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Building (cont)

Date 18xx p-c
Buildings Louis Hill's residence is being built. Kilburn, Jenkins and Co. have almost completed their two-story office at the Lumber yards corner at Fourth and Main streets. J. C. Deuser has under construction a brick stable at the rear of his lot. Nebraska Advertiser 6-30-70 3-4
Buildings Beatrice Clarion - New post office completed,has 156 boxes and 20 drawers. Lepoindoin's large store house on Main Street, almost finished. Dunbar's new Livery Stable soon ready for use. Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 2-1
Buildings Benton school district, No. 47 is building a very much needed school house Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-5
Building Mr. Moody has materials for a large residence Nebraska Advertiser 7-21-70 3-2
Building Old state capitol being torn down preparatory to erecting the new High School Nebraska Advertiser 7-7-70 2-2
Building Proposals will be received for the erection of a bridge across a branch of the Muddy on east section line of Section 36 Town 5, Range 12 east, 40 foot span 15 feet high. James M. Hacker, County Clerk Nebraska Advertiser 7-21-70 2-6
Building Rains and Easley are erecting a large building on Fifth street in Peru for their drug business Nebraska Advertiser 8-11-70 3-3
Building Sealed bids received at the residence of Barney Otens in Washington Precinct for building Hickory Grove School. Apply to Peter Hops and Fred Oestmann Nebraska Advertiser 7-21-70 2-6
Buildings Jakes Berkley & Berger are fixing up the front of their shop on College street. Nebraska Advertise 11-25-69 3-2
Building The contract for building the new State Normal School building was re let to Mr. W. R. Craig of Nebraska City, lowest bidder. Nebraska Advertiser 12-28-70 3-7
Building John Q. Smith is erecting a new house on his farm near Brownville Nebraska Advertiser 11-24-70 3-1
Buildings New State Bank is near completion. The finest residence in Brownville, belonging to Mr. Muir is now completed. Nebraska Advertiser 11-10-70 2-3
Building Mr Bausvield is putting up a brick residence for Mr. Pierce at 10th and Atlantic Streets. Brownville Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-75 2-1
Building W. S. Dawson erected a 2 story brick residence on his farm between Brownville and Nemaha COunty and a summer home near Brownville. Nebraska Advertiser 3-3071 3-3
Building The depot at Brownville is up and almost enclosed. Nebraska Advertiser 1-6-76 3-1
Building Joseph Ponn is erecting a dwelling in middle Brownville north of the M. E. church. James Russell is erecting a residenc on Grand Trunk Avenue near north Brownville Nebraska Advertiser 9-2-69 3-1
Building Jacob Rogers is building a large stable down in Hoadley's addition (called East Brownville) to accommodate horses required for his Transfer, Express Mail and Omnibus business Nebraska Advertiser 7-29-69 3-1
Buildings S. R. Somer's former residence, 22d and College Sts, one of the oldest buildings in Brownville is being torn down Nebraska Advertiser 2-10-76 3-2
Building A bill is pending in Congress appropriating $150,000 for the erection of a Post Office and Customs House at Lincoln Nebraska Advertiser 3-20-73 4-1
Building The large brownstone house recently erected in Lincoln by Mr. Tichnor for use of the B. and M. R. R. fellon four men. They were released and recovered Nebraska Advertiser 9-1-70 2-3
Buildings Lincoln At Lincoln, the State Lunatic Asylum is nearly ready for enclosure. It is built of brown sand stone. The State University is to be completed      
Buildings Lincoln From I. B. Compton, a prominent merchant of Lincoln, we learn that dwellings and business houses are springing up in the new capital in a magical manner. New farmers, new homes, and active industry greet the eye upon every hand. Nebraska City News 5-6-68 2-3
Buildings Lincoln S. A. Cox from Lincoln was in Nebraska City today. He is building a store house there on 10th street opposite the Banking House of James Sweet & Co. Nebraska City News 4-15-68 3-3
Buildings Lincoln Mr. Townly of Ohio, says the Lincoln Commonwealth has bought 3 lots in Block 86, of Col. Cropsey and has a fine building under con tract and commenced. He also proposes to build a hotel on the same premises. Nebraska City News 8-19-68 3-2
Buildings Lincoln Is growing rapidly. Among the very fine buildings being erected, is a large four story brick hotel by Atwood, in the vicinity of the Public Square. People are coming in and the Land Office is doing an excellent business. Nebraska City News 9-14-68 3-2
Buildings Lincoln Spring up like magic. See Lincoln, Growth and Development. Nebraska City News 9-30-68 3-5
Buildings Nebraska City The brick residence of T. D. Crook on Otoe Street is almost completed.   8-7-68 3-3
Buildings Nebraska City The brick work on Petring's store house has been commenced. Nebraska City News 7-19-67 3-1
Buildings Nebraska City The brick work on Petering's new business house in Nebraska City, is almost completed. In one month it will be filled with a large stock of groceries, dry goods, etc. Nebraska City News 8-2-67 3-1
Buildings Nebraska City The Cincinnati House, under the supervision of its old proprietors is undergoing thorough repair. An addition of about 60 feet is being added, which when completed will cost over $3,000. Nebraska City News 5-15-67 3-1
Buildings Nebraska City Mr. H. Clifford of this City is erecting an eating house in Eastport, Iowa. Nebraska City News 2-6-68 3-2
Buildings Nebraska City Contract for a residence in fails & Co.'s addition has been let to John. Darby Nebraska City News 2-21-68 3-1
Buildings Nebraska City George Darley has erected an elegant new residence on California between 7 and 8th Streets. Nebraska City News 5-8-68 3-3
Buildings Nebraska City William E. Dillon has been looking up suitable lots whereon to erect himself a substantial residence. Nebraska City News 5-8-68 3-2
Buildings Nebraska City Mr. Dunn of the F. M. Store left this morning for Lincoln. Before returning he will erect a house and otherwise improve his homestead. Nebraska City News 8-7-68 3-3
Buildings Nebraska City An elegant brick building to cost upwards of $5000 to be erected for George Hawke. Nebraska City News 3-20-68 3-3
Buildings Nebraska City Mr. Elliott, on Tippacanoe has completed the frame work on an elegant two-story residence. Nebraska City News 4-20-68 3-2
Buildings Nebraska City Encouraged by the liberal subscriptions, the Christian Church proceeds to the erection of the finest edifice' for worship in the city. Nebraska City News 2-14-68 3-3
Buildings Nebraska City The excavation for hawke's building is almost completed, the foundation will be commenced shortly. The brick work of the third story of Lindsey's new building is nearly completed. The grey stone pillars and cornice in front gives it the appearance of a City building. Nebraska City News 7-15-68 3-2
Buildings Nebraska City Bob Kirkham has just completed a splendid stone barn on his farm southwest of town, at a cost of between two and three thousand dollars. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 3-2
Buildings Nebraska City McCann, Darley, Stevenson and Wessel will each erect brick business houses on Main St, in the spring. Nebraska City News 11-18-68 3-1
Buildings Nebraska City D. J. McCann & Co. will erect in the spring on site of their present banking house, an elegant two story stone front business house, 66 x 24 with basement entire length. Mr. Edwards the architect, is preparing the design and specifications and making estimates of the cost. Nebraska City News 11-13-68 3-3
Buildings Nebraska City The members of the N. E. Church have purchased the lot back of Weimer, Lloyd & Co.'s store and will commence the erection of a church edifice. Nebraska City News 5-20-68 3-2
Buildings Nebraska City W. H. Miller, local editor of the Press has purchased the lot on the corner of Pawnee and 5th Streets and is having erected a good substantial building. Nebraska City News 5-15-67 3-2
Buildings Nebraska City Mohrenstecher & Co., are adding to their business house an extensive addition; when completed their building will be 120 x 25 feet. Nebraska City News 6-15-68 3-3
Buildings Nebraska City More and better buildings will be built this summer than during any previous year - several worth $5000. Confidence in the future growth and wealth of the country is strengthened. Nebraska City News 2-24-68 3-3
Buildings Nebraska City Nebraska City Contractors have there hands full. Some 15 or 20 magnificent edifices are now in course of erection, The business house of Win. E. Hill and the residence of Cole Irish are being pushed ahead with more than usual rapidity. About 400 shade trees have been set out on the grounds of Mr. Irish. Nebraska City News 5-8-67 3-2
Buildings Nebraska City New Court House is now in the hands of the plasters. New Drug building completed for Rice Bros. J. S. Davenport esq. has completed a new building a Photograph rooms on the upper story. Raper and Leming has enlarged their grocery house. Curtis and Peavy general assortment of stone have a large and commodious stone store house 26x60. Two story. Mr. Aug. Rice, Mr. Abbott and Chas Hollingshead are each having dwelling in course of construction. Pawnee Tribune. Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-69 2-5
Buildings Nebraska City Dr. Pierson left the City yesterday with a large quantity of lumber, lath and shingles. He proposes to erect a business house in Lincoln. Nebraska City News 3-15-68 3-2
Buildings Nebraska City Dr. Ralph is planning on building a fine residence in the spring and to plant a large orchard. Nebraska City News 2-17-68 3-1
Buildings Nebraska City Charles Schneider is to erect a two story brick building in the Spring on the lots just purchased. Nebraska City News 2-19-68 3-1
Buildings Nebraska City The second building of Geo. Darley's has just been finished in elegant style and Rev. Elliott has taken possession. Nebraska City News 11-25-68 3-2
Buildings There are some 10 or 12 new school buildings to be erected this summer and I believe that one year will find a good house in every district in the county. Our county now numbers 63 districts in all and about 50 School Houses, sonf of which would do credit to older states. See Schools Nebraska Advertiser 5-5-70 1-5,6
Buildings Nebraska City Dick Shannon is erecting a neat dwelling house on corner of Laramie and 7th Streets. Nebraska City News 4-6-68 3-3
  Messrs Weiner, Lloyd & Co., commence the erection of a two story storehouse. The old warehouse has been removed and excavation for the new building commenced. Nebraska City News 4-1-68 3-2
Buildings Nebraska City F. W. Wood returns to our city as a permanent citizen, and. is favorably known as a contractor and carpenter, having used his skill on or Court House. He has already taken contracts for one large brick residence and one good sized brick stable. Nebraska City News 4-17-68 3-2
Buildings Philip Young hasa built a new dwelling house at Lafayett, Nebraska, cost about $1,200. Nebraska Advertiser 2-10-76 3-1
Buildings. Cheyenne. Work on the Mammoth Hotel, Cheyenne will be resumed shortly. Nebraska City News 2-5-68 2-1
Buildings. Council Bluff Mr. Craig has let to Mr. John McFarland, the contract for stone work on the Council Bluff Insane Assylum. Nebraska City News 12-16-68 3-3
Buildings. Council Bluff Is building a $60,000 Court House. Nebraska City News 5-29-68 3-2
Buildings. Pawnee City. Several loads of pine lumber purchased by B. M. Davenport of this City for Governor Butler left the City yesterday for Pawnee City to be used in the erection of a masonic hail and business house at that place. Nebraska City News 4-15-68 3-2
Buildings State Statement of the money paid on state contracts. Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 2-1
Building The residence of Mr. Tomlin in Nebraska City is almost completed, and. Mr. Bruce has commenced excavation for a cellar for a brick residence. Nebraska City News 2-12-68 3-2
Buildings The erection of depot buildings for the council Bluffs and St. Joe Railroad will be commenced on the bank opposite Nebraska City shortly. Nebraska City News 7-29-67 3-1
Buildings The farm of Judge Reed, two miles west of Nebraska City, is rapidly assuming the appearance of an old fashioned down East homestead. A fine dwelling house is already erected and many trees set out. Nebraska City News 4-15-68 3-2
Building. Nebraska City Active preparations are being made in almost every ward in the city, for the erection of buildings. Workmen are now engaged at the old. Holly Block, tearing out walls and repairing in general. The erection of buildings, sheds, etc., for the gentlemen who propose manufacturing crockery ware of every description, was commenced on Saturday. The buildings are being erected on Block 68 in South Nebraska City. John Darley, Esq., has the contract for the buildings. The work of erecting the brick church edifice for the Cumberland Presbyterian denomination on corner of Laramie & 10th, will be commenced during the week. Dimensions 40 x 60. Nebraska City News 5-29-67 3-1
Buildings. Nebraska City. Needs more buildings - gentleman from the East are here looking for business houses and dwellings to rent. Nebraska City is becoming the objective point of a big railroad and will almost double in population during the next twelve months, and it is important to the growth of the town that substantial dwellings and merchantile houses be built during the spring for the accommodation of new corners. Nebraska City News 12-30-68 2-2
Buildings. Otoe County National Bank. Description of the new home of one of the permanent institutions of Nebraska City. The building was purchased in December from H. B. Horton by the bank directors and improvements made in keeping with the reputation of the banking house. Nebraska City News 2-26-68 3-4
Buildings. School. Nebraska City The brick work on the Third Ward building is rapidly approaching completion and will be an ornament to the city. Nebraska City News 9-25-68 3-2
Buildings. Nebraska City. There are thirty-seven new buildings in the course of erection, regardless of the time of year. The rich prairie lands of Nebraska, together with our healthful climate are the stimulating tonics which pushes these improvements ahead. Nebraska City News 10-21-68 3-3
Building. Nebraska City Still on the increase. Young George Darley is just finishing a handsome two-story building adjoining the one he erected last spring on California street. Nebraska City News 10-19-68 3-4
Buildings. Nebraska City The foundation for the new Cumberland presbyterian Church on the corner of Laramie and 9th Streets, is almost completed. Nebraska City News 7-15-67 2-5
Buildings, Nebraska City Union church, See churches. Nebraska City News 3-30-68 3-2
Buildings. Nebraska City Two small frame buildings are in course of erection on Main Street between 2nd & 3rd. Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-1
Buildings. Nebraska City Mr. Edwards the architect, is getting up the design for a two story business house 24 x 80 feet for John Darley. Nebraska City News 11-4-68 3-2
Buildings. Nebraska City Edwards, the architect has just completed plans and specifications for a three story brick domicle which when completed will contain twelve rooms for two families; young George Darley will be the owner. Nebraska City News 12-11-68 3-3
Buildings Mr. Gregg of Greggsport is having erected on his farm west of Wyoming a large frame building He commences operations there in the spring. Nebraska City News 3-8-67 3-1
Buildings. Nebraska City The substantial brick building of Hawke & Bros. now in course of erection is progressing finely. Nebraska City News 9-11-68 3-3
Buildings. Nebraska City The brick work on Hawke's new brick building is completed. The carpenters are now busily at work finishing it up. Nebraska City News 10-23-68 3-3
Buildings Nebraska City Hon. W. M. Hicklin took possession of his new residence on the corner of Laraznie and 9th Streets, yesterday. Nebraska City News 4-5-67 2-1
Buildings. Nebraska City The stone and lumber for Wm. E. Hill's twostory brick building now being delivered. Masons and carpenters will commence operations shortly. Nebraska City News 4-5-67 3-1
Building. Nebraska City The excavation for Hill's two story brick building on Main Street was commenced this morning. Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-3
Buildings. Nebraska City Col. O. H. Irish will erect in the spring a three story brick building where the Press office now stands. The new building will be used for a printing establishment; the upper story for the composing room, the second story for editor's parlor, job room and paper warehouse; the first floor for the bookeepers, cashiers and tellers, while the basement will be devoted to the press engine and Nebraska City News 10-23-68 3-3
Buildings. Nebraska City James Kennedy's house has been removed from between 13th & 14th streets to corner of 5th and Otoe. Nebraska City News 3-15-67 3-1
Buildings. Collapse. The new three story brick building or wing, just erected by Mr. Lindsey, proprietor of the hotel, came down with a crash on Tuesday morning. It had just been completed when it fell, completely smashing the warehouse of Frank Chadsey. It is thought the foundation become weakened by the severe rains of the last two weeks, another that the foundation was contemplated for a one story building instead of a three. The loss is considerable to Mr. Lindsey, he having expended every dollar he had to erect the hotel buildings. Nebraska City News 9-16-65 3-4
Buildings. Nebraska City The old rat trap buildings west of Lloyd's brick are to be torn, down and in their places will be erected fine two-story brick buildings. Nebraska City News 9-25-68 3-1
Buildings. Nebraska City Robert Lorton and William Battentyne will both build on lots recently purchased. See Real Estate Transactions Nebraska City News 5-29-67 3-1
Buildings. Nebraska City The residence of W. H. Miller, local editor of the is finished. and occupied. by himself and. family. It is a neat and. substantial building. Nebraska City News 6-21-67 3-1
Buildings. Nebraska City Charles Morgan is now engaged in putting the tin on Hawke & Cots., new building on 6th Street. Nebraska City News 11-13-68 3-1
Buildings. Nebraska City Prospect in the spring is flattering. Already brick for a two story building east of the News office is being delivered. Nebraska City News 9-9-68 3-2
Buildings. Nebraska City Preparations for the erection of Petring's new brick business house, west of the News office, is being made. Large quantities of stone and brick are already on the ground, and the work of laying the foundation will be commenced shortly. Nebraska City News 6-14-67 3-2
Buildings. Nebraska City Occupied by Robt. Stafford is being removed to the rear of Dr. Snowden's residence. Nebraska City News 3-11-67 3-1
Buildings. Nebraska City Hon. O. Stevenson is remodeling a house in the western suburbs with a view of occupying it as a private residence. Nebraska City News 10-5-62 3-2
Building. Omaha The appropriation for Post Office and Custom House at Omaha was incressed to $50,000 Nebraska Adversiser 3-2-71 2-1
Building. Omaha $106,000 already subscribed for the Grand Hotel at Omaha Nebraska Adversiser 11-18-69 1-8
Building. Many new houses have been built in Peru since January. Normal school has added a cupola and bell Nebraska Adversiser 8-12-69 2-2
Building Martin, P. M. has built an addition to his house in Peru Nebraska Adversiser 12-16-75 3-6
Building Professor McKenzie's new residence near Normal School Building at Peru Nebraska Adversiser 7-8-69 2-1
Building Mr. David Barnes will build south of the Normal School at Peru and Mr. Samuel Moody will erect a residence on the old school house grounds near S. P. Majors residence at Peru, Nebraska Nebraska Adversiser 4-27-71 3-2

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