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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project


Date 18xx p-c
Aird, Hugh
Nebraska City, Neb. C. of I.O.O.F. Frontier Lodge No. 3. See Societies & Organizations
Nebraska City News
7-15-67 3-2
Aird, Hugh W.M. of I. O. of G. Templars of Nebraska City for ensuing year. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 5--1-67 3-1
Aird, Hugh Otoe No. 4. Independent Order, Good Templars. Strawberry Festival, July 4. Committee on dishes, spoons etc. Door Keeper. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-4
Ake, John H. Of Muscatine, Iowa accompanied a company from that county to the Nemaha valley looking for locations. See Emigrants. Nebraska City News 6-8-68 3-3
Alberts, Isaac Reported an Agricultural Society fromed in Schuyler. Nebraska Advertiser 12-22-70 2-3
Albion Rev. S. P. Bollman appointed minister at Albion Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Albright, Mr. Nebraska City. Fire Department. See Fire Protection. Nebraska City News 12-16-68 3-2
Albright, A. Nebr. City, 2nd Ward Alderman and Delegate, Nominating Convention. See Convention, Democratic. Nebraska City News 4-10-68 3-2
Albright, A. Elected alderman second ward of Nebraska City, total vote 91. See Election results. Nebraska City News 5-6-67 3-2
Albright, A. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. candidate for city alderman of 2nd ward on democratic ticket. See Election candidate. Nebraska City News 4-17-68 2-1
Albright, A. Nebraska City. Committee's choice for alderman of 2nd Ward. See Convention, City. Nebraska City News 5-3-67 3-2
Albright, A. Total vote A. Albright for alderman for 2nd Ward, 91. See Election Results. Nebraska City News 5-6-67 3-2
Albright & Hare Tecumseh Fire loss. Furniture store, $200. See Fire Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-75 2-2
Alcorn, J. L. Elected U. S. Senator for Mississippi, H. W. Rivels retiring. Nebraska Advertiser 2-2-71 2-6
Alcott, Anna Apointed teacher, Brownville schools. Nebraska Advertiser 8-4-70 2-2
Alderman, Miss Brownville, took part in high school program. Nebraska Advertiser 11-27-73 2-4
Alderman, H. W. Elected Board of Managers of the Nemaha County Agricultural Society. Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 4-3
Aldrman, Hiram Member of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-70 4-1
Aldrich, Benton Nominated for Judge of Election Nebraska Advertiser 9-22-70 2-5
Aldridge, Mr. Of the St. Louis Democrat. See Press Nebraska City News 10-5-68 3-2
Alexander, Col. On the expedition for land to colonize 50 miles from Reama they came up with buffalo, the 5 days hunt total - 94 buffaloes. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-69 1-5
Alexander, Mr. Farm seven miles northwest of Nebraska City. See Wells. Nebraska City News 10-28-68 3-3
Alexander, Mr. 7 miles northwest of Nebr. City. Water for well found at 119 feet. See Wells. Nebraska City News 10-19-68 3-2
Alexander, Mr. Proprietor with Deffenbacher, of Health & Co's papent (sic) well-borer. See Wells. Nebraska City News 9-23-68 3-4
Alexander, Rev. Of the Providence conference will preach at the M. E. Curch in Nebraska City, Nebr. on Sunday. See Churches. Nebraska City News 6-26-68


Alexander, Rev. G. A. Assisted Presiding Elder T. B. Lemon, at M. E. Church cornerstone ceremonies October 7th at Blue Springs. See Church Nebraska Advertiser 9-30-69 2-1
Alexander, G. L. Appointed minister to 1st church at Lincoln, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Alexander, George L. Of Nebraska City, elected G. N. S. of the Good Templars Lodge. Nebraska Advertiser 6-23-70 2-3
Alexander, (Rev) G. L. Appointed to the Peru District by the Nebraska Methodist Conference. Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 2-1
Alexander, Rev. Geo. S. Of Nebraska City will give a course of six lectures at the M. E. Church. See Lectures Nebraska City News 9-30-68 2-4
Alexander, William M. Of Jefferson County, elected on the executive committee of the Old Soldiers Association. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 1-5
Alford, John H. Lancaster county Assistant Adjutant General, rank, colonel, on Governor Military Staff. Nebraska Advertiser 2-12-74 2-3
Allen, James T. Member of Premium Committee State Fair. Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 4-1,2
Allard & Pope White washing, paper hanging, kalsoming in any color, house and sign painting, glazing done to order. See Painting Nebraska City News 4-3-67 3-2
Allard, Thos Otoe Lodge No 4, I. O. of G. T. committee on arrangements, Strawberry Festival, July 4th. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-4
Allemane, Eugene Taken up three miles southwest of Bennett Mills, one white steer. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-69 2-8
Allen, E. A. Of Omaha was elected M. E. G.H. P. of the Masonic Lodge. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 6-30-70 2-3
Allen, F. E. Real Estate transfer from Soseph Thompson, Part sections 29, 32, 5, 15. $3,200. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 3-4
Allen, Henry Vice President of Literary Society of Grant precinct Richardson County. See Societies Nebraska Advertiser 5-27-69 2-1
Allen, William Bought Young's Restaurant. Is a good baker. See Trade Nebraska Advertiser 7-22-69 2-1
Allen, William Has 160 acres of land for sale, fifteen miles from Brownville and eighteen miles from Nebraska City. Nebraska Advertiser 5-19-70 2-4
Allen, William Sold bakery and Confectionery to George W. Hansen Corner of Main and First Streets, Brownville, Nebraska. See Trade Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 3-2
Allen, Capt. William Recollections. Nebraska Advertiser 2-12-74 1-5
Allenbaugh, Jasper Was killed when lightning struck the Boutman home. Nebraska Advertiser 9-1-70 1-3
Allermane, Eugene Taken up 3 miles southwest of Bennett Mills on October 22d. 1 White Steer. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-69 2-8
Alley, ___ and A. K. Farnam will raise garden seeds for market. See Agriculture Nebraska Advertiser 3-2-76 3-6
Allgewahr, Mr. Of Arago, bought 3,000 hogs for packing. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 2-2
Allgewhar, Lewis Shipped 10,000 pieces of pork from Arago last week. See Industry Nebraska Advertiser 4-22-69 2-1
Allspaw, L. A. Bought 80 acres of school land of Section 36, township 4, Range 12 at $7 per acre, in Nemaha County. See School lands Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 1-6
Allumbaugh, Mrs. Missouri Wife of Jasper Allumbough and daughter of George Boutman was instantly killed by lightning at the Boutman Home 2 1/2 miles south of Aspinwall. Nebraska Advertiser 9-1-70 1-3
Almanson, John Elected to the House from Douglas County. Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-4
Alspau, Leroy To Wm. W.Lawrence, warantee deed, part W 1/2 of N. W. qr. 31, 4, 13. $500 Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73


Ambrose, G. W. Delegates to the National Capitol Convention to be held at Cincinnati. Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-3
Ambrose, J. C. Award for essay on Nebraska. Nebraska Advertiser 2--5-74 2-4
Amendments Constitutional. Has gone up, thirteen states having already refused to ratify it, and as it takes twenty-seven to carry it, of course this is the end of the matter; for if all the other states, besides the thirteen should ratify, it would only make twenty-three states, lacking four states to carry out the iniquity. Nebraska City News 3-15-67 3-1
American Bible Society Mohser, Rev. Agent. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 5-22-67 3-1
Ames, Benjamin In 1849 Passenger on the steamer Robert Campbell who prescribed for cholera and diarrhea after deaths of two passengers. See Medicine Nebraska Advertiser 9-2-69 1-7
Ames, Gliver Defendant, official of U. P. R. R., in a suit brought by James W. Davis for $604,488.58. See Judiciary Nebraska Advertiser 7-29-69 2-7
Ames, W. D. and I. I. Eingleton have purchased 20,000 sacks of corn in Fremont County, Iowa. See Agriculture Nebraska City News 3-11-67 3-1
Amory, Geo. K. Has been elected treasurer of the State Bar Association. See Societies and Organizations. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 2-4
Amsden, Forest H. To William M. Hannaford, warrantee deed, Corn 13 1/3 rods W. of S. E. Corn. of S.W. of S.E. 1/4 of S.E. 1/4, S. 11 T. 5. R. 15. $100. Nebraska Advertiser 6-12-73 3-3
Amusement At a donation party in Omaha last week for Rev. L. F. Brith. $200 was raised. Nebraska Advertiser 4-6-76 3-1
Amusement Music and Tableaux Brownville, At McPherson's Hall for the M. E. Sunday school. Those paricipating were Miss Fanny Arnold, Mrs. A. W. Nickell, Miss Minnie Locke, Miss Florence Bailey, Miss Clara Mercer, Miss Lee Arnold, Stella Hetzel, Eva O'Pelt, Docker Chadwick, Charles Gaede, Maud Ebright, Mr. Church, Mrs Handley and Rev. Richards. Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 3-4
Amusement (Chancellor) Benton of the State University will lecture in Peru under the auspices of the Everett Literary Society on Monday evening, March 30th, Subject - History and Its Lessons. Admission 25ç. Nebraska Advertiser 3-16-76 2-1
Amusements Leavitts Bell Ringers gave exhibitions in Brownville Friday & Saturday. Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-75 3-2
Amusements The Presbyterian sociable will be held at the residence of Dr. Crane this evening. A general invitation is cordially tendered. Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 3-1
Amusements Reutz, Madam. French minstrels will be here Saturday evening. Nebraska Advertiser 1-20-76 3-1
Amusements Sleight of hand and ventriloquist and temperance lecturer will be in Nemaha for social days. Prof. H. H. Williamson. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-4
Amusements (Prof) Williamson gave an exposition and lecture at Johnson. He performs tricks of legerdemain, etc and then exposes them. Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 3-4
Anderson, Mr. at Centre precinct, Columbus Nebr. Loss from ice breaking up in Platte river. See Flood Damage. Nebraska City News 4-24-67 2-3
Anderson, Capt. Sold hogs to Charley Gerber averaging about 400 lbs. each. See Hogs. Nebraska City News 5-15-68 3-2
Anderson, Charles Fined for fighting $19. See Judiciary Nebraska Advertiser 8-5-69 3-2
Anderson, D. M. Capt. Wyoming precinct, Otoe county. Member of committee to solicit southern aid. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 4-24-67 3-2
Anderson, D. M. Otoe County. Chairman of the meeting and on committee to draft a constitution and by-laws. See Farmer's Alliance Nebraska City News 1-6-68 2-1
Anderson, Milton D. & M. E. & William et al defendants vs Horatio Vars, Otoe county district court, foreclosure of mortgage. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 10-30-68 2-4
Anderson, Ralph Member of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-70 4-1
Anderson, William Married to Hester Ann Hawk at Nemaha City, July 4. See Marriage Nebraska Advertiser 7-15-69 2-3
Andrews, Henry C. sold real estate to Margaret A. Andrews. Nebraska Advertiser 11-20-73 3-3
Andrews, Margaret A. bought real estate from Henry C. Andrews. Nebraska Advertiser 11-20-73 3-3
Andrews, Asahel Appointed postmaster at Ceresco, Saunders County in place of Ira R. Nelson, resigned. Nebraska Advertiser 12-22-70 1-5
Angal, A. Of Nebraska City, while at church, had his shop entered but the scoundrel was frightened away without booty. See Outlaws. Nebraska City News 3-8-67 3-1
Angel, Will Omaha, Nebraska. Director of the Omaha Baseball Club. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 4-29-67 3-1
Angell, Mr. Vocalist, Youn Mens Literary Entertainment. See Societies and Associations. Nebraska City News 3-28-68 3-2
Angell, A. Nebraska City, Nebr. See Boots and Shoes. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 2-5
Angell, H. W. Otoe Lodge No. 4. I. O. of G. T. Committe on Music, Strawberry Festival, July 4. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-4
Antelope County. investment in educational facilities. Nebraska Advertiser 2-16-74 1-4
Anthony, H. B. Elected U. S. Senator for Rhode Island. Nebraska Advertiser 2-2-71 2-6
Anthomy & Brock. Beatrice, Nebraska. Proprietor of a drug store. See Beatrice. Nebraska City News 6-25-67 2-1,2
App Frederrich and wife to Christian Schwan, warrante deed, 5 1/2 of S. W. qr. 29, 5, 13. $300. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-5
Applegate, J. W. Adv. Architect and Builder, Brownville, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 2-5
Applegate, T. Lawyer, former partner of C. Gillespie. Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 1-4

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