Bio: McCord, Myron H. (History - b 1840) Poster: Crystal Wendt Email: Surnames: McCord, Ross, Scott, Blaine ---Transcribed from pages 438-450 "History of Northern Wisconsin" - Biographical Sketches Myron H. McCord was born in Ceres, McKean Co., Penn., Nov. 26, 1840. He came to Wisconsin with his father in 1854, reaching Oshkosh on the fifty day of August. On the 7th of August he started on the old streamer “Barlow” for Shawano, but that boat was destined never to reach there, for she had barely cleared her mornings when a boiler exploded, killing the engineer and fireman and badly injuring several of the passengers. The next board that left for Shawano was the old “Peytona,” which safely made the trip, and the subject of our sketch landed in Shawano on the eleventh day of August. He immediately hire out to work on a farm for the firm of Lewis & Andrews, which firm owned a farm, a saw-mill and a large tract of pine timber, that afterward became immensely valuable, some of it selling as high as $7 per thousand feet on the stump. He worked for them during the fall and the following winter, for $13 per month. The next spring he went on the log drive, and stayed with it until the logs were rafted out at Bay, twelve miles about Oshkosh. For the summer’s hard work he was to receive $1.50 a day, but he never received it, as the man he worked for ran away and did not pay any of his men. These were about the first logs that were ever driven down the Wolf River from Shawano. Mr. McCord, when he learned that the man for whom he had worked so long and hard had run away, hailed the first steamboat that came up the river, and took passage for New London, which was as near Shawano as the boats ran at that time. When the captain called for his far, he was informed of the situation, but only remarked that he did not carry passengers for nothing, and the young boy was put off at the next landing and compelled to make his way along the bank of the river as best he could. He managed, however, to get home, and went to work again. From that time on, for the next five years, he worked by the month in summer time, and went to school in the winter. He thus obtained experience which was valuable, and a fair education. When he was twenty years old, he began to do business for himself, putting in logs in the winter, and doing public work, such as building bridges, roads, etc., in the summer time. He continued in the lumber business on the Wolf River until 1874, when he closed up his business, which was very large, and removed to Jenny, on the Wisconsin Rivers, with a view to engaging in the same business at the place until after the completion of the Wisconsin Valley Railroad. Then he formed what is known as the Jenny Lumber Co., of which company he is now president, and owns two-thirds of the stock. He is also a member of the firm or Ross, McCord & Co., bankers, which is a solid concern, as both Mr. Ross and Mrs. Scott are very wealthy men, while Mr. McCord is now considered well off. Mr. McCord has held several offices of trust and honor, through he by no means can be classed as an office-seeker. In 1864, he was elected County Superintendent of Schools for Shawano County, and re-elected in 1871, without opposition. In 1872 he was elected to the State Senate, and served two sessions. He was unanimously re-nominated by his party, which was largely in the majority in his district, but he declined the proffered honor. In 1876, he was elected a Delegate to the Republican National Convention, and ardently supported Mr. Blaine’s candidacy until the very last. In 1880, he was elected to the Assembly, and was a prominent candidate for Speaker, though he withdrew in the interest of harmony in his party. Mr. McCord has published a newspaper since he became a resident of Lincoln County, namely the Lincoln County Advocate, and has done much to build up his town and county, and in fact the whole Upper Wisconsin River Valley. That this is fully appreciated by his friends and neighbors, cannot be better illustrated, than by stating the fact that at the election for member of the Assembly, in 1880, he received every vote but twelve in the county where he lives. His contributions to public and private charities are liberal, and even generous. He is a high-minded, honorable gentleman, who has honestly and conscientiously discharged every trust, both public and private, committed to his charge. He is a man of ability and integrity, and should he live and be inclined to look after political distinction, will undoubtedly be called to places of greater distraction than any heretofore held by him.
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