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G.A.R. ReunionsNewspaper clips
The Merrick County ITEM, August 18th, Sept. 15th & 22nd, 1880
The Central City COURIER, Sept 16 and 23rd, 1880.
articles related to the
First Official G.A.R. Reunion Nebraska Department.
held September 13-18, 1880
Blue coats.
Where can I sleep?
Two shots for five cents.
Base ball this afternoon.
E. Rosewater is in town.How are you, General?
And still the news from Maine pours in.
Look out for confidence men and pickpockets
The Aurora club may play the Central Citys this afternoon.
Let's see -- what tree did you hide behind in the battle of Antietam?
A number of gunboats will raise the dust in the Platte river this evening.
Mr. W. W. Biggs and son, from Genesco, Ill., are in attendance upon the Reunion.
The exercises of the day will probably hereafter be interspersed with base ball.
Mr. Mulligan, of the Humboldt Sentinel, favored the COURIER with a call yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mills, of Clarks, celebrated their golden wedding yesterday at the Reunion.
Every available conveyance and driver has all he can do now-a-days, -- and so does everybody and everything else.
Nearly all the troops in camp with their several bands were parading the main streets here and there during yesterday morning.
Gov. Nance will present the colors today to the best drilled company of the state militia. Drill commences at ten this morning.
Gen. Wagner, commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, will review the same and the State militia today at 3 o'clock.
The COURIER has changed it programme a little, and issues the daily as usual this morning, instead of combining with the weekly.
C. M. Goodrich, of Lester, is ahead on the big watermelon question, having donated for our especial consideration a melon weighing 34 pounds.
A large number of ladies are enjoying the experiences of camp life during the campaign, an episode which the beautiful weather renders particularly pleasant and agreeable.
The Columbus club will play the Central Citys on the grounds again this afternoon at three o'clock. Those who witnessed the game yesterday will be out in full force to-day.
Yesterday forenoon was occupied principally in drills and reviews. Some of the companies appeared to be under good discipline, executing the movements with great exactness.
Vocal music appears to be one of the principal staples of the Grand Army, judging by the sounds of old campaign songs that issue forth from the various tents at all hours of the day.
The camp fires are immense. Gen.'s. Vandervoort and Manderson are the life and soul of the camp, and with their ready repartee and sallies keep the audience in a constant roar of laughter.
On account of the pleasant weather with which the Reunion will probably be favored the covering will not be restored to the grand pavilion, leaving the exercises to proceed under the blue canopy of heaven, with the stars above us, etc., etc.
A man who wished to "fight any man in the county" was arrested yesterday in front of the COURIER office by Marshals Best and Kruse after a desperate struggle, during which he seriously damaged the clothing of the latter. He reposed in the city jug.
At five this evening Mrs. Rev. Gunderman will deliver the presentation speech, and in behalf of the Central City ladies present the prize banner to the best drilled company of State militia, Mrs. K. Hostetter and Miss Belle Morrill acting as standard bearers.
And still the subscriptions to the DAILY COURIER pour in, although the week is half over. A great many copies are being sent by those in attendance to friends who are unable to be present. Back numbers from the beginning will be furnished to all who desire to send them in this way.
The B. & M. Land Department have erected a tent on the grounds, which has been nicely fitted up with the accountments (sic) of their business. The department have a quantity of lands -- the great bulk of that owned by the company -- in the North Platte region. The officials will wait upon you constantly, and furnish you with all needed information.
Parties who desire it may obtain all the numbers of the DAILY COURIER, wrapped in one package and sent to any address upon receipt of twenty-five cents. The DAILY COURIER will constitute a most valuable memento of the occasion, bringing continually fresh to the minds of the reader the incidents and anecdotes of the grand Reunion of 1880 in Nebraska. We have a limited number of the dailies still on hand, and will dispose of them to the first comer. Every old soldier should make effort to receive a package. Parties who leave before the Saturday's edition may leave their orders and address with the assurance of having them promptly attended to.
Farragut Post, Lincoln, has on had a large quantity of photographs taken on the spot, of Andersonville prison, during it occupation by the 60,000 prisoners. A number of the most atrocious barbarians with which that fearful place was cursed have been taken on a larger scale, forming of the first a centerpiece. The capture of prisoners by blood hounds, starving a prisoner to death, typing up by the thumbs, specimens of scurvy, and almost every notorious cruelty for which the place has been rendered famous, are represented in the picture. The scene was surrounded by crowds during the day. The Post we believe, has copies for sale at fifty cents each.
Gen. Manderson's StaffChief of Staff. -- Col. W. H. Webster, Central City.
Asst. Adj. Gen. -- Col. F. E. Brown, Syracuse.
Asst. Quartermaster. -- Col. Miles Warren, Bellewood.
Asst. Commissary of Subsistence. -- Col. Jas O. West, Grand Island.
Chief of Artillery. -- Maj. C. D. Chapman, Midland.
Medical Director. -- Maj Jas. H. Kyner, Omaha.
Provost Marshall. -- Maj Daniel Hopkins, Central City.
Judge Advocate. -- Maj. E. C. Calkins, Kearney.
Chief of Scouts. -- Maj. Chas. Wooster, Silver Creek.
Mustering Officer. -- Maj. P. Hurst, St. Paul.
Chaplain, -- Capt. B. Crabb, York.
To-Day's Programme.Artillery salute, sunrise.
Reveille -- drum corps.
Breakfast call -- bugle.
9 a. m. -- Guard mounting.
10 a. m. -- Competitive drill, for the prize colors by the state militia, followed by the presentation to the Governor of Nebraska, Hon. Albinus Nance.
1 p. m. -- Dinner call, bugle.
3 p. m. -- Review of the Grand Army of the Republic and state militia, by Gen. Wagner and staff and Gov. Nance and staff.
5 p. m. -- Presentation of the G. A. R. Prize Banner by the ladies of Central City.
7 p. m. -- Dress parade.
Retreat -- brass bands.
Artillery salute, sundown.
8 p. m. -- Camp fire in pavilion.
10:30 p. m. -- A squadron of gunboats will run past the batteries of Island No. 10.
11 p. m. -- Taps -- drum corps.
Musical Competition.Fully five thousand people assembled yesterday on the parade grounds to listen to the musical contest afforded by the competition of the bands who had entered the list for the $100 prize. It being of course expected each band would do its prettiest, and the opportunity thus afforded for hearing good music an excellent one, much interest was felt in the contest. The Grand Island Cornet, Capital city, and U. P. bands entered the lists, and r. Kombrink, A. L. Reinoehl, and J. I Walker were appointed judges. The playing of each of the bands, irrespective of the competition, was a treat in itself, as was manifested by the lively applauding of the thousands of assembled Hearers. The audience appeared to sympathesize (sic) with the Grand Island band, probably on account of their being not so much in the professional line as the others, but made no uncourteous demonstrations. The decision was announced in behalf of the judges by Capt. Grager, of A. G. State Militia, Omaha, in a neat speech, awarding the prize to the U. P. band. The result was received by the competitors in a commendable spirit-- mostly by the victors and good naturedly by the others. The former wee heartily cheered both by the audience and the unsuccessful competitors. At the close all three united in the melodies of "Hail Columbia."
Pocket Picked.Last night as a daughter of D. B. Day, of this place, was about to leave the train, she missed her pocket book from her side pocket, and turning hastily around observed a couple of individuals who had been standing close beside her about to leave the car. Being possessed of considerable grit and energy she immediately called for the police, and laying her hands on the parties forced them back into the car. The gentlemen protested, and attempted several times to leave, but the determined lady maintained her position until the conductor was called, who took them to the baggage car when they were taken in charge by Marshals Best and Barnes. A hasty search failed to discover the missing property, it being supposed that it was thrown from the window into the grass with the intention of recovering it as soon as the train left. The parties gave names, probably assumed, and were taken to the lock-up to await further action. A number of parties have missed their pocket books in the same place before, and the town marshals had been instructed to be on the watch yesterday evening
The Osceola Band is at hand.
A grand reunion of old soldiers.
Martial music by the wholesale.
Forty times around for a nickel.
Try "Buhach." Sure thing for insects.
The latest news from Maine in this issue.
Look out dar, now, for I'se agoin' to shoot!
Full stock of machine oils at J. S. Lindley's.
"Buhach" is recommended by an entomologists.
Finest stock of confectionery in the city, at Gregory's.
Mr. McCune, representing the State Journal, takes in the Reunion.
It is estimated that over 5,000 people encamped at Buford Post last night.
"Boss" ice cream every afternoon and evening at F. Gregory's, Sundays included.
Nearly all the G. A. R. and militia posts in the state have reported at headquarters.
A couple of Rocky Mountain deer are among the curiosities that are attending the Reunion.
The main building didn't bother some of them near so much as the Maine dispatches.
Confectionary, ice cream, lemonade and cigars at Gregory's ice cream parlor, opposite U. P. depot.
Special trains and additional cars have been running on the railroads to Central City during the week.
"Buhach," the great exterminator, kills flies, fleas, bugs and insects of all kinds. Try it. Sold by A. J. Bowle.
Camp grounds were treated to some most excellent music last night, by a number of the bands that had arrived.
The register at G. A. R. headquarters was occupied all day yesterday by the various members of the army as they arrived.
The office of the DAILY COURIER was kept busy with scarcely a moment's cessation yesterday, printing badges for the army boys.
The next watermelon is anxiously awaited at this office. As a solace to the wearisome toils of midnight hours, it cannot be excelled.
There has been some talk through the summer of having a reunion at Central City this fall. We wonder if any one has heard anything about it.
Col. Jas. A. Savage will probably be compelled to be absent entirely from the Reunion. The latest intelligence informs us that his wife is no better.
Editing a city local may be fun under ordinary circumstances, but when every few lines are interlined with an order for a badge, the poetry speedily vanishes.
H. V. Fitch, of Omaha, will be in town for a few day. Persons having pianos or organs that they wish tuned or repaired may have the matter attended to by leaving their orders at this office.
Leaving sentiment in the background there are few sights more beautiful than the appearance of the tented city by moonlight. The appearance of the white canvas mingled with the lights that appear art various intervals form
Politix is being sadly neglected at present. The only paper in the county that has ventured any partisan opinion this week is the Lockwood Journal, which remarks that "Garfield would make a good president, and Hancock a mighty poor one."
The soldiers are nearly all having badges printed containing the company number of regiment and state, to wear either on the coat or hat. This is a good idea, as it will enable them much more easily to find their old comrades in arms on the grounds.
The COURIER, would be glad to see the brethren of the press at any time during the Reunion. Our limited space forbids the mention of all who may call, but we shall nevertheless be pleased to have them call a couple of lines worth, or thereabouts as they may see fit.
Again we repeat our advice to our citizens not to charge too much during the campaign. The people of Central City are making record for themselves at present, and can not afford to take one of the most effectual methods of putting themselves in an unfavorable light in the eyes of their visitors.
Land Commissioner John C. Barnell arrived last night at camp headquarters where are already located a number of distinguished guests, including Gen. Manderson, Gen. Funke of the Lincoln post office department, Gen. C. H. Frederick and others. Maj. Jas. H. Kyner is located at State headquarters, Adj. Gen. Wood at G. A. R. headquarters, and Gov. Nance and staff are expected this evening to take up their station at state headquarters.
We are exceedingly sorry to have diminished the luster of the Merrick county fair, but humane (sic) nature is weak. An old subscriber brought in the prize melon of the season the other day, which he intended should occupy a space in the annual exhibit of Merrick county, after having been duly touched up as its merits deserved, in the COURIER. The melon was accordingly "lunched up" as per request, and with a view to giving as accurate and intelligent a description of the same as a thorough and detailed examination would allow -- and suffice is to say it will probably be detained from visiting the fair on account of sickness.
Wonder who'll herd cattle on the old camp grounds.
A new stock of choice jewelry at J. S. Lindley's.
Excursion to Central City.Special Dispatch to the Courier.
LINCOLN, Sept. 16. -- There will be an excursion train leave Lincoln this morning about seven a. m., arriving in Central City at about eleven, and return about seven p. m.
Last Night's Camp FireMeeting opened by Lincoln band. Gen. Vandervoort made a few remarks.
W. N. Wilbur, of Omaha, was then introduced by Gen. Vandervoort, and read the address of Gen. Savage, who was unable to be present owing to the severe sickness of his wife. In the address the camp was placed in charge of Gen. Chas. F. Manderson, who upon being introduced received three rousing cheers. Gen. Manderson responded to the address read by Col. Wilbur.
Col. F. E. Brown, of Syracuse, read the orders of Gen. Manderson. Gen Vandervoort then opened the camp fire. By his request the audience arose to their feet and sang old "John Brown" which was followed again by three strong cheers.
Commander in Chief Wagner was
Aids de Camp -- Capt. J. S. Miller, Aurora; Capt. Jacob B. Henbuch, Nelson; Cap. Horatio Townshead, David City.
The First Game.The first game of the series of contests for the grand prize, offered to the most successful ball clubs during the Reunion, occurred yesterday on the grounds near the camp, the competing sides being the Central Citys, and Keystones of Columbus. The game was in point of good playing perhaps the prettiest that has ever been played in the city, and the closeness of the contest kept the interest of the spectators up to a high pitch during the progress of the game. The Columbus club are a magnificent team, and with the exception of their last inning in the field played a game that indicated long practice. The Central City boys were the first to the bat, and soon retired with a goose egg. The Columbus club then swung the willow and succeeded in getting one score. At the close of the next three pairs of innings the score of the Central Citys still showed as blank as the beginning while the Keystones had succeeded in rolling up five. The fifth inning resulted in two each, and in the first half of the sixth inning, the Columbus club becoming a trifle "rattled," allowed their opponents to roll up three tallies. During the 1st half of the sixth, Hays, the curve pitcher of the Central Citys, took his position in the diamond, and had hardly pitched a dozen balls before the entire side was out and without so much as having tipped the ball. This was one of the most magnificent plays made during the game and was warmly applauded by the spectators. In the seventh inning there were gotten out on each side in rapid succession, and during the eighth the Central Citys added two more to their list, making the score stand seven to seven. The excitement now became intense. Miller, of the Central Citys, came to the bat and led off with a sharp knock to the field, which was loudly applauded. King Hayes and Stitzer each expired on first, leaving Miller on third, and the score still stood seven to seven. Burrell, of Keystones knocked a rising liner over second base, which was magnificently caught by Leake on a swift run toward home. Hudson succeeded in making first, but was put out on second by a throw from home, and Cain expired on three strikes. Both sides now braced up for the tenth inning, which was started by Waters with a three base hit. The Central Citys then appeared suddenly to brace up for the occasion, and sent the base hits in hot and heavy, just out of reach of the fielders, utterly demoralizing their opponents, and piling a score of six. By this the game was decided. The Keystones won an additional tally, giving the score 13 to 8. Another game will be played today. Yesterday's game throughout was well played, with the exception of the last inning, as the low score shows. King who holds a difficult and important position played through the entire game without a single error.
Married.KINGSTON - HUDSON. -- At the residence of the officiating clergyman, by the Rev. Fitch. Sept 15, 1880. Mr. J. J. KINGSTON to Miss MARY HUDSON, both of Arborville, York county, Neb.
Merrick Co. Petit Jurors. 1.
Wm. Adams
Wm. Yeoman
Albert Hudcall (Hudnall)
W. W. Burroughs
I. N. Allen
Wm. Brown
Fred Lamb (Laub)
J. ___nger (John Persinger)
Wm. Boyd
Frank Gardner
John Murray (Murry)
David (D.) Thomas
S. K. (S. E.) Wiall
John Lisco
Nathaniel Parker
Joseph Phelps
Frank Coyle
L. Swartwood
Geo. W. Welton
D. W. Brinkerhoff
B. M. (R. M.) Cole
A. P. Benson (Beman)
John Beaty (Berley)
E. B. (E. R.) Burnett
Jason Davis (James Davis)
John Baldero
F. W. (F. H.) Baird
A. Diselm (Deselin)
A. W. Gates
Chas. Cady
G. M. Burlingame
F. A. (L. A.) Halsey
A. T. Hempstone
Joseph Huff
W. J. Copeland
B. F. Jones
J. C. McLean
Niels (Neil) Hanson
C. M. Goodrich
J. B. (J. R.) Reynolds
Benj. Rose
John (Jno.) Kramer
N. Withrow
W. F. Sinsel
Wm. Mole (Wm. Able)
Martin Ott
Chas. King
J. B. Templin
A. T. Everett
Knoch (Enoch) Aurand
John Irwin
August Wagner
Robt. Black
John Ferrel (Ferrell)
J. C. Bowerman
J. S. Wright
Chas. Noble
D. L. Greiner
Frank Parker
H. C. Martin
NOTE: Variations in spelling and initials appearing in parenthesis are what is found by comparing the list from (THE ITEM) to similar list appearing in THE COURIER.
The Central City COURIER
Thursday, September 23, 1880
-----------------------------------------------------Terms, Two Dollars a Year, Address all Letters to COURIER, Central City, Nebraska
Largest Circulation of any Paper in the County.REPUBLICAN TICKET.
For President
For Vice-President
For Presidential Electors.
G. W. COLLINS, of Pawnee
John W. THURSTON, of Douglas.
JAMES LAIRD, of Adams.
For Congressman,
E. E. VALENTINE, of Cuming.
For Contingent Congressman,
THOS. MAJORS, of Nemaha.
For Governor,
For Lieutenant Governor,
E. C. CARNS, of Seward.
For Treasurer,
G. W. BARTLETT, of Lancaster.
For Secretary,
S. J. ALEXANDER, of Thayer.
For Auditor,
For Attorney General,
C. J. DILWORTH, of Phelps.
For Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings,
A. G. KENDALL, of Howard.
For Superintendent of Public Instruction,
W. W. W. JONES, of Lancaster.
For Representative 34th District,
For County Judge,
For Commissioner Eastern District,
For Commissioner Middle District,
For Surveyor,
For Assessor,
Democratic County Convention.
A delegate convention of the Democracy of Merrick county is hereby called to meet at the court house in Central City on Saturday, Sept. 25, 1880 at eleven a. m. for the purpose of electing four (4) delegates to the state convention to be held at Hastings Sept. 29, 1880 to elect four (4) delegates to the senatorial convention, and for the purpose of putting in nomination candidates for the various county offices to be filled at the coming election. The different precincts are entitled to the following representatives:
Silver Creek
Prairie Creek
Lone Tree
Prairie Island
By order of the committee:
IRA PROUTY, Chairman
People's Convention
The members of the Merrick County Central Committee and delegates from each precinct are hereby called to meet in convention, to be held at Central City court house on Sept. 25 at 2 p. m. to nominate county officers and transact such other business as may come before the convention. A full attendance is required.
Chairman of Central Committee
The Grand Reunion is over, and our citizens, weary with the labor and excitement of last week, are nevertheless gratified to know that the event has met with all the success that was anticipated for it. "The grandest gathering that has ever taken place west of the Mississippi" has well justified the predictions that have been made concerning it. From all over the state and surrounding country veterans and civilians have poured in in countless numbers to participate in the exercises. Distinguished citizens from our own and other states have been our guests, and their names and appearances have become as familiar to many of us as those whom we meet every day upon the streets. The scenes of the grounds by day and the wit of the campfires at night have formed most agreeable attractions to the thousands who had assembled to enjoy them. Nothing has occurred to mar the harmony of the occasion. The weather, if we might possibly except the dusty condition of the roads, has been all that could be desired, the programme has been well carried out, the city and camp have maintained an extraordinary degree of quiet and freedom from the disturbing element, among so large a body, and the best of good feeling appears to have prevailed throughout. It affords much pleasure to the people of Central City to know that their visitors could not but help go away pleased and satisfied with their attendance. It is but just and due to the many agencies that have so liberally responded to the enterprise, that at least an expression of gratitude of the city be tendered them. The Grand Army, the state press, the railroad companies, and numerous others, who have generously assisted in one way or another in the success of the undertaking, merit and receive the hearty thanks of the people of Central City and vicinity. The COURIER is likewise pleased to observe the spirit of enterprise which has been exhibited at home. Our people have evidently realized the importance of the occasion, and have shown themselves equal to it. The gorgeous appearance of our town, and the liberality she has exhibited in dealing with her visitors and matters which have been made the subject of much comment, and go to show that our city's grand opportunity has been put to its best use. The event is one which is to mark the history of the state. Central City is well satisfied with her experience, and trusts at the next occasion of the kind to be able to respond as liberally as her neighboring localities have in the present instance.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~C. F. KEHLER.
Physician and Surgeon. Office on Bennet street, opposite Whittaker's drug store.
DOODY'SMeat Market
Front St., next to City Bank
Keep constantly on hand
Chicago Lumber Yard!O. OLIVER,
Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Lime,
Sash, Doors, and Moulding.Whitebreast, Anthracite and Blacksmithing
Coal always on hand.
Office and Yard near the B. & M. R. R. Depot
Fullerton, Nance Co., Neb.
60 Yearling Steers.
40 Yearling Heifers.
275 Two and Four Year old Steers,
25 Cows and Calves,
5 Thoro'bred Shorthorn Durham Cattle,
3 Bulls and 3 Heifers.
G. A. R. Reunion News as reported in the
Merrick County ITEM, August 18th, Sept. 15th & 22nd, 1880
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