NEGenWeb Project Resource Center
1890 Gazetteer - Hamilton County


    Business Directory and farmer list for 1890 - 1891

Omaha: J.M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509 - 510 Paxton Block 1890

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J.M. Wolfe

& Co., in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D.C.

Hamilton County
Aurora -- County Seat

An underscore (_) indicates that the letter or word was difficult or impossible to read in the copy.
Not all names are in absolutely alphabetical order, but were transcribed in the order they appeared in in the original.


~ A ~
Abbott M A, Bromfield.         Ames Darius, Bromfield.       Anderson O A, Aurora. 
Abbott N B, Bromfield.         Ames E, Farmers Valley.       Anderson Ole, Hampton. 
Abbott P B, Aurora.            Ames M, Farmers Valley.       Anderson Olaus, Aurora. 
Abraham Cath, Henderson.       Andersen Nels, Marquette.     Anderson Paul, Hampton. 
Abraham Henry, Hampton.        Andersen Saml,, Marquette.    Anderson Peter, Arborville. 
Abraham Peter, Henderson.      Anderson A G, Marquette.      Anderson Peter, Hampton. 
Abrahamson C, Central City.    Anderson A J, Stark.          Anderson P W, Hapton. 
Abrahamson J, Central City.    Anderson And, Hampton.        Anderson Saml, Stockham. 
Acheson Chas, Aurora.          Anderson And, Phillips.       Anderson S W, Phillips. 
Adair J C, Stockham.           Anderson A P, Arborville.     Anderson T N, Stark. 
Adams A C, Phillips.           Anderson B F, Aurora.         Andrews Wm, Bromfield. 
Adams Frank, Marquette.        Anderson C, Aurora.           Ansley Geo W, Aurora. 
Adams Geo, Marquette.          Anderson C, Marquette.        Applin H L, Doniphan. 
Adams J F, Marquette.          Anderson C G, Central City.   Armel Lou, Aurora. 
Adams Jonathon, Marquette.     Anderson C J, Phillips.       Armel P G, Aurora. 
Adams _ N, Marquette.          Anderson C S, Arborville.     Armstrong J, Aurora. 
Adams W, Marquette.            Anderson C T, Marquette.      Armstrong W F, Doniphan. 
Adams W _, Stockham.           Anderson D W, Aurora.         Arrnet Chas, Phillips. 
Adams W _ _, Stockham.         Anderson E, Aurora.           Arnet J A, Phillips. 
Adamson Frank, Arborville.     Anderson Eric, Phillips.      Arnet T J, Phillips. 
Adamson V C, Arborville.       Anderson Frank, Arborville.   Arnold E M, Farmers Valley. 
Ahara R L, Hampton.            Anderson F S, Marquette.      Arnold O F, Aurora. 
Alden C F, Aurora.             Anderson Jens K, Marquette.   Arnold Wm, Phillips. 
Alden C P, Phillips.           Anderson J H, Hampton.        Ashley H E, Bromfield. 
Alden R H, Aurora.             Anderson Jno H, Marquette.    Austin E E, Arborville. 
Aldrup Herman, Bromfield.      Anderson J P, Aurora.         Austin W H, Arborville. 
Allen Chas, Bromfield.         Anderson L C, Arborville.     Austin W R, Arborville. 
Allen David, Bromfield.        Anderson N H, Hampton.        Axen Carl G, Aurora. 
Allen D W, Stockham.           Anderson Nels, Hampton.        
Allen Jas, Phillips.           Anderson Niels, Phillips.
~ B ~
Bank D, Hampton.               Benson Jno, Arborville.       Brahm G P, Aurora. 
Baartz Aug, Phillips.          Benson S I, Central City.     Brandenburgh L A, Farmers Valley. 
Baba J W, Trumbull.            Benson S P, Arborville.       Brandt F, Bromfield. 
Babst W F, Bromfield.          Benson S I, Central City.     Brandt Henry, Bromfield. 
Bacon A C, Phillips.           Benson S P, Arborville.       Bray Chas, Stockham. 
Bailey W C, Hampton.           Benson W J, Bromfield.        Bray Cornelia, Stockham. 
Bain A L, Philips.             Bent Amos, Stockham.          Bray Jacob, Farmers Valley. 
Bain J D, Harvard.             Berg C A, Aurora.             Bray N M, Stockham. 
Bain Jno L, Phillips.          Bergeson B O, Aurora.         Breitenfeldt H, Hampton. 
Baker J M, Trumbull.           Bergeson S E, Stockham.       Brinley E W, Phillips. 
Baker Johanna, Hampton.        Bergmark Chas, Phillips.      Bristol Luther, Aurora. 
Baker T H, Bromfield.          Bergmark Jno, Phillips.       Bristol R, Aurora. 
Baker Theo, Aurora.            Bergren Eric, Phillips.       Broadbent G H, Aurora. 
Bald Louis, Aurora.            Bergren Ernest, Aurora.       Broch J N, Bromfield. 
Ball E H, Phillips.            Bergren Henry, Phillips.      Brondel A C, Hampton. 
Ball P A, Stockham.            Bergren Oscar, Aurora.        Brondel G C, Hampton. 
Ball W J, Philips.             Berry G W, Bromfield.         Brown A, Harvard. 
Ballard J W, Marquette.        Bert & Foss, Aurora.          Brown A H, Bromfield. 
Ballard Saml, Marquette.       Bertheau Jno, Aurora.         Brown C, Farmers Valley. 
Bammsberger W, Henderson.      Best W W, Marquette.          Brown Cornelius, Hampton. 
Barnam J D, Bromfield.         Beyer Christ, Hampton.        Brown F L, Bromfield. 
Barnett Alvin, Bromfield.      Beyer Martin, Hampton.        Brown Isaac, Hendersen. 
Barnes F M, Aurora.            Beyers Wm, Arborville.        Brown JNO, Marquette. 
Barnett Jno, Aurora.           Bickford J S, Bromfield.      Brown N S, Bronfield. 
Barnet Robt, Harvard.          Bicknell C J, Henderson.      Brown Phillip, Hampton. 
Barnet Wm, Stockham.           Bieck Geo, Bromfield.         Brown T J, Aurora. 
Barrett B, Stockham.           Bienz Henry, Marquette.       Brown W H, Aurora. 
Barrett Jay, Stockham.         Bienz Jno, Hampton.           Brownell A R, Hampton. 
Barrett S, Stockham.           Bienz Thos, Marquette.        Bruner A, Bromfield. 
Barrick Elias, Aurora.         Bierbower J, Doniphan.        Buch A R, Hampton. 
Barrick Jacob, Bromfield.      Bird C O, Stockham.           Buchley B F, Hampton. 
Bartelson M, Hampton.          Bird E E, Stockham.           Budier Jacob, Hampton. 
Barton E B, Aurora.            Bird J H, Stockham.           Budwich H, Hampton. 
Barton Geo, Bromfield.         Birkey V E, Phillips.         Budwich Robt, Hampton. 
Barton Harry, Aurora.          Bish P W, Bromfield.          Buell Mary J, Bromfield. 
Bass Alex, Phillips.           Bishop J W, Phillips.         Buffington J, Marquette. 
Bates C H, Marquette.          Bister C, Marquette.          Buffington Joe X, Hampton. 
Bayless R H, Marquette.        Bjorkman D C, Central City.   Buford Sam, Aurora. 
Bayless R W, Bromfield.        Blair Ira W, Arborville.      Buller Cath, Henderson. 
Beacon John, Stockham.         Blakkoef S, Stockham.         Buller Henry, Hampton. 
Beat David, Bromfield.         Blasé Henry, Arborville.      Buller Henry J, Hampton. 
Beat James, Stockham.          Blix Jno, Aurora.             Buller Peter, Hendersen. 
Beanblossom Ed, Marquette.     Block Peter, Hampton.         Burden Jno, Marquette. 
Bebb Wm, Phillips.             Boag David, Bromfield.        Burger G I, Hampton. 
Bebout E E, Aurora.            Boag John, Bromfield.         Burke E M, Arborville. 
Beckman S, Marquette.          Boag Wm, Bromfield.           Burnett John P, Marquette. 
Beeman L P, Stockham.          Boggs S H, Bromfield.         Burt E S, Aurora. 
Beemer H W, Aurora.            Borg Chas., Marquette.        Burton D W, Phillips. 
Bell D C, Aurora.              Boslow F E, Hampton.          Bush Andrew, Hampton. 
Bellamy E E, Phillips.         Boslow Thos, Stockham.        Bush E E, Marquette. 
Benefield Jos, Stockham.       Bossingham B F, Marquette.    Bush Howard, Bromfield. 
Bengston Nels, Arborville.     Boster Andrew, Arborville.    Bush J G, Marquette. 
Benhart Peter, Arborville.     Bottorf A F, Aurora.          Bush K L, Hampton. 
Benke Andrew, Henderson.       Boudegard Hans, Hampton.      Bush Sarah A, Bromfield. 
Benke Jacob, Henderson.        Bowles J W, Aurora.           Bush S E, Bromfield. 
Benkson J, Central City.       Bowline M E, Bromfield.       Bush Uriah, Hampton. 
Bennett B F, Marquette.        Bowman J A, Bromfield.        Buss Aug, Stockham. 
Bennett G W, Hampton.          Boyd Ella, Stockham.          Bute Joseph, Aurora. 
Bennett T H, Stockham.         Boyd H, Stockham.             Bute J P, Aurora. 
Benson A J, Bromfield.         Boyden J D, Harvard.          Butler F H, Bromfield. 
Benson G A, Aurora.            Boyer Wm, Stockham.           Butler J L, Hampton. 
Benson H, Bromfield.           Bradley H, Aurora.            Butler J N, Henderson. 
Benson J A, Bromfield.         Bradshaw C A, Stockham.       Byers J S, Aurora. 
~ C ~
Cadwell F H, Stockham.         Champe J M, Aurora.           Condon C B, Hampton. 
Cafferty James, Bromfield.     Chapin O D, Bromfield.        Condon C E, Hampton. 
Cafferty Wm, Bromfield.        Chapman S B, Aurora.          Condon T W, Stockham. 
Cain Geo W, Bromfield.         Cherry J P, Phillips.         Conner Geo, Hampton. 
Cain J B, Bromfield.           Childre Wm, Aurora.           Conner F & Son, Central City. 
Caline A P, Phillips.          Chisholm W, Bromfield.        Conrad Fred, Hampton. 
Call D W, Stockham.            Christensen Nells, Hampton.   Cook T H, Aurora. 
Callett John, Hampton.         Christiansen HP, Hampton.     Cooper J S, Aurora. 
Cameron James, Stockham.       Christiansen J P, Marquette.  Cormody James, Arborville. 
Cameron T S, Stockham.         Christiansen P, Hampton.      Corston Jos, Bromfield. 
Campbell Fred, Aurora.         Christianson A, Hampton.      Cowling Chas, Marquette. 
Campbell H M, Central City.    Christianson H P, Hampton.    Cowling Joseph, Marquette. 
Campbell T B, Marquette.       Christianson J, Hampton.      Cowling J W, Marquette. 
Campbell Wm, Central City.     Christianson P, Hampton.      Cox E E, Bromfield. 
Campbell W T, Central City.    Christianson P, Arborville.   Cox J M, Hampton. 
Campbell W S, Autora.          Chrisinger N, Aurora.         Cox Joel, Hampton. 
Canady Allen, Bromfield.       Churchward Jas, Arborville.   Cox Joshua, Hampton. 
Cantrell Jesse, Aurora.        Clark Christian, Hampton.     Cox Levi, Phillips. 
Carl John, Hampton.            Clark M M, Aurora.            Cox Lyman, Hampton. 
Carlson Alex, Marquette.       Clark W C, Trumbull.          Cox Robt G, Bromfield. 
Carlson Alf, Central City.     Clark W F, Stockham.          Cox Wm, Aurora. 
Carlson C A, Marquette.        Clark Wm, Marquette.          Cox W S, Aurora. 
Carlson Frank, Marquette.      Clark W T, Phillips.          Cozier M W, Aurora. 
Carlson Gus, Aurora.           Clark Fred, Stockham.         Craft G P, Aurora. 
Carlson O W, Marquette.        Clark J P, Stockham.          Cramer D J, Aurora. 
Carnahan N A, Marquette.       Clark M M, Aurora.            Cramer D O, Aurora. 
Caruthers Saml, Phillips.      Clark W C, Trumball.          Cramer G F, Phillips. 
Carus Reason, Aurora.          Clark W F, Stockham.          Cramer J O, Phillips. 
Carpenter A, Aurora.           Clark Wm, Marquette.          Cramer W O, Aurora. 
Carrell John, Stockham.        Clark W T, Phillips.          Cranston John, Stockham. 
Carriker A A, Bromfield.       Claus John, Stockham.         Crawford A C, Aurora. 
Carriker D E, Bromfield.       Claus John Sr., Stockham.     Crays A B, Arborville. 
Carriker E E, Bromfield.       Clawson R, Marquette.         Crichfield Wm, Marquette. 
Carriker L A, Bromfield.       Clayton S T, Central City.    Criddle Elijah, Bromfield. 
Carter E M, Bromfield.         Clemens J H, Aurora.          Crosby A S, Aurora. 
Carter James, Bromfield.       Cline G R, Bromfield.         Cross T B, Bromfield. 
Case E L, Bromfield.           Cline L P, Aurora.            Crossau Jno, Bromfield. 
Case Ellen, Bromfield.         Cline N H, Stockham.          Crother A T, Phillips. 
Case P H, Bromfield.           Clothler J S, Marquette.      Crow C E, Doniphan. 
Case T D, Bromfield.           Clothler T L, Marquette.      Croxen E H, Stockham. 
Casler Johnson, Bromfield.     Coats C A, Stockham.          Croxen R W, Aurora. 
Casler Robt., Bromfield.       Cobb J H N, Aurora.           Cruff Emily, Bromfield. 
Cass O W, Aurora.              Cohagan Geo, Arborville.      Curmrine Geo, Phillips. 
Casssell J N, Aurora.          Colby Asa, Marquette.         Cudney L T, Marquette. 
Casteel M, Aurora.             Colby E E, Stark.             Culver E, Aurora. 
Casteel Marshall, Aurora.      Colby Spencer, Marquette.     Culver Geo, Aurora. 
Castle Catharine, Aurora.      Cole Elmer, Stockham.         Culver P C, Aurora. 
Castle M, Central City.        Cole Eugene, Stockham.        Cunningham C, Phillips. 
Castle T F, Aurora.            Cole J D, Stockham.           Cunningham Wm, Marquette. 
Caulkins Geo, Hampton.         Cole N S, Aurora.             Curtis Amos, Hampton. 
Caulkins W O, Hampton.         Collins Arthur, Stockton.     Curtis Edwin, Bromfield. 
Chaffee Jarvis, Stockham.      Coleman Alex, Aurora.         Cutts Geo, Bromfield. 
Chaffee Jesse, Stockham.       Coleman George H, Bromfield.  Cutts Wm E, Bromfield. 
~ D ~
Dahl Anton, Chapman.           Dell John, Hampton.           Dillon J P, Bromfield. 
Dale W E, Stockham.            Dell Peter, Hampton.          Dimmick Z R, Bromfield. 
Daley J P, Bromfield.          DeMoranville Chas, Aurora.    Dixon C W, Phillips. 
Dalke A, Hampton.              Denton S B, Phillips.         Dixon Henry, Hampton. 
Dalke Corn, Hampton.           Denton S H, Bromfield.        Dixon Wm, Phillips. 
Dalke Jacob, Henderson.        Denton Wm, Bromfield.         Dobberstein A, Hampton. 
Dalke Peter, Henderson.        Deprez G P, Hampton.          Dobberstein F, Hampton. 
Damonde Joe, Aurora.           Derby J H, Marquette.         Dodd Wm, Phillips. 
Dams Wm, Aurora.               Derrick Elvira, Henderson.    Dodson Harry, Bromfield. 
Dance Wm, Marquette.           Derrick Harriet, Henderson.   Dodson Thos, Bromfield. 
Dangler Daniel, Doniphan.      Derrick J M, Henderson.       Donahue C E, Aurora. 
Dangler D R, Doniphan.         Desch S H, Central City.      Donelson G A, Marquette. 
Dangler Wm, Doniphan.          Detamore Albert, Aurora.      Donner E D, Aurora. 
Danhauer J E, Central City.    Detamore And, Bromfield.      Dory W S, Henderson. 
Daniels Geo W, Aurora.         Detamore I H, Bromfield.      Dose Carl, Hampton. 
Danielson Daniel, Bromfield.   Detamore Jno, Bromfield.      Dose John, Hampton. 
Dart Wm, Aurora.               Devereaux Jno, Marquette.     Douglas D, Henderson. 
Davis B F, Aurora.             Devereaus W C, Doniphan.      Douglas W J, Bromfield. 
Davis Frank, Phillips.         Devolt H E, Doniphan.         Drageo J L, Phillips. 
Davis Jno, Phillips.           Devolt J, Bromfield.          Dreiver Henry, Hampton. 
Davis M, Marquette.            Devore B F, Phillips.         Driesbacj Alfred, Stockham. 
Dawes J W, Hampton.            Devore E B, Phillips.         Druba Carl, Stockham. 
Dawley H G, Marquette.         Devore J W, Phillips.         DuBbois J, Stockham. 
Dawson A L, Bromfield.         DeWaters W D, Aurora.         Dunaway Eli, Marquette. 
Day J V, Bromfield.            Dick Cornelius, Henderson.    Duncanson James, Aurora. 
Day S M, Aurora.               Dick Frank C, Henderson.      Duncanson T C, Aurora. 
Deal H E, Hampton.             Dick Geo F, Henderson.        Duncanson W H, Aurora. 
Deal M, Stockham.              Dick Geo, Henderson.          Dunham L O, Aurora. 
Dean F, Aurora.                Dick Henry, Henderson.        Dunkl Melchior, Aurora. 
Dean H C, Aurora.              Dieffelbach W H, Phillips.    Dunlap Frank, Phillips. 
Dean J E, Aurora.              Dietrich C, Hampton.          Dunlap Willis, Phillips. 
Dearing Edward, Phillips.      Dietz S, Arborville.          Dyke D G, Aurora. 
Decher Eli, Phillips.          Dilke F, Bromfield.           Dykeman E, Doniphan. 
Decher Hiram, Chapman.         Dilke J A, Phillips.           
Dehart W R, Marquette.         Dilki Jacob, Bromfield.
~ E ~
Eastman C R, Aurora.           Eggert H A, Aurora.           Enns J, Hampton. 
Eaton E E, Phillips.           Ehrehdorph P, Henderson.      Entrekin A L, Aurora. 
Eaton Geo K, Phillips.         Eichelberger A, Marquette.    Ericksen Martin, Hampton. 
Eaton J W, Phillips.           Ellsworth Jno, Aurora.        Erickson A, Arborville. 
Eberhart Wm, Hampron.          Ellsworth S J, Aurora.        Erickson Jacob, Hampton. 
Eberhart E Jr, Hampton.        Ellsworth W J, Aurora.        Erickson Nels, Hampton. 
Eberhart Edward, Hampton.      Ellwanger P Sr, Stockham.     Erikson E T, Central City. 
Everhart Fred, Hampton.        Ellis Edwin, Marquette.       Ernest George A, Aurora. 
Eckerson Anice, Aurora.        Ellis J A, Bromfield.         Ernest Jno, Aurora. 
Ediger C Jr, Hampton.          Ellis Jno, Marquette.         Ernsmere H, Phillips. 
Ediger C Sr, Hampton.          Elphic Ed, Aurora.            Ertye H, Trumbull. 
Ediger David, Hampton.         Elton Edwin, Bromfield.       Esau Jacob, Hampton. 
Edmiston R E, Aurora.          Eltrup G O, Aurora.           Eskew J T, Bromfield. 
Edmunds Sig, Marquette.        Ely David, Henderson.         Evans C H, Stockham. 
Edmunds Sig, Arborville.       Engen E K, Bromfield.         Evans D T, Phillips. 
Edmundson Archie, Aurora.      England Geo, Phillips.        Evans Jesse, Stockham. 
Edwards Chas, Aurora.          England Henry, Phillips.      Evans J L, Stockham. 
Edwards Louis, Aurora.         England Hiram, Phillips.      Evans S E, Bromfield. 
Eggert Aug W, Aurora.          England W H, Phillips.        Evans W L, Central City. 
Eggert E J, Aurora.            English B F, Marquette.       Eyres Robt, Aurora.
~ F ~
Fademricht B, Hampton.         Fiss T J, Aurora.             Franz Ernest, Hampton. 
Fagan M, Hampton.              Fiss W A, Aurora.             Fraiser A, Stockham. 
Fagan Thos, Hampton.           Fleming A G, Phillips.        Fraiser P E, Aurora. 
Falling H O, Central City.     Fletcher A T, Bromfield.      Fraiser W E, Stockham. 
Fairbairn Jno, Bromfield.      Flint A, Doniphan.            Freeden A G, Aurora. 
Fall W H, Aurora.              Flowerdew Joseph, Howard.     Freeman F A, Bromfield. 
Falmlin Geo M, Phillips.       Floyd L C, Bromfield.         Friesen B, Henderson. 
Farber Chas, Trumbull.         Foagland C F, Phillips.       Friesen B Jr, Henderson. 
Farney Peter, Aurora.          Foltz August, Phillips.       Friesen Claus F, Henderson. 
Farrand J W, Bromfield.        Forsyth E, Aurora.            Friesen Cornelius, Hampton. 
Farrell James, Bromfield.      Forsythe Irvin, Hampton.      Friesen D, Henderson. 
Farrell M, Bromfield.          Fosdick J A, Bromfield.       Friesen Henry, Henderson. 
Fast Gerhard, Henderson.       Foss Moses, Aurora.           Friesen John, Henderson. 
Fast Henry, Henderson.         Foss S, Aurora.               Friesen P B, Henderson. 
Fay John, Stockham.            Foss W W, Aurora.             Friesen Thomas, Henderson. 
Feddersen C, Marquette.        Foster Edward, Stark.         Frisk Jno, Chapman. 
Feldman F, Aurora.             Foster Frank, Stark.          Frits Nancy, Aurora. 
Fellows F D, Bromfield.        Foster J A, Stark.            Fross O S, Phillips. 
Fenster Chas, Hampton.         Foster J A, Bromfield.        Fry A, Bromfield. 
Fenster Frank, Hampton.        Foster J F, Marquette.        Fry A E, Bromfield. 
Fenster Fred, Hampton.         Foster Jonathan, Bromfield.   Fry N G, Bromfield. 
Fenster Robt, Hampton.         Foster J W, Marquette.        Frymire H S, Bromfield. 
Ferris Chas, Stockham.         Foster M W, Stark.            Fuhrer Geo Jr, Stockham. 
Field Geo, Phillips.           Foster Perry, Stark.          Furher Geo Sr, Stockham. 
Fightmaster M, Hampton.        Foster W H, Stark.            Fuhrer Jacob, Stockam. 
Figi Melchoir, Stockham.       Foster W J, Bromfield.        Furher P, Farmers Valley. 
Fillmore A D, Doniphan.        Fowler G W, Chapman.          Fuhrer Phillip, Henderson. 
Finegan P, Stockham.           Fox B M, Bromfield.           Fuller Jas, Harvard. 
Fink C G, Aurora.              Fox C A, Bromfield.           Fulton B J, Phillips. 
Fink Josiah, Aurora.           Fox J B, Bromfield.           Funkhouser M J Mrs, Phillips. 
Fink W M, Aurora.              Fox J L, Bromfield.           Fusson W J, Bromfield. 
Finlayson Wm, Aurora.          Fox J T, Bromfield.           Fye B F, Aurora. 
Firth P A, Aurora.             Fox Lewis, Marquette.         Fye Daniel, Marquette. 
Fish Margaret, Aurora.         Frank Andrew, Hampton.        Fye J D, Aurora. 
Fish P G, Marquette.           Franklin B C, Harvard.        Fye John H, Aurora. 
Fisher C H, Phillips.          Franklin L A, Bromfield.      Fye L F, Aurora.
~ G ~
Gaddis L D, Aurora.            Gingerich Jno, Aurora.        Gretzen J B, Marquette. 
Gadke Chris, Stark.            Girer Peter, Bromfield.       Griess Chas, Sutton. 
Galford J C, Stockham.         Glass J W, Bromfield.         Griess H, Farmers Valley. 
Gallagher Daniel, Stockham.    Gleason Pat, Bromfield.       Griess J, Farmers Valley. 
Gallentine D, Bromfield.       Goetzen B, Hampton.           Griess P, Farmers Valley. 
Gallentine J F, Bromfield.     Goetzen Isaac, Hampton.       Griffith R Bromfield. 
Gallentine John, Bromfield.    Golding L, Harvard.           Grigsby Sam, Aurora. 
Gallentine J R, Bromfield.     Gossen F, Farmers Valley.     Grim Conrad, Stockham. 
Gammon L J, Stark.             Gormley W F, Phillips.        Grim Jno J, Phillips. 
Garber Jacob, Aurora.          Gossard C E, Doniphan.        Grimsley Jos, Bromfield. 
Garber James, Bromfield.       Gothe Rex, Marquette.         Grisham W P, Phillips. 
Garber Jno, Bromfield.         Gothe Rolla, Marquette.       Grissel J C, Aurora. 
Gardner W P, Bromfield.        Bould M C, Trumbull.          Groetz Wm, Stockham. 
Garner J L, Phillips.          Graham D H, Chapman.          Grosvenor G W, Central City. 
Garrett Jno B, Phillips.       Graham F P, Stockham.         Grubhan J G, Stockham. 
Garvin Jno, Aurora.            Graham Jacob, Bromfield.      Grunkemeirer H, Phillips. 
Garwood M N, Arborville.       Graham T G, Chapman.          Guilford A J, Marquette. 
Garwood W K, Arborville.       Graham Wm, Bromfield.         Guilford A M, Marquette. 
Gates W A, Phillips.           Graham W R, Stockham.         Guilford C D, Marquette. 
Gavin Eliza M, Bromfield.      Graham W R, Aurora.           Guilford E A, Marquette. 
Gehrts Wm, Bromfield.          Grant Felix, Stockham.        Guilford J W, Aurora. 
George Christ, Henderson.      Graves Zach, Phillips.        Gulon Frank, Marquette. 
George Christian, Aurora.      Graves Perry, Bromfield.      Gulon Jno W, Marquette. 
George Fred, Stockham.         Gray A C, Stockham.           Gulon Jos, Marquette. 
George J, Farmers Valley.      Gray Dell, Phillips.          Gulick Peter, Merna. 
George John, Henderson.        Gray George D, Stockham.      Gullickson A, Harvard. 
Genoway L C, Bromfield.        Gray J W, Stockham.           Gunnarson Alfred, Aurora. 
Genoway P N, Bromfield.        Gray Robt, Bromfield.         Gunnarson O, Chapman. 
Gibbons Ann, Stockham.         Graybill R W, Aurora.         Guntle M, Aurora. 
Gibbons Jesse, Stockham.       Green J P, Aurora.            Guntle Wm, Aurora. 
Gibbons S L, Bromfield.        Greer Saml, Chapman.          Gustafson A G, Phillips. 
Gillen J, Stockham.            Greer Thos, Chapman.          Gustafson C J, Aurora. 
Gilmore R H, Trumball.         Greer Wm, Chapman.            Gustafson F E, Phillips. 
Gimpel Christ, Bromfield.      Greininger Jno, Hampton.      Gustin J E, Aurora. 
Gimpel Henry, Bromfield.       Gresham D M, Bromfield.       Guth Christian, Phillips. 
Gingerich C W, Aurora.         Gressley Frank, Aurora.       Guy N A, Phillips. 


~ H ~
Hackett D L, Bromfield.        Hawthorn F J, Bromfield.      Hobbs Chas, Bromfield. 
Hackett H S, Bromfield.        Hawkins Wm, Henderson.        Hobbs J W, Bromfield. 
Hadlock Willard Jr, Phillips.  Hawthorn W C, Bromfield.      Hochenbary J, Hampton. 
Hadlock Willard Sr, Phillips.  Hawthorne M, Bromfield.       Hochenbary Jno, Aurora. 
Hafer A, Bromfield.            Hayes James, Bromfield.       Hochenbary Wm, Hampton. 
Hafer Geo, Bromfield.          Headler A H, Doniphan.        Hochstettler C, Aurora. 
Hafer Wm T, Bromfield.         Hebert David, Hampton.        Hoegh A P, Hampton. 
Hagarity M M, Aurora.          Hebert Henry, Henderson.      Hoffman C, Farmers Valley. 
Hagemeister C, Bromfield.      Herbert Klaus, Hampton.       Hoffman H, Farmers Valley. 
Hagemeister F, Farmers Valley. Hebert Peter, Henderson.      Hotstetter Jos, Harvard. 
Hagemeister H, Aurora.         Hedblom Peterson, Marquette.  Hoge Johann, Hampton. 
Hagerman J W, Aurora.          Hedlund L, Central City.      Hogge Saml, Hampton. 
Hagey Agnes, Aurora.           Hedlund Olaf, Central City.   Holderby W A, Aurora. 
Hahn Chas, Arborville.         Hedtke H, Doniphan.           Holdgraf Aug, Aurora. 
Hahn Fred, Bromfield.          Hedtke Wm, Doniphan.          Holladay C T, Aurora. 
Haines Wm A, Marquette.        Hee Fred F, Central City.     Holmes S H, Stockham. 
Hall Clarence, Henderson.      Hefty John, Stockham.         Hopkins B, Farmers Valley. 
Hall H J, Hampton.             Hefty M, Stockham.            Hopkins N L, Farmers Valley. 
Hall R J, Hampton.             Hegg Ole, Marquette.          Horn Jno, Phillips. 
Hall W H, Stockton.            Heiden Jno, Hampton.          Horn Valentine, Phillips. 
Halleck M M, Stark.            Heigh David, Bromfield.       Horn Willis, Phillips. 
Hamilton Nels, Stark.          Heinrichs A, Henderson.       Horst Fritz, Phillips. 
Hammond Eli, Phillips.         Heinrichs C, Hampton.         Hosford L R, Aurora. 
Hammond F M, Aurora.           Heinrichs J, Henderson.       Osner H M, Stockham. 
Hammond G A, Aurora.           Heist D R, Aurora.            Hoth Henry, Hampton. 
Hammond J H, Aurora.           Hemmingsen P, Hampton.        Houchins S P, Bromfield. 
Hanawald M, Aurora.            Henderson J B, Phillips.      Hough A J, Stockham. 
Handson H A, Hampton.          Henderson Jno, Aurora.        Hough W W, Aurora. 
Hanger G, Bromfield.           Henderson U H, Aurora.        Houk Jas, Bromfield. 
Hanger P, Bromfield.           Henefeld C F, Aurora.         Houk Mary A, Bromfield. 
Hanger W C, Bromfield.         Henirichs C, Henderson.       Houk M W, Bromfield. 
Hankel August, Hampton.        Henrichsen C, Hampton.        Housel P C, Stockham. 
Hankel Julius, Hampton.        Henrichsen J E, Hampton.      Howard Alonzo, Bromfield. 
Hankel Robt, Hampton.          Henrichsen K, Hampton.        Howard A W, Aurora. 
Hankel Saml, Bromfield.        Henricksen Peter, Hampton.    Howard F M, Aurora. 
Hanley Wm, Bromfield.          Henring J W, Central City.    Howard Thos, Bromfield. 
Hannette Aug, Central City.    Henthorn J D, Aurora.         Howe Geo, Aurora. 
Hanquist A J, Arborville.      Herbeaux H, Bromfield.        Howell J P, Aurora. 
Hansen Chris, Marquette.       Herbig A, Marquette.          Hubbs Benj, Aurora. 
Hansen Jno, Hampton.           Herbig Fred, Marquette.       Hudson Joe, Aurora. 
Hansen Nels, Hampton.          Herbig J W, Marquette.        Huebner H, Hampton. 
Hansen Nels, Marquette.        Herbig Paul, Marquette.       Huenfeldt C F, Aurora. 
Hansen Niels C, Hampton.       Herman C W, Bromfield.        Huff S J, Bromfield. 
Hansen Peter, Hampton.         Herman Eli, Bromfield.        Huffman A J, Stark. 
Hansen Thyge, Marquette.       Herr Thomas, Doniphan.        Huffman C B, Bromfield. 
Hanson A M, Marquette.         Hewitt Ira, Stark.            Huffman D C, Bromfield. 
Hanson Andres, Hampton.        Hewitt J M, Stark.            Huffman E G, Stark. 
Hanson Christian, Hampton.     Hewitt Wm, Stark.             Huffman M T, Bromfield. 
Hanson Frank, Aurora.          Hiatt B A, Aurora.            Huffman S H, Bromfield. 
Hanson J K, Hampton.           Hiatt G W, Hampton.           Huffman T W, Bromfield. 
Hanson John, Hampton.          Hiatt J A, Aurora.            Hulen W B, Marquette. 
Hanson John A, Aurora.         Hiatt J W, Stockham.          Huling Blanche, Aurora. 
Hanson John C, Aurora.         Hiatt O A, Aurora.            Huling Ed, Aurora. 
Hanson Lewis H, Hampton.       Hiatt R W, Aurora.            Huling E E, Aurora. 
Hanson Louis, Hampton.         Hiatt S C, Aurora.            Huling J M, Bromfield. 
Hanson Matt, Hampton.          Hiatt W F, Hampton.           Huling Mary, Aurora. 
Hanson Mons, Aurora.           Hice J C, Arborville.         Hull J P, Phillips. 
Hanson Nicholas, Aurora.       Hice M C, Arborville.         Hume G W, Bromfield. 
Hardin D S, Aurora.            Hickox R B, Stockham.         Hunnell George, Henderson. 
Harney A W, Hampton.           Hickman C E, Hampton.         Hunnell James, Henderson. 
Harris A F, Marquette.         Hickman S N, Marquette.       Hunnell Louis, Henderson. 
Harris Geo, Marquette.         Hickson E E, Marquette.       Hunnicutt Abel, Bromfield. 
Harris J N, Doniphan.          Hilbert Dietrich, Henderson.  Hunnicutt H H, Bromfield. 
Harrison B E, Aurora.          Hileman E, Farmers Valley.    Hunnicutt V, Bromfield. 
Harrison Frank, Hampton.       Hill S J, Marquette.          Hunt J M, Phillips. 
Harrison P C, Aurora.          Hill Wm Jr, Aurora.           Hunt L M, Marquette. 
Harrod Chas, Bromfield.        Hill Wm Sr, Aurora.           Hunt Robt, Hampton. 
Harsch Christian, Aurora.      Hilliard J S, Bromfield.      Hunter G L, Aurora. 
Hart D, Hampton.               Hilligas Frank, Hampton.      Hunter J A, Bromfield. 
Hart H B, Aurora.              Hilligas James, Hampton.      Hunter Robt, Henderson. 
Hart H W, Hampton.             Hilligas J W, Hampton.        Hurlbut E A, Aurora. 
Harter Jacob, Stockham.        Hillis David, Aurora.         Hurlbut George, Aurora. 
Harter M, Aurora.              Hillis R G, Aurora.           Hurlbut Roger, Aurora. 
Hartnell F, Central City.      Hilpert Adam, Phillips.       Huston I H, Marquette. 
Hartnell J K, Bromfield.       Hilpert Adolph, Phillips.     Huston Wm, Marquette. 
Hartnell L, Central City.      Himes Jas, Bromfield.         Hutchison James, Harvard. 
Hartnell T F F, Central City.  Himmelwright T J, Stockham.   Hutsell J E, Hampton. 
Hartnell Wm, Central City.     Hitch A H, Phillips.          Hutsell U J, Hampton. 
Hartquest A A, Marquette.      Hixon David, Marquette.        
Hartquest O A, Marquette.      Hixon P G, Marquette.
~ I ~
Ickes M C, Starks.             Isaac Irvin, Marquette.       Isaman B F, Aurora. 
Illwanger Wm, Farmers Valley.  Isaac Joshua, Aurora.         Isaman L, Aurora.
~ J ~
Jackett Amos, Bromfield.       Jensen Peter, Hampton.        Johnson M R, Hampton. 
Jackett Geo E, Bromfield.      Johns C M, Hampton.           Johnson Nels, Hampton. 
Jackson C F, Bromfield.        Johnsen Hans J, Hampton.      Johnson O A, Arborville. 
Jackson E H, Bromfield.        Johnson A M, Marquette.       Johnson O A, Central City. 
Jackson J, Central City.       Johnson Andrew, Arborville.   Johnson Peter, Hampton. 
Jacobs P C, Aurora.            Johnson A P, Marquette.       Johnson P M, Phillips. 
Jacobsen P A, Hampton.         Johnson A P, Arborville.      Johnson P M, Arborville. 
Jacoby Peter, Aurora.          Johnson B A, Aurora.          Johnson T B, Stockham. 
James Chas, Marquette.         Johnson Chas, Central City.   Jones A E, Stockham. 
James M D, Aurora.             Johnson Chas, Marquette.      Jones C B, Marquette. 
James M W, Marquette.          Johnson D M, Aurora.          Jones E M, Phillips. 
James R N, Phillips.           Johnson F M, Aurora.          Jones Esther, Marquette. 
Jamison John, Aurora.          Johnson F O, Aurora.          Jones Jno, Marquette. 
Jamison Joshua, Aurora.        Johnson Frank, Marquette.     Jones John E, Arborville. 
Jamison Rachael, Aurora.       Johnson Gilbert, Stockham.    Jones John W, Aurora. 
Jarvis Henry, Bromfield.       Johnson G M, Aurora.          Jones J P, Marquette. 
Jaynes DeWitt, Trumbull.       Johnson F T, Bromfield.       Jones J W, Aurora. 
Jeffers Chas W, Phillips.      Johnson Hans, Marquette.      Jones L S, Bromfield. 
Jeffers J C, Phillips.         Johnson Inga, Phillips.       Jones Louis P, Arborville. 
Jeffers T P, Bromfield.        Johnson James, Marquette.     Jones S E, Aurora. 
Jeffers W T, Bromfield.        Johnson J F, Trumbull.        Jones Sophia, Arborville. 
Jenison F O, Phillips.         Johnson Jno, Aurora.          Jones Wm, Doniphan. 
Jensen Ed, Hampton.            Johnson J D, Henderson.       Jonson Alfred, Aurora. 
Jensen Jens, Hampton.          Johnson Jonas P, Aurora.      Joseph Wm, Arborville. 
Jensen L C, Marquette.         Johnson Josephine, Stark.     Juett C M, Bromfield. 
Jensen Nels P, Hampton.        Johnson J P, Marquette.
~ K ~
Kahl Wm, Aurora.               Kimball Jno N, Aurora.        Klumb T C, Farmers Valley. 
Kahl Chas, Aurora.             King Frank, Stockham.         Klunt Wm, Farmers Valley. 
Kallasch Ed, Aurora.           King Geo, Stockham.           Klute F W, Hampton. 
Kart G W, Hampton.             King L D, Aurora.             Knobbe Andrew, Hampton. 
Kath Henry, Hampton.           Kinley A, Aurora.             Knudsen C, Harvard. 
Kath Mavis, Hampton.           Kintz J O, Marquette.         Knutzen C M, Arborville. 
Kaufman E, Hampton.            Kirby O P, Trumbull.          Knutzen Thos, Marquette. 
Kamtz Albert, Hampton.         Kirk J A, Trumbull.           Knutzen Thos, Arborville. 
Kee Martin, Marquette.         Kirk M H, Stockham.           Koff E F, Harvard. 
Keiser H Jr, Stockham.         Kirk Wm, Bromfield.           Koff John, Harvard. 
Keiser Henry, Stockham.        Kirk W M, Stockham.           Kohty Martin, Hampton. 
Kellogg H M, Aurora.           Kirkpatrick A F, Phillips.    Konklin T M, Hampton. 
Keller W H, Doniphan.          Kirkpatrick James, Phillips.  Krabel J F, Trumbull. 
Keller Wm, Doniphan.           Kisker August, Aurora.        Krabiel D, Bromfield. 
Kemper E L, Aurora.            Klassen Dietrich, Hampton.    Krabiel P C, Bromfield. 
Kemper Geo, Aurora.            Klassen Henry, Hampton.       Krager C H, Bromfield. 
Kennedy Grant, Aurora.         Klavon Herman, Hampton.       Kragh Nels, Marquette. 
Kennedy J W, Aurora.           Kliever Benj, Hampton.        Kranz John, Stark. 
Kennedy W H, Aurora.           Kliever Cornelius, Hampton.   Kristensen J, Marquette. 
Kenner W H, Stockham.          Kliever Jacob, Hampton.       Kroft P, Farmers Valley. 
Kenoyer E B, Aurora.           Kliever Johann, Hampton.      Krontwick H, Bromfield. 
Kensinger S M, Harvard.        Kliever J J, Hampton.         Krontwick M, Bromfield. 
Kent F E, Stockham.            Klimber Jos, Hampton.         Kuehner Carl, Bromfield. 
Kepple G H, Marquette.         Klimper Bernard, Hampton.     Kuehner Richard, Bromfield. 
Kerr James D, Bromfield.       Klimper Henry, Hampton.       Kuehner Robt, Bromfield. 
Kerr Jas, Aurora.              Kline J J, Trumbull.          Kuntz A L, Phillips. 
Kidd Geo, Bromfield.           Klinker W, Hampton.           Kutch Nelson, Aurora. 
Kierstead G B, Phillips.       Klinkhardt J, Farmers Valley.  
Kiker B F, Hampton.            Klotz Wm, Aurora.
~ L ~
Lacey G W, Aurora.             Lee Wilson, Aurora.           Littler Henry, Doniphan. 
Lacher Jno, Bromfield.         Leeper Geo, Aurora.           Litzenburg J, Central City. 
Lacher Michael, Bromfield.     Lefever Hiram, Stockham.      Livingstone J, Aurora. 
Laird Jno B, Bromfield.        Lafever Peter, Stockham.      Livingstone J M, Bromfield. 
Lake Chas, Hampton.            Lehman Geo, Hampron.          Lloyd David, Aurora. 
Lakin M W, Aurora.             Lehman Jacob, Hampton.        Lloyd James M, Phillips. 
Lamb W C, Bromfield.           Leinberger D, Bromfield.      Lloyd Jno, Aurora. 
Lampshire Isaac, Marquette.    Leinberger S, Bromfield.      Lloyd Peter, Aurora. 
Lampshire Jno, Hampton.        Lemley Marion, Bromfield.     Lock C, Central City. 
Lancaster Chas, Marquette.     Lenz Johann, Hampton.         Lock John, Central City. 
Lancaster Ed, Stark.           Lentzinger B, Bromfield.      Lock W T, Central City. 
Land Amanda, Stockham.         Lester David, Aurora.         Lockhart Jas, Aurora. 
Lane A W, Marquette.           Levee Geo L, Phillips.        Lofgren J P, Stark. 
Lane Eldoras, Aurora.          Lewis Alonzo, Stockham.       Lohman H A, Aurora. 
Lane N F, Phillips.            Lewis A M, Aurora.            Lohrenz D, Hampton. 
Lane Thos, Phillips.           Lewis D G, Stockham.          Lohrenz D D, Hampton. 
Lang J G, Arborville.          Lewis G S, Stockham.          Lohrenz H, Hampton. 
Langlois Jno, Hampton.         Lewis G W, Aurora.            Long Henry, Aurora. 
Langlois S H, Hampton.         Lewis Peter, Hampton.         Long I D, Marquette. 
Lanpher E R, Trumbull.         Leyer Adam, Hampton.          Long I G, Marquette. 
Larsen Fred, Marquette.        Leyer Christ, Hampton.        Long J H, Aurora. 
Larsen Hans, Hampton.          Leymaster A S, Hampton.       Long W S, Aurora. 
Larsen Lars P, Marquette.      Leymaster C S, Hampton.       Loss Henry, Stockham. 
Larsen Peter, Marquette.       Leymaster C W, Aurora.        Lottes Jno, Arborville. 
Larsen Sak, Marquette.         Leymaster H H, Aurora.        Love A S, Bromfield. 
Larsen Soren, Marquette.       Libolt J W, Aurora.           Lower J T, Aurora. 
Larson A C, Arborville.        Libolt Melvina, Stockham.     Luff Hans, Aurora. 
Larson Casper, Aurora.         Liebhart B F, Aurora.         Lulo J, Bromfield. 
Larson Jno, Central City.      Liebhart C J, Aurora.         Lyhard Danl, Aurora. 
Larson L P, Hampton.           Liebhart Geo, Aurora.         Lymaster I V, Aurora. 
Larson P A, Trumbull.          Liebhart Henry, Aurora.       Lyndon E G, Stockham. 
Larson Soren, Hampton.         Liebhart M, Marquette.        Lynch John F, Stockham. 
Latham Geo, Hampton.           Liebhart U S, Marquette.      Lynch Thos Jr, Phillips. 
Laurie John, Stockham.         Liedtke Fred, Hampton.        Lynch Thos, Phillips. 
Lauterman Jno, Phillips.       Liggett J W, Aurora.          Lyon Alex, Stark. 
Lauterman S O, Bromfield.      Light Henry, Arborville.      Lyon A S, Trumbull. 
Lautzer Danl, Marquette.       Lindblum F, Marquette.        Lyon Frank, Trumbull. 
Lautzer Elmer, Marquette.      Lindburg O, Central City.     Lyon O P, Stark. 
Lautzer Saml, Marquette.       Lindgren J J, Bromfield.      Lyon W D, Trumbull. 
Lantzer S W, Marquette.        Lindgren L, Bromfield.        Lyons Jason J, Trumbull. 
Lawrence N P, Marquette.       Lindstrom L, Central City.    Lysinger E P S, Aurora. 
Lawson Aug, Stark.             Line R H, Marquette.          Lysinger JH, Aurora. 
Lawson O, Central City.        Lineat Paul, Arborville.      Lysinger S N, Aurora. 
Lee Arthur, Phillips.          Ling C C, Hampton.             
Lee W H, Bromfield.            Littlefield Geo, Stockham.
~ Mc ~
McBride J E, Aurora.           McDaunel J B, Bromfield.      McKee Chas, Aurora. 
McCains S N, Bromfield.        McDaunel L F, Bromfield.      McKee Thos, Doniphan. 
McCarthy Dennis, Aurora.       McDaunel Wm, Phillips.        McKern W R, Stockham. 
McCarthy Jno, Bromfield.       McDougall James, Bromfield.   McKibben C, Bromfield. 
McCarthy P jr, Aurora.         McDowell A, Doniphan.         McKibben D, Bromfield. 
McCarthy P, Aurora.            McFarlane D, Doniphan.        McKibben E T, Stockham. 
McClay James, Aurora.          MdGarran Mark, Marquette.     McKibben Lucy J, Phillips. 
McConaughay A J, Stockham.     McGee Sam, Chapman.           McLay David, Bromfield. 
McCullom C S, Doniphan.        McGladrey R, Aurora.          McLellan A H, Bromfield. 
McCullough W R, Phillips.      McGuire T J, Bromfield.       McMahon Owen, Bromfield. 
McDaniels J, Arborville.       McIntosh R E, Chapman.        McMurren R Jr, Central City. 
McDaniel J G, Hampton.         McKay T A, Aurora.            McNitt R, Stockham. 
McDaunel Alex, Phillips.       McKeand J jr, Stockham.       McReynolds Wm, Marquette. 
McDaunel B F, Phillips.        McKeand J sr, Stockham.
~ M ~
Mahon Robt L, Aurora.          Matthews John, Aurora.        Millsap F A, Arborville. 
Madison James, Phillips.       Matthews M B, Aurora.         Millsap W A, Stockham. 
Madsen H P, Hampton.           Maxwell L D, Aurora.          Misner H Jr, Stockham. 
Madsen Jens, Hampton.          May Henry, Marquette.         Misner H Sr, Stockham. 
Madsen Mads H, Hampton.        May J M, Marquette.           Mitchell D M, Stark. 
Magers Elizabeth, Bromfield.   May W C, Aurora.              Mitchell G W, Stark. 
Magnuson Jos, Phillips.        Mayhew L, Aurora.             Mitchell J H, Farmers Valley. 
Mahon Milton, Aurora.          Mayo M J, Bromfield.          Mitchell M C, Aurora. 
Mahnken Henry, Arborville.     Meikel G A, Aurora.           Moburg A P, Aurora. 
Mahnken Louis, Arborville.     Meikel J L, Aurora.           Moburg J G, Phillips. 
Maltzahn Fred, Hampton.        Melvin H R, Marquette.        Mogensen A, Hampton. 
Manion John, Doniphan.         Mendenhall B E, Stark.        Montgormery F M, Marquette. 
Mapes B F, Phillips.           Mensie U V, Bromfield.        Mooney H, Aurora. 
Mapes W H, Phillips.           Mercer C W, Harvard.          Moore Geo, Marquette. 
Mapes W M, Hampton.            Mercer Geo W, Harvard.        Moore James, Hampton. 
Mapfield D M, Bromfield.       Meredith E A, Arborville.     Moore P, Stockham. 
Marks Jno A, Bromfield.        Meredith H S H, Arborville.   Moore P F, Aurora. 
Markussen Jno, Hampton.        Meredith R P, Arborville.     Moore S H, Farmers Valley. 
Marier J V, Henderson.         Mersch H, Aurora.             Moore Wm, Farmers Valley. 
Marler Saml, Aurora.           Metis Peter, Marquette.       Moore W O, Aurora. 
Marler S H, Henderson.         Metz Jacob, Farmers Valley.   Moore W W, Aurora. 
Marler W M, Aurora.            Meyer Frank, Aurora.          Morig Jno, Hampton. 
Marlow J R, Bromfield.         Mich Carl, Hampton.           Moritz Jno, Arborville. 
Marquis J W, Marquette.        Miche Wm, Aurora.             Morrell G W, Aurora. 
Marr J E, Aurora.              Middaugh Jos F, Stockham.     Morrell W J, Marquette. 
Marte Jno T, Aurora.           Middaugh T J, Stockham.       Morrill Richard, Aurora. 
Martin Ettie, Bromfield.       Mideke Chas, Marquette.       Morris Grant, Phillips. 
Martin H N, Bromfield.         Mighell E E, Aurora.          Morris H A, Bromfield. 
Martin H S, Bromfield.         Kihm Lewis, Harvard.          Morris Jno, Marquette. 
Martin John, Bromfield.        Miller A, Marquette.          Morris L A, Aurora. 
Martin Minnie, Stockham.       Miller August, Hampton.       Morrison C S, Aurora. 
Martin N, Bromfield.           Miller B N, Phillips.         Morrison H, Farmers Valley. 
Martin R, Stockham.            Miller E K, Henderson.        Mortensen J, Hampton. 
Martins A, Henderson.          Miller Flora, Bromfield.      Moses J A, Aurora. 
Martins Johann, Hampton.       Miller Fred, Hampton.         Moses Jno A, Aurora. 
Marvel James W, Bromfield.     Miller Henry, Bromfield.      Mourer J B, Aurora. 
Marvel John, Phillips.         Miller J W, Phillips.         Mourer Joseph, Bromfield. 
Marvel S D, Phillips.          Miller Ludwig, Hampton.       Mudge Henry, Arborville. 
Marvel T, Bromfield.           Miller M, Farmers Valley.     Mueller Geo, Hampton. 
Mason A W, Phillips.           Miller Otto, Stockham.        Munn F L, Trunmbull. 
Mason Geo, Aurora.             Miller Peter, Hampton.        Munn Marvin, Bromfield. 
Mason Marcus, Hampton.         Miller T A, Stockham.         Murray C H, Bromfield. 
Mason R E, Hampton.            Miller Wm, Phillips.          Murray M, Bromfield. 
Mather F C, Aurora.            Milliken Jno, Aurora.         Murry W E, Bromfield. 
Mattern W S, Bromfield.        Mills Geo H, Trumbull.        Musick H A, Aurora. 
Matthes Ernst, Hampton.        Mills J W, Trumbull.          Musson Jno, Phillips.
~ N ~
Myers E W, Aurora.             Nelson P E, Phillips.         Nielsen N S, Hampton. 
Myers E W, Bromfield.          Nelson Raasmus, Aurora.       Nielson And, Hampton. 
Myers R D, Bromfield.          Nelson Wm, Aurora.            Nielson Christ, Hampton. 
Nachtigal A, Henderson.        Nevin Jno, Aurora.            Neilson Jens, Marquette. 
Nachtigal D, Henderson.        Nevin Thos, Aurora.           Nilson Erik, Marquette. 
Nance L V, Aurora.             Newcomer Jos, Aurora.         Nilson Jno, Phillips. 
Nash Aaron, Bromfield.         Newell W J, Phillips.         Nilson Oscar, Aurora. 
Nason Newton, Stark.           Newhelphen M, Doniphan.       Nissen A B, Hampton. 
Neander I N, Doniphan.         Newhouse O F, Aurora.         Nissen And, Hampton. 
Nease W A, Marquette.          Newman B, Henderson.          Nissen Jno, Hampton. 
Necker C G, Stark.             Newman Geo, Aurora.           Nissen Peter, Marquette. 
Neff Clayton, Marquette.       Newman G K, Henderson.        Noble A E, Aurora. 
Neilander Axel, Marquette.     Newman Henry, Aurora.         Noble G E, Aurora. 
Nelson Andrew, Phillips.       Newman Peter, Henderson.      Noble Geo P, Marquette. 
Nelson Chas, Phillips.         Nicolaus John, Stockham.      Nordell C J, Marquette. 
Nelson Chrisz, Marquette.      Nicolaus Michael, Stockham.   Norden Carl, Phillips. 
Nelson C P, Marquette.         Nichol H R, Henderson.        Nordgren G A, Phillips. 
Nelson G W, Aurora.            Nicholls Jas, Marquette.      Nordgren Jno, Chapman. 
Nelson Hans, Marquette.        Nichols Asa C, Aurora.        Norman G W, Aurora. 
Nelson Isaac, Marquette.       Nichols H, Farmers Valley.    Nugent Ed, Marquette. 
Nelson J A, Arborville.        Nichols M, Aurora.            Nugent Wm, Marquette. 
Nelson Jacob, Hampton.         Nicholson J, Central City.    Nyberg S A, Central City. 
Nelson J W, Arborville.        Nieland Wm, Bromfield.        Nye Eugene, Aurora. 
Nelson Nels, Phillips.         Nielsen Loren, Hampton.
~ O ~
Oberg A P, Phillips.           Olsen H F, Hampton.           Ortegren Thure, Aurora. 
Obert Danl, Marquette.         Olsen Jno, Hampton.           Oscamp C, Stockham. 
Obert Jno L, Marquette.        Olsen Martin, Hampton.        Oswald J K, Aurora. 
Ochner Jacob, Stockham.        Olsen Peter, Hampton.         Osterman C, Central City. 
Ocher Henry, Hampton.          Olsen S, Bromfield.           Ott Henry, Henderson. 
Oesch And, Aurora.             Orbin enry, Marquette.        Otto Levi E, Phillips. 
Ogg Hiram, Stockham.           Orbin W S, Aurora.            Otto Mahlon, Phillips. 
Oliver J C, Aurora.            Orendorff M A, Aurora.        Owens Thos, Arborville. 
Olsen Elias, Phillips.         Ortegren Adolph, Aurora.
~ P ~
Page August, Phillips.         Penticoff A, Aurora.          Pollard S A, Aurora. 
Page P L, Phillips.            Perril H J, Marquette.        Pollard W J, Aurora. 
Palatine G, Stockham.          Perry C, Bromfield.           Polsen Nels, Marquette. 
Palm A F, Stark.               Perry J C, Aurora.            Potee Newton, Arborville. 
Palmer Nancy S, Arborville.    Persons A, Central City.      Potter Elmer, Bromfield. 
Panitz Herman, Hampton.        Persons Mons, Central City.   Potter I, Bromfield. 
Panitz John, Hampton.          Peters Isaac T, Hendersen.    Potts A W, Aurora. 
Pankratz Henry, Hendersen.     Peters Johann, Hampton.       Potts Geo, Bromfield. 
Parish T W, Aurora.            Peters Peter, Hendersen.      Poustin Wm, Phillips. 
Parkhurst B K, Phillips.       Petersen C P, Marquette.      Powell A M, Aurora. 
Parkhurst J W, Phillips.       Petersen Peter, Marquette.    Powell James, Bromfield. 
Parkhurst S W, Phillips.       Peterson Andrew, Bromfield.   Powell Joseph, Bromfield. 
Pasche B E, Hampton.           Peterson A P, Arborville.     Powell J P, Bromfield. 
Passley W A, Aurora.           Peterson C A, Phillips.       Powell Rollo, Aurora. 
Patten Edward, Stockham.       Peterson C G, Aurora.         Powell Thos, Aurora. 
Pattison A M, Stockham.        Peterson F O, Aurora.         Powell W E, Bromfield. 
Patterson Fred A, Stockham.    Peterson Jno, Stark.          Powers Eli, Central City. 
Patterson W E, Stockham.       Peterson Jno, Hampton.        Powers Jos, Stark. 
Patterson W S, Stockham.       Peterson J M, Marquette.      Powers R W, Aurora. 
Patton Fred, Bromfield.        Peterson Klaus, Phillips.     Powers S W, Aurora. 
Patrick David, Aurora.         Peterson M J, Phillips.       Powers Wesley, Stark. 
Paxton D L A O, Arborville.    Peterson Nels, Phillips.      Pratt J, Bromfield. 
Payne H, Bromfield.            Peterson N W, PhillIps.       Pratt John, Bromfield. 
Payne N B, Bromfield.          Peterson Peter ` Hampton.     Pratt R, Bromfield. 
Payne T S, Bromfield.          Peterson P G, Marquette.      Pratt R R, Bromfield. 
Peard R H, Aurora.             Peterson P N, Hampton.        Pressler M, Trumbull. 
Pearson C W, Bromfield.        Peterson P O, Hampton.        Preston E D, Aurora. 
Pearson Emil, Bromfield.       Peterson P S, Marquette.      Price D E, Phillips. 
Peasson Jas, Aurora.           Peterson Rasmus, Hampton.     Price Sarah Jane, Phillips. 
Poarson Jno, Aurora.           Peterson R P, Hampton.        Proctor Chas, Stockham. 
Pedersen H C, Marquette.       Peterson S N, Phillips.       Proctor E J Mrs, Stockham. 
Pedersen Jas S, Marquette.     Peterson Soren, Arborville.   Proctor Sherman, Stockton. 
Pedersen L C, Marquette.       Petrea Jos W, Bromfield.      Proctor W F, Bromfield. 
Peosker Wm, Aurora.            Phelps A W, Aurora.           Prosser G S, Hampton. 
Pelen Chas, Stockham.          Phelps O C, Aurora.           Prosser G T, Hampton. 
Perlsor Marion, Phillips.      Phillips E C, Phillips.       Proud Geo, Stockham. 
Penner Ertman, Hendersen.      Phillips E M, Phillips.       Pruyn J W, Trumbull. 
Penner Franz, Hampton.         Pierce G N, Bromfield.        Pugh S B, Marquette. 
Penner Heindrich, Hampton.     Pierce S D, Bromfield.        Pugh W W, Marquette. 
Penner H K, Hampton.           Pike J E, Bromfield.          Purdy E C, Phillips. 
Penner H P, Hampton.           Pillard L E, Hampton.         Purdy S A, Aurora. 
Penner Jacob, Hendersen.       Pinnell W H, Aurora.          Pursel G C, Arborville. 
Penner Johann, Hampton.        Pitchall J, Aurora.           Purvines F, Bromfield. 
Penner John, Hendersen.        Pitts Lewis, Marquette.       Putnam F C, Phillips. 
Penner Klaus, Hampton.         Polen C W, Aurora.            Putman G W, Stark. 
Penner Peter, Hendersen.       Pollard J A, Bromfield.
~ Q ~
Quait Harvey J, Bromfield.     Quiering D, Hampton.          Quist P M, Central City. 
Quiering C, Hampton.           Quigley Geo, Aurora.
~ R ~
Rader E M, Trumbull.           Redboag Jno, Aurora.          Riecker W G, Stockham. 
Radrich Jno, Bromfield.        Redburn Jno, Hampton.         Riker L C, Bromfield. 
Rahrs Henry, Hampton.          Rediger Christian, Aurora.    Riley Chas, Marquette. 
Ralston J E, Trumbull.         Reed C J, Arborville.         Roach D F, Phillips. 
Rampel Anna, Henderson.        Reed James, Henderson.        Roach Milton, Hampton. 
Randahl A, Central City.       Reed James N, Stockham.       Robbins A F, Bromfield. 
Randall E S, Phillips.         Reed Jno, Aurora.             Robbins E W, Bromfield. 
Randall R W, Phillips.         Reed John, Henderson.         Robbins Geo, Phillips. 
Randolph JB, Aurora.           Reek Claus, Aurora.           Robbins G W, Bromfield. 
Raunels C S, Aurora.           Reekenberger R, Stark.        Roe J W, Aurora. 
Rapp Jno, Aurora.              Reeser Jacob, Bromfield.      Roedtler P, Farmers Valley. 
Rasmussen C, Marquette.        Regelean Christ, Henderson.   Rogers F L, Stockham. 
Rasmussen H, Hampton.          Regier C, Henderson.          Rohde Carl, Hampton. 
Rasmussen H, Central City.     Regier Jacob, Henderson.      Roilo James, Stockham. 
Ratcliff Jas, Central City.    Regier Peter, Henderson.      Rollo Robt, Stockham. 
Ratcliff J H, Aurora.          Reglaw Fred, Bromfield.       Ronan W T, Aurora. 
Rathgeb Harriet, Hampton.      Reinhard Victor, Phillips.    Rook I R, Aurora. 
Rathje Wm, Bromfield.          Reisel H, Stockham.           Rook T J, Aurora. 
Rau Jno, Hampton.              Reiter Chas, Marquette.       Rose J R, Aurora. 
Rawlings Stephen, Aurora.      Reuber A, Aurora.             Ross Henry, Stockham. 
Rawlins S, Central City.       Reuenfeldt Wm, Phillips.      Roth Jno, Hampton. 
Ray W H, Marquette.            Reurep E, Bromfield.          Rothwell J, Trumbull. 
Raymers Ed, Marquette.         Reuter Wm, Stockham.          Rothwell J H, Trumbull. 
Raymers R, Marquette.          Reuther Jno, Stockham.        Rounds C L, Stockham. 
Raymeyer Aug, Aurora.          Reyner G A, Central City.     Rowe Joseph, Stockham. 
Raymeyer H, Aurora.            Reyner Saml, Central City.    Rowley John, Hampton. 
Reab Chas H, Bromfield.        Reynolds T J, Bromfield.      Roxburgh Jas, Aurora. 
Read Geo, Phillips.            Rhodes W H, Phillips.         Roxaurgh W H, Aurora. 
Reader Manly, Aurora.          Rice E P, Aurora.             Rupp G C, Aurora. 
Ready D S, Bromfield.          Richards B F, Aurora.         Rutherford Jno, Stockham. 
Ready James, Bromfield.        Richards Jno, Hampton.        Ryan F M, Central City. 
Ready John, Bromfield.         Richards M, Aurora.           Ryan H E, Arborville. 
Ream Lincoln, Bromfield.       Richardson G A, Arborville.   Rydson C O, Arborville. 
Ream W K, Bromfield.           Richardson W R, Phillips.     Rydson John, Arborville. 
Reardon Michael, Bromfield.    Richmond M, Trumbull.          
Reber Levi M, Aurora.          Richter Aug, Phillips. 
~ S ~
Salchow Wm, Arborville.        Shenk I N, Stark.             Splinter Fred, Stockham. 
Salmon A F, Stockham.          Sherich B F, Phillips.        Splinter Wm, Stockham. 
Salmon Alex, Stockham.         Sherich Tobias, Stockham.     Spotts J F, Bromfield. 
Salmon Peter, Stockham.        Sherrard James, Bromfield.    Sprague E A, Aurora. 
Salter G W, Bromfield.         Sherrard J M, Bromfield.      Sprague S, Aurora. 
Saltzman Q, Bromfield.         Shieldstrom G, Arborville.    Sprinkle J H, Phillips. 
Sampson B, Arborville.         Short Christ, Phillips.       Squier D E, Aurora. 
Sampson Paul, Bromfield.       Short L H, Aurora.            Squier L P, Aurora. 
Sampson R, Arborvlle.          Shrove Jno Jr, Aurora.        Stage Fred, Hampton. 
Sanders Henry, Trumbull.       Shrove Jno, Aurora.           Stalnaker D, Marquette. 
Sanderson A, Aurora.           Shull Nancy, Stark.           Stalnaker J, Central City. 
Sanderson P A, Aurora.         Shuman L W, Aurora.           Stalnaker R, Marquette. 
Sands G L, Marquette.          Sidders J W, Bromfield.       Stalnecher Ab, Marquette. 
Saner Louis, Stockham.         Sidders S K, Bromfield.       Stanley M F, Aurora. 
Samuelson A F, Marquette.      Sides Jno L, Bromfield.       Starbuck W E, Bromfield. 
Savage C H, Stockham.          Siders Sherman, Aurora.       Stare D E, Farmers Valley. 
Savage J F, Bromfield.         Siders W W, Aurora.           Starts Thos, Aurora. 
Savage J H, Stockham.          Siekman A E, Aurora.          Statner August, Hampton. 
Savage T F, Bromfield.         Simmons E T, Aurora.          Steckel T V, Aurora. 
Sayles Wm H, Hampton.          Simmons S A, Bromfield.       Steelquest Aug, Arborville. 
Saylor Chas, Stockham.         Simpson J H, Marquette.       Stegeman C, Marquette. 
Saylor J W, Aurora.            Sims A G, Bromfield.          Stegeman Ernest, Marquette. 
Sayre D E, Marquette.          Sims David, Phillips.         Stegeman J F, Marquette. 
Scanlan Jno, Phillips.         Sims H W, Phillips.           Steinheuser A, Hampton. 
Schaff J M, Phillips.          Siverly Wallace, Phillips.    Stengart J, Farmers Valley. 
Schall Fred, Hampton.          Skelton J W, Phillips.        Stephens A, Farmers Valley. 
Schanefeldt J M, Marquette.    Skinner N, Farmers Valley.    Stephens J C, Stockham. 
Schasker A, Aurora.            Skogsberg Carl, Aurora.       Stephens J H, Stockham. 
Scherupp Frank, Phillips.      Skogsberg Per, Aurora.        Stephens John, Stockham. 
Schertz J E, Trumbull.         Skogsberg Svant, Aurora.      Stephens Wm, Stockham. 
Schertz Jos, Bromfield.        Slocum A, Aurora.             Steele A W, Aurora. 
Schliske A, Hampton.           Smiley G G, Hampton.          Steele John, Aurora. 
Schliske C, Hampton.           Smith Abraham, Henderson.     Steele Wm, Aurora. 
Schmale Henry, Phillips.       Smith Chas, Hampton.          Sterner Frank, Phillips. 
Schmale W, Stockham.           Smith David, Henderson.       Stevenson C B, Aurora. 
Schmer Jno, Stockham.          Smith E C, Hampton.           Stevenson W, Bromfield. 
Schoenborn G, Hampton.         Smith E D, Hampton.           Stewart Alex, Bromfield. 
Schott B, Marquette.           Smith E E, Bromfield.         Stewart H A, Aurora. 
Schouse Jno H, Phillips.       Smith Francis, Stockham.      Stewart J D, Aurora. 
Schrader Aug, Hampton.         Smith Francis, Bromfield.     Stewart Robt, Chapman. 
Schrader C, Hampton.           Smith Fred, Aurora.           Stiegelmeyer H, Aurora. 
Schrader C W, Aurora.          Smith G W, Central City.      Stieneke F C, Aurora. 
Schrader H C H, Hampton.       Smith Geo, Aurora.            Stockham J, Stockham. 
Schrader H H, Hampton.         Smith H A, Phillips.          Stokesbary J F, Stockham. 
Schreckengast J M, Stockham.   Smith Henry, Hampton.         Stokesbary J W Sr, Stockham. 
Schreckengast S, Stockham.     Smith J H, Aurora.            Storey J S, Aurora. 
Schreckengast W, Stockham.     Smith J J, Bromfield.         Stowell F M, Stockham. 
Schroeder H, Hampton.          Smith J M, Aurora.            Stowell L F, Phillips. 
Schueebeck Aug, Aurora.        Smith J, Farmers Valley.      Stowell S A, Phillips. 
Schuh Michael, Phillips.       Smith J W, Bromfield.         Stranberg Jno, Central City. 
Schultz Aug, Hampton.          Smith Martin, Doniphan.       Strand Ole O, Stockham. 
Schulz Eugene, Hampton.        Smith M W, Aurora.            Stransburg H E, Central City. 
Schuster Henry, Bromfield.     Smith R A, Phillips.          Strauss A, Aurora. 
Schwarb E, Aurora.             Smith Sherman, Aurora.        Strauss L, Aurora. 
Schwerzentruber J, Phillips.   Smith T J, Aurora.            Streeter A L, Stark. 
Scobie Wm C, Bromfield.        Smith Thos, Aurora.           Streeter D C, Stark. 
Scott Albert, Bromfield.       Smith W T, Hampton.           Streeter Sarah D, Stark. 
Scott D W, Stockham.           Smith W T, Bromfield.         Strehlow Carl, Hampton. 
Scott J N, Aurora.             Snider David, Bromfield.      Strehlow C A, Hampton. 
Scott L M, Aurora.             Snider D D, Bromfield.        Strehlow Paul, Hampton. 
Scott M M, Stark.              Snider E D, Bromfield.        Strehlow Sara, Hampton. 
Scott O M, Aurora.             Snider E E, Bromfield.        Strelin John, Hampton. 
Scott Walter, Stockham.        Snider Thos, Aurora.          Strode J E, Stockham. 
Scott W B, Aurora.             Snodgrass James, Bromfield.   Strohm C W, Hampton. 
Scott Wm J, Stark.             Snow James, Aurora.           Strohm J K, Hampton. 
Sears C M, Aurora.             Snyder J F, Aurora.           Strong J D, Aurora. 
Sears S S, Aurora.             Snyder Levi, Aurora.          Stuart Janet, Bromfield. 
Segrist F, Farmers Valley.     Soloman W, Farmers Valley.    Sucher Henry, Hampton. 
Segrist J, Farmers Valley.     Somerfield Jno, Stockham.     Sulliphan M, Doniphan. 
Segrist J F, Phillips.         Somers I N, Phillips.         Sullivan P, Doniphan. 
Severson H, Bromfield.         Sorenson D, Phillips.         Sutton Amos, Aurora. 
Severy M H, Aurora.            Sorenson Jacob, Hampton.      Sutton I C, Aurora. 
Shafer J A, Bromfield.         Sorrels C W, Bromfield.       Sutton T A, Aurora. 
Shaffer Peter, Marquette.      Sorrels Mary E, Bromfield.    Swanson Alfred, Aurora. 
Shane D B, Aurora.             Soult D M, Marquette.         Swanson Carl, Aurora. 
Shankland Anna, Aurora.        Soult Jacob, Marquette.       Swanson C E, Aurora. 
Shankland O D, Aurora.         Soult Jno, Marquette.         Swanson C J, Arborville. 
Shankland S V, Marquette.      Soult Wm, Marquette.          Swanson David, Aurora. 
Shannon J W, Marquette.        Soward Elisha, Bromfield.     Swanson G F, Aurora. 
Sharp Chas H, Stockham.        Soward J, Stockham.           Swanson Jno, Aurora. 
Sharp L N, Bromfield.          Spafford J F, Aurora.         Swanson K P, Aurora. 
Sharp R, Phillips.             Sparling John, Henderson.     Swearingen J W, Stockham. 
Shaw Lemiah, Aurora.           Spaulding G H, Aurora.        Swedburg A, Hampton. 
Shear Frank, Aurora.           Spellman J P, Stark.          Swenson Olaf, Chapman. 
Shear William, Aurora.         Spencer John, Henderson.      Sylvester D, Bromfield. 
Sheele Fred, Hampton.          Sperling A, Hampton.           
Shenberger W W, Aurora.        Spliter Chas, Stockham.
~ T ~
Taber A E, Phillips.           Thurman C J, Marquette.       Traster M, Hampton. 
Talbot W, Bromfield.           Tiers G H, Bromfield.         Travis S A, Central City. 
Talich Thos, Bromfield.        Timmons J E, Arborville.      Travis W E, Stark. 
Tateroe C H, Stockham.         Tittman Geo, Aurora.          Trobee W W, Bromfield. 
Tessman Hy, Henderson.         Tittman H L, Aurora.          Trout Jacob, Stockham. 
Tessman Hy, Hampton.           Tittman N W, Aurora.          Trout Peter, Stockham. 
Thayer W S, Stockham.          Tivis B H, Marquette.         Trukken Lars, Hampton. 
Thiessen S, Stockham.          Tivis J C, Phillips.          Tucker Wm, Stockham. 
Thomas A N, Aurora.            Toewes A, Aurora.             Tuffley J, Bromfield. 
Thomas G W, Hampton.           Toewes C G, Henderson.        Tunall Peter, Marquette. 
Thomas Jno, Hampton.           Toewes G, Hampton.            Tunell Jno, Central City. 
Thomas Wm, Hampton.            Toewes J, Hampton.            Tunison D H, Aurora. 
Thomas Wm, Bromfield.          Toland Aaron, Stockham.       Turner A, Aurora. 
Thompson A B, Farmers Valley.  Toof D L, Aurora.             Turner B F, Phillips. 
Thompson A F, Farmers Valley.  Toof Hy A, Bromfield.         Turner Henry, Harvard. 
Thompson Chas, Stockham.       Toof J W, Marquette.          Turner R B, Aurora. 
Thompson G E, Marquette.       Toof W, Aurora.               Turner Warren, Harvard. 
Thompson H J, Hampton.         Torgersen C T, Harvard.       Turner W H, Harvard. 
Thompson Jas, Phillips.        Townsley Wm, Bromfield.       Tuttle E, Bromfield. 
Thompson Jeff, Aurora.         Traster Gottlieb, Hampton.    Tyler O J, Hampton. 
Thompson R, Bromfield.         Traster Jacob Jr, Hampton.     
Thompson Wm, Aurora.           Traster Jacob Sr, Hampton.
~ U ~
Ueckert Chris, Stark.          Ueckert Jno, Stark.           Ummel John, Stockham. 
Ueckert Ferdinand, Stark.      Ulmar F, Farmers Valley.
~ V ~
Valentine C L, Aurora.         Vanhousen H Jr, Hampton.      VanWormer E S, Stockham. 
Valentine F E, Aurora.         Vanhousen H Sr, Hampton.      Verbeck A W, Aurora. 
VanCleave H, Marquette.        Vanhousen P, Hampton.         Verbeck Geo, Aurora. 
VanCleave J F, Marquette.      VanMatre Dora, Stockham.      Vernon W W, Bromfield. 
VanCleave P T, Marquette.      VanMatre Elvin, Stockham.     Vorhes J T, Hampton. 
VanCleave Thos, Marquette.     VanMatre Willis, Stockham.    Vosburg Jacob, Farmers Valley. 
VanCleave W A, Marquette.      VanMeter A E, Phillips.       Voth Henry, Henderson. 
Vandusen Amos, Harvard.        VanMeter C E, Phillips.       Voth Jacob, Henderson. 
Vandusen F, Stockham.          VanMeter Frank, Phillips.     Voth Jno, Hampton. 
Vanhousen F, Hampton.          VanWormer A, Stockham.        Vorh John, Henderson. 
Vanhousen F, Hampton.          VanWormer E M, Stockham.      Voth Tobias, Henderson.
~ W ~
Wable Adam, Hampton.           Wescott J D, Farmers Valley.  Willis J D, Marquette. 
Waddle D, Farmers Valley.      Wessels I B, Hampton.         Willis J M, Aurora. 
Waddle J, Farmers Valley.      Wessman Jos, Phillips.        Willis P, Marquette. 
Wade W R, Stockham.            West C J, Aurora.             Willson Jno, Aurora. 
Waechter F, Stockham.          West Henry, Stark.            Wilsey Albert, Hampton. 
Waechter Wm, Stockham.         Westenhaver D, Hampton.       Wilson A, Aurora. 
Wagner Christ, Hampton.        Westenhaver T, Henderson.     Wilson A, Harvard. 
Wagner Matt, Bromfield.        Western S E, Marquette.       Wilson Benj, Doniphan. 
Wagoner Fred, Bromfield.       Wheeler E F, Harvard.         Wilson Cal, Aurora. 
Wagoner J A, Arborville.       Wheeler Fred, Bromfield.      Wilson Ed, Stockham. 
Wagoner Jacob, Arborville.     Wheeler Jno W, Bromfield.     Wilson F M, Stockham. 
Walker C R, Bromfield.         Wheeler J S, Bromfield.       Wilson James A, Hampton. 
Walker Findley, Bromfield.     White Chas, Farmers Valley.   Wilson J C, Aurora. 
Walker G A, Aurora.            White Solomon, Doniphan.      Wilson J M, Bromfield. 
Walker Oscar, Bromfield.       White W P, Harvard.           Wilson Jno L, Aurora. 
Wall Bernhard, Hampton.        Whitesides E R, Stockham.     Wilson L A, Marquette. 
Wall Cornelius, Hampton.       Whitesides Jos, Stockham.     Wilson M C, Harvard. 
Wallin F I, Arborville.        Whitesides J W, Aurora.       Wilson M J, Harvard. 
Walters J F, Aurora.           Whitney Ellis, Bromfield.     Wilson P F, Stockham. 
Walters J H, Aurora.           Whittlesay S N, Aurora.       Wilson Robt, Bromfield. 
Walton S S, Marquette.         Wideman Theo, Aurora.         Wilson S A, Marquette. 
Waltzer F N, Stockham.         Wiens Bernhart, Bromfield.    Winchell I H, Trumbull. 
Wandson Martin, Hampton.       Wight R E, Stockham.          Wind Geo B, Hampton. 
Wanek Frank, Bromfield.        Wilcock Geo Jr, Stockham.     Wind Lousi, Hampton. 
Ward J B, Bromfield.           Wilcock Stephen, Stockham.    Wind P H, Hampton. 
Ward John C, Bromfield.        Wicox C W, Bromfield.         Wineman S E, Stockham. 
Ward J M, Marquette.           Wilcoxen Joe, Aurora.         Wingard H W, Aurora. 
Warneke Jno, Aurora.           Wild Nicholas, Stockham.      Winter J E, Aurora. 
Warneke Joe, Marquette.        Wilder C F, Marquette.        Winter W T, Aurora. 
Warrell Isaac, Hampton.        Wilder J H, Central City.     Wintermute J, Bromfield. 
Warren Frank, Aurora.          Wilder W A, Central City.     Wittlake Aug, Bromfield. 
Warren Guy, Aurora.            Wildman E A, Central City.    Wochner U, Hampton. 
Warring R H, Bromfield.        Wildman E B, Central City.    Wolcott John Wm, Bromfield. 
Watson C B, Bromfield.         Wildman I H, Central City.    Wolf F, Aurora. 
Watson F A, Bromfield.         Wildman J W, Central City.    Wolfe Thos, Hampton. 
Watson J A, Aurora.            Wildman Wm, Central City.     Wood H C, Aurora. 
Weatherby E J, Central City.   Wiles Chas, Phillips.         Wood W B, Aurora. 
Weaver Albert, Stockham.       Wiley Aaron, Aurora.          Woods H S, Hampton. 
Webb J J, Aurora.              Wilkins J H, Hampton.         Woods J A, Aurora. 
Webb W W, Bromfield.           Wilkins Jno T, Stark.         Woods J M, Stockham. 
Webster G W, Aurora.           Wilkins W N, Hampton.         Woods J W, Stockham. 
Wedin Andrew, Aurora.          Williams A, Henderson.        Woodside D M, Marquette. 
Wedin Enoch, Aurora.           Williams Andrew, Hampton.     Woodward E A, Phillips. 
Wedin Klaus, Aurora.           Williams Chas R, Stockham.    Woodward Oscar, Phillips. 
Weinst David, Hampton.         Williams Ed, Bromfield.       Woolsen A A, Hampton. 
Welch A B, Phillips.           Williams J, Hampton.          Work Sarah C, Aurora. 
Welch Henry, Aurora.           Williams J M, Aurora.         Worthington L B, Aurora. 
Weliver Chris, Aurora.         Williams John, Stockham.      Worthington L, Bromfield. 
Wells Isaiah, Stockham.        Williams John, Hampton.       Worthington M R, Bromfield. 
Wenell A P, Marquette.         Williams J S, Marquette.      Worthington M W, Aurora. 
Wentz Henry, Aurora.           Williams M B, Aurora.         Wright David, Bromfield. 
Wentzlaff J, Stockham.         Williams R, Stockham.         Wright E L, Bromfield. 
Werden Jacob, Henderson.       Williams R T, Aurora.         Wright G D, Bromfield. 
Wert Andrew, Stockham.         Williams T C, Stark.          Wright M D, Aurora. 
Werth Aug, Hampton.            Williams Wm, Marquette.       Wright W, Bromfield. 
Werth M, Hampton.              Williams William, Hampton.    Wunderlich H, Bromfield. 
Wescott C O, Farmers Valley.   Williamson Joe, Aurora.       Wunderlich M, Bromfield. 
Wescott E O, Farmers Valley.   Willis H J, Marquette.
~ Y ~
Yeoman Gilbert, Aurora.        Young M, Arborville.          Youst R E, Hampton. 
Yont E H, Hampton.             Youngquest C M, Marquette.    Youst S H, Hampton. 
Young F M, Arborville.         Youngquest Jno, Aurora.       Yuran John, Stockham. 
Young Lydia, Bromfield.        Youngquest Swan, Aurora.
~ Z ~
Ziegler Geo, Marquette.        Zimmerman Henry, Bromfield.   Zook D M, Hampton. 
Zierott Aug, Hampton.          Zimmerman H, Bromfield.       Zook W A, Hampton. 
Zierott C W, Hampton.          Zingsheim W, Marquette.

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