The Maryland Calendar of Wills, Volume I
Wills from 1635 (Earliest
Probated) to 1685
Pages 180-193
Originally Compiled by Jane Baldwin (1904)
Edited and Annotated by
USGenNet Patrons
Rhoda Fone & Carole Hammett (2001)
Editors: Words enclosed in [brackets] or preceded by “Editors” are those of the editors and not part of the original edition.
Poultney, William, Baltimore Co., 2nd July, 1674; 1st Nov., 1676. Edward Monfrett of Patapsco, ex. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Jno. Leakings, Margaret Leakings. 5. 116.
Henfrey, Thomas, Talbot Co., 3rd Nov., 1676; 2nd Dec., 1676. To widow Bulpilt and child. (unnamed) of Alice Woolman, personalty Ex., Richd. Wollman. Test: Wm. Jones, Henry Costin. 5. 117.
Varlow, James, Calvert Co., 14th Nov., 1676; 6th Dec., 1676. To Mary and Rose Divine and hrs., home plantation at 18 yrs. of age. To James, son of Philip Varlow, of Norwich, Eng., “Sewell's Point” in Kent Co. To John Yoe, ex., and hrs., sd. tract should James Varlow not come into the province; also plantation bequeathed to Mary and Rose Divine in event of their death without issue, and residue of estate, real and personal. Test: Robt. Blinckhorne, Humphrey Watersworth. 5. 117.
Ignett, Thomas, (nunc.), Calvert Co., -- -- --; 1st Dec., 1676. To Mary Bowling, Jr., personalty. Brother (unnamed) in Old Eng., residuary legatee. Ex. not named. Test: Benj. Webb. 5. 118.
Bisse, William, Back River, Balto. Co., 4th Apr., 1675; 9th Dec., 1676. James Phillips, sole legatee. Ex. not named. Test: Jno. Wallstone, Wm. Osborne. 5. 119.
Turpinne, John, (nunc.), Baltimore Co., -- -- --; 16th Dec., 1676. To Henry Haslewood, ex., and Capt. George Wells, estate in trust for testator's wife (unnamed). Test: Henry Haslewood, Rutten Garrettson. 5. 120.
Tilghman, Richard, Dr., Talbot Co., 5th Oct., 1673; 6th Mch., 1675. To son William and hrs., “Tilghman's Hermitage” and “Tilghman's Addition to the Forlorne,” on Chester R. To son Richard and hrs., “Tilghman's Farm,” “Tilghman's Choice” and “Tilghman's Discovery.” To dau. Rebecca and hrs., “Poplar Hill;” she dying without issue, to revert to son William and hrs. To wife Mary, execx., personalty. Test: Thos. Broll, Francis Vincent. 5. 120.
Field, Enoch, Charles Co., 26th Nov., 1675; 15th Dec., 1675. To John Cooche, ex., right in certain land assigned by George Bradshaw. To Jane, dau. of Capt. Josias Fendall, 250 A. at Piscataway. Test: Jno. Nuby, Brian Brockett. 5. 122.
Brooke, Thomas, Calvert Co., 25th Oct., 1676; 29th Dec., 1676. To wife Ellinor, testator's part of “Delabrook Manor” during life. To eld. son Thomas and hrs., part of the afsd. tract of “Delabrook Manor” (for description see will) at death of wife; also part of “Brookfield” at 21 yrs. of age. To 2nd son Robert and hrs., residue of tract of “Delabrook Manor” at death of wife afsd., and remaining part of “Brookfield” at 21 yrs. of age; also “Crossoloth” and “The Wedge.” To 3rd son Ignatius and hrs., 700 A. of “Brooke Grove.” To 4th son Matthew and hrs., 500 A., “Brooke's Content, “and 300 A. of “Brooke Grove.” To sd. sons Ignatius and Matthew and hrs., 50 A., “Grove Landing,” jointly. To young. son Clement and hrs., “Poplar Neck.” To dau. Ellinor and hrs., sd. “Poplar Neck” should Clement die under 21 yrs. of age, and certain rights not yet taken up; sd. rights to revert to Clement afsd. should Ellinor die under 18 yrs. of age, or without issue. To dau. Mary and hrs., testator's part of 1, 000 A., “Brooke's Portion, ” held jointly by testator with brother Baker Brooke. To Michael Forster and Henry Carew, priests of the Roman Catholic Church, and godson Baker Brooke, Jr., and Thomas Gardner, personalty. To Wife Ellinor and brothers Baker and Roger, in event of death of sd. brothers before estate is settled, son Thomas and brother Clement Hill to be joint exs, in their stead. Test: Richd. Gardner, Jno. Gardner, Thos. Herbert. 5. 123.
Editors: Thomas Brooke married Elinor, daughter of Richard and Margaret Hatton. Elinor married Henry Darnell who died testate in 1711 in Anne Arundel (Calendar, Vol. III, p. 198). Elinor Darnall [sic] died in 1725 in Anne Arundel (Calendar, Vol. V, p. 223). Elinor's sister, Elizabeth, married (1) Luke Gardiner and (2) Clement Hill, Sr. See also Combs &c. of St. Mary's, 1656-1699 and Combs &c. of Anne Arundel
Leigh, Francis, Patuxent River, Calvert Co., 8th Nov., 1676; 18th Dec., 1676. To Bazill Waring, Charles Harrington and Henry Glascock, personalty. Ex.: Jno. Hance. Test: Robt. Whiting, Joshua Brookes. 5. 130.
Cartwright, Demetrius, Calvert Co., 27th Dec., 1676; 13th Jan., 1676. To Susanna Floyd (Flood) and hrs., 100 A., “Dorrington” and 80 A., “Cheltan.” To Samuel and John, sons of Samuel and Alice Graves, and hrs., 300 A., “Treswell.” To William, son of Susanna Floyd, and hrs., 1/2 of 1, 300 A., “Easterdon”; he dying without issue to pass to mother, Susanna, and hrs. To Alica, wife of Samuel Graves, and hrs., residue of sd. 1, 300 A., “Easterdon.” To William Floyd afsd., 1/3 of residuary estate, real and personal, at 18 yrs. of age. Susanna Floyd and Alice Graves afsd., and hrs., execx. and residuary legatees of estate, real and personal. Overseers: Jno. Yoe, Jno. Taylor. Test: Edward Armstrong, Henry Hollis, Jno. Yoe. 5. 132.
Currey, Thomas, Kent Co., 28th Sept., 1676; 18th Dec., 1676. To Mary Ashbury, dau. of Francis Ashbury, personalty. William Heather and John Davis of Kent Co., exs. and residuary legatees of estate, real and personal. Test: Edward Hull, Matthias Smith. 5. 135.
Fletcher, Henry, Charles Co., 9th Dec., 1676; 15th Jan., 1676. To brother Capt. Henry Aspinall and sister Mary Aspinall, John Busby, Thomas Allcox, and Eliza: Arcelis, personalty. David Towell and Robert Wheeler, and hrs., exs. and sole legatees of all real estate, including plantation. Test: Peter Masse de Masso, Thos. Alanson. 5. 138.
Luffman, William, Anne Arundel Co., 4th Feb., 1675; 15th July, 1676. Wife Mary, execx. and sole legatee during life. To sons William and James and hrs., all lands at death of sd. wife. To all child. (unnamed) personalty equally. Test: Jos. Freene, Jno. Andrew. 5. 139.
Grimes, William, Anne Arundel Co., 25th Mch., 1676; 23rd Nov., 1676. To wife Joyce, execx., home plantation during life. To son William, sd. plantation at death of mother. To son John, 100 A., “Grimes' Addition.” To son James, part of tract, “Friend's Choice.” Sons to be of age at 21 yrs. Test: Henry Pierpont, Jos. Winders, Benj. Stringer. 5. 140.
Bennett, Richard, (nunc.), Anne Arundel Co., -- -- --14th Jan., 1676. Wife Eliza:, sole legatee of estate, real and personal. Ex. not named. Test: Isabella Hope, Martha Pipin. 5. 142.
Mosse, Richard, Anne Arundel Co., 1st May, 1675; 5th July, 1676. To wife Eliza:, execx., plantation on s. side Magothy R. during widowhood. To sons Richard and Ralph equally, and hrs., sd. land at death or marriage of their mother. To daus. Eliza: and Alice and hrs., sd. land should sons die without issue. To dau. Ellinor, personalty. “Mosse's Purchase” to be sold for benefit of James Crucke, son of testator's wife. Overseers: Cous. Ralph Hawkins and friend Wm. Hawkins. Test: Jno. Andrew, Jno. Peisly. 5. 143.
Benson, John, Calvert Co., 20th Dec., 1676; 20th Jan., 1676-7. Wife Eliza:, execx. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal. To unborn child, if male, all land at 21 yrs of age; if female, 2/3 of entire estate at 16 yrs. of age, and entire estate at death of wife Eliza:. Overseers: Father-in-law Thos. Smith, Nathan Smith. Test: Saml. Lane, Jno. Bowen. 5. 148.
Burle, Robert, Anne Arundel Co., 25th Apr., 1672; 27th June, 1676. To son Stephen, ex., and hrs., “Burle's Hill,” or “Burle's Bank.” To dau. Rebecca and hrs., “Burle's Town Land;” she dying without hrs., to pass to eld. surviving dau. of testator; also personalty given her by Gwelthian Hollman, widow of William Hollman. To dau. Susanna, personalty formerly owned by son John, dec'd. To dau. Mary, personalty given her by son Robert, dec'd. To Eliza: Burle, personalty. Daus. to be of age at 16 yrs. Testator desires to be buried by dee'd wife Mary. Test: Jno. Norwood, Thos. Marsh, Jacob Neale, Josias Hall. 5. 150.
Clarke, Samuel, Charles Co., 7th Nov., 1676; 30th Nov., 1676. Brother John and sisters Abigail and Esther, legatees equally of estate. Ex., Col. Jno. Douglass. Test: Jno. Cornish, Thos. Hance. 5. 154.
Lilly, Eliza:, Charles Co., 15th Nov., 1676; 30th Dec., 1676. Father-in-law Peter Carr, ex. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Anthony Bridges, Jos. Bullet. 5. 155.
Smoote, Richard, Charles Co., 23rd Apr., 1676; 31st Oct., 1676. To eld. son Richard, and hrs., home plantation at 21 yrs. of age. To 2nd son Edward, and hrs., 100 A., “Smoote's Purchase” at 21 yrs. of age. To 5 child., viz., Richard, Edward, Eliza:, William, and Ellinor, residue of estate, equally. Overseers: Brothers Wm. Barton and Robt. Rowland. Test: Henry Henley, Wm. Browne. 5. 157.
Editors: Richard Smoot was the son of William Smoot "the Boatright." His sister, Ann, married (1) William Hungarford; and (2) William Barton. (The Smoots of Maryland and Virginia by Harry Wright Newman
Williamson, William, Charles Co., 19th Nov., 1676; 20th Feb., 1676-7. To Capt. Henry Aspinall, 1/2 of entire estate. To Mary Aspinall, wife of sd. Henry, and in turn to their unborn child, residue of estate, real and personal. Ex. not named. Test: Edward Maddock, Jno. Munn. 5. 159.
Taylor, Edmond, Charles Co., 26th Nov., 1676; 22nd Feb., 1676-7. To unborn child of Eliza. Bossell, personalty. To Henry Norton, 1/3 of personal estate. Charles Cullis, ex. of estate, real and personal. Test: Josias Lee, Peter Rawles. 5. 160.
Homan, Herbert, Charles Co., 13th Jan., 1676; 9th Mch., 1676. To Thomas Hyde and Mary, dau. of sd. Thomas, personalty. Wife Dorothy, execx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Peter Corwardin, Thos. Henton. 5. 161.
Matthews, Thomas, (nunc.) St. Mary's Co., -- -- --; 29th Jan., 1676. To wife (unnamed) and child. (unnamed), entire estate, real and personal. Ex. not named. Test: Robt. Greene, Wm. Boarman, Jr. 5. 163.
Crouch, William, Anne Arundel Co., 15th Oct., 1675; 25th Mch., 1676. To son John and hrs., 100 A., “Coventry” on e. side Chesapeake Bay. To sd. son John and son James and hrs., 200 A., “Hilsdon” equally. To son Josias and hrs., 250 A., “Crouches Choice” on Wye R., Talbot Co. To son Joseph and hrs., 60 A., “Crouches Triangle” and 50 A., “Crouches Little Neck.” To dau. Sarah, wife of Thomas Jones, and hrs., “Crouches Calve Pasture, ” 30 A. To dau. Rebecca Crouch, “Crouches Triangle Addition” and “The Mill Damm.” Ex., son James afsd. Overseers: Jno. Howard, Jno. Hammon. Test: Wm. Hopkins, Maurice Baker, Jos. Smeathe, Richd. Bailey. 5. 163.
Clarke, Edward, St. Mary's Co., 22d Feb., 1675; 12th Mch., 1676. To wife Anne, execx., 200 A., “Clarke's Rest, ” during life. To son Edward at 18 yrs. of age, and hrs., 350 A., “Turvey” and “Clarke's Rest” afsd. at death of wife. To brothers John and William Shercliffe and hrs. in turn, afsd. tracts of land should son Edward die without issue. To the Roman Catholic Church at Newtown and Robert Drewry, personalty. Testator desires to be buried by Edward, his dec'd son. Test: Thos. Dant, Peter Peake, Wm. Didoll. 5. 167.
Shepheard, John, New England, 21st Nov., 1676; 15th Mch., 1677. To John Dennis and George Hoddar, personalty. Eliza: Adams, dau. of Capt. Wm. Adams, residuary legatee. Ex. not named. Test: Abraham Blagge, Wm. Adams, Eliza: Tennison, Mary Tennison. 5. 171.
Boston, Samuel, Baltimore Co., 6th Jan., 1676; 6th Mch., 1677. To son-in-law George Goldsmith, daughter-in-law Mary Goldsmith, James Mills, and Richard Clarke, personalty. To kinspeople in Parish of Pinchback in Lincolnshire, England, residue of estate. Exs.: Capt. Jno. Stanesby, Jas. Mills. Test: Jeane Marscard, Bridget Goodwin, Wm. Watson, Israel Skelton. 5. 175.
Deane, Thomas, Kent Co., -- -- --; 28th Mch., 1677. William Rawls, ex. and sole legatee. Test: Jno. Bowyer. 5. 179.
Wright, Arthur, Kent Island, -- Sept., --; 28th Mch., 1677. To 3 sisters (unnamed) personalty. To wife Katherine and hrs., residue of estate, real and personal. Ex. not named. Test: Michael Miller, Thos. Wright. 5. 180.
Cary, Philip, Charles Co., 25th Nov., 1676; 9th Mch., 1676-7. To Susanna Dunn, entire estate, real and personal, in trust for her dau., Mary Dunn (4 yrs. of age) until sd. Mary reaches age of 21 yrs. Test: Wm. Thomas, Saml. Barrot. 5. 181.
Dunn, Susanna, Charles Co., 19th Jan., 1676; 9th Mch., 1677. To Samuel Barret and Thomas Polton jointly, 100 A., “Atheshoop.” To Susanna, Mary, and William Thomas, George Barton, Thomas Allcock, and Edward Maddock, personalty. Ex.: Thomas Polton. Test: Wm. Thomas, Saml. Barret. 5, 182.
Barret, Samuel, Charles Co., 13th Jan., 1676; 9th Mch., 1676-7. To Susanna Thomas, personalty. Thomas Polton, ex. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Wm. Thomas, Edward Morlow. 5. 185.
Bullen, Robert, Somerset Co., 8th May, 1680; 17th Mch., 1676-7. Dau. Eliza:, and hrs., execx., and sole legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Arthur Norwood, Thos. Vaughan. 5. 186.
Trueman, Nathaniel, Calvert Co., 10th July, 1676; 4th Apr., 1677. To sisters Mary Trueman and Eliza: Stringer, sister-in-law Anne Skinner, Thomas Greenefield, and John Woodward, personalty. To nieces Anne, Mary, and Eliza: Trueman, “Trueman's Hills.” Brother Thomas, ex. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Jonathan Samwayes, Jno. Roblin. 5. 188.
Groome, William, Calvert Co., 3rd Feb., 1676; 5th Apr., 1677. To wife Sibill, execx., 300 A., “John Averies' Choice, ” on Eastern Shore, and home plantation during life. To eld. son William, 1/2 of 1, 000 A., “Mt. Calvert, ” and land in Burks Co., Old England, under care of testator's brother Eobert; also home plantation at death of his mother. To younger son Richard, residue of “Mt. Calvert.” To dau. Sibill and hrs., 300 A., “Essex Land.” Should any of child. die without issue, survivor or survivors to inherit deceased's portion. Overseers: Mordecay Hunton, Richd. Gardner. Test: Lewis Jones, Henry Norman. 5. 191.
Cornor, Job, Charles Co., 9th Nov., 1676; 16th Apr., 1676-7. To Thomas Rigg and Eliza:, wife of Thomas Corker personalty. Wife Anne, execx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal, during life. To Thomas Corker, plantation, 300 A., at death of wife Anne afsd. Test: Thos. Corker, Philip Brown. 5. 194.
Cumber, John, Anne Arundel Co., 20th Nov., 1676; 7th Apr., 1677. To Thomas Pratt, personalty. To grandson John Cumber, 200 A., “Cumberton.” Wife Judith and hrs., execx:, and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Wm. Burges, Robt. Francklin, Saml. Garland. 5. 196.
Editors: This is probably Capt. John Cumber (Comber), commissioned on 20 Jul 1658 by Governor Fendall (Archives of Maryland, Vol. III, pp. 350-1. See also Earliest Combs &c. of Maryland (although not a Combs, records of the Capt. have been traced)
Avery, John, Dorchester Co., -- -- --; 21st Apr., 1677. Wife Anne, execx. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal, during life. To grandson John Granger, estate at death of wife afsd. Test: Jno. Towry, Thos. Pattison, Mary Meredith, Mary Jane. 5. 199.
Proddy, Nicholas, (nunc.) Charles Co., 2nd Feb., 1676; 2nd Apr., 1676. To mother, 2 brothers and 2 sisters (all unnamed) in England; Thomas Dickinson, Thomas Deaverel, Dr. John Wine, Edward Mines, personalty. To Peter Dent, “Barnaby, ” 1/2 land at Piscataway. John Addison, ex. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Richd. Carpender, Silvanus Gilpin. 5. 201.
Tolson, William, Cecil Co., 19th Feb., 1676; 24th Mch., 1676-7. To wife Anne, 450 A., “Soule, ” absolutely, and 520 A., “Toulchester” and &30147;Tomb,” during life. To Ebenezer Blackiston and Eliza:, his wife, and hrs., lands afsd. at death of wife Anne. To son-in-law Thomas Francis and hrs., afsd. lands, sd. Blackiston dying without issue. To 3 child. of Thomas Francis, i. e., 2 daus. at marriage and son at 21 yrs. of age, personalty. To Eliza: Pike, Philip Collier at 21 yrs. of age, John Spicer, Jr., and Ruth Coffin, personalty. Exs.: Wife Anne and Ebenezer Blackiston. Test: Wm. Norham, Edward Thomas, Chas. Howard. 5. 202.
Magruger, Makriger, James, Cecil Co., 15th Sept., 1676; 5th Feb., 1677. Son Hugh and hrs., ex. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal. Test Abraham Bondwell, Philippe Chevalier. 5. 205.
Gaily, Thomas, Charles Co., 25th Nov., 1676; 9th Mch., 1676-7. To Thomas Lieuger and hrs., 300 A., “Hardshift, ” at mouth of Nanjemy, and 100 A., part of “Gaily's Discovery.” To Eliza: Midgely, personalty. To John Wright, ex., and hrs., 100 A., part of “Gaily's Discovery.” Test Lewis Joens, Peter Longe. 5. 206.
White, Stephen, Anne Arundel Co., 1st Sept., 1676; 19th Mch., 1676-7. To son Stephen, personalty. Wife Anne, execx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal. Overseer: Dr. Henry Lewis. Test: Matthias Steevenson, Joshua Merriken. 5. 208.
Ramsey, John, Patuxent R., Calvert Co., 5th Feb., 1675-6; 6th Jan., 1676-7. Son John, and hrs., ex. entire estate, real and personal, including 100 A., “Londey" on Patuxent R. To friend John Cousen, sd. estate should son John die under age or without issue. Test: Hanna Pottes, Mary Cousen, Edward Brock. 5. 210.
Ribton, John, White Haven, Cumberland, England, 4th Jan., 1676; 28th Apr., 1677. To wife Jane, execx., and daus. Sarah and Anne at 18 yrs. of age, estate jointly. Test: Cuthbert Sharples, Geo. Gray. 5. 213.
Rawbone, Margaret, Anne Arundel Co., 23rd Nov., 1675; 21st Mch., 1676. To daus. Mary Venus and Eliza: Venus, provided they or their hrs. come into the province within a given time, plantation, “Todd's Harbor,” given testatrix and her hrs. by late husband Dr. Robert Busby. To William Sanders, ex., sd. plantation should afsd. legatees not come into the province; he in such event to pay them certain moneys. Test: Richd. Hill, Chris. Foster, Wm. Wadker. 5. 215.
Hill, Martha, Calvert Co., 2d Mch., 1676; 10th Mch., 1676. To Mr. Cary, Ed. Peck, Morrice Welsh, Ellinor Welsh, William Pritchard, Jr., Thomas Symcotts, Edward Isaacke, John Field and Mary his wife, Stephen Latham, Dorothy Latham, and Stephen Latham, Jr., Mary Blumer, Mrs. Tawney, and widow Sherridine, personalty. Ex. not named. Test: Geo. Carter, Jno. Dunkine. 5. 218.
Hume, James, Calvert Co., 25th Sept., 1676; 23d Apr., 1677. To son John and hrs., 100 A., home plantation, and 50 A., part of “My Lord's Favor." To son James and hrs., 150 A., part of “My Lord's Favor." To son Hercules and hrs., 300 A., being residue of testator's land. Wife Sarah, 3 sons and 3 daus. (unnamed) residuary legatees; wife to have estate in trust during minority of child. Exs.: Thos. Stirling, Robt. Heighe. Test: Richd. Stallings, Wm. Kent. 5. 224.
Bryen, Lewis, Baltimore Co., 31st Jan., 1676; 5th Feb., 1676. To Nicholas Corbin, personalty. Eliza: Bowing, dau. of Jonas Bowing, and hrs., execx. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal, including 100 A., “Bryen's Forest,” nr. Back R. To child. (unnamed) of William and Ellinor Smith of Nanseymoome R. [Nansemond River], Virginia, sd. estate in event of death of Eliza: Bowing without issue. Overseers: Jonas Bowing, Nich. Corbin. Test: Thos. Marshall, Patrick King, Anne Wright. 5. 226.
Todde, Thomas, Baltimore Co., 26th Feb., 1675; 30th May, 1677. To wife Anne, land in England. To 4 daus. viz., Anne, Johanna, Francis, and Averill, personalty. To brother Christopher and hrs., 700 A., “Todde" on Chester R. Ex.: Son Thomas. Test: Eben. Mylam, Symond Whitthall. 5. 227.
Hopkinson, Jon., Talbot Co., 19th Nov., 1676; 12th Apr., 1677. Wife Eliza:, execx. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Wm. Finney. 5. 229.
Smith, John, St. Mary's Co., 12th Feb., 1676; 28th Apr., 1677. To wife Susanna, execx., plantation during life. To son John and hrs., sd. plantation at death of wife afsd. and 2 tracts, viz., 40 A., “Smith's Addition" and 50 A., “Addition by Patent." To son Notley and hrs., 110 A. “Hope." To eld. dau. Eliza: and hrs., 100 A., “Smith's Reserve." To dau. Susanna and hrs., 2 tracts, viz., “Coventry" and “Smith's Purchase." To dau. Jane and hrs., 170 A., “Church Over." Sons to be of age at 21 yrs., daus, at 17 yrs. Test: Richd. Edelen, Robt. Hager. 5. 231.
Blackfan, John, Nanjemy, Charles Co., 31st Jan., 1676; 12th Mch., 1676-7. To wife Mary, execx., entire estate, real and personal, in event of birth of child; otherwise certain legacies of land (unnamed) and personalty. To brother Richard and sisters Mary and Eliza:, William and Richard Stone, provided there is no child born to testator, personalty. Test: Saml. Eaton, Robt. Polts. 5. 234.
Blower, John, Talbot Co., 12th Jan., 1676; 22nd Feb., 1676. To sister Katharine Blower, 150 A., on St. Michael's Branch. To sisters Sarah and Mary Rilhee, mother and father Rilhee, personalty. Brother John Paddison, ex. and resduary legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Richd. Willoas, Pierre de Carralle. 5. 236.
Dawson, Abraham, Anne Arundel Co., 19th Mch., 1675; 27th Mch., 1675. To son Thomas, plantation and land on Magothy R. To 3 daus., viz: Eliza:, Hanna and Sarah, sd. plantation should son afsd. die without issue. Wife (unnamed), execx. and residuary legatee of estate. Test: Jno. Butter, Simon Herring. 5. 237.
Street, Francis, Patuxent River, Calvert Co., 28th Mch., 1677; 16th June, 1677. Wife (unnamed), execx. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal. Test: Arthur Ludford, Eliza: Griffin. 5. 239.
Mounce, Peter, Cecil Co., 3rd Jan., 1676; 19th May, 1677. Son Andrew Peterson, ex. and sole legatee of estate, real and personal, in Del. and Md. at 21 yrs. of age. Overseer: Geo. Oldfield. Test: Sonds Oldfield, Jan Cosyins. 5. 240.
Chew, Samuel, Col., Anne Arundel Co., 26th July, 1676; 12th June, 1677. To wife Anne, execx., 600 A., plantation at Herrington, during life. To son Samuel and hrs., sd. plantation at death of wife afsd., and 300 A., “Chew's Right,” or “Poplar Ridge.” To son Joseph and hrs., 450 A., “Stamtly." To son Nathaniel and hrs., 500 A., “Poppinggay,” in Calvert Co. To son William and hrs., lot in town of Herrington. To sons Benjamin, John and Caleb, daus. Sarah and Anne, and brother Joseph, personalty. Sons to be of age at 21 yrs.; daus. at 18 yrs. In event of death of 3 eld. sons, viz: Samuel, Joseph and Nathaniel, 4 young. sons, i. e., William, Benjamin, John and Caleb, to inherit deceased's portion. Overseers: Lt.-Col. Thos. Taylor, Richard Johns. Test: Jno. Cobreath, Patrick Hall, Jno. Thompson. 5. 241.
Harrison, Richard, Charles Co., -- -- 1676; 12th Apr., 1677. Wife Eliza:, sole legatee of estate, real and personal, during life. To dau. Susanna and hrs., all land at death of wife afsd. To sons Richard and Thomas, personalty and land afsd. should their sister Susanna die without hrs. To son John Burges, personalty. Ex. not named. Test: Henry Henley, Nich. Chapman. 5. 249.
Powell, William, Talbot Co., 29th Mch., 1677; 2nd June, 1677. To sons William and Richard, plantation equally when of age. To wife Bridget, execx.; 2 sons and dau. (unnamed), residue of estate equally. Test: Thos. Hynson, Jno. Chafe. 5. 250.
Winsmore, Robert, Dorchester Co., 23rd Oct., 1676; 20th Jan., 1676-7. To wife Katharine, execx., home plantation, part of “Daniel's Choice,” and 50 A. (unnamed), during life. To dau. Eliza:, wife of Alexander Fisher, and dau. Judith, personalty. To dau, Sarah and hrs., 250 A., “Beverly,” on Transquaquin. To dau. Anne and hrs., 250 A., “Linkewoods,” on Transquaquin R. To son Robert and hrs., 200 A., “Woodthorpe." To son John and hrs., 100 A., part of “Daniel's Choice,” and land bequeathed wife Katharine. Sons to be of age at 21 yrs.; daus. at 18 yrs. Overseers: Wm. Foord, Jno. Webb and Jno. Stevens, of Dorchester Co., and Thos. Taylor, of Talbot Co., Test: Stephen Chapman, Wm. Brice, Wm. Thomas. 5. 252.
Hudson, John, Dorchester Co., 20th Feb., 1676; 14th July, 1677. To wife Hester and 3 child., viz., Thomas, John, and Joseph, plantation jointly during widowhood of wife. To sons Thomas and Joseph, sd. plantation at marriage or death of wife afsd. To son John by previous marriage, “John's Desire" on Choptank R., and “John's Pound” on n. side Chickanocomaco Ck. To young. son John, 100 A., “John's Lane” at 21 yrs. of age. Exs.: Edward Fisher, David Cuffyn. Test: Char. Hutchins, Tho. Daniell. 5. 257.
Magruder, Alexander, Prince George's Co., 20th Feb., 1676; 25th July, 1677. To wife Eliza: and 3 child. by her, home plantation. To sons Alexander and Nathaniel and their hrs., sd. plantation at death of wife afsd. To sons James and John and hrs., 900 A. in 2 tracts, viz., “Alexandria” and “Dumblain” on Patuxent R. To son Samuel and hrs., 500 A., “Good Luck.” To dau. Eliza: at 14 yrs. of age, and hrs., 200 A., “Craighnaigh.” Exs.: Wife Eliza:, James and Samuel. Overseers: Nath: Trueman, Saml. Taylor, -- Beale. Test: Jas. Magruder, Jno. Lane, Jno. Johnson, Jas. Soulivant, Jas. Guthrey. 5. 261.
By codicil dated 12th Mch., 1677, testator makes the following provisions: Should eld. sons, viz., James, Samuel, and John, die without issue, survivor or survivors of sd. 3 sons to inherit deceased's land; and in event of death of any of young. child., viz., Alexander, Nathaniel, and Eliza:, without issue, survivor or survivors to inherit deceased's land. Should all afsd. eld. child. die without issue, their land to pass to young. child. afsd. Should young. child. die without hrs., their land to pass to eld. child. and hrs.