow and five children—Jacob, Joseph, Phena, Peter and Mary. Mary came to America in 1879, and Lawrence arrived in 1880. While in Prussia the father was a baker and hotelkeeper, and also owned some property there. In 1885, accompanied by his wife, he came to the United States, locating in Marshfield, Wis., where his death occurred in 1892, but his wife is still living. Nothing is known of his parents, but he had three brothers and two sisters—Anton, Peter, Jacob, Mary, and one whose name is not given. The maternal grandparents, who were farming people, had a family of seven children—three daughters, Margaret, Katie and Gertrude, and four sons, of whom three are mentioned, Nicholas, Jacob and Peter. The Nick brothers attended the schools of the Fatherland until reaching the age of fourteen years, after which Jacob began learning the trade of cabinet maker, serving a two-year’s apprenticeship, and Mathias assisted his father in the management of the hotel. They crossed the ocean to the New World in 1882, coming direct to Milwaukee, Wis., where for seven and half years Jacob worked at his trade for others, and then for two years engaged in business for himself. Mathias Nick only remained in Milwaukee for about three days, when he went to Marshfield, Wis., and there for a short time worked for his brother in the bakery, later employing himself at anything he could find to do. After one year he removed to Chippewa Falls, Wis., where he was employed in a sawmill, but he returned to Marshfield, and at the end of six months bought out his brother’s bakery, which he carried on for about a year and a half. On the expiration of that time he went to Colby, Wis., and in company with his brother Lawrence brought a flouring mill, which they conducted for two years, but as it was not a profitable investment he gave up everything, and went to St. Paul, Minn. For six months he worked at his trade there, and then, returning to Milwaukee, was employed there for a similar period. Later, after spending six months in Oshkosh, Wis., he went to Ironwood, Mich., where he again started a bakery, conducting same three years and a half. In February, 1889, the brothers came to Tomahawk, where they opened their present furniture store, though at that time there were two others in the place. They now have the only store of the kind in the city, and their stock, which is large and well selected, occupies a double store room. They do business under the firm style of Nick Brothers, and as they are always courteous and accommodating they have won a liberal patronage. Jacob Nick was united in marriage, in October, 1887, with Katie Heste, who was born in Milwaukee, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Heste, natives of Germany. She is one of a family of seven children, the others being Clara, George, Frank, Maggie, William, and Lizzie, who died at the age of two years. Her father, who is a carpenter by trade, came to America in 1842, and was married in this country; both he and his wife are still living; he served for one year during the Civil War. By his marriage Jacob Nick has become the father of three children-Jacob, William and Isabella. In October, 1887, the marriage of Mathias Nick was also celebrated, Miss Anna Ismen becoming his wife. The lady was born in Fond du Lac., Wis., to Joseph and Catherine Ismen, the former of whom follows carpentering. By her marriage she has a little daughter, Laura. Jacob and Mathias Nick are both Democrats, but not politicians, in the sense of office-seeking, preferring to give their undivided attention to their business rather than seeking the honors and emoluments of public office. They are member so the Catholic Church, and also belong to the Catholic Foresters. They are thoroughly self-made men, having met with many reverses and obstacles in their way to success, among which was a loss to Jacob of $200 worth of tools by fire in Milwaukee, but they have steadily persevered, and today are the proprietors of one of the best furniture stores of Lincoln County. Among the best of their stock is furniture of their own manufacture. ---Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Wisconsin Counties of Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langlade and Shawano. publ. 1895 by J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago 1110 pages, illustrated; Page 1001-1002
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