Bio: Lickel, George Christian (Commemorative Bio - 1895)

Poster: Crystal Wendt


George Christian Lickel

George Christian Lickel is a typical self-made man; one who owes is his success to his own enterprise and industry. He has led a busy and useful life, and in the legitimate channels of business has acquired a competency that now enables him to live retired.

Mr. Lickel was born in the Province of Darmstadt, Germany, September 13, 1841. His father, John C. Lickel, also a native of Germany, was a miller by trade and in the country of his birth was married, in 1838, to Catherine Gris. They became the parents of five children: George C., subject of this sketch; Henry, who died in infancy; William, who died in Nashville, Tenn., in 1864, while in the employee of the government; Catherine, wife of John Metz—all four born in Germany; and Mary, who was born in this country. The family crossed the Atlantic about the year 1849, and took up their residence in Quincy, Ill., where the father worked at his trade. While in Germany he had owned and operated his own mill, and has obtained a good business education. His death occurred July 27, 1881, that of his wife on February 9, 1876. She, too, was born in Germany, and was the daughter of a miller, but nothing more is known about her people, except that she was the youngest of a large family. John C. Lickel had a one sister. Our subject was about eight years of age when the accompanied his parents to the New World. He acquired his education in the public schools of Quincy, Ill., and at the age of thirteen being learning the trade of wagon making. When he had thoroughly mastered the business, he established a shop at his own in Quincy, which he conducted some three years.

On September 26, 1866, he was united in marriage with Mrs. Catherine Miller, who was born in Germany, in 1846, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth (Hitridge) Miller, both natives of Germany, the father born in 1796, the mother in 1800; they were the parents of four children: Lizzie (deceased), Caroline, Mary and Catherine. Mr. Miller was a merchant tailor by trade, a well educated man, and a leader in politics in Germany, holding public offices there for many years. He was very prosperous in his business, which he followed not only in his native land, but also in Paris, France. In the Fatherland he served in the army, for six years as an officer. In 1852 he came to the United Sates with his family, the voyage, which was made in a sailing vessel, occupying sixty days. Three months after their arrival in the country the family settled at Quincy, Ill., where Mr. Miller became a speculator in real estate, etc., in which he continued up to his death, in 1892. His wife had passed away in 1875. A Republican on this side of the Atlantic, he took a great interest in politics, and was honored with election to several offices of trust. He was a member of the German Lutheran Church, and in all respects was highly esteemed. Mrs. Bolman, sister of Mrs. Lickel, died in 1867; just eleven weeks after her husband had been laid to rest, leaving five children, one of whom, Katie, Mrs. Lickel adopted. She (Katie) married Robert Megow, of Minneapolis, Minn., and now Mrs. Nickel was her daughter, Lulu, adopted. Thus, if Mr. and Mrs. Lickel have no children of their won, they have been a father and mother to the children of others.

Soon after his marriage, Mr. Lickel purchased a hotel at Quincy, Ill., which he conducted a number of years, when on account of his wife’s failing health he removed to Wisconsin, locating at Necedah, Juneau County, where for several years he again carried on a hotel. In 1888 he came to Merrill, purchased a store and embarked tin the grocery business, which he successfully conducted until January 1, 1895, when he sold out. There have been few idle moments in his life, his time and attention having been given almost unceasingly to his business interests, until within a few months, since when he has been enjoying a rest well earned and richly deserved. He has always affiliated with the Democratic Party, and his fellow townsmen have frequently called him to office, he having twice served as supervisor, once as school commissioner, and once as alderman. In his younger years he took quiet an active interest in Masonry, and is now a Knight Templar; is also a member of the Knights of Pythias. He and his wife hold membership with the Presbyterian Church, and are most highly-esteemed people, there many Excellencies of character winning them the regard of all with whom they have been brought in contract.

---Source: Commemorative Biographical Record of the Upper Wisconsin Counties of Waupaca, Portage, Wood, Marathon, Lincoln, Oneida, Vilas, Langlade and Shawano. publ. 1895 by J. H. Beers & Co., Chicago 1110 pages, illustrated; Page 43-44




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