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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

Appointments by Type

Date 18xx p-c
Senators Thayer and Tipton have, at last, secured a foreign appointment for Nebraska. Hon. Isaac Lewis Gibbs, well known in Nebraska, as a former member of the Legislature of the territory and a citizen of Nebraska City, has been appointed and. confirmed Governor of the Territory of Idaho. The family of Gov. Gibbs is still residing in this place and we presume his appointment will be charged up to the Radical Party of Otoe County.
Nebraska City News
Senators have notified the President that it is useless for him to nominate any men for appointments to office who are not Republicans as they will not confirm them.
Nebraska City News
29th Congress. See Congress.
Nebraska City News
Of T. Dwight as Indian Superintendent of Neveda has been rejected by the U. S. Senate.
Nebraska City News
The report of the Secretary of State shows that no persons were reappointed by him after their rejection by the Senate; and no names withheld from the senate during its sessions. The number of reappointments to supply vacancies 17. The report of the Secretary of the Treasury shows. the total number of changes during the recess to have been 278 of which 199 were caused by removal. The number re-appointed after rejection by the senate 26, and 9 were reappointed on whose nomination no action was taken by the senate; 26 were appointed whose names were withheld from the senate, two of whom died during the recess and one during session of the senate-- these could not take oath of office and were removed from office; 2 resigned, 4 continued in office until the nominations of the others were submitted. Names of 11 were accidentally omitted in sending in their nominations; 9 of these had been superseded by appointment of other parties. The Secretary of the Interior states that of 61. Registers of Land offices 7 have been removed from office and other persons appointed; of 61 Receivers of Public Monies, 3 were removed; of 10 Superintendents of Indian Affairs, 2 were removed, and of 68 Indian Agents, 5 were removed; of 57 personal agents, 12 removed. Total number of clerks and emplpyees under control of the Interior, exclusive of foregoing, 628 and only 20 removed, Removals have in almost all cases, been to provide a place for a wounded soldier, more competent to discharge the duties.
Nebraska City News
Church Nebr. conference of M. E. Church, Nebr. City District. See Churches, Methodist. Nebraska City News 4-13-68 3-4
Church Nebr. conference of M. E. Church, Omaha District. See Churches, Methodist. Nebraska City News 4-10-68 3-3
A & N Railroad Charley Noil has charge of the Railroad station at Saltello, Lancaster County. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 3-2
A & N Railroad Is situated about a mile from the center of Falls City, the city will soon reach the tracks if the growth of the place keep pace with that of the past year. The R. R. runs through 40 1/2 miles of Richardson county, the R. R. paid in County Treasure $2,703 on a valuation of $3,000 miles this year, it is assessed at $9,000 the county voted the R. R. $157,500 bonds to get the road to Falls City. Nebraska Advertiser 5-15-73 2-2
Abbey, W. W. of Richardson County elected inspector of Penitentiary for 3 year term. See Building. Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 2-2
Governor Buck, Royal appointed to locate the seventy-two sections of Saline Lands granted to Nebraska. See Lands, Saline Nebraska City News 6-7-67 2-1
Governor Commissioners of Deeds, regulating appointment of amendment of section 38, Chapter 43, revised statues. See Message, Gov. Butler. Nebraska City News 5-22-67

1-1 to 6
2-2 to 4

Governor Hon. P. W. Hitchcock has been appointed surveyor General for Iowa and Nebraska and Silas A. Strickland, Attorney General for Nebraska, says the Plattsmouth Herald. The former office to be established at Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Nebraska City News 3-27-67 3-1

Legislature Omaha Herald, on appropriating $45 each for stationery and postage. See Legislature, State Nebraska City News 5-27-67 3-2
Legislature Needed to be made by Nebraska Legislature. See Survey, Geological. Nebraska City News 5-31-67 2-2
Legislature appropriated twenty sections of state lands and $3,000 of state money to State Normal School at Peru. See Schools, Peru Normal. Nebraska City News 7-1-67 2-1
Legislature Used by Butler. Editorial.
Page 63, Volume 1 of the State laws of Nebraska, contains (in addition to the general appropriation bill of $67,195.23 found on page 35, 36, & 37, for state government) an appropriation of $15,000. The two sums together is $82,195.23 during the first year of statehood. All this has been or is being disbursed by David Butler & Co. and has not been accounted for by a public showing of accounts. Much of it has been licked up by land locators, land fees, public printing to Saint Balcombe, extra salary to David Butler, etc.
Nebraska City News 8-14-68 2-3

Arago - Atrd
Arago Mr. Allgerwahr has bought 3,000 hogs for Packing and is still buying. See industry. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 2-2
Arago In Richardson County, is situated on the Missouri river. Population of about 350, has several stores. On the line of the St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Railroad. Is settled mostly by Germans. Southern Nebraskian is published there. Nebraska Advertiser 6-24-69 1-4
Arago John Quinn living 2 miles from Arago was robbed by two masked men. See Crime. Nebraska Advertiser 11-18-75 2-5
Arapahoe Indians delegation visited Washington D. C. to confer with the Commissioner of Indian affairs to exchange reservation for Indian Territory. Nebraska Advertiser 11-5-73 2-5
Arbegast, Mr. Neighbor who helped Mr. Southard from the well. Brownville, Nebraska. See Southard, A. Nebraska Advertiser 6-23-70 2-4
Archeology Cardiff Giant. A protion of the Cardiff Giant is at the county clerks office, Brownville. See Cardiff Giant. Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-75 3-1
Archeology Henry Hart of Brownville has been given a bronze coin made at Constantinople during the reign of Constantine the Great, A. D. 336, or 1540 years ago, by Robert Morris eminent American who spent 3 years in the Holy Land. The coin was found in the ruins of Jerusalem. Nebraska Advertiser 2-10-76 3-2
Archibald, Judge Bought the Bruce property, corner of Kansas and 8th street for $1950, though Land agent I. S. Jones. Nebraska City News 8-28-68 3-4
Archibald, Judge Edward Nebraska City, died. Nebraska Advertiser 1-8-74 3-2
Architect George Edwards, the best architect in the State is visiting old friends in this vicinity - he ranks high among builders in the City of Omaha. Nebraska City News 4-27-68 3-3
Argabright, John Elected Supervisor District No. 2. See Election Returns, Newaka County. Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Arizona Has over 36,000 Indians, all quiet and Tractable except for the 8,000 Apaches, who are always on the warpath. Nebraska Advertiser 6-23-70 1-8
Arizona Judge Reaves left for Arizona to care for his duties as U. S. Associate Justice. Family remaining at Brownville. Nebraska Advertiser 8-12-69 2-2
Arizona, La Paz Honorable Isham Reavis, U. S. Associate Justice for Arizona, arrived at Brownville, Nebr. La Paz, Arizona is his headquarters. From "Falls City Journal". See U. S. Government. Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-69 2-1
Arizona Rev. J. R. Wolf appointed minister at Arizona, Nebraska. Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Arkansas Elected Powell Clayton for Senator, Alex McDonald retiring. Nebraska Advertiser 2-2-71 1-6
Armitage and Hawk Agents for Great Western Fire Extinguisher, Brownville, Nebraska. See Fire Nebraska Advertiser 8-26-69 2-5
Armstrong, Mr. Has one of the best orchards in Otoe County. Nebraska Advertiser 8-26-69 2-2
Armstrong, Jack Nebraska City, purchased 80 acres adjoining his farm. See Real Estate Transactions Nebraska City News 6-21-67 3-1
Armstrong, Jack Of Cass county, Nebr. Wheat not worth cutting, depredations of hoppers. Potatoes fine. Erecting one of finest barns in county. See Grasshoppers. Nebraska City News 6-22-68 3-3
Armstrong, R. Bedford Pct. Elected Judge of Election. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Armstrong, R. H. Agent for Carter Zonave Troupe. See Pastimes Nebraska City News 4-22-67 2-5
Armstrong, Robert married Margaret Whizel. Nebraska Advertiser 1-1-74 3-2
Armstrong, Wm Gage Co. Lost 200 bushels of wheat by Prairie fire on Cedar Creek. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-4,5
Arnold, Ben "Coin Money" the schools exhibition at the Hall was a through historical review of the use of coin money. Nebraska Advertiser 4-3-73 3-5
Arnold, Benny Brownvile, took part at school program. Nebraska Advertiser 12-25-73 3-5
Arnold, Dr. Bruce Has located in Omaha, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 3-3
Arnold, Don Arbitrator to appear at next term of court. See Legal Notice Nebraska Advertiser 9-8-70 3-3
Arnold, Don J. L. Parker's Patent Bee Hive, Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 3-24-70 4-4
Arnold, Edward Brownville, gave Recitation high school program. Nebraska Advertiser 11-27-73 2-4
Arnold, Emma Peru, Teacher State Normal School. Nebraska Advertiser 12-11-73 1-3
Arnold, Fanny Took part in the M. E. Sunday School program. See Amusements. Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 3-4
Arnold, Miss Fanny Vocal Music 4th of July celebration and barbacue at Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-2
Arnold, Dr. L. B. will be general practitioner at the Good Samaritan Hospital. See Good Samaritan Hospital Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-75 3-1
Arnold, Miss Lu Took part in M. E. Sunday School Program. See Amusements. Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 3-4
Arnold, Lucia The essay "Queen Elizabeth," the school exhibitions at the Hall, was perhaps the best original production of the evening. Nebraska Advertiser 4-3-73 3-5
Arrison, A. A. Co-partnership with A. W. Orr, Nebr. City. See Dissolution. Nebraska City News 4-20-68 3-4
Arrison, A. A. Guest on the Kate Kinney excursion to Omaha from Nebraska City. See Pastimes Nebraska City News 7-15-67 2-2
Arrison, A. A. and lady, Nebraska City. Member of the Missouri River Trip on the steamer Columbia to Omaha and back. See Social Life. Nebraska City News 6-25-67 3-1,2
Arrison, A. A. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Dealer in parlor, bedroom and kitchen furniture. See Furniture. Nebraska City News 4-20-68 2-6
Arrison, A. A. Nebraska City, Neb. See Undertaking. Nebraska City News 4-29-67 2-4
Arrison, A. A. Bought a lot near the Methodist Church in Nebraska City from Wm. Fulton for $300. See Real Estate Transactions. Nebraska City News 4-5-67 3-2
Ashby, Mr. W. W. Resolved that we are under many obligations to Mr. Ashby and Mr. Baldwin the accomplished pilots of the kind gentlemanly and generous treatment which we have received at their hands during the round trip. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-2,3
Ashland Rev. B. H. Beale appointed Minister at Ashland Nebraska. Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Ashland G. S. Miller Agent of the State Temperance Society and member of Ashland Quarterly Conference. Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Ashland Public sale of town lots on June 3 and 4 at Ashland, Saunders County, Nebraska. Nebraska Advertiser 6-2-70 2-2
Ashley, G. Elected Supervisor District No. 3, Glen Rock Precinct. See Election Returns. Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Ashley, George Has purchased material for his new residence. See Building Nebraska Advertiser 7-21-70 3-2
Ashley, George Bought 10 acres of Nemaha County school land in Section 16, Township 6, Range 16 at $12.50 per acre. See School Land Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 1-6
Ashley, George Real estate transfer. To P. C. Richards. Nebraska Advertiser 11-13-73 3-5
Ashley, J. Glen Rock Pct. Elected Judge of Election and Road Supervisor. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Ashton, Albert President, Otoe County Nat. Bank, Nebraska City. See Banking. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 1-1
Ashton, T. Elected Director of Nebraska Railway Company. See Railroads. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 3-5
Ashton, T. B. Otoe Lodge No. 4. Independent Order Grand Templars, Strawberry Festival, July 4. Committee on dishes, spoons etc. See Societies & Organizations. Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-4
Ashton, Tolbert Co-partnership, Forwarding & Commission, Nebr. City. See Dissolution.l Nebraska City News 1-27-68 2-4
Aspinwall George G. Start, Grain and Implement merchant. Aspinwall, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 4-27-71 2-7
Aspinwall Boatman home 2 1/2 miles south was struck by lightning. Nebraska Advertiser 9-1-70 1-3
Aspinwall A. R. McCandless, Omaha, Bought a farm near Aspinwall in Nemaha County and is erecting a large house there. Nebraska Advertiser 8-12-69 2-1
Aspinwall, Nemaha County Seven miles south of Brownville, below mouth of Little Nemaha river, 300 population. On line of the trunk railroad. Nebraska Advertiser 6-24-69 1-4
Assessor Judge Guthrie was appointed Assessor, vice Thompson resigned. Nebraska City News 4-1-67 3-1
Associations, Old Settlers Attention to all old residents of Nebraska is called to the articles from the Omaha Herald and Brownville Democrat and the letter of Hon. A. D. Jones of todays News During our residence of more than fourteen years in Nebraska we have all"been making history" and it is deemed important that the records be made up and confided to the hands of an "Old Settlers" State Association" so the coming inhabitants of Nebraska may know who the pioneers of Nebraska have been and how dwelt in early days. Nebraska City News 12-30-68 2-3
Associations, Old Settlers Correspondence with a view to a State Association of Old Settlers, of A. D. Jones and Dr. A. S. Holladay, and J. S. Marton. Dr. Holladay suggests that a County Association of the Old Settlers of Nemaha be organized at once, so the delegates may be regularly chosen to represent us in the contemplated State Association. Nebraska City News 12-30-68 2-3
Associations, Old Settlers Organization has been formed at Lincoln. Augustus F. Harvey, James Queen, and S. B. Galey were appointed a committee to draft a constitution. and by laws. Nebraska City News 12--23-68 3-1
Associations, "Old Settlers Club The first and last meeting was held at the residence of Wm. H. Craig, Esq. on evening of Dec. 26, 1867. J. Sterling Morton is to deliver the second annual address on Dec. 28th, 1868, at the Court House. Nebraska City News 11-18-68 3-1
Associations. Otoe County Teachers.

2nd annual meeting will be held Jan. 2. at High School Building, 10 A.M.
1st Annual Address - E. R. Richardson - Music
2nd Essay - Miss Jennice Bell - Music
3rd Address - Rev. R. W. Oliver - Music.
4th Election of Officers.

1st Installation of Officers.
2nd Resolutions, motions and discussions. Music
3rd Address - Rev. T. M. Thorpe - Music.
4th General Business.
E. R. Richardson, Chairman Ex. Com.

Nebraska City News 12-30-68 3-2
Associations. Young Men's Christian. A meeting of the Methodist Episcopal Church tomorrow evening to consider the propriety of organizing a Young Men's Christian Association,
E. Huber, )
H. Brown, ) Committee.
O . H. Irish.)
Nebraska City News 12-4-68 3-1
Associations. Young Men's Literary. Entertainment at Court House, Dec. 28, 1868, of program and debate, resolved - That the doctrine of the resurrection of the body is consistent with natural law. Affirmative, Rev. J. M. Taggart, S. P. Sibley. Negative, Ashby, D. L. Jones. Nebraska City News 12-28-68 3-2
Associations. Young Men's Literary. First entertainment at the Court House, Nov. 23, 1868. Admission free.
Question for debate - "Resolved that the manner in which the Midland Pacific Railroad obtained the late issue of $100.,000 bonds from Otoe Co., was detrimental to the railroad interests of said county."
Affirmative - T. B. Stevenson,. Geo. Dunn.
Negative - C. W. Seymour, Rev. Roswell Foster..
Nebraska City News 11-18-68 3-4

Atchinson, J. L.

Elected director of Brownville and Hamburg Railroad Company Nebraska Advertiser 5-25-71 2-1
Atchison To White Cloud, distance of forty miles. See Telegraph Nebraska City News 12-11-68 2-4
Atchison County History of Watson. Eight months ago it was a cornfield. Mile east of Sonora. as fine new homes, is a good place for a railroad town. Nebraska Advertiser 5-20-69 2-1
Atkinson, H. M. Bought 320 acres of school land in Section 36, Township 4, Range 14 at $7 per acre in Nemaha County. See School Land. Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 1-6
Atkinson, Hon. Henry M. Hsa been confirmed Surveyer General of Mexico. Nebraska Advertiser 2-10-76 2-1
Atkinson, H. M. Brownville. Director, First National Bank. Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 3-2
Atkinson, Squirt Son-in-law of Senator Tipton and Register of Land Office of Brownville. See Cass Co. Senatorial Ingratitude. Nebraska City News 5-1-67 2-4
Atlantic Cable. It is announced that the first year's revenue will ammount to �45O,OOO sterling or within �5,OOO of the original cost of the last laid cable. Nebraska City News 8-2-67 2-4
Atrd, Mr. Returned from Salt Creek, last evening, with D. B. Mc Mechan, where he had taken a homestead of 160 acres of land. He speaks in raptures of the country. Nebraska City News 6-14-67 3-1

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