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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

Bacon - Barlow

Date 18xx p-c
Bacon, Amos Real estate transfer from Charles H. Bacon. Nebraska Advertiser 11-13-73 3-5
Bacon, Charles H. Real estate transfer to Amos Bacon. Nebraska Advertiser 11-13-73 3-5
Bader, William Of Nebraska City. See Accident. Nebraska City News 8-7-68 3-5
Bagley, Miss Almeda Appointed critic at the Highland Teachers Institute. Nebraska Advertiser 3-20-73 3-4
Bagley, Almeda Enrolled in Teacher's Class Peru Norma. Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 1-4
Bagley, Miss Ellen At the organ in a quartette at the Highland Teachers Institute. Nebraska Advertiser 3-20-73 3-4
Bagley, Lester Enrolled in the Teacher's Class Peru Normal Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 1-4
Bagley, Wm. Elected Senior Deacon of Peru Lodge No, 14 A. F. & A. M. Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-69 2-2
Bagley, Wm. Master of Rising star Grange, Peru Precinct. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-1
Bagley, William Petit Juror. Nebraska Advertiser 4-10-73 3-6
Bailey, B. H. Delegate to Good Templars from Bratton Lodge. See Societies & Organizations. Nebraska Advertiser 2-17-76 3-4
Bailey, B. H. R. W. T. C. of Good Templers, Present at Febr. 9 meeting. See Societies & Organizations. Nebraska Advertiser 2-17-76 3-4
Bailey, B. M. Brownville. Director, First National Bank. Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 3-2
Bailey, B. M. Bought 1 share of Centennial stock (Brownville). See Exposition. Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-75 3-4
Bailey, Florence Brownville, took part in high school program. Nebraska Advertiser 11-27-73 2-4
Bailey, Miss Florence Took part in M. E. Sunday School program. See Amusements Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 3-4
Bailey, J. A. Otoe Lodge No 4. Independent Order, Grand Templars Strawberry Festival, July 4. Committee on soliciting. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-4
Bailey, David B. Democratic, Farmer, Weeping Water, Cass, Co. Nebraska. See Cattle Nebraska City News 3-30-68 3-3
Bailey, J. B. Douglas County Delegate, See Convention, County Republican. Nebraska City News 4-13-68 1-2
Bailey, M. C. Of freighting notoriety arrived in Nebraska City on Saturday. Nebraska City News 4-1-67 3-1
Bailey, Mrs. Sidney Was drowned July 12, while she and her husband were fording Provo river. See Death. Nebraska City News 7-29-67 2-4
Bailey, Wm. Brownville. Took part in school program. Nebraska Advertiser 12-25-73 3-5
Bailey & McGee Paid over $8,000 this week to farmers for hogs. See Livestock Nebraska Advertiser 1-20-76 3-1
Baine, Jessie E. Peru. Teacher State Normal School Nebraska Advertiser 12-11-73 1-3
Bain, R. A. Real Estate Agent, Lincoln, Nebraska. See Capitol Building Nebraska City News 7-13-68 3-2
Baird, Colonel Elected Vice President of the Old Soldiers' Association. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 1-5
Baird, Mr. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Committee on Contributions for Hook and Ladder company of Nebraska City. See Fire Protection. Nebraska City News 2-12-68 3-2
Baird, C. M. Nominated by the President for Postmaster at Lincoln, Nebraska. Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 2-4
Baird, Col. Harlan Of Dakota appointed on Committee of arrangements for the re-union. Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-69 1-3
Baird, Rev. J. F. Will debate with Prof Church soon. See Religion Nebraska Advertiser 1-6-76 3-1
Baker, Capt. Of steamer Cornelia. Shot by mate. See Death Nebraska City News 7-1-68 3-2
Baker, Henry A former citizen but now of Missouri visited in Nebraska City the past week. When the Indian trail was quite visible on our prairies he was one of our Prominent merchants. Nebraska City News 5-20-68 3-2
Baker, John Nemaha Co., died, son of Simp Baker. Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 3-3
Baker, L. A. Island Pct. Elected Constable. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Baker, Ottowa G. See Criminals. Nebraska City News 1-27-68
Baker, Ottaway. (Ottawa) Execution of. See Criminals Nebraska City News 2-21-68 3-4
Bakery Excelsior Machine Bakery, N. Zink, Proprietor, Nebraska City. Bread, cake, pies, etc., always on hand. Baking machinery and full apparatus for sale. Nebraska City News 9-7-68 3-3
Baker and Baker Have opened up a new Meat Market in Brownville Nebraska Advertiser 5-27-69 3-3
Bakery Adv. John C. Buess, Main St., Nebraska City. Gambrinus Hall, A. Dammann, Proprietors. Rhine and other German wines direct from the importers Also Swiss, Limburger and Western Reserve cheese. Holland Herrings, Fresh Oysters. Nebraska City News 1-17-68 2-3
Bakery Zink Brothers, Proprietors of the Excelsior Bakery 1st door east of the Seymoux House accept the thanks of the News office, from the "devil" down to the junior for splendid repast sent today, in the shape of pies, cakes, etc. They have no superiors in the West as bakers Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-2
Balcombe, Mr. Principal witness for Prosecution. See Butler, David versus the people. Nebraska City News 8-12-68 1-2,3
Balcombe, Major Was elected President of the Northwestern Associated Press organization. See Press Nebraska Advertiser 6-2-70 2-2
Balderston Fire in bakery caused loss on stock of $1000, Insurance $700. Otoe County. See Fire Nebraska Advertiser 1-19-71 2-7
Baldwin, C. A. Member of Premium Committee State Fair. Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 4-1
Baldwin, Mr. Resolved that we are under many obligations to Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Ashby the accomplished pilots of the kind gentlemanly and generous treatment which we have received at their hands during the 4 days round trip. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-2,3
Baley, B. H. Has just threshed 40 bu of timothy seed. Benton item. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-5
Ball, Anna Peru. Teacher State Normal School Nebraska Advertiser 12-11-73 1-3
Ball, D. B. Mail agent. See Indians Nebraska City News 6-7-67 3-2
Ballentine, Mr. Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Remarks at citizens meeting to secure a protion of the southern emigration for Nebraska. See Emigration meeting. Nebraska City News 1-6-68 1-2
Ballentine, D. C. In business at Tecumseh, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-2
Ballentine, George Of the firm of Ballentine & Co., lumber merchants of Lincoln is in Nebraska City. Mr. Ballentine is one of the best business men in the capital. Nebraska City News 11-9-68 3-2
Ballentine, Mollie Attendant at the Fulton Davenport Wedding. See Marriage Nebraska City News 10-23-68 3-2
Ballentine, William Of Nebraska City, Nebr. brought particulars of a brutal affair near Sidney, Iowa. See Murder Nebraska City News 7-26-67 3-2
Ballentine, Wm Nebraska City, Nebr. Relative of Captain Kinney. Excursion from Nebraska City to Omaha. See Pastimes Nebraska City News 7-15-67 2-2
Ballentine & Bragg Lumber Dealers Nebraska City. See Lumber Nebraska City News 9-9-68 3-2
Ballentine, Mr. Nebraska City. Member of the Missouri River trip on Steamer Columbia to Omaha and back. See Social Life Nebraska City News 6-25-67 3-1,2
Ballentyne, Mollie (Miss) Nebraska City. Member of the Missouri River trip on Steamer Columbia to Omaha and back. See Social Life Nebraska City News 6-25-67 3-1,2
Ballentyne, Wm and lady Nebraska City. Member of the Missouri River trip on Steamer Columbia to Omaha and back. See Social Life Nebraska City News 6-25-67 3-1,2
Ballentyne, William Of Nebrask City will build on the lots recently purchased. See Real Estate Transactions. Nebraska City News 5-29-67 3-1
Balsbin, J. S. Prise for essay on Nebraska. Nebraska Advertiser 2-5-74 2-4
Balvais One company of 36th Infantry under McArthur to guard the railroad employees. See Military Nebraska City News 6-3-67 2-3
Bank W. B. Eaton, cashier of the Bank at Tippecanoe, Ohio will open a bank under Nebraska Laws. Brownville, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 8-11-70 3-2
Bank J. D. McFarland of Beatrice has accepted a position in the Bank of Captain Carson. Nebraska Advertiser 11-24-70 3-1
Bank A new State Bank of Nebraska incorporated on the statute books of Nebraska, capitol stock $100,000 to open October 1, 1870. Board of directors was elected. Nebraska Advertiser 9-1-70 2-2
Bank State Bank has a new burglar proof safe costing $1500. Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 3-1
Bank Evan Worthing with Charley Walker and Mr. Sheppard has established a bank at Lowell, under firm name of Worthing, Sheppard & Co. Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 3-2
Bank Otoe County National. Fire loss $600. No insurance. See Fire. Nebraska Advertiser 1-19-71 2-7
Bank Lowell, opened by Douglas & Paddock. Nebraska Advertiser 11-13-73 2-4
Bank First National, Brownville. Officers elected. Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 3-2
Banker Adv. J. A. Ware, 123 Main Street, Nebraska City, Nebr. Dealer in Bill of Exchange. Coin, Gold. Dust, Government, Territorial, County and City Bonds, Land Warrants for sale. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 1-1
Banking. Adv. Bank of Deposit and Discount. J. A. Ware, Banker. Dealer in Bills of Exchange, Coin, Gold Dusts, Bonds, Sight Drafts on principal cities of United States and Europe. Nebraska City, Nebraska. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 1-1
Banking Adv. Otoe County National Bank, Capital $50,000 Albert Ashton, President. Julian Metcalf, Cashier. Office Main St. Gold and Silver Coin, Gold Dust and Government Securities. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 1-1
Banking J. Sweet and Brock opened the first bank in Lincoln on the 10th. Their room fitted up by Mr. Ward the contractor of the Capitol building, is the most elegant and convenient banking office west of the Missouri. Nebraska City News 6-15-68 3-4
Banking. Adv. James Sweet Co. - James Sweet, Wm. Fulton and R. M. Rolfe. Nebraska City. Real Estate dealers, and agents for insurance. Connected with James Sweet & Brock. Bankers, Lincoln, Nebr. Nebraska City News 8-3-68 4-3
Bankrupt Law Those who desire to avail themselves of the provisions of the law must do so before January 1st or else come under the 50% clause, which in many cases will rule them out forever. Nebraska City News 12-7-68 3-1
Bankruptcy Brwonville, Nebr. Nemaha Co. Warrant of bankruptcy issued by U. S. District Court for Dist. of Nebr. against estate of Robert A. Stewart, of Nemaha Co. Court of bankruptcy to be held at office of Thomas G. Broady in Brownville, Nebr. T. M. Rich, Register in Bankruptcy for said District. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 3-20-68 2-5
Bankruptcy Forms. Necessary in case of voluntary applicants for the benefits of the act. 1. Petition containing residence of petitioner and. ad.dressed to the Judge of this district. (No petitioner eligible unless his debt is over $300.) 2. Schedule of debts, a statement to whom. due, the residence of creditors,. and. the nature of the debt. 3. Inventory. 4. A verification of each o� the above papers before the District Judge, a registry, and. a U.S. Commissioner. 5. Oath of allegiance. 6. Indorsement of applicant's attorney, stating his residence and. place of business. 7. No interlineation of the above papers. 8. Deposit of $50 to pay fees, etc. 9. Order of reference. 10. Certified copy of reference. Nebraska City News 6-25-67 3-2
Bankrupt Law. Goes into practical operation on June 1st after which time look out for financial squalls. Nebraska City News 4-29-67 3-1
Banks At the annual election of officers and directors of the State Bank of Nebraska the following were elected: Wm H. McCreery, Brownville, President and Director. J. C. Deuser, Brownville, Vice President and Director. H. E. Gates, Brownville, Cashier, W. W. Hackney, Director, W.H. Hoover, Director, H. C. Lett, Director, L. Hoodley, Director, C. M. Kauffman, Director Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 3-5
Banks State Bank of Nebraska. John Fitzgerald of Plattemouth and D. Remick of Pawnee City are heavy stock-holders in the State Bank of Nebraska at Brownville. Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Banks Otos Co. National. 10-10's, 7-30's and. 5-20's Bought and Sold. See Bonds, U. S. Nebraska City News 3-15-67 2-5

Otoe County National. Of Nebraska City, Quarterly report of the condition on the first Monday of July 1867. of the Otoe County National Bank.
Assests U. S. Bonds depostited with Treas - $53,333.96
U. S. to secure circulation - 40,000.00.
U. S.Securities on band - 8,600.00
State, Co. and City securities - 10,760.91
Land Warrants - 2,571,28
Furniture & Fixtures - 1,355.98
Overdrafts - 54.50
Expense - 633.21
Premiums - 288.18
Due from National Bank - 14,685.03
Due from Bankers - 67.25
Cash in Specie - $ 1,076.35
Cash in Nat. Bk notes - 65.00
Cash in Frac Currency - 286.05
Cash in Legal Tender - 22, 560. 00
County ints notes - 11,380.00
----------------------$169, 921.90
Cap. Stock - 50,000.00
Deposits - 56,300.22
Circulation - 30,450.00
Profits - 1,848.41
Suplies - 2,000 .00
Due Nat. Bks - 2,423.27
Installments paid in - 26,900.00
------------------------- $169, 921.70
Julian Metcalf, Cashier. James Sweet, Notary Public.

Nebraska City News 7-15-67 3-2
Bank Otoe County National, Nebraska City, quarterly report of the condition of Otoe County National Bank on the first Monday of July, 1867. Julian Metcalf, Cashier. James Sweet, Notary Public. Assets nearly $170,000; deposits over $56,000 prove the management in a reliable light and on a secure basis. Nebraska City News 7-3-67 2-6
Bannon, Miss Mary "Never cheat the Printer" This is good for the newspaper men at St. Dervin District School exercises Nebraska Advertiser 5-8-73 2-5
Baptist Church Beatrice to build. Nebraska Advertiser 11-27-73 2-4
Baraby, Mike Is bringing ties across the river for the Nebraska Railway. See Railroads Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-8
Barber The Girard Bros. and Geo. Marriott have reduced the price of shaving from 20ç to 15ç Nebraska City News 12-2-68 3-1
Barkalow, S. D. Omaha, Nebraska. Treasurer of the Omaha Baseball club. See Societies and Organizations. Nebraska City News 4-29-67 3-1
Barlow, Mr. Of Virginia is in Nebraska City seeking a location. Nebraska City News 9-2-68 3-2
Barlow, S. C. Secretary of the Literary Society of Grant precinct of Richardson County. See Societies Nebraska Advertiser   2-1

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