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Bruce - Building (part)

Date 18xx p-c
Bruce, Mr . Nebraska City, Brick Residence. See Building Nebraska City News 2-12-68 3-2
Bruce, Mr. Nebraska City property sold to Capt. Geo. Lincoln. See Buildings Nebraska City News 5-29-68 3-3
Bruce, Mr. Property, corner of Kansas and 8th, Nebraska City was sold to Judge Archibold for $1950 by I. S. Jones, land agent. Nebraska City News 8-28-68 3-4
Bruce, C. C. Bought a small house of Mr. Peets through land agent I. S. Jones. See Real Estate Transactions. Nebraska City News 9-8-68 3-2
Bruce, Wm. P. Married to Miss Rosette I. Deneen all of Nebraska City, on Aug. 13, 1868, by Rev. Mr. Huger at his residence. See Marriage Nebraska City News 8-19-68 3-4
Bruggman, Mr. Nebraska City, in German Town situated near South Table Creek in 3rd Ward, has finest gardens in the city containing every specie of vegetable grown in the county. See Nebr. City Growth & Development Nebraska City News 6-17-67 3-4
Brules Charles Collins editor of the Sioux City Times has reliable information concerning the intended uprising. See Indians Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-75 2-1
Brumstead, J. V. Of Saline County. Newspaper Club. See Nebraska City News Nebraska City News 10-5-68 3-5
Brunner, Mr. At April session of University regents at the Capitol Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 1-7,8
Bruner, J. J. Of Cuming County was elected on the executive committee of the Old Soldiers' Association. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 1-5
Brunsdon, Sarah Real estate transfer from John F. Neal, warrantee deed lots 5-6. Block 84, Peru. $25 Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 3-4
Brush, J. W. Elected delegate to the People's Convention. See Election Nebraska Advertiser 9-1-70 2-5
Brush, J. W. Elected Board of Managers of the Nemaha Col. Agricultural Society. Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 4-3
Brush, J. W. Nemaha Co., Elected Sheriff. Nebraska Advertiser 10-16-73 6-7
Bryan City Located 860 miles west of Omaha on the U. P. R. R. is now a flourishing city. Mr. Steele formerly of this city, arrived from Bryan yesterday. He reports the Union Pacific completed to within ninety miles of Salt Lake and still progressing rapidly under the supervision of the Casements. Nebraska City News 12-2-68 3-1
Bryant, Captain In business at Tecumseh, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-2
Bryant, Capt. Of Tecumpseh reports that thrifty town still growing and prosperity in Johnson County. Nebraska City News 12-28-68 3-2
Bryant, C. R. For Sheriff of Johnson County on Republican ticket. Nebraska Advertiser 10-7-69 2-1
Bryant, H. H. Painter, grainer and paper hanger. No. 60 Main Street, Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 2-6
Bryant, Henry H. Defendant forcloser mechanic's lein Judgment for $76.95 and cost. Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-6
Bryant, Henry H. Married Miss Sarah A. Turner, at Tippecannoe City, O. Nebraska Advertiser 11-10-73 3-3
Bryant, J. R. Teacher of Highland School District No. 13. Pupils on the roll 34. Nebraska Advertiser 5-5-70 1-4
Buchanan, David Of Nemaha County married to Eliza Jane Huntley of Johnson County, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 4-7-70 2-2
Buchanan, J. Beatrice, Nebraska. Proprietor of one of the three staple stores of the city. See Beatrice. Nebraska City News 6-25-67 2-1,2
Buchanan, James Non-resident of Nebraska. Defendant Bill of complaint for $285, to foreclose mortgage. See Legal Notice. Nebraska City News 8-17-68 3-3
Buck, ___ From the normal school will take charge of Washington Precinct school. Johnson item. Nebraska Advertiser 12-16-75 3-5
Buck, Mr. Debate, Young Mens Literary Entertainment. See Societies and Associations. Nebraska City News 2-28-68 3-2
Buck, E. H. Constable. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Buck, E. H. Is moving to Missouri. See Emigration Nebraska Advertiser 3-2-76 3-6
Buck, E. L. Elected Constable, Peru Precinct. See Election Returns Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Buck, Nelson A government surveying party of twelve men was massacred about fifty miles south of Ft. McPherson. They were led by Nelson Buck. Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-69 2-4
Buck, R. Otoe County Bible Society officer's meeting. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska City News 4-26-67 2-2
Buck, Royal Appointed by Governor to locate the Seventy-two sections of Saline lands granted to Nebraska. See Lands, Saline Nebraska City News 6-7-67 2-1
Buck, W. M. Installed I. G. of Tecumseh Good Templasr. See Societies and Organization Nebraska Advertiser 8-12-69 2-2
Buck & Brown Merchants at Peru, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 5-5-70 2-1
Buck and White In business at Tecumseh, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-2
Buckert, B. & Mohrenstecher, G. Nebraska City, Nebr. Hardware, iron, leather, groceries, agents for implements. See General Store Nebraska City News 1-15-68 2-5
Buckhart, Wm Is preparing to leave for the Black Hills gold fields. See Black Hills Nebraska Advertiser 3-16-76 3-2
Buckles, R. M. Bought 320 acres of Nemaha COunty school land in Section 16, Township 5, Range 13 at $7 per acre. See School land Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 1-6
Buckles, R. M Elected Judge of Election, Wahsington Precinct. See Election Returns. Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Buckwheat T. L. Hallam will grind buckwheat. See Industry Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 3-8
Budington, Dr. George M. Of Leavenworth, Kansas, is in Nebraska City today. The doctor was formerly a resident of Omaha and is now engaged in the insurance business. He says that Nebraska City is the most substantial and prosperous town in the state. Nebraska City News 6-5-67 3-2
Buell, H. A. Lately of the St. Louis Times became editor of the Register. Nebraska Advertiser 2-9-71 2-4
Buess, John C. Nebraska City, Nebr. See Bakery Nebraska City News 1-17-68 2-3
Bueter, H. Nebraska City. Total vote for city alderman for first ward. 89. See Election Results. Nebraska City News 5-6-67 3-2
Bueter, H. Elected Alderman first ward of Nebraska City, total vote 89. See Election Results. Nebraska City News 5-6-67 3-2
Bueter, Herman Nebraska City. 1st Ward Delegate Nominating Convention. See Convention, Democratic Nebraska City News 4-10-68 3-2
Bufeum and Bufeum In business at Tecumseh, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-2
Buffalo District Attorney Weaver while out on the Republican the other day went buffalo hunting coming in sight of a huge bison, he gave rein to his horse and when within gun shot of him fired, the ball taking effect in the neck of the animal he was riding. Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 3-2
Buffalo M. S. Wood of Pawnee County will take four young buffalo toe the Centennial at Philadelphia. Nebraska Advertiser 11-18-75 2-1
Buffalo hunt Governor Butler and his party have returned from their Buffalo hunt with 85 buffalo scalps in their belts. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 2-5
Buffalo Hunt Diary of the Brownville Nebraska Buffalo Hunters Jan. 10, 1871 Nebraska Advertiser 2-23-71 1-4 to 6
Buffum, Joe W. Nemaha Co. Team drowned in Nemaha River Nebraska Advertiser 2-5-74 2-4
Building George Ashley has purchased materials for a residence. Nebraska Advertiser 7-21-70 3-2
Building The State Penitentiary contract has been awarded to H. W. Stout of Washington County at $307,950. Nebraska Advertiser 6-23-70 2-2
Building The contract for a new brick courthouse in Beatrice, Gage County has been let to Bivens and Fordham and will cost $10,000. Nebraska Advertiser 9-15-70 3-2
Building The contract for building the National Bridge at Davenport has been awarded to Smith, Latrobe and Company of Baltimore. Price $459,000. Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-3
Building W. C. Cooke is erecting a two story building on College street for his Tailor shop Nebraska Advertiser 12-15-70 3-1
Building The first bridge across the Platte river at Columbus is almost completed. Omaha Tribune. Nebraska Advertiser 11-17-70 2-2
Building John Flora is erecting a residence south of the American House Nebraska Advertiser 7-28-70 3-2
Building Berkley and Berger are repairing the front of their shop on College Street Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-69 3-2
Building M. F. Boyd is laying a stone foundation 16x24 for a building for the sexton of Walnut Grove Cemetery Nebraska Advertiser 4-27-71 3-2
Building Bridge across the Muddy at Ewing's Ford is completed and ready for use. Nebraska Advertiser 8-12-69 2-2
Building Bridges along the Platte: North Platte $30,000; Grand Island 15,000; Lone Tree $25,000; Columbus $25,000; Silver Creek 55,000; Polk 10,000; Schuyler 60,000; Ashland 75,000; Fremont 50,000. See Bridges Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 2-1
Building H. H. Bryant is preparing for the erection of a residence near the corner of third and Atlantic streets Nebraska Advertiser 4-24-70 3-2
Building J. M. Campbell has been building an addition to his store in Howard, Lafayette item. Nebraska Advertiser 2-10-76 3-6
Building J. S. Church is erecting a brick stable on his lot on alley in Block 19. Nebraska Advertiser 8-5-69 3-2
Building Mr. Clot is building a new house in Benton. Nebraska Advertiser 11-18-75 3-5
Building Conlee and Son are building a store room. More buildings are being erected in Tecumseh than in any other year. Nebraska Advertiser 3-9-71 2-4
Building Contract for building State University at Lincoln let to Silver and son for $128,480. Exceeds $100,000 appropriation Nebraska Advertiser 8-26-69 2-2
Building Curtis and Peavy, general assortment store have a large stone store house. Mr. August Rice, Mr. Abbott and Charles Hollingshead have dwellings being constructed. Pawnee Tribune Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-69 2-5
Building John Dundas of Sheridan will build a stable and corn crib Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-7
Building Hall County has bridged 8 of the Platte river channels and will soon have the last bridged. The Independent Nebraska Advertiser 2-9-71 2-4
Building Joe Hamilton is erecting an addition to his residence, corner of Fourth and Atlantic Sts. Jonas Drury is erecting a cottage on Main Street between 6th and 7th streets. Nebraska Advertiser 12-16-69 3-1
Building Rufus Leach, new foundation put under his residence making it two story Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 3-2
Building Lorance & Varney are building a Kiln will burn lime now shortly. Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 3-1
Building Lewis and Hull to erect large building on vacant lot 2 doors east of Small's Red Store Nebraska Advertiser 8-5-69 3-3
Building Timothy McLaughlan has commenced work on this brick building, the foundation for the Bratton Block corner of 6th and main street is being laid. Nebraska Advertiser 4-7-70 3-2
Building Judge Morgan is building a good horse barn and carriage house in Sheridan, Sheidan item. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-7
Building Judge A. W. Morgan is putting a new front on his building on Main Street. Mr. Shurtz is building a new residence. Hanneford and Douglas are putting up a new building. George Stevens is repairing his building west of the Post Office. Masonic and Odd Fellows Building is under construction Nebraska Advertiser 5-27-69 3-2
Building New Baptist church at Glen Rock Precinct. Methodists have raised $2000 for new church there also. See Churches Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 2-1
Building A new bridge is being built across the Big Blue at Beatrice, the east pier has been built to a height of 12 feet and the center one is now commenced, we wish them luck. Clarion. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-69 2-3
Building The new court house is being plastered. Rice Brow. have built a new drug store. J. S. Davenport has completed a new building. Messrs Raper and Leming have enlarged their grocery house. Pawnee Tribune Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-69 2-5
Building Dr. Opperman is building a horse and carriage barn. Sheridan item. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 3-8
Building A new Court house to cost $100,000 to be located on the square where the old court house was removed at Falls City. Nebraska Advertiser 5-15-78 2-2
Building New post office in Beatrice Mails arrive in Beatrice daily from Brownville and Nebraska City Nebraska Advertiser 4-22-69 2-1
Building The Pawnee Court house is progressing well and will compare favorably with those of Douglas and Otoe. Pawnee Tribune Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-4
Building Mr. W. T. Reid is building a neat addition to his house in Sheridan, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-7
Building R. M. Ruckles will build a fine house in Johnson for Mr. Ernhart of Iowa who will move in when it is completed Nebraska Advertiser 2-17-76 3-4
Building W. W. Smith built a larage house on his farm. Nebraska Advertiser 8-12-69 2-2
Building The three Penitentiary Inspectors who have charge of the sale of lands, erection of the buildings and control of the Prison interests of the State, under the recent act locating the Penetentiary Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 2-2
Building Reverend Thomas of Salem is building a residence Nebraska Advertiser 3-16-71 2-1
Building The Thompson Bros are building an addition to their store making it 120 feet long at Philips City. George Harmon, 2 story brick store is nearly finished, Union Church building is about completed and several very fine residence are nearly finished Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-69 2-1
Building F. A. Tisdel and Co. of Brownville are erecting a warehouse for Agricultural implements in Pawnee City Nebraska Advertiser 3-9-71 2-4
Building A very good looking large church building erected at North Star Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-69 1-8
Building E. S. Willey is erecting a brick business house 24x60 on main street Nebraska Advertiser 7-7-73 2-7
Building Work upon the temporary penitentiary commenced by contractors Parkins and Hallewell. To be constructed of dressed stone, main wall two feet in thickness, dimensions 85' by 45 feet and one story high. Nebraska Advertiser 5-19-70 1-6
Building Material The demand for brick, stone, lime, etc., during the season just past has been greater than the supply. From present appearances and contracts now in the hands of builders, the demand for these articles, will be greater than ever before. Nebraska City News 11-16-68 3-5
Buildings Among the elegant residences in course of erection in Nebraska City are those of Captain Geo. Lincoln, and Dr. Parker* The former gentleman has purchased the Bruce property, adjoining that of Hon. D. P. Rolfe, and has already comenced the erection of an addition thirty feet long. Nebraska City News 5-2-68 3-3

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