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Nebraska State Gazetteer,
Business Directory and Farmers List
for 1890-1891
Business (town) listings
Aurora Bromfield Farmers
Hampton Marquette Phillips Stockham
page 61
Aurora, has a
population of 2,200, and is the county seat of Hamilton county. It
is on the Nebraska and Newcastle branch of the B. & M. R. R.
at its junction with the Aurora and Hastings branch of and the
Burwell branch. It is 127 miles from Omaha and 73 miles from
Lincoln. Aurora is located in that fair and fertile region known
as the South Platte country where agriculture and stock breeding,
being conducted intelligently and judiciously, are quite
remunerative, and contribute much to the prosperity of the town.
The progressive business men of the city appreciate their
advantages, as is manifested in the value of their public and
private improvements. The water works cost $25,000, the electric
light plant $75,000, Opera House $20,000, school house $15,000,
jail, $5,000, and many other improvements. Among those made during
the past year some are particularly to be noted. The new banking
house of the Aurora Bank Co. is a handsome two story building with
a beautiful front of cut stone, fine and durable in appearance.
The interior is elegantly furnished and highly ornamental, with
the floor and furniture of the latest designs. The building cost
$25,000. L. M. Hastings erected a two story brick block which cost
$8,000. The Christian church is a brick edifice that cost $5,000.
The Opera House block now in the course of construction of brick
with stone front is to cost $40,000. The Aurora House is a fine
improvement, built by Mr. B. M. Jones at a cost of $8,000. Mr.
Jones success has compelled him twice to build larger
accommodations for the increasing demands of his patrons. The
hotel now has thirty-six guest chambers, a dining room 20 X 40 ft.
with seating capacity of 60, etc. The churches are Methodist,
Congregational, Baptist, Presbyterian, Christian and Evangelical.
The Republican and the Sun are excellent newspapers,
progressive and influential.
Adams A P, saloon.
Adams Thad, furniture.
Agee Alfred W Hon, atty.
Artley George P, plumbing, etc.
Aurora Abstract and Investment Co, Harland & Dodd
Aurora Bank Co. capital a$50,000, W I Farley pres, J D
Feguson Jr.
vice-pres, J B Rogers
Aurora Creamery, E J Hainer, sec.
Aurora House, M B Jones, prop.
Aurora Republican, L W Hastings, pub.
Aurora State Bank, capital $75,000, D E Thompson pres, Andrew
vice-pres, Harvey Cole
Aurora Sun (The), Sun Publishing Co props.
Baeschlin & Hogan, meat market.
Baskerville Mark Rev. pastor Congregational church.
Bates Delavin, notary public.
Beckel Frank, agt J M Davidson.
Bell J H & Co, lumber, coal.
Bell S W, hardware.
Belles N C Mrs, millinery.
Binford S, agt McCormick Harvesting Machine.
Bishop Alfred L, agl impls, sewing machine, etc.
Bishop Ira, confectionery.
Bowman Wm H, genl mdse.
Brahm George, nursery.
Bricker F J, physician.
Britton J B, restaurant, groceries.
Britton Jennie Miss, dressmaker.
Buchan F G & Co, jewelry.
Bucklin D E & Bro, real estate, loans and
Cassell J N, coal, ice.
Chapman & Mitchell, llivery.
Chapman s B, agl mdse.
Clifton House, S J Karker prop.
Cole D G, real estate.
Collins Henry A, dentist.
Conner M, groceries.
Corbett H R, supt public schools.
Coykendall Frank, atty.
Cramer B W, carpenter.
Crosthwaite Rev, pastor M E church.
Curry & Chaman, furniture.
Dahl S A, gun smith.
Daniels George, brick mfr.
Darling & Wildish, boots and shoes.
Davidson J M, Frank Beckel agt, grain elevator.
Dunki Melchoir, restaurant, confectionery.
Eads L H Mrs., music teacher.
Eichelberger Fremont, prop, The Tuttle House.
Ewalt Jacob, feed mill.
Fairchild W H & Co, genl mdse.
Farley W I, real estate.
First National Bank, capital $50,000, J H Ball pres, Delavan
Bates vice-pres,
J F Houseman cashier.
Fones Allen, dentist.
Gallup Jennie Mrs, millinery.
Glover A M, musical mdse, carriages, etc.
Gooden W F, physician.
Goodrow W L Mrs. music teacher.
Goon L Saml, laundry.
Graham W W, cigars, tobacco.
Green P M & Co, lumber, coal.
Hainer E F, atty.
Hamilton County Bank, capital $100,000, W H Street pres, E J
Hainer vice-pres,
T E Williams cashier, W C
Chambers asst cashier.
Hanke Bros, dry goods.
Harlan & Dodd, props, Aurora Abstract and Investment Co,
insurance agts.
Hart Frank L, barber.
Hasting L W, pub The Aurora Republican.
Hedgecock Bros, agt, Lininger & Metcalf Co.
Henthorn C H, groceries.
Hoefer Fritz, jewelry.
Hoegren A G, clothing, merchant tailor.
Holdgraf Ernest, restaurant.
Hough Joseph P, phys.
Huffman S P Mrs, notions.
Jeffrey H M, photographer.
Jensen Hans T, machine shop.
Jensen & Wilson agts Colling & Dermott, feed
Johnson & co, carpenters.
Jones John W, restaurant.
Jones M B, prop Aurora House.
Jones & Pollard, live stock.
Jones & Wilson, bakery & confectionery.
Karker S J, prop Clifton House.
Kellogg & Graybill, attys.
Kemper Henry, blacksmith, wagonmaker.
Kennedy A L, ins.
Kline D P Rev, evangelist.
Kline Harry S, horse dealer.
Knapp G W Rev, pastor Baptist church.
Kugland Conrad, veterinary surgeon.
Lane A W, carpenter.
Laurie Andrew P, hardware.
Likes Philip, atty.
Lininger & Metalf Co, Hedgecock Bros. agl implts.
McCann George H & Co, groceries.
McCord & Coon, carpenters.
McGovern Richard, wood worker.
McKee Charles & Co, drugs.
McKee S Miss, dressmaker.
McKern W R, live stock.
Machamer T J & Son, harnessmaker.
Marks SD & Co, harnessmakers.
Mather F C, hardware.
Miller Robert, carpenter.
Mitchell M C & Son, livery.
Moore & Braudbent, livery.
Neihardt W C, house mover.
Neir Clark E, drugs, wall paper.
Norman F R, atty.
Oakes, Otto & Donner, brick mfrs.
Peterson Bros, dry goods, clothing.
Phillips A C, barber.
Pierce & Hull, groceries.
Pierce J W Mrs., millinery.
Rutherford Wm, blacksmithing.
Sargent George B, billiards.
Savage Patrick, blacksmiths.
Schoonover Isaac W, livery.
Scoville D A, justice.
Sears C M, breeder, Hereford cattle.
Severy D M, breeder, Holstein cattle.
Sharp F J & Bro, hardware.
Shean J & Son, groceries.
Seikman & Belles, real estate, loans.
Smith & Co., real estate.
Smith E A, flour.
Smith J H, circuit judge.
Smith & Thomas, tubular wells
Smith W R, dry goods.
Snider W H, photographer.
Soverin Alonzo, barber.
Spafford Nathan P, books, stationery, wall paper,
notions, etc.
Spanogle Samuel, police judge, notary.
Sproll B Rev, pastor, St. Francis (Catholic) church.
Standard Thomas E, saloon.
Stenburg E A, physician.
Stevenson Wm J, atty.
Sun Publishing Co, E W Hurlbut pres, H E Metzger sec and
pubs The Aurora sun and job
Sweatland, W P, painter.
Thomas & Vandell, boots, shoes.
Threadkill A M, groceries, bakery.
Travis A D, grain.
Troyer D C, auctioneer.
Tuttle House, F Eichelberger prop.
Tweedy John, postmaster.
Valentine F E, livery.
Van Boskirk J R, agl implts.
Waddle & Sawyer, meat market.
Walsh M W, real estate, notary.
Watt Robert Rev, pastor Presbyterian church.
Weigand Henry, blacksmith.
Weingarten Wm, meat market.
Wentz W C, real estate, ins.
Whitesides C P, notary, ins.
Whitmore John A, atty.
Widaman & Van Velzer, sewing machines.
Williamson George B, drugs.
Williamson Wm S, physician.
Wilson E W, foundry.
Woods Bros, brick mfrs.
page 99
Bromfield, a
station on the B. & M. R. R., in the southwestern part of
Hamilton County, 10 miles from Aurora, the county seat. It has a
population of about 200, and is well located for an important
town. The churches are the Methodist, Episcopal, Presbyterian and
Christian. Societies: A. F. & A. M. and G. A. R.
Bank of Bromfield, W H Wheeler cashier.
Brock J M, justice.
Bromfield House, W Chisholm prop.
Browne Chas E, phys.
Buckey C F, sta agt.
Case T J, phys.
Chapman S B & Son, agl implts.
Commercial House, J Smith prop.
Christian Thos, John Foster mgr, grain and coal,
Dietz C N, Chas Allen mgr, lumber.
Dodson Thomas, wagonmaker.
Ehlebracht A, carpenter, contractor.
Ehlebracht H Mrs, dressmaker.
Ehlebracht Henry, harnessmaker.
Farrand J W, blacksmith.
Fossdick Ed, marshal, collector.
Furgerson W H, grain and coal.
Gallentine & Fry, live stock.
Gallentine J R Mrs, millinery.
Gibbon & Hate, livery.
Gibbon L S, city transfer.
Goos John, saloon.
Graham Ira, painter.
Gronway Lew, contractor.
Hafer Geo, well digger.
Herrod Chas, meat market.
Leinberger Wm H, genl mdse.
McCarthy John, horse dealer.
Malone Frank, barber.
Mather F C, hardware.
Myers S E Mrs. drugs.
Orndolf J A, billiards.
Peck A V B, postmaster, notary, collections.
Peck M A Mrs, confectionery.
Petrea J W, livery.
Pierce & Farrand, agl implts.
Smith J, prop Commercial House.
Snider Elmer, painter.
Trobee W W, millinery.
Walters B F, blacksmith.
Wheeler Bros, genl mdse, hardware.
Wright Chas, mason.
page 162
Farmers Valley,
a postoffice in the extreme southeastern part of Hamilton county,
located on the south branch of the Big Blue river, which furnishes
power here for an excellent mill. The nearest railway station is
Stockham, six miles on the F. E. & M V. R.R. Population
Hagemaster Fred, flour mill.
Littlefield Geo R., genl mdse.
Wescott J D, postmaster.
White Chas., blacksmith.
page 211
Hampton is in
Hamilton county, six miles east of Aurora, the county seat, on the
Nebraska City and Newcastle line of the B. & M. R. R. It has
about 600 inhabitants. A thrifty German settlement lies to the
north, and a Russian settlement to the south, both contributing to
the commercial interests of the place. The town has four grain
elevators in full operation. These and the roller flour mills are
the principal industries of the place. An extensive fire swept
away a number of the business houses a few months since, but the
burnt district is rapidly being rebuilt. The Bank of Hampton is
the monetary institution of the town. The Methodist and Christian
churches are the religious bodies.
Bailey & Klumb, agl implts.
Bank of Hampton, capital $20,000, O B Houghton pres, A B
Houghton Cashier.
Bennett George W, bakery, confectioner.
Boslaw Frank E, meat market.
Brown Gurdon, shoemaker.
Buckley B F, harnessamker, hardware, groceries, etc.
Cannon James, grain, coal.
Carver & Franz, barbers.
Chanbers F & Co, drugs.
Chambers S E, mgr Farmers Alliance Association.
Chessman F G, H R Greer agt, grain, seed.
Chessman G P, E R Plummer, agt, grain, seed.
Commercial House, J R Franey, prop.
Cox J M, live stock.
Cox Joshua, live stock.
Curtis D W Rev, pastor Christian church.
Edmondson J H, atty.
Eskeldsen & Kaufmann, lumber, coal.
Farmers Alliance Association, Wm Steele pres, J T Martel sec, S
A Pollard treas,
S E Chambers mgr, grain, live
stock, and coal
Fiegenbaum T F, drugs.
Franey J R, prop, commercial House.
Goldfish Wm, blacksmith.
Greer H R, agt F G Chessman.
Hoshaw J B, physician.
Ingals Ed L, postmaster, news stand.
Kath M H, shoemaker.
Klimper & Eberhart, saloon.
Krause P, groceries.
Lane George E, genl mdse.
Lohman & Erlenborn, genl mdse.
May John R, blacksmith.
Metcalf H C, flour mill.
Newman Christ, furniture.
Sauls Joel II, atty, notary.
Schneider F A, jewelry.
Schrader & Paschke, agl implts.
Strehlow Carl, meat market.
Thayer W T, town marshall.
Timblin Ferguson M, justice of the peace, notary,
insurance agent.
Tyler Oliver J, livery.
Wagner G L, hardware.
Wells R E Rev, pastor M E church.
Widger W E, sta agt B & M R R.
Williamson W J, genl mdse.
Wilson James A, justice.
Woodard D S, phys.
Zook D M, constable.
page 289
- Marquette has a
population of 200. It is on the B. & M. R.R., in the northern
part of Hamilton county, 10 miles from Aurora, the county seat.
Nearly 100 cars of livestock and 700 cars of grain were shipped
from this station in the last year. Many of the farmers are
extensive importers and breeders of full-bodied cattle. On the
south is a fine farming country, and to the Platte river on the
north a great grazing and hay production region. The churches are
the Methodist, United Brethren, Presbyterian, Christian and
Swedish Evangelical.
- Adams J F & Son, lumber, coal
- Avery Chas, restaurant
- Bank of Marquette, capital $25,000, J A Ruby pres, F L
Hall vice pres, M E Farr, cashier.
- Baylis R H, breeder of Hereford cattle
- Brink F W Rev, pastor United Brethren church
- Chandler M A, agt W H Ferguson
- Connolly N, agt M Morrissey
- Cox R, live stock
- Fairchild & Deal, genl mdse
- Farleys Bank, J J Farley pres, W I Farley vice pres, G H
Farley, cashier
- Ferguson W H, M A Chandler agt, grain elevator
- Fink Uriah, harnessmaker
- Grafe & Co, props Marquette Flouring Mills
- Greer & Hall, hardware, furniture
- Gregg Mason, grain
- Hamilton C I Rev, pastor M E church
- Hickman & Son, drugs
- Hughes R K, drugs
- Kealiher M H, meat market
- Larson & Peterson, blacksmiths
- Leach Fred, druggist
- Liebhart M, breeder cattle, hogs
- Line T H, phys
- Long W D, justice, barber
- McLaughlin & Belden, genl mdse
- Marquette Flouring Mills, Grafe & Co, props
- Marquette Hotel, J Adams prop
- Morrissey Michael, N Connolly agt, grain elevator
- Mussick H A, breeder shorthorns
- Nicholson John, live stock
- Person S B, genl mdse
- Pinkerton Joseph, postmaster
- Smith C M, real estate
- Waddell J S, genl mdse
Welsh C W, sta agt, B & M R. R.
page 447
Phillips, a
town on the B & M RR in the Western part of Hamilton county,
one and a half miles south of the Platte river. the shipments from
this point in the past year were 600 cars grain and 200 cars
livestock.There is hardly an acre of ground in Hamilton county but
can be profitably cultivated. The farmers in this vicinity have
gone extensively into the breeding of live stock and feeding
cattle. It is no common occurrence to find from 100 to 500 head of
cattle on a farm. Population 200.
- Ball E H, mgr Phillips Farmers Alliance Business Assn.
Bank of Phillips, J W Wehn pres, J O Baker cashier.
Bebb Wm & sons, hardware and groceries.
Coleman C B, phys.
Connell & Co, grain.
Cox Levi, justice and grain.
Deal F. Rev, pastor M & E Chruch.
Fairchilds & Garwood, genl mdse.
Faught, J C, mgr Richey Bros.
Fulton B J, livestock.
Grand Island Grain Co. Wm. Roennfeldt mgr.
Grass M K, groceries.
Henderson J P, brick mfr.
Jackson F P, sta agt B & M RR.
Lane N F, hotel.
Miller & Devoe, live stock.
Peterman W E, blacksmith.
Phillips Farmers Alliance Business Assn., E H Ball mgr, grain,
machinery, livestock.
Purdy E C, justice.
Reiter F R, carpenter.
Richey Bros, J C Faught mgr, lumber and coal.
Roennfeldt Wm, mgr Grand Island Grain co.
Smith E D, drugs.
Williams & Rogers livery.
Willman, Bell Mrs, millinery.
page 509
Stockham is in
the southeastern part of Hamilton county, 12 miles from Aurora,
the county seat, and on the Hastings line of the F. E. & M. v.
R. R, and is a lively trading point. The country about Stockham is
beautiful in appearance and rich in soil. The two hotels, the
Stockham Hotel and the City Hotel are both good houses. The
Stockham Reporter is published by F P. Corrick. The Bank of
Stockham has a capital of $11,500. There are two churches located
here, the German Congregational and the Presbyterian.
- Abern G E Rev, pastor M E Church.
Baker Wm H, sta agt F E & M V R R.
Bankof Stockham, capital $11,500, J B Dinsmore pres, A K
vice-pres, I D Evans cashier.
Challburg Charles O, livery.
Chessman G P, Gain, coal.
City Hotel, H Heck prop.
Cole Eugene E, blacksmith, tank mfr, well blowing.
Corrick F P, pub Stockham Reporter, real estate, loans,
notary, postmaster.
Dierks Bros, F W Huffman mgr, lumber.
Douglas J W Mrs, dressmaker.
Gray George D, livery.
Gray John W, groceries.
Grosshaus J F, grain, coal.
Heck H, prop City Hotel.
Hickox H W, justice.
Huffman F W, mgr, Dierks Bros.
Hume G W, prop Stockham Hotel.
Lee George, live tock.
Loos Heinrich, blacksmith.
Maloney R, groceries.
Milliken John Jr, meat market.
Misner Herman, genl mdse.
Misner Hiram, genl mdse.
Moore P & Son, drugs.
Patterson W S & Con, live stock.
Pelen Charles C, billiards.
Rowe Joseph, boots, shoes, clothing.
Sharp F J, & Bro, hardware.
Stewart J C, saloon.
Stockham Hotel, G W Hume prop.
Stockham Reporter, F P Corrick pub.
Trout Henry, meat market.
Vincent Lee Rev, pastor Presbyterian church.
Waddell & Griess, hardware, agl implts.
Wilcox G Mrs, laundry.
Williams Rufus, barber.
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