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G.A.R. ReunionsNewspaper clips
The Merrick County ITEM, August 18th, Sept. 15th & 22nd, 1880
The Central City COURIER, Sept .16th and 23rd, 1880.
articles related to theFirst Official G.A.R. Reunion Nebraska Department.
held September 13-18, 1880
The Merrick County ITEM, no. 32
Wednesday, August 18, 1880GRAND REUNION
Of Ex-Soldiers and Sailors, under the Auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic, at Central City, Nebraska, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, September 13-18, 1880
Gen. Logan, Gen. Sheridan, Gen. Wagner, Commander in Chief of the G. A. R., Gen. Swain, S. V. C., the governors of Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, Illinois and Colorado, and many other distinguished persons will be present.
The Nebraska State Militia, the brass and cornet bands of the State, fifty Posts of the Grand Army, thousands of old Soldiers, representing every State in the Union, and thousands of civilians from this and other States will also be in attendance.
Speaking, Singing, Music by Brass and Martial Bands, Artillery Salutes, Company and Regimental Drills, Dress Parades, Inspections and Reviews, Camp Fires, Artillery Duels by Night and Sham Battles by Day are but a part of the weeks entertainment. It will be decidedly the grandest display ever witnessed west of the Mississippi river.
Artillery Salute, sunrise, 13 guns.
Reveille, Bugle and Drum Corps.
Breakfast Call, Bugle
9 A. M. Meeting of Committee of Arrangements to organize Provost Guard and Police.
Reception of comrades and visitors, assigning them to quarters, and settling camp.
1 P. M. Dinner Call, Bugle.
5 P. M. Guard Mounting
7 P. M. Dress Parade.
Retreat, Brass Band.
Artillery Salute, sundown.
8 P. M. Camp Fire in Pavilion.
10 P. M. Taps, Drum Corps.
Artillery Salute, sunrise, 13 guns.
Reveille, Drum Corps.
Breakfast Call, Bugle.
9 A. M. Guard Mounting.
11 A. M. Address of Welcome by Col. Jas. W. Savage, Department Commander, in which he will formally assign to the command of the camp, Gen. Chas. F. Manderson.
Response by Gen. C. F. Manderson.
1 P. M. Dinner Call, Bugle.
3 P. M. Inspection of G. A. R. Posts
equal to an army corps, will be lighted.
Artillery Salute, sunrise, 13 guns.
Breakfast Call, Bugle
9 A. M. Company and Regimental Drill.
1 P. M. Dinner Call, Bugle.
3 P. M. Trial of the Brass and Cornet Bands for the $100 Prize.
Retreat, Brass Bands.
Artillery Salute, sundown.
8 P. M. Camp Fire
10 P. M. Artillery Duel by night.
11 P. M. Taps, Drum Corps.
Artillery Salute, sunrise.
Reveille, Drum Corps.
Breakfast Call, Bugle.
9 A. M. Guard Mounting.
10 A. M. Competitive Drill for the Prize Colors by the State Militia, followed by their Presentation by the Governor of Nebraska, Hon. Albinus Nance.
1 P. M. Dinner Call, Bugle.
3 P. M. Review of the Grand Army of the Republic and State Militia, by Gen. Wagner and Staff and Gov. Nance and Staff.
5 P. M. Presentation of the G. A. R. Prize Banner by the Ladies of Central City.
7 P. M. Dress Parade.
Retreat, Brass Bands.
Artillery Salute, sundown.
8 P. M. Camp-fire in Pavilion.
10 1/2 P. M. A Squadron of Gunboats will run past the Batteries of Island No. 10.
11 P. M. Taps, Drum Corps.
Artillery Salute, sunrise, 13 guns.
Reveille, Drum Corps.
Breakfast Call, Bugle.
9 A. M. Guard Mounting.
10 A. M. Reunion of all Soldiers on the ground, by States, and will pass in Review in company by States -- Gens. Sheridan and Logan the Reviewing Officers.
11 A. M. Reunion of Prisoners of the War, to be addressed by Gen. Paul Vandervoort and John McElroy.
1 P. M. Dinner Call, Bugle.
3 P. M. Sham Battle: The Southern (South Platte) Army, commanded by Gen. Alexander; the Northern (North Platte) Army commanded by Gen. Wood.
7 P. M. Dress Parade -- all soldiers on the ground in line.
Retreat, Brass Band.
Artillery Salute, sundown.
8 P. M. Farewell Camp-fire.
12 P. M. Taps, Drum Corps.
Artillery Salute, sunrise, 38 guns.
Reveille, Drum Corps.
Breakfast Call, Bugle.
8 A. M. Guard Mounting
9 A. M. Drill, Dress Parade, Inspection and Review of the Mulligan Guards, under the command of Gen. F. E. Brown, of Syracuse -- Reviewing Officers, Gens. Hirst and Hammond.Then Good-bye for Home.
In addition to the above there will be addresses by Gen. (Senator) Logan, Gen. Wagner, Gen. Swain and many other ex-soldiers and civilians from other States and our own, among whom will be Judge Wakely, Hon. James Laird, Hon. A. J. Poppleton, Judge Mason, Gen. Montgomery, Hon. J. Sterling Morton, Hon. O. A. Abbott, Hon. F. A. Harman, Senators Saunders and Paddock, Representative Valentine, Judge Thurston, and a score of others who during the day and at the evening camp-fires will render the speakers' stand of the grand pavilion the most attractive feature of the week's entertainment.A portion of the camp will be assigned to the use of the ladies exclusively, and under the strict discipline with which it will be guarded, together with the perfect police regulations provided, the order and protection of a picnic gathering is assured.
Dining halls on the ground will furnish good board at a cost not to exceed 35 cents per meal, while for families and parties forming messes everything needed will be furnished at the most reasonable rates, and with ample tent room FREE, no fear of extortion need keep any person from attending.
The grounds are near the junction of the U. P. and B. & M. railroads, so that those who come by rail will have no expense of carriage hire, while to those who come with their own conveyances hay for their horses will be furnished free. Those who do not feel like "Roughing It" in camp can get good accommodations in the village which is but a short distance from the grounds, and at reasonable rates, as the hospitality of private houses will be offered if the hotel accommodations are not sufficient. Parties desiring to engage hotel accommodations in advance of their arrival can gain any information they wish by
..... (cut off)
all who come can and will be provided for; and while the Reunion is under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Republic, let it be understood as not at all exclusive -- a cordial invitation is extended to every one to come and join with us in our Reunion. Reduced fare on all railroads, to civilians as well as soldiers.COMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENTS.
S. J. ALEXANDER, Lincoln,
P. HIRST, St. Paul,
B.P. COOR (?), David City,
G. H. BUSH, Grand Island,
F. E. BROWN, Syracuse,
A. S. COLE, Nebraska City,
J. H. KYNER, Omaha,
O. M. GOLDSBURY, St. Paul,
W. H. WEBSTER, Chairman,
Com'g Buford Post, Central City, Neb.
C. HOSTETTER, Adjutant.
The Merrick County ITEM
Wednesday, September 15, 1880WELCOME!
In unison with the thoughts and feelings of the people of Merrick County THE ITEM very cordially welcomes the guests to our State Reunion of Soldiers and Sailors. To the Comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic; to the distinguished officials in military and civic life; to the ladies, children and civilians of this and every other State represented here this week, welcome! As a small body can contain a large and generous soul, so our small town, through the columns of a small journal, can cordially and enthusiastically receive even the potenates (sic) of a mighty nation. Feeling ourselves honored in the highest degree by the selection of our county seat as the grand camping ground of a grand and noble body of men, we freely and sincerely welcome you to the tented field, gallant survivors of a victorious army, who at one dark period were only welcomed by the Southern hosts "with bloody hands to hospitable graves." And in this Reunion of the scattered remnants of valiant corps, divisions, and regiments; when the Comrades shall grasp each other's hand; when the surviving soldier from the rebel dungeon shall meet a fellow prisoner, may you all renew that oath of allegiance to the old flag which you took when entering upon the long four years of cruel, desolating war. Again we welcome you to the mimic scenes of all the "pomp and circumstance of glorious war," and if you find the present representation of army life a trifle more glorious than the stern reality -- if you can here, surrounded by wife, children and friends, "shoulder you crutch and show how fields were won," with a greater degree of pleasure and security, every old army comrade will well know why.
Hon. E. Rosewater, of the Omaha Bee arrived Tuesday evening.
St. A. D. Balcom, of Omaha, dropped in on the (sic) THE ITEM last Tuesday.
Hon. H. A. Bruno moved from Chapman to Central City, last Thursday.
Colamar McCune, of the Lincoln State Journal, is booked at the Central City House.
Mr. J. Wilkes Moore, editor of the Superior, Nuckolls Co., Chronicle, visited our office last Tuesday morning.
Capt. H. A. Babcock, commander of Foote Post, No. 40, Ord, arrived on the ground last Monday, and went into quarters.
Mr. A. Higginson, the lively correspondent and editorial writer on the Omaha Herald, came up last Monday evening to report the proceedings, stirring events, and important incidents of the Reunion.
Col. Paul Vandervoort, of Omaha arrived Tuesday evening and made the opening speech of the Camp Fire, in the grand pavilion. Col. Wilbur followed Col. Vandervoort, and read the letter of General Savage announcing the serious illness of his wife, and also his speech turning over the camp to Gen. C. F. Manderson, who responded in an elegant reply.
Reunion Echoes.
SECOND DAY OF THE COMRADES' CONCLAVE. The Occasion Magnifies in Importance.
The second day of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Reunion was ushered in with a most disagreeable wind, which, whirling the dust in large and irritating clouds, served to add greatly to the discomfort of those upon the streets, the camp ground, and on the road hither. Dust -- dust -- dust -- inch thick on hands and face, and a foot thick in the pulverized road. From about the hour of 9 a.m. the constant arrival of Grand Army Posts in teams decorated with waving flags and banners, and led by cheering bands and tintinaulating (sic) drum corps was an inspiring sight. Coupled with the annoyance of the gusty breeze from from Soathland (sic), the fury of its sultry blasts completely unroofed the Pavilion, to the intense disgust of everybody in attendance, and particularly our energetic and honored citizen, Col. W. H. Webster. But aside from these disasters of the day, the Reunion can be pronounced emphatically a success. The Attendance bid fair to be equal to the highest anticipations, and the number of prominent names in military, and civil station, warrants us in prophesying a grand success. Owing to the sudden illness of Mrs. James W. Savage, her husband, Gen. Savage, cannot be present, as was anticipated. This of course necessitated a change in the programme, and the formal tender of the camp to Gen. Manderson and his acceptance was not carried out on Tuesday evening as anticipated, and as advertised. On the B. & M. train at 5:15 p. m. arrived Gen. Otto Funck , and Hon. H. M. Sessions. They were accompanied by the Capital City Cornet band in gay and glittering uniforms, and the Farragut Post, No. 25, Lincoln, commander S. J. Alexander, which was met by the Anderson Post, No. 32, York, B. Crabb, commander which formed their escort. The command of Buford camp, in the absence of Gen. J. W. Savage, was assigned to Gen. Chas. F. Manderson by Col. E. F. Browne, commander of Wadsworth Post, No. 21, Syracuse. Gen. Manderson appointed the following staff:
Chief of Staff, Col. W. H. Webster;
Asst. Adj. General: Col. F. F. Browne;
Inspector General: Gen. C. H. Frederick;
A. S. Q. Col. Miles Warren;
A. C. S. Col. James O. West;
Chief of Artillery, Maj. C. D. Chapman;
Med. Direct., Maj. Jas. H. Kyner;
Provost Marshall, Dan Hopkins;
Judge Advocate, E. C. Calkins;
Chief of Scouts, Chas. Wooster;
Mustering Officer; P. Hirst;
Chaplain: Capt. R. Crabb.
Capt. J. S. Miller; Capt. Jacob Ritterbush;
Capt. Horatio Townsend.The arrival of the Union Pacific brought Gen. Wagner, Department Commander, G. A. R., who was escorted by the U. P. Band; Co. "G," and the Kummer Guards, of Columbus. Gen. Wagner was accompanied by quite a number of strangers who seemed decidedly anxious to immediately link their fortunes with the thousands already on the Reunion grounds. The U. P. Band led the soldiers through So Front street, and on to the road to camp.
In recognition of the many courtesies and favors which have from time to time been extended to the Grand Army by the U. P. R. R. Co., Adjutant Gen. Wood assigned one of the largest and best tents on the camp ground to the company for use as a sort of Land office and general headquarters. The Co. has certainly manifested a .... (cut off)
The rising sun was hailed with thirteen reverberating reports from a brass Napoleon gun, and the echoing bluffs of Hamilton county answered back the first loud notes of the Soldiers' Grand Reunion. All this occurred Monday morning, and willing hands, impelled by stout, soldierly hearts, gallantly assisted in putting the finishing touches to the Grand Pavilion. As the Commanders of the various Posts of the G. A. R. arrived on the ground, they found other comrades as willing as willing (sic) as themselves to pitch necessary tents for their accommodation. By noon the various sutlers' stores, eating houses, lemonade, peanut and cigar emporiums, wheels of fortune, swings, photograph galleries, etc., were in full blast. The man who makes the warm taffy vied with the dispenser of Missouri peaches in contributing to pangful colic. An idea of the situation of the different headquarters and location of the camp can be gleaned from our diagram which we this morning publish. Guard was mounted at 5 p. m. and even after that hour a great many teams arrived from the South Platte country. Col. Jas. H. Kyner, with tents, flags, camp equipage, blankets, camp chairs and hammock, is comfortably located in the headquarters of Gov. Nance and staff, south west of the Pavilion. Capt. J. S. Wood opens the soldiers' register this morning, at Dep't. headquarters, G. A. R., northwest of the Pavilion. Capt. Hirst, Commander of Canby Post, No. 8, St. Paul, is located with Jas. H. Kyner,. Today will no doubt witness important accessions to the numbers already on the ground, and many more tents will be erected.
The following diagram will give a fair impression of the location and divisions of Camp Buford, and enable visiting strangers to find the different Department Headquarters with less difficulty than would ensue from the perusal of a mere verbal description. The central figure represents the Grand Pavilion, surrounded by the four Department Headquarters. The arrangement is an extraordinarily good one, and reflects credit upon the judgment of Col. W. H. Webster who planned and supervised the erection of the buildings and tents. To the west of the camp ground are located the sutler's stores, eating houses, dance hall, swing, photograph galleries, and other attractions and amusements. South of the Camp the Base Ball ground is located, on which is to be played the games of the tournament.
Dep't Hd. Qrs.
G. A. R.N. Camp Buford
Hd. Qrs.W.
State Hd. Qrs.
Gov. Nance & StaffS. National Hd. Qrs.
G. A. R.
THE ITEM has been permitted to gaze upon the glories of the Prize Banner, and now discloses the secrets connected therewith. It is of heavy blue silk, 31 by 40 inches, fringed with gold, and lettered in gold,G. A. R.
1880.It is handsomely mounted on a staff, dependent from a gilt roller, attached with gold cord to the staff, which latter is surmounted with a handsome spear head.
Banner PresentationThe ladies of Central City met at the Court House on Saturday evening, Sept. 11th, and were called to order by Mrs. Ratcliff. Mrs. Webster was elected President, Mrs. Hards Secretary, and Mrs. Hostetter Treasurer. It was moved and carried that Mrs. Gunderman should present the Prize Banner and Miss Belle Morrill and Mrs. K. Hostetter act as Color Bearers.
A Good Idea. Four ladies joined the Garfield and Arthur club at Central City. As they are pioneers in this line, we give their named: Mrs. Benj. Clark, Mrs. O. F. Persons, Mrs. K. E. Ross and Mrs. S. R. Ratcliff. -- It's a good idea. Plattsmouth Herald.
The Merrick County ITEM
Wednesday, September 22, 1880REUNION RIPPLES.
Last Monday witnessed the striking and packing for transportation to the Government Millitary (sic) Storehouse at Jeffersonville, Ind., of the last tent, and the lowering of the last starry emblem which for an entire week did duty at the Soldiers' Reunion. In the main, considered as a full and complete marshaling of the ex-soldiers and state militia of Nebraska, the affair has proven most emphatically a success. In point of numbers, it far exceeded the expectations of the sanguines, and surprised the more conservative, who anticipated a failure. Nor will the enthusiasm which prevailed among the attendant guests throughout the week be excelled in any convocation of a similar nature in the future, be it held when and where it may in the State of Nebraska. As regards the financial status of the Grand Army of the Republic, after the recent exhaustive expenditures, it is rumored that it has incurred quite a heavy debt which must be liquidated only by united action on the part of every post in the State. But that this will be done cheerfully there is now no doubt, and that they can well afford to do so, is also beyond question. They have enjoyed a royal dance, and it is eminently fitting that they promptly pay the fiddler. Already bids are coming in from various quarters inviting the location of the Reunion camp, and several towns and cities have been prominently mentioned as suitable places for pitching the tents next fall. Grand Island offer $1,000 and would, no doubt do better, rather than lose the Reunion. But an idea prevails, erroneous it is true, yet credibly received by many, that Central City has been enormously benefited by the Reunion. But from all we can gather, of a reliable nature, such is far from the fact in the case. It is true that one saloon in the place received over its bar during the week $3,000, and the other may have taken in a third of this amount. But it is equally true that the booths and eating houses on the ground were run at a loss, and that the trade of our merchants during the week was smaller than the average, and far below the week preceding the event. Indeed, from the very nature of the affair, differing as it did from any other public gathering in the matter of culinary provision, it is obvious that but little revenue could be derived from a large concourse of people, the majority of whom came from home well supplied with a week's rations, and making in the event, one grand picnic. With State Fairs, conventions or other gatherings the element of camp life and camp fare is left out and guests naturally resort to the purchased hospitality of stores and hotels. So much for the pecuniary benefits arising from a vast concourse of people at a Soldiers' and Sailors' Reunion. But the last evening gun is fired, the lively drum corps and the flashing bands are gone. Taps have been beaten for the last time, and the campfire lights are out. The glory of the Reunion remains with us in golden memories, but the shout of the old "vet," and the merry laughter of the admiring lass and laddies are among the sounds which have died echoless. The ground which was trod by forty thousand feet is swept by the winds of Autumn, and the birds of the air congregate in flocks to gather the crumbs which fell from the hundreds of tables.
The Grand Island Times complains bitterly and protests vigorously the decision of the judges awarding the prize in the band contest, last Wednesday, to the U. P. Band, and, among other things, has this to say; "The crowd was the best judge, and awarded the palm to our boys, but the committee (who probably didn't know any more about music than a hog does of Greek), gave the prize to the U. P. band." The partiality and disappointment of the Times editor are perhaps not less natural than they are apparent in the above extract, but he should not allow them to lead him into doing an injustice, which he so much deprecates, to three estimable gentlemen, whose musical attainments, sense of fairness and sterling honesty will not be questioned by any one who knows them.
It may be interesting to the Times to know who the gentlemen who were selected and consented to occupy the thankless position of judges in the band contest are. Mr. R. Kombrink, of this city, one of the judges, is the leader of the Central City band and a practical musician and cornet player of many years experience and acknowledged ability. Mr. J. I. Walker, of Chapman, another of the judges, is the leader of the Chapman band and, like Mr. Kombrink, is an accomplished musician. The third member of the committee was County Judge Reinoehl, of this county and city, a gentleman of good musical attainments and culture, and a composer of some note. So far as competency is concerned, it is doubtful if a better committee could have been found among all the thousands who listened with so much pleasure and interest to the contest, and as we remarked above, the question of fairness and honesty will not be raised by any one who is acquainted with these gentlemen, who had no interest in the matter except to discharge the difficult task imposed upon them conscientiously and to the best of their ability, and to do full and exact justice to each of the competing bands. This they did, and we believe their decision will be acquiesced in and sustained by a majority of those who listened to the playing. In saying this, we do not wish to be understood as disparaging either of the other bands, both of which did exceedingly well, and are entitled to the highest praise.
In closing, we desire to offer a word of special praise to the Grand Island Band, whose playing, bearing and deportment were exceptionally fine, and to decide between whom and the U. P. Band, was a very difficult task. The band is composed of a fine body of musicians, and the pride which the citizens of Grand Island feel and manifest in the organization, is not only natural and pardonable but highly commendable.
THE FUTURE OF THE G. A. R. Perhaps no more important gathering will ever be witnessed in Merrick county than that of the recent conclave of Comrades of the Grand Army of the Republic. And it is a matter which attracts the attention of the people, in a great degree, to the acts, uses and benefits of this order, under whose auspices was held the recent Reunion of Soldiers and Sailors of the State of Nebraska. As this is a secret organization, of course but little of the interior work of the Posts is public property but that the objects of the G. A. R. are purely beneficial and mainly for the purpose of perpetuating the memories of the War of Rebellion, and especially of those who found graves on Southern battle fields is too well known to require the cloak of mystey. (sic) It will be observed that the order of the G. A. r. is only pen to honorably discharged soldiers and sailors who served in the war of the rebellion. Necessarily, as the years go by, this order will decrease in numbers, and would eventually become select and of a high degree. To obviate this difficulty, it has been suggested that in the near future, the order admit to full membership all sons of honorably discharged soldiers and sailors, This will, indeed, perpetuate the good feeling and friendship which at present exists. It is the undoubted intention of the G. A. R. to hold these annual reunions at certain localities in the State; and it is to be hoped that as the years go by, increasing interest will be manifested, and that many such happy reunions will result. And thus, from a great and terribly cruel war, may arise a new form of celebration will vie in patriotism with the immortal Fourth of July.
To-day closes the eventful week of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Reunion. Indeed, last night witnessed a grand hegira of many of the soldier pilgrims from country which lieth over beyond the Platte. And amid the multitudinous recollections which at this hour crowd the mind, THE ITEM sincerely avows that they are, in the main, of a pleasing nature. And it is, perhaps, a matter of surprise that in all the time that has elapsed since the opening of the Reunion -- when night has been turned into day, and the Queen of Pleasure has held high carnival in her brilliant court, thronged with so many votaries of madcap mirth, that hardly a cloud has passed athwart the horizon of peace. If that is too agonizingly figurative, let us hasten to add, in the rich idioms known so well to the Nebraskian vernacular, that we have had a gay old time, everybody to it, and no one hurt. As THE ITEM most cordially welcomed the thousands of guests who by their presence honored and made successful the occasion, so we cannot but admit that we part from them with regret, but a regret softened by many happy memories, and trusting to again meet you at the next annual Reunion of Nebraska soldiers. --
"Farewell? a word that must be, and hath been, A sound that makes us linger; -- yet, farewell!"
The Soldiers' Reunion can be safely pronounced a success in all the term implies. Any one who could have gazed last week upon the throng of gallant ex-soldiers, militia men, band boys, drum corps, Generals, Colonels, Majors, Captains, Lieutenants, Sergeants, Corporals, rosy matrons and lovely maidenhood, and merry-eyed children, dressed in bright colors and swarming like bees upon the broad acres of the camp ground, and jest at the patriotism which conveyed them to Central City would be, indeed, a cynic. Only the hundreds of flags and streamers which gladden the heart of every true American, and which might have been procured of the United States government had they been asked for, were lacking to cheer the thrilling scene. But the gaily decked crowd, alone, served to enliven the fleeting hours of a beautiful day. The various "field sports," known so well to attendants upon State and county fairs, were in actual operation, and contributed their might mite to the amusement of the promiscuous gathering.
The Omaha Republican justly complains of the very meagre facilities afforded to the newspaper reporters on the campground of the Soldiers' Reunion. Undoubtedly such neglect was an inadvertence, and no one seems particularly to blame, but it was a gross neglect which ought not to be overlooked. In some instances reporters were actually insulted when endeavoring to gain admission to the places of interest.
The Merrick County ITEM -
September 22, 1880The following are snippets appear in columns adjacent to Reunion news.
Mr. A. C. Geib, of York, a veteran volunteer, who was in attendance at the Reunion, is a patriot of the first water. His father, aged seventy-two, is evidently of the same stripe. Writing to his son from 688 Market street, Milwaukee, Wis., under date of Sept. 3d, he says; "Now, Adam, one word about "politics. I sincerely hope you will vote as you fought, to preserve the Union. Vote with the Republican party, Vote for James A. Garfield for President, and save your country from falling into the hands of the rebels, which it will surely do if Hancock is elected. Should he be elected, I want to die, as my country surely will. Now, my son, for once take your old father's advice and vote as you fought -- to preserve the Union. Vote the Republican ticket; vote and hurrah for James A. Garfield".
Our citizens will have an opportunity to hear the issues of the campaign from a Republican stand-point, on the following dates, and by the following speakers. The campaign will be formally opened September 29th, on the evening of which Col. E. F. Smythe will address the people of Central City. Wednesday evening, October 6, Hon. G. W. Collins, candidate for Presidential elector, will speak at the Court house, and Monday evening Oct 11, Hon. Church Howe will address the people of Merrick county.
There are no more, nor as many, Democrats in Maine than there were four years ago, but the defection from Republican ranks has swelled the Greenback party to the extent that they can easily turn over a Republican State into the hands of those who despise the shallow pretenses of Greenback demagogury, and when once in power, will put the screws to the Fiatic party in a manner that will open its eyes, and also tend to illustrate all of the beauties of "fusion".
If it takes eight roosters to crow over a Greenback victory, how many henneries will it take to supply enough cocks for a Democratic Victory? We probably shall never know. -- Omaha Republican.
This alludes to the Omaha Herald, and it is like dropping pepper into a fresh wound to have the whole affair turn out to be a Republican victory, after all.
GEN. WEAVER says in a letter to PLAISTED: "It is most amusing to see the Democratic leaders masquerading behind the Greenback party, and calling our victory, a Democratic boom. They fail to tell the people that you were nominated as a straight Greenbacker, and that a Democrat could not have carried the Stated."
Following list of petit jurors for regular term of the District Court October 12th, 1880 ... (see the Central City Courier. Names do NOT appear in same order in the two papers, and there are some variations in initials and spelling!)
County Commissioners ....
The following claims were then presented, examined and allowed, to wit:
From County General Fund.
J. C. Cowin, claim $559,67 for legal services in case of the U.P.R.R. Co. vs. Merrick Co., allowed ...$500.00
W. H. Austin, Com. to date ...
State Journal Co. books and blanks ...
Commissioners of Insanity for services in case of Insane patient Sarah J. Drake ...
L. K. Hills, assessing Silver Creek precinct ...
J. H. Dony, J. P. expenses incurred on account of paupers, Mrs. Wallace and family ...
Dan Hopkins, county prisoners ...
J. R. Ratcliff, amt. paid for conveying insane to hospital ...
Frank Jewell, goods for pauper ...
Albert Fitch Co., printing, &c.
Care of pauper, assigned by Needham ...
E. E. Cole, labor on Platte bridge ...
Judges, Clerks and Canvassers of special election held in Clarkesville precinct Aug. 20, 1880 ...
E. E. Cole, Bridge in District 4 ...
H. C. Martin, labor on Platte bridge
Merrick Co. Item, Co., printing ...
Omaha Republican, stationery ...
J. G. Holden, postage, Exp. & correcting Assessor's book
Witnesses, Sheriff's and Clerk's, against County in the case of Saml. Batty vs. Merrick Co. ...
On motion the Board adjourned sine die.
Attest: J. G. HOLDEN, Co. Clerk(NOTE: Believe the above report of meeting also appears in the COURIER, but print was so tiny, and film so blurry that we gave up on attempt to reproduce the article from that newspaper.)
G. A. R. Reunion News as reported in the
Central City COURIER, Sept 16th and 23rd, 1880. © 2000, 2001, 2003 for NEGenWeb Project by Ted & Carole Miller