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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

Black - Bly

Date 18xx p-c
Black, Dr. Delegate from Cass Co. to National Convention. See Convention, State Dem. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 1-2
Black, Alcom Enrolled in the Teacher's Class Peru Normal Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 1-4
Black, G. H. newly elected alderman of Plattsmouth, Nebr. See Election Nebraska City News 4-5-67 2-3
Black and Johnson Nebraska City, Nebr. Property sold or exchanged. Land Agents. See Ranches. Nebraska City News 3-1-67 4-1
Black, Isaac Teacher of District No. 3 pupils on the roll 115. Nebraska Advertiser 5-5-70 1-4
Black, J. P. Alcorn Peru Teacher, State Normal School Nebraska Advertiser 12-11-73 1-3
Black, John Elected Vice President of the State Medical Society Nebraska Advertiser 6-16-70 2-3
Black, John Master of Center Grange Washington Precinct. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-1
Black, Dr. John of Cass County was in Nebraska City yesterday. Nebraska City News 1-24-68 3-1
Black, John Of Cass County, President of Convention, Omaha. See Convention, State Democratic Nebraska City News 8-7-68 2-2,3
Black, M. V. Master of Charter Oak Grange, Lafayette Precinct Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-1
Black, R. V. Member of Nemaha County Fair Board. See Fair, County Nebraska Advertiser 8-19-69 2-2
Black, W. Stewart Peru, Teacher State Normal School Nebraska Advertiser 12-11-73 1-3
Black Hills The following persons are making preparations to leave for the Black hills gold fields: Wm Delaney, Wm Burkhart, Wm Vandeford, James Cochran, Wm F. Craddock, S. Boewen, Nathan Vanlooven, J. W. Loveless, J. N. Cochran, Wm Dayton, with three teams, Uncle Tom Heady and his sons, Elisha and Joseph are also going. Nebraska Advertiser 3-16-76 3-2
Black Hills Joseph Loveless writes from Little Sandy on his way to the Black Hills for gold. The party consists of Mr. and Mrs. Moore, a son and two daughters, Paul Pascoe, Ed Wilson, E. R. Wilson, A. M. Reeves and Joseph Loveless. They stayed with Mr. Helvey who has accommodations for western travelers, waiting for the river to go down. One hundred miles from Brownville. Nebraska Advertiser 3-23-76 3-3
Black Hills A report of the settlers on the road to the Black Hills, March 17. Nebraska Advertiser 3-23-76 3-3
Black Hills Reports from the Black Hills show that it is a rich mining region. A week ago Tuesday a meeting of the miners was held at Custer City (Better known in North Platte as Stonewall) of the miners. Besides other business they appointed Z. Swaringen to present their views on the occupancy of the Hills, to Washington. Mr. S. gave the following information on the "up country" last thursday while in town: Gold prospects increase with digging the Indians have killed one white man.Leroy Kives. There is a pony express between the agency and Custer City. The rate for carrying letters is 25 cents. The weather is cold and dry. (This is a clipping from the North Platte Republican) Nebraska Advertiser 12-16-76 2-4
Black Hills E. D. Wilson, A. M. Reeves, E. R. Wilson, John Moore and J. Loveless send report of progress to the Black Hills Reach Little Sandy March 15. Stay with Mr. Helvey who is prepared to keep western bound travelers. A 100 miles from Brownville, Nebraska. Nebraska Advertiser 3-23-76 3-3
Black Hills Expedition Generals Shraman and Terry have advised against the expedition. See Military. Nebraska City News 7-3-67 2-2
Black Hills Road A group of miners claim to have found a shorter and easier road to the Black hills. See Trails. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 2-4
Blackborn, Mrs. W. D. Brownville, died, daughter of Dr. McPherson. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 3-2
Blackborn, Dr. Has sold his place in Brownville to E. M. Lipsey. Nebraska Advertiser 2-3-70 4-1
Blackburn, Elizabeth M. Married to Theodore Bedford, Both of Brownville, Neb. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 2-6
Blackburn, George Flagman of the B. H. K and P. R. R. CO. See Railroad, Brownville, Fort Kearney and Pacific Railroad Company Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 2-2
Blackborn, Mrs. Hattie A. Brownville, died; wife of Mr. W. D. Blackburn and daughter of Dr. J. and Mrs. E. McPherson. Nebraska Advertiser 11-27-73 1-8
Blackburn, J. W. Bought 40 acres of school land in Section 16, Township 5, Range 14 at $10 per acre in Nemaha County. See School Land Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 1-6
Blackburn, J. W. Elected President of Presbyterian Sunday School. See Convention Nebraska Advertiser 6-3-69 1-6
Blackburn, J. W. Member of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-70 4-1
Blackburn, Dr. J. W. Of Brownville (Neb.) married Belle McGrew of Westmoreland County Pa. See Marriage Nebraska Advertiser 9-16-69 2-5
Blackburn, T. W. Peru. Teacher State Normal School. Nebraska Advertiser 12-11-73 1-3
Blackburn, W. To take part in the Teachers Institute at Glen Rock. Nebraska Advertiser 3-13-73 3-6
Blackburn, W. D. Of Brownville, was elected G. W. C. T. of the Good Templar Lodge. Nebraska Advertiser 6-23-70 2-3
Blackburn, W. S. Appointed Minister at Lafayette, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Blackburn, (Rev.) W. S. Appointed to the South Fork District by the Nebraska Methodist Conference Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 2-1
Blackburn, W. S. Importance of a Holy Life to a successful ministry at Ministerial Association, June 12, 1873, Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 5-15-73 3-5
Blackburn, Rev. W. S. Is holding protracted meetings. See Churches - M. E. Nebraska Advertiser 1-20-76 3-6
Blackburn, W. S. Question Compulsory education in the negative at the Highland Teachers' Institute. Nebraska Advertiser 3-20-73 3-4
Blackburn, W. S. St. Steven & Rulo, M. E. Converence. See Churches Nebraska City News 4-13-68 3-4
Blacker, Alan Late May 1st Nebraska, Levenworth, Kansas. See Attorney Nebraska City News 1-15-68 1-5
Blackhaus, Charles German carpenter died from injuries received in a fall at the State University. See Accident Nebraska Advertiser 8-18-70 2-3
Blacklaw, J. Member of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-70 4-1
Blacklaw, John Pawnee, will succed J. B. Pepoon as County Commissioner Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-4
Blacklaw, J. W. Plaintiff obtained judgement for $179.55 Nebraska Advertiser 9-8-70 3-3
Blacksmith Joseph McClaskey will send a first class shop to Lincoln in a very short time. Nebraska City News 8-2-67 3-1
Blacksmith "Old Sledge" Joseph McClaskey, Nebraska City, Nebr. Having again opened a blacksmith shop, I solicit your patronage. Work Warranted. Nebraska City News 9-25-68 2-3
Blacksmith Shop Beatrice, Nebraska. Dumbar and Snow, Proprietors. See Beatrice Nebraska City News 6-25-67 2-1,2
Blacksmith Shop Beatrice, Nebraska, Jacob Shaw, Proprietor. See Beatrice Nebraska City News 6-25-67 2-1,2
Blacksmith Shop R. G. Clover of Tecumseh has recently rented the Blacksmith shop of J. H. Beason, corner of 5th and main, he makes a speciality of dressing all tools. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 3-5
Blackwell, A. G. Appointed Minister at Belmont, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Blair The Blair Register of June 2nd states that wheat is selling for 72 cents a bushel. Nebraska Advertiser 6-23-70 2-2
Blair J. C. Lillie, editor and proprietor of the Blair Times, a new paper at Blair in Washington County, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 8-18-70 2-3
Blair, F. P. Elected U. S. Senator for Missouri. Nebraska Advertiser 2-2-71 2-6
Blair, Gen. F. P. Of Missouri, Democratic candidate for Vice Pres. See Political Parties, Democratic Nebraska City News 8-7-68 2-1
Blair, Gen. Frank P. Speaker at Democratic Rally Nebr. City. See Political Partries Nebraska City News 10-7-68 3-3
Blair, Rebecca Nemaha Co., Married D. C. Ellsworth, Johnson Co. Nebraska City News 1-8-74 3-2
Blaisdell and Plummer Nebraska City, Nebraska. Fruit and ornamental trees. See Horticulture Nebraska City News 2-10-68 2-5
Blake, Dr. W. L. Rogers has been appointed treasurer vice Dr Blake deceased. See Municipal Government - City Council Proceedings - Brownville Nebraska Advertiser 1-20-76 3-1
Blake, Dr. Was made chairman of the resolved committee the 4 days trip to St. Joseph Bridge celebration and to the Saengerfest. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-78 2-2,3
Blake, Mr. & Mrs. Of Brownville Delegates St. Joseph Bridge Celebration and Sangerfest. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-78 2-2
Blake, John Elected G. P. S. of the Masonic Lodge. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 6-30-70 2-3
Blake, Dr. John Brownville, officer Knights of Pythias. Nebraska Advertiser 11-27-73 3-2
Blake, Jno. Elected C. P. S. of Brownville R. A. M. Nebraska Advertiser 12-23-69 2-2
Blake, Jno. Elected Secretary of Nemaha Valley Lodge A. F. and A. M. Nebraska Advertiser 12-23-69 2-3
Blakely, N. Beatrice, Nebraska. Proprietor of a Staple store. See Beatrice Nebraska City News 6-25-67 2-1,2
Blakely, Nathan Of Beatrice, is much improved in health after his vacation in the mountains Nebraska Advertiser 9-8-70 3-3
Blakely, Hon. Nathan Nominated for Representative at the Republican convention, says Blue Valley Record. Nebraska City News 8-31-68 3-3
Blakely, Hon. Nathan Of Beatrice, while in Brownville says the two blue rivers have been overflowing. Water is over first floors of houses in Freeport on the Little Blue. Nebraska Advertiser 9-16-69 2-2
Blakely, Hon. Nathan Republican Representative of Gage and Jefferson Counties resigned Nebraska Advertiser 9-30-69 2-1
Blakely, W. Treasurer of the I. O. O. F. Lodge, Beatrice, Gage County Nebraska Advertiser 1-26-71 2-5
Blakely Brothers, and Davis Publishers, Chicago, Ill. established the Chicago Evening Post, unexcelled by any paper in the west. Reduced rates during the campaign for subscriptions to $8.00 per year. See Press Nebraska City News 3-8-67 2-5
Blakemore, M. W. Elected director of Brownville and Hamburg Railroad Company Nebraska Advertiser 5-25-71 2-1
Bleeher, Jane Was married to George Fletcher March 2d. See Marriage Nebraska Advertiser 3-9-76 3-4
Bliss, J. W. Fairmont. formerly of Nemaha county, proprietor of grocery store. Nebraska Advertiser 11-5-73 3-2
Blocker, Allen Late Major of 1st. Nebr. Military Attorney. See Attorneys. Nebraska City News 10-19-68 2-4
Blodgett, C. Elected Clerk of Election Lafayette Precinct. See Election Returns Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Blodgett, Charles Lafayette Pct. Elected Clerk of Election Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Blodgett, Chas Spoke at teachers institute Nebraska Advertiser 2-19-74 2-3
Bloss, J. G. Guest on the Kate Kinney excursion from Nebraska City to Omaha. See Pastimes. Nebraska City News 7-15-67 2-2
Blue, John (Dr.) From Brunswick, Missouri editor of tthe Nebraska City TImes. Nebraska Advertiser 6-16-70 2-3
Blue, Dr. John H. New editor of the Nebraska City News. Nebraska Advertiser 1-5-71 2-3
Blue, (Big) River Blue Springs in Gage County is situated on, Nebraska Advertiser 6-24-69 1-4
Blue River "Is higher than ever before known, by the oldest in habitant, overflowing the bottoms in many places, and driving the settlers with stock and household goods to the highlands" as stated from a private letter dated Swans City, Saline County, Nebraska Nebraska City News 4-22-67 2-1
Blue, Big Flood damage. See Bridges Nebraska City News 2-24-68 2-2
Blue Springs Corner stone of M. E. church at Blue Springs laid with accustomed ceremonies on October 7th Nebraska Advertiser 9-30-69 2-1
Blue Springs In Gage County, is situated on the Big Blue, is a good trading point, has rich surrounding country and good prospects. Nebraska Advertiser 6-24-69 1-4
Blue Springs Rev. D. Marquett appointed minister at Blue Springs Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Blue Valley Record Gage County. Howard & Nelson, publishers at Beatrice, Nebr. Ter. See Press Nebraska City News 12-14-68 2-2
Blum, J. and Co. WIth W. C. Lambeth, S. Blum, Nebraska City, Nebr. Dealers, dry goods, groceries, liqor, hardware, boats and shoes. See General merchandise. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 2-5
Blum, Jacob Co-partnership under name J. Blm & Co., Nebraska City. See Dissolution. Nebraska City News 1-27-68 3-4
Blum, Jacob General Merchandise, Nebr. City. See Co-partnership Nebraska City News 1-27-68 3-4
Blum, S. Partnership with W. C. Lambeth and J. Blum, Nebraska City, Nebr. See General merchandise Nebraska City News 1-15-68 2-5
Blum, Simon General Merchandise, Nebr. City. See Co-partnership Nebraska City News 1-27-68 3-4
Bly, C. I. Of Waukon, Iowa, to start a nursery in Nebraska. See Horticulture Nebraska Advertiser 5-26-70 4-1

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