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Nebraska & Midwest Genealogical Record

The first four volumes of this magazine were paged continously through the four, whereas the succeeding volumes (five to eight, inclusive) of the earlier editors to were paged separately by volumes. It was apparently the intention of the earlier editors to issue an Index to each four volumes, thereby enabling them to be bound together.

In this index the references are to volume and page thus: 4:287, the figure preceeding the colon refering to the volume, the figure following the colon indicatng the page.

It should also be noted that names beginning with Mac. and Mc are treated as though they all began with Mac.

REMEMBER: Vol. II, no 4 through Vol. V, no 1 are copywritten and NOT AVAILABLE on-line. Consult the Table of Contents (on the index page) for the article title, and contact NSHS for a copy of the original.





ABBOT (Abbott)                            ADELA de Ronci, 1:83
        Elizabeth 2:93
        Frank  5:90                       ADELA de Vermandois, 1:82, 83
        Jane H. 7:85
        John 5:90                         ADELHEID, 1:82
        Lawrence 3:218
        Olive 8:18                        ADIST
                                                  Zadia 7:10
ABEL (Abell)
        John 4:264                        ADRIANCE
        John Emery. 2:152                         Caroline 4:290
        Margaret 4:264
        Mary 4:263                        AERIAL
        Mary Ellen 2:152                          Elizabeth 7:89
ACIE                                      AHL
        Elizabeth 1:58                            Jane 6:22
ACKLEY                                    Aimigh see Emigh
        Jerusha 6:13
        John 6:13                         AIKEN (Akin)
                                                  David 5:42
ACRES                                             Ella A. 8:37, 45
        Hannah 3:159                              Patience 7:60
        Henry 3:159                               Sallie E. 5:74
                                                  William J. 5:74
        Adeline Elizabeth 5:82            AKERS
        Alexander, 5:50                           Daniel 5:25
        Ann 6:29                                  Fleming 5:26
        David 6:31                                Henry 5:24
        Elizabeth 5:50                            James 5:24, 25
        Estelia  Myra 5:84                        Jane 5:25
        Eunice 7:78                               Jincey 5:25
        (Mrs.) H. C. 5:28                         Lucy 5:24, 25
        John 5:50                                 Luke 5:25
        John Quincy 1:31                          Nancy 5:26
        Laura 6:31                                Patty 5:24
        Louisa 1:31                               Pauline 5:25
        Margaret 5:84                             Phebe 5:25
        Mary  1:41,47; 5:50                       Polly 5:24
        Royal White 5:84                          Rebecca 5:25
        Samuel 5:50                               Samuel 5:25
        Susannah 5:50, 75, 76                     Sarah 5:24, 25
        Wilson Minor 5:82                         Susannah 5:25
                                                  William 5:25
ADELA,  queen of France, 1:82,83

Akin see Aiken                            ALLEN (Alynn)
                                                  Bertha 4:250
ALAN, lord of Galloway 1:84                       Charlotte 5:60
                                                  Delia Josephine 6:15
Alan de la Zouche see Zouche                      E. H. 2:142
                                                  (Mrs) E. H. 3:175; 4:248
ALBAUGH                                           Edgar H. 4:250
        Eleanor Cline 5:84                        Edward H. 4:251
        Ralph 5:84                                Elizabeth 5:14; 8:4
                                                  Elnathan 6:10
Albertsen see Albertson                           Emma Fleta Bell 5:31
                                                  Erasmus Darwin 6:15
ALBERTSON (Albertsen)                             Humphrey 5:31
        Abigail 7:28                              Increase 1:86
        Alfred C. 7:28                            James 8:3, 4
        Benjamin 7:28                             Jane 5:31
        Elizabeth 7:28                            Jennie 8:4
        Frances Elizabeth 6:35                    Joanna 1:8
        James 7:28                                John 5:27
        Joshua 7:28, 75                           Mariah 2:122
        Mary 7:37                                 Mary 1:86; 2:104
        Millicent 7:28                            Mary Ann 1:257; 5:31
        Paul 6:35                                 Mercy 5:27; 6:10
                                                  Ona 7:27,76
ALBON                                             Philura 4:251
        Amelia Agnes 7:91 95, 96                  Thankful 6:10
        James 7:91                                Titus D. 5:31
        Sarah 7:91                                V. D. 1:92
ALBREDA de Reimes 1:82                    ALLENDORF
                                                  Ada 5:83
ALDEN                                             Fred D. 5:83
        Betty 5:19                                Myrtle A. 5:84
        Elizabeth 4:314; 5:19
        Hannah 2:121
        John 1:16a, 17; 2:122; 3:205;     ALLERTON
             4:313, 314; 5:19; 7:71.              Isaac 1:11
        Priscilla 2:122; 3:205;                   Mary 1:11
             4:313, 314; 5:19; 7:71               Remember 1:12
Aldredge see Eldredge                     ALLEY
                                                  Charles 8:52
ALDRICH                                           Howard 8:52
        Mrs. P. M. 1:70                           J. S. B. 8:52
                                                  Judith 8:15
ALFRED the Great 1:81                             S. S. 8:52

ALLIS                                     ALTER
        Emeline 8:1, 4, 32, 33, 34                Edith Maxfield 7:88
        Harriet 8:32,34                           Harry Reeder 7:88
        Mehitable 2:95                            Joseph B. 7:88
        Samuel 8:1, 4, 32, 33, 34                 Julia B. 7:88
        Sarah 2:95                                Julia Beatrice 7:88
        Thomas 2:95                               Susan Demerit 7:88
ALLISON                                   AMICIA de Waer 1:84
        Edith Johnston 4:252
        Edith Leora 4:253                 Amigh see Emigh
        Ella E. 4:253
        Elliott Condict 3:209; 4:253      AMMERMAN
        Emma Clara 4:252                          John Mason 1:70
        Frances Field 4:252                       Marretje Dirkse 3:182
        Grace Elliott 4:253, 254,                 Roxy V. 1:17, 25, 56, 71
        Harriett Calhoun 3:209
        Harriett Malvina 2:144; 3:209     AMSBURY
        Helen Blake 4:252                         William 1:48
        Howard Calhoun 3:209
        Idelle 4:252                      ANDERSON
        Irving 3:209; 4:252,253                   ------- 1:56
        Irving Brewster 4:253,254                 (Mrs.) A. F. 1:75
        Irving Maloy 4:254                        Alfred J. 5:9
        John Johnston 4:252                       Alfred M. 5:9
        Leila Calhoun 3:209; 4:252                Alfred P. 5:9
        Mabel 2:144                               Andrew 7:39
        Mabel Calhoun 4:253                       Anna 2:97
        Mabel Hitchcock 3:209                     Audentia Smith 4:270
        Mayme 4:254                               (Mrs.) B. M. 2:127, 143;
        Michael 3:209                                  3:159, 175, 191, 207; 4:223
        Michael Calhoun 3:209; 4:252              Cornelia Mae 5:83
        Mildred 4:253                             Deborah A. 5:9
        Minnie 4:252                              Eliza 5:9
        Neva Muriel 4:253                         Elizabeth 1:75
        Richard Saville 4:252                     Elizabeth D. 5:9
        Ruth Margaret 4:253                       Frederika A. 5:9
        Winthrop 3:209; 4:253                     Hannah M. 5:9
        Winthrop Theodore, 4:253                  Harris 7:39
                                                  Henry Van Wyck 5:83
ALTAFFER                                          Isabella, 1:75
        Emma 8:13                                 James 1:75
        Florence 8:13                             Jane 7:8
        Jacob 8:13                                John P. 5:9,
        Lilly 8:13                                Kenneth 7:39

ANDERSON (cont)                           ANDREWS (Andrus)
        Lena 1:44                                 Amos 1:46; 5:89
        Lovinia 8:3                               Andrew 2:140
        Margaret 5:9,84                           Anne 6:29
        Mary 1:75                                 Annie L. 2:154
        Mary Elizabeth 7:39                       David W. 2:152
        Mina 5:9                                  E. L. 2:154
        Myers 5:9                                 Eleanor 6:24
        Nancy 1:75                                Elijah 6:35
        S. J. 1:44                                Eliza M. 5:89
        Sarah 1:75                                Emma Amanda 6:35
        Sophie Parsons 7:39                       Esther 2:140
        Susan 1:75                                Hannah 6:24, 48
        (Mrs.) Walter L. 1:1, 4, 17               J. C. 2:154
        Wilfred M. 5:9                            John G. 2:154
        William 1:75                              Lydia 2:149
        William R. 5:9                            Roxy Cordelia 1:46; 5:89
                                                  Samuel  2:149; 6:24, 29, 48
ANDREAS                                           Susie 2:149
        Anna 2:152                                Thomas 6:24, 48
        Johann 2:152.
ANDREW                                            Elizabeth 1:58
        Abigail 1:37; 2:135                       Tebadiah 1:58
        Anna l:52
        Catherine 1:52                    Andrus see Andrews
        Dibby 1:52
        James 1:52                        ANGEL
        Jane 1:37,61; 2:135                       Mary 3:210
        Keziah 1:52
        Lemuel 1:52                       ANGEVINE
        Mary 1:52                                 Cathereen 5:43
        Mary E. 1:52                              Catherine 4:288
        Polly 1:52                                Clarry 4:288
        Robert 1:52                               Eunica 4:288
        Robert S. 1:52                            Philip 4:287; 5:43
        Samuel 1:37; 2:135                        Stephen 4:287
        Sarah 1:52

ANGIER                                    ARNOLD
        Cynthia Eliza 6:34                        Adah 7:65,87
        D. W. 6:34                                Benjamin Greene 1:86
                                                  Carlos Frances 5:56
ANGLE                                             James 5:17
        Katherine 5:2                             Laura 6:33; 7:14
                                                  Marabeth 5:56
ANN of Russia 1:83                                Marguerite 5:56
                                                  Myra 2:122
ANNIS                                             Susan Adeline 6:33
        Priscilla 4:251                           Whipple 6:33; 7:14
ANSCOMB                                   ARTHUR
        Prudence 7:87                             Nancy 5:25
        Sarah 7:87                                Roda 5:25
        William 7:87                              Thomas 5:25
ANTHONY                                           Abigail 2:144
        Elizabeth 1:86                            Alice 2:144
                                                  Ann 2:144
ANTON                                             Anna Evans 2:144
        James 1:52                                Bethia 1:62
        Nancy 1:52                                Caleb 2:144
                                                  Charles 2:144
APPLEGATE                                         Joshua 2:144
        Addie Lucile 7:55                         Samuel Evans 2:144
        Frances 7:55
        James T. 7:55                     ASHBY
        Lucinda Harriet 7:55                      A. A. 1:2
APPLETON                                  ASHLEY
        Jane 4:277                                Andrew Fellows 2:134
        John 4:277                                Angie R. 2:134
                                                  Anna Eliza 2:134
ARCHER                                            Anson 2:134
        Elizabeth 8:54                            Anson Fenn 2:134
        Hannah 1:52                               Arlington Oliver 2:134
        John 1:52                                 Florence L. 7:36
                                                  Hattie L. 2:134
ARDREY                                            Julia Ann 2:134
        Flora M. 7:40                             Laura B. 4:309
                                                  Miranda 2:134
ARMSTRONG                                         Miranda Durand 2:134
        Alice 5:10                                Oliver 1:36
        Elizabeth 7:51                            Sarah Elizabeth 2:134
        Frank 1:34                                Tabitha 1:36
        J. 1:52                                   Urania Durand 2:134
        Jennie L. 1:52
        L. 1:52                           ASHMUN
        N. 1:53                                   Julia Ann 2:134
        Nathaniel 1:52
        Phoebe 1:53

ATKINS                                    AUSTIN (cont)
        Mary Minerva 7:12                         Emily 7:16
                                                  George 5:61
ATTKINSON                                         Hannah 3:160
        Frank 1:55                                J. 5:61
                                                  J. N. 5:61
ATWOOD                                            Jane M. 5:61
        Sophronia, 1:77                           Jennie 5:61
                                                  Joab 5:61
AUBREY de Vere 1:83                               John 2:100
                                                  Joseph 5:61
AUCHAMPACH                                        Linda 7:46
        Isabella 2:96                             M. P. 7:46
        James 2:96                                Miriam J. 5:61
                                                  Nathaniel Y. 5:61
AUGHEY                                            Prudence 2:100
        Alma 7:45                                 S. J. 5:61
        Claire 7:45                               Sarah 5:61, 62
        Clarence 7:45                             Sarah Ann 5:61
        Daniel 7:45                               Sarah P. 5:61
        Laurence 7:45                             Silas S. 5:61
        Marion 7:45                               Susanna 3: 160
        Ray 7:45                                  Thankful 1:30
                                                  Theodore 5:61
AULTHOUSE                                         Thomas 3:160
        Sophia 7:88, 91
AULTMAN                                           Martha 6:35; 7:11
        H. R. 1:43
        M. E. 1:43                        AVERY
        Rena 1:43                                 May Belle 2:123
                                                  (Mrs.) Samuel 1:19; 2:123;
AURAND                                                 3:207; 4:247, 272
        Bessie 8:45
        Francis 8:45                      AXTELL
        Margaret 8:45                             Emeline 1:53
        Verna 8:45                                Luther 1:55
        Vernon 8:45                               Folly 1:55
        Wilber 8:45                               Thomas 1:53:
AUSBARN                                   AXTON
        ------ 2:130                              Julia 1:49
        Abigail 2:130                             Thomas 1:49
AUSTIN                                    AYERS (Ayeres, Ayres)
        Amy 4:262                                 James L. 2:152
        Ann 7:73                                  Kate Towle 4:240
        Deborah 5:61                              Patience 2:152
        E. H. 5:61                                Sally 7:46,70; 8:19   
        M. P. 7:46

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