NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project
Attorney - Ayers
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Date 18xx | p-c |
Attorney | Hon Gaylord J. Clarke, formerly a New York journalist and State officer was in 1867-8 and attorney at Plattsmouth and partner of De Forest Porter of Brownville. He has been chosen Judge of the District Court of Texas for an 8 year term at $3,500 per year | Nebraska Advertiser | 12-1-70 | 2-1 |
Attorney | Senator Cassady of Council Bluffs called upon us today. He is an able lawyer, sound Democrat and a clever gentleman. | Nebraska City News | 5-20-68 | 3--1 |
Attorney | John Cumerford, Esq. former citizen of this City arrived yesterday, and will engage in the practise of law. | Nebraska City News | 5-20-68 | 3-1 |
Attorney | Job A. Dillon, Attorney and Counsellor at law, and General Land Agent, Tecumseh, Johnson County, Nebraska | Nebraska Advertiser | 4-22-69 | 2-4 |
Attorney | J. T. Drew, Counselor at Law, Anyone having claims against the United State will find it to their advantage to send a statement of their case. 478 H. Street, Washington, D. C. | Nebraska Advertiser | 11-18-69 | 2-5 |
Attorney - Adv. | Daniel Gant. Solicitor in Chancery. Will practise in the State and Federal Courts of Nebraska and South Western Iowa. Nebraska City. | Nebraska City News | 9-16-68 | 2-5 |
Attorney | Geo. A. Kellogg, and solicitor in chancery. Will practise in the State and Federal Court of Nebraska City, Nebr. | Nebraska City News | 12-30-68 | 2-4 |
Attorney | H. O. McNutly, Brownviile, N. T. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. | Nebraska City News | 4-9-57 | 3-7 |
Attorney | R. S. Maloney, Jr. well-known in Brownville has recently returned from Chicago where he practiced law for 2 years. He will open a law office at Humbold, Nebraska. | Nebraska Advertiser | 10-28-75 | 3-2 |
Attorney | Ernest S. Morehead. Attorney and Councellor at Law. Office with Hon. J. F. Kinney. Main St., Nebraska City. | Nebraska City News | 10-21-68 | 2-6 |
Attorney | J. W. Newman, Attorney-at-law with Judge Morgan. Court House, Brownville, Nebraska. | Nebraska Advertiser | 9-23-69 | 2-7 |
Attorney | J. w. Newman Esq., attorney at law in Brownville for 5 or 6 years has sold out his interest and on Wednesday last started for Richmond, Indiana to practice law. | Nebraska Advertiser | 10-28-75 | 3-2 |
Attorney | Peult and Wi1kinson, Omahi, N.T. Attorneys at law. Land Agents. Wi1l attend to all business entrusted to their case. | Nebraska Advertiser | 5-21-57 | 3-6 |
Attorney. Adv. | C. W. Semour, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Nebraska City, Nebraska. | Nebraska City News | 9-25-68 | 2-3 |
Attorney. Adv. | Wm. W. Wardell. Prosecuting Attorney and Counselor-at-law, Nebraska City. Will attend to all business in the different Courts of the Territory. | Nebraska City News | 4-3-67 | 2-6 |
Attorney at Law. Adv. | L. M. Lloyd, Nebraska City, Nebr. Will attend to all legal business; collections made for non-residents and returns made promptly. | Nebraska City News | 9-25-68 | 2-3 |
Attorneys | French and Rogers, Counselors-at-Law, office in Court House Building, Brownville,Nebraska | Nebraska Advertiser | 6-10-69 | 2-5 |
Attorneys | New Law Firm O. B. Hewitt has associated with himself in the practice of Law. Mr. J. W.. Newman, recently from Richmond Indiana a graduate of both the Literary and Law Department of the Michigan University. | Nebraska Advertiser | 10-14-69 | 3-1 |
Attorneys of Nebraska | Revision or amendment of statue relating to prosecuting attorneys. See Message, Gov. Butler | Nebraska City News | 5-20-67 | 1-1 to 6 |
Attorneys | Nebraska City, Calhoun & Croxton. Attorney for Plaintiff Horatio Vars vs Milton D. Anderson, et al. See Legal Notice | Nebraska City News | 10-30-68 | 2-4 |
Attorneys. Adv. | Allen Blocker, late Maj. of 1st Nebr.., and John McPhai]., late 3rd Wis. Cav. Military attorneys and war claim agents. Will collect bounties, back pay, pensions and all claims against the Government. Also vouchers and damages resulting from military seizures of private property and. Indian depredations on the plains. Leavenworth, Kansas. | Nebraska City News | 10-19-68 | 2-4 |
Attorneys at Law Adv. | Allen Blacker, late Maj. 1st Nebraska and John McPhail, late 3rd Wisconsin Cavalry. Militaries attorneys and War Claim Agents. Leavenworth, Kansas. | Nebraska City News | 1-15-68 | 1-5 |
Attorneys at Law Adv. | Calhoun and Croxton, and notaries, public. Collections promptly attended to. Nebraska City, Nebr. | Nebraska City News | 2-12-68 | 3-4 |
Attorneys at Law Adv. | G. W, Covell and E. R. Richardson. Will practice in the several courts of the State, also collection business. | Nebraska City News | 5-13-68 | 2-6 |
Attorneys at Law Adv. | A. J. Hale and E. C. Barrows, Councilors, and Real Estate Agents. Prompt attention to collections, paying taxes, locating warrants and College Scrip. | Nebraska City News | 1-15-68 | 2-6 |
Attorneys at Law Adv. | W. Seymour and B. M. Davenport. War Claims and Real Estate agents. Over Ware's Bank. | Nebraska City News | 1-15-68 | 1-1 |
Atwood, Mr. | Is building a new brick hotel in Lincoln. See Hotel. | Nebraska City News | 9-30-68 | 3-5 |
Austin, (Col.) U. G. | Elected delegate to the People's Convention. See Election | Nebraska Advertiser | 9-1-70 | 2-5 |
Auction, Clothing | D. & H. Siegel. $10,000 worth of goods under the hammer. Residue of immense stock of Siegel Clothing House consisting of Clothing, Hats & Caps, Boots & Shoes, Gents Furnishing & etc. Sat. Mar. 30, 1867. | Nebraska City News | 3-26-67 | 2-4 |
Auctioneers. | Morrison and Tomlin, will sell at auction, Reapers and Mowers of the celebrated Russell & Tremain machine, besides a lot of extras, for the same, consigned to the Farmers & Merchants shop. | Nebraska City News | 1-15-68 | 2-4 |
Augabright, John H. | Grand Juror. | Nebraska Advertiser | 4-10-73 | 3-6 |
Augur, General | To assume command in person of the expedition to be launched against Red Cloud at Fort Laramie. See Indian Depredations. | Nebraska City News | 5-8-67 | 2-1 |
Augur, Bvt. Major C. C. | Has order a sale at Public Auction, 50 horses, 10 mules, 6 Indian Ponies, 15,000 Gunny Sacks, 1,000 lbs. rags. Government property, the sale is on February 19th at Brownville Goverment Corral. | Nebraska Advertiser | 2-3-69 | 2-7 |
August, Mrs | Is the mother of Mrs. Wat Empson whose husband eloped with Mrs. Bowen. See Crime | Nebraska Advertiser | 11-11-75 | 3-1 |
Ault, John | Formerly of South Bend Indians, married to Miss Tolie J. Warner in Brownville | Nebraska Advertiser | 5-12-70 | 2-5 |
Ault, Peter | Plaintiff ownership of Pony Jury found for Plf. John Lewis deft. and assessed cost at 1 cent. | Nebraska Advertiser | 4-17-73 | 2-5 |
Aultman, Cornelious | Plaintiff against Harman Plager and F. A. Benadom, foreclosure, judgment $341.71. | Nebraska Advertiser | 4-17-73 | 2-6 |
Aultman, Miller | Plaintiff against Jonathan Edmiston, action on note judgment for $188.36 and cost. | Nebraska Advertiser | 4-17-73 | 2-6 |
Austin, Joseph | Nebraska City. See Weaving | Nebraska City News | 1-1-68 | 2-5 |
Austin, William J. | Has for sale G. W. Fairbrother residence and 2 lots of choice fruit trees connected with it also 4 lots. Block 10. | Nebraska Advertiser | 2-3-70 | 3-2 |
Austin, W. J. | Has for sale an improved farm, 5 miles southwest of Aspinwall, 160 acres and 20 acres of timber. | Nebraska Advertiser | 3-24-70 | 2-5 |
Austin, Wm. J. | Attempted suicide in Lincoln. | Nebraska Advertiser | 10-23-73 | 2-4 |
Avery, Miner M. | Real estate transfer from Jacob B. Ketchen. 106 acres N. W. W. side 5.21, T.4, R.13. $1,060. | Nebraska Advertiser | 6-12-73 | 2-3 |
Avery, Miner M. | To Jacob B. Ketchen warrante deed S. E 1/4, S. 33, T. 4, R 13, $3,685. | Nebraska Advertiser | 6-12-73 | 2-3 |
Avery P. O. | of Benton Bratton Master Grange. | Nebraska Advertiser | 6-19-73 | 2--3 |
Ayers, A. L. | Beatrice, Nebraska. Proprietor of one of the three hotels. | Nebraska City News | 6-25-67 | 2-1,2 |
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