BARNES, Infant
Todd County Times, Friday, January, 26, 1900
On Wednesday, January 24, 1900, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Barnes. The burial took place yesterday afternoon.
Todd County Times, Fri. Sept. 29, 1905
Mr. C. C. BRUMFIELD died ...from complications of Typhoid fever. He
is survived by a widow and 3 married daughters: Mrs. Henry CAMP, Mrs. Arch
DANIEL and Mrs. Claud STOKES, all of this county. He was about 50 yrs of
age. Submitted by Todd County KYGenWeb
(see Todd County Times, June 5, 1908)
DUFFY, Capt. Frank M.
(see Todd County Times, June 5, 1908)
GILL, Rev. James Marshall
(see Todd County Times, May 8, 1908)
GRAHAM, W. J. (View Clipping)
Dickinson Co. , Kansas
Died at the home of his daughter Mrs. Lucy Lay of Ridge township July
14, 1902. Mr. W. J. Graham aged 72 years and 1 day. Services were held
at the house Tuedsay at 2 o'clock, interment being in Pilgrims Home cemetery.
The deceased was born in Todd county, Kentucky, July 13, 1830. He was married
to Catherine Eads in Morgan county, Ill., in 1852 and came to Kansas in
1889. Of this union eight children were born: Mrs. Martha Lowe, of Albany,
Ill; Jobe Graham, of Oswago, Ill; William Graham, Mrs. Lucy Lay, Mrs. Belle
Paul, Charles Graham, Mrs. Flora Schweudener, and Ora Graham, of this county,
all of whom were with him during his illness and death. He also leaves
twenty-seven grandchildren and two great grandchildren. He was united with
the M. E. church in 1853 of which he has been a constant member. He was
a kind and loving husband and father. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend
our heartfelt thanks to the neighbors and ____ who so kindly assisted us
during the sickness and death of our loving husband and father. Mrs. W.
J. Graham and Family Submitted Sun, 19 Dec 1999 by Don Graham"
Todd County Times, May 8, 1908
Mrs. Mary A. Miller, widow of Geo. C. Miller, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. F. Burrus, yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Mrs. Miller would have been 84 years old in June. She had been in very feeble health for a year, and the end was not unexpected.
She was the great-grand-daughter of Gov. Jas. Garrett, the second Governor of Kentucky. She is survived by three sons, Ben and Jas. G. Miller, of this county, T. A. Miller, of Pembroke, and two daughters, Mrs. R.F. Burrus and Miss Jennie Miller, of this county. She was a life-long member of the Christian church. The funeral and burial will take place some time today, but the arrangements at The Times' press hour had not been perfected.
PAGE, David J.
(see Todd County Times, June 5, 1908)
SMITH, Katherine
Todd County Times, May 8, 1908
Mrs. Katherine Smith, wife of John P. Smith, was found dead in her room at her home on Clarksville street Monday afternoon. She had retired after dinner, as was her custom, to take a nap, and when her daughter, Mrs. Alice Anderson, went to arouse her shortly after 4 o'clock, she was found to be cold in death. From the appearance of the body the end had come without a struggle. Mrs. Smith was almost 82 years of age and for several years had been very feeble. Death is thought to have been due to heart failure.
She was a member of the Methodist church. Her husband, a daughter, Mrs. Alice Anderson, of this place, and two sons, E. B. Smith, of Pembroke, and Finis Smith, of Illinois, survive. Another son, John W. Smith, for many years a well-known liveryman of this city, died several years ago.
Mrs Smith was born in Buckingham county, Va., Aug 6. 1826, and when she was only four years old her parents moved to this county. She had lived in and near Elkton ever since, and had been married 63 years.
The burial took place in Glenwood cemetery Tuesday afternoon, the Rev. Geo E. Foskett conducting services at the grave.
WATSON, Sallie
Todd County Times August 14, 1908
Mrs. Sallie Watson, wife of Mack Watson, a young farmer living north
of town, died Wednesday of last week following an illness of consumption.
Besides her husband, she leaves three small children. Mrs. Watson was a
daughter of W. B. Harrison, and was about 25 years of age. She was a member
of the Methodist Church. Services were conducted at the residence Thursday
by the Rev. Galloway, the interment taking place in the Harrison burying
ground. Posted by Karen Combs on Thu, 12 August 1999
Disclaimer: "Vital statistics are in the public domain and not subject to copyright. Obituaries, today, are mostly created by family interview at the funeral home and disseminated to regional newspapers. The newspapers then make choices as to how much of the data they will use. Any unique obituary, written by a paid staff writer for a newspaper is subject to copyright. Information contained within the Logan/Todd Obituary Database is intended to present public domain information for genealogical use, every attempt is made to protect the privacy of living family members. These pages are not copyrighted."
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