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Bunger - Byron

Date 18xx p-c
Bunger, ___ is ill with erysipelas. See Diseases Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 3-4
Burch, E. A. Found Tecumseh a live tonw. Johnson Items Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 3-4
Burch, H. Ministerial Etiquette at the Ministerial Association June 12, 1873 Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 5-15-73 3-5
Burcham, James Appointed Post Master at South Pass, Lancaster County in place of N. B McLain, resigned Nebraska Advertiser 12-22-70 1-5
Burchard, S. C. and companions murdered John Helmus, Mar. 14, 1874. See Crime Nebraska Advertiser 11-18-75 2-2
Burchhardt, F. W. Was appointed Post Master at Argo in place of H. Doerffield, resigned. Richardson County, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 12-22-70 1-5
Burches, E. H. Grand Juror Nebraska Advertiser 4-10-73 3-6
Burches, E. H. Member of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-70 4-1
Burches, E.H. Loudon Pct. Elected Road Supervisor Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Burdick, J. P. At Mr Burn's old stand, ordinary large quantities of goods of E. M. Holly of the firm of Lemon Hosea & Co. of St. Joseph, he is buildking a lage store room, 2 stories high, adjoining his place of business, 20 foot front by 50 feet deep. Nebraska Advertiser 5-5-70 2-1
Burdick, Joshua P. Real estate transfer from Geo. A. Brown. Lot 7 and 8, Block 110. $250. Peru, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 6-12-73 3-3
Burdick, J. P. Vice-President of the 4th of July celebration and barbacue at Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-2
Burdick, Phil Has traded the contents of his store house for Johnson County land. See Land Nebraska Advertiser 3-2-76 3-6
Burge, (Rev) R. Appointed to Salem District by the Nebraska Methodist Conference Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 2-1
Burge, Richard Appointed Minister at Rock Bluffs, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Berger, Peter Defendant fore closure of Mortgage, degree granted. Valentine Sheer plaintiff. Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-6
Burgess, Rev. ___ Of Plattsmouth will hold services next Sunday at Brownville. See Churches Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-1
Burgess, J. C. Proprietor, Nebraska City, Nebraska. See Billiard Hall. Nebraska City News 7-20-68 2-4
Burgess, (Rev) Robert Was present at the Presbytery of Missouri river Meeting at Brownville. See Church Nebraska Advertiser 4-20-71 4-3
Buriss, Adam Appointed Minister at Madison, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Burk, J. M. Elected G. Pursuivt Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. See Masons Nebraska Advertiser 6-29-68 3-3
Burke, Patrick Elected Supervisor, Aspinwall Precinct. See Election Returns, Nemaha County Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Burke, P. Supervisor. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Burke, Pat Said to be an Expert with the "gloves" was in Brownville as a guest of Arthur Walsh Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-75 3-4
Burks, Mr. Of Firm of Hawley & Burks, Nebraska City bought house and lot for $1500. See Real Estate Transactions Nebraska City News 12-16-68 3-3
Burks & Hawley Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Dealers in grain and farm implements. See Agriculture. Nebraska City News 4-10-68 3-4
Burks, Hawley & White Nebraska City dealers in all kinds of agricultural implements and farm machinery. Agents for McCormick reapers and wagons. See Forwarding & Commission. Nebraska City News 4-1-67 2-5
Burks, J. W. Of Nebraska city is acting agent for subscriptions to Sturgeon. Independent of Sturgeon, Missouri. See Press Nebraska City News 5-1- 67 3-1
Berlet, Peter Supervisior. Bonds filed and approved See Nemaha COunty Commissioners' Proceedings Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Berlet, P. Was appointed road supervisor Lafayette Precinct, Dist. 5. See Nemaha County, Commissioners' Proceedings. Jan 5 Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Burlingame, J. Appointed Minister at Long Branch Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Burlingame, J. Best Method of Securing revivals at the Ministerial Association June 12, 1873. Brownville, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-15-73 3-5
Burlingame & Missouri River Railroad This road is now running trians to Louisville, 18 miles west of Plattsmouth in Nebraska, in a few days they will be as far out as Ashland, 24 miles from Louisville and in a few weeks the iron horse will come whistling into Lincoln Station. Nebraska Advertiser 4-14-70 2-4
Burlingame and South western Railroad Company have 12 miles under contract, and work is progressing rapidly from Rulo, in Richardson County, westward in the direction of Pawnee City. Statesman, Lincoln Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-69 2-5
Burman, S. W. Et al., defendants vs Horation Vars, Otoe County district court. Mortgage foreclosure. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 10-30-68 2-4
Burner, H. N. Teacher of Rock Creek District No. 5. Pupils on the roll 41 Nebraska Advertiser 5-5-70 1-4
Burns, John Fined $10 and cost at Nebraska City, Nebr. See Criminals Nebraska City News 4-19-67 3-2
Burns, B. Sold north half of block 30 in Prairie City to Col. Irish for $750. See Real Estate Transactions. Nebraska City News 9-21-68 3-4
Burns, Ed and companions were charged with the robbery of Annie Wilson. See Crime Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 2-1
Burns, (Rev) I. Appointed to the Nebraska City District by the Church Conference (Methodist) Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 2-1
Burns, Mary J. Married to Martin V. Overton, both of Otoe County, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 12-8-70 3-3
Burns, W. L. President of the Building and Saving Association at Falls City, Nebraska. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 11-3-70 1-1
Burns, William Concordia, Kans., formerly of Peru, married Miss Maria Brisbern, Peru Nebraska Advertiser 12-18-73 3-5
Burnett, A. G. Stage agent at Lincoln for six months left with $300 of his proprietork, Mr. Dorrington's money. Plattsmouth Herald Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-69 2-3
Burress, Monroe Glen Rock Pct., Elected Constable Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Burress, T. Glen Rock Pct., Elected assessor and Justice of the Peace Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Burress, Thomas Assessment values of 1871 of Glen Rock precinct lands $184,000 and personal property $58,225. See Taxation Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 3-1
Burress, T. Assessor for Glen Rock Precinct. See Valuation Nebraska Advertiser 3-2-76 3-4
Burress, Thos Elected Assessor Glen Rock Precinct. See Election Returns Nebraska Advertiser 10-2-75 3-4
Burress, Thos Elected Justice of the Peace Glen Rock Precinct. See Election Returns Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Burress, Thomas Justice of the Peace. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County Commissioners'' Proceedings, Jan. 4 Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Bursen, Geo. E. bought real estate from William Stallman Nebraska Advertiser 11-20-73 3-3
Burt, M. Helen Peru. Teacher Methods, Latin, State Normal School Nebraska Advertiser 12-11-73 1-3
Burt, W. H. Appointed Minister at Iron Bluff, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Burt County investment in school facilities Nebraska Advertiser 2-26-74 1-4
Burton, Joe Touches off the fuse at the sinking of the shaft at the Home Coal Mining Co. on the Morton farm, while James Bond drills the rock. The present depth is now about 80 feet. See Coal Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-2
Bush, J. W. Martial Music at 4th of July celebration and barbacue at Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-2
Bush, William W. Married to Lydia J. Phipenney at Nebraska City. See Marriage Nebraska Advertiser 9-23-69 2-7
Business Firm Of Wm French & Son. Have suspended business, the goods are being sold by an assignee for the settlement of the firms liabilities. Nebraska Advertiser 7-6-73 3-2
Butler, Lieut Alexander On the expedition for land to colonize 50 miles from Reama, they came up with buffalo, in the 5 days hunt, Lieutenant killed 7 buffaloes. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-69 1-5
Butler, David Of Lancaster County, for Governor on the Republican State Ticket Nebraska Advertiser 8-18-70 2-1
Butler, Governor and Hunting party shot eighty five buffalos Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 2-5
Butler, Governor Nebraska. Amendment of election law, statue relating to prosecuting attorneys, general incorportation law, regulating interest, revenue law, school laws etc. See Message Nebraska City News 5-22-67 1-1 to 6
2- 2 to 4
Butler, Governor Impeachment case. Evidence. Lincoln, Nebraska. March 20, 1871 Nebraska Advertiser 3-23-71
1-4 to 8
Butler, Governor Inauguration Nebraska Advertiser 1-19-71 1-3,4
Butler, David Governor. Amount being disbursed by David Butler & Company and not accounted for by a public showing of accounts. See Appropriations Nebraska City News 8-14-68 2-3
Butler, Gov. D. B. Breaking ground for B and M R R. June 12, 1869 0 Governor spoke and with a shovel broke the first ground for that railroad west of the Missouri Nebraska Advertiser 6-24-69 1-3
Butler, David. Governor Omaha Republican admits that David Butler has drawn $500 unlawful salary as Governor; admits that in accordance with its own predictions, he has been speculating in, and making money out of Lincoln lots and out of School lands; admits that he was drunk at the St. Andrew's Supper in Omaha last winter and more recently, at Lincoln. The Republican dare not tell how much money it has been paid by the Butler Administration. The Republican knows that the thousands of dollars which it has received during the past year out of money raised by taxing the people has never been earned, any more than the Indian money which established it and now runs it, was honestly acquired. Nebraska City News 7-31-68 2-1
Butler, David Received 11, 126 votes for Governor. Nebraska Advertiser 1-19-71 4-2
Butler, David, Gov. and wife. Excursion on the Kate Kinney from Nebraska City to Omaha. See Pastimes. Nebraska City News 7-15-67 2-2
Butler, Gov With others made an expedition through several counties for land for a colony of English. 50 miles from Reama the Governor killed five buffaloes. See Land. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-69 1-5
Butler, David Governor of Nebraska. See Proclamation, Gov Nebraska City News 5-8-67 2-1
Butler, David Governor to convene Nebraska State legislature. See Proclamation Nebraska City News 4-10-67 4-5
Butler, David Ordered special election in Otoe County to fill vacancy in State legislature. See Proclamation, Governor's Nebraska City News 5-8-67 2-1
Butler, Gov. David Pawnee City, Erection Business House & Masonic Hall. See Buildings Nebraska City News 4-15-68 3-2
Butler, David Governor. One of the officers of the Nemaha Valley, Lincoln City and Columbus railroad incorporated Jun 11th; and one of the commissioners to determine where Lincoln City shall be located. See Land Stealing Nebraska City News 6-17-67 2-2,3
Butler David versus the Peop Balcombe principal witness for the Prosecution. About "Lying and Slanderous charges against the Land Grabbers. D. Butler, Torn Kennard & Co. on a Jacobin Gridiron. Omaha Herald backs the statement of J. Sterling Morton in the Nebraska City News when it arrainged Mr. David Butler and his caloric organ, upon certain charges and upon certain admissions, respecting the personal and official conduct of the Governor of this State. The Herald when Mr. Morton is charged with "falsehood" about the St. Andrew's affair feels it their duty to back the statement with the assertion of it as a fact which admits of no truthful denial and, which neither Thomas Kennard who sat by his side, nor Governor Butler himself, will dare to deny. Nebraska City News 8-12-68 1-2,3
Butler. David Verses the People Editor of the Republican ordered into court as chief witness for the prosecution and St. A. D. Balcombe will continue to swear as follows in the Weekly Republican of June 7th upon Land Swindlers of Nebraska, David Butler & Co. The opinion of the witness now is that Butler requires "no defense at our hands" and that "he is a straight forward honest man". This is an interested opinion - the disinterested opinion of this man Butler was exposed in the evidence which we find on record in this court. In an article published about a year ago headed "A Suggestion", denouncing the Legislative Land Ring of which Butler was the head, the Republican leaves no doubt as to its version of their character, resorting to exposing the "Rings" with illustrations and names that left no doubt as to who was meant adding a few honest Democrats to redeem the whole thing from contempt. It was careful about names until in the Republican June 9th 186'7 under the heading "The Abortion, Premature Birth and Death", facsimilies of the eccentric and concentric Rings thus illustrated. (In Nebraska City News 8-14-68 p. 2. col. 3.) 1/4 The Lincoln Measures had passed approved by Butler and another illustration of Butler gone up Salt Creek. Omaha Herald Nebraska City News, 8-14-68 2-3
Butler, David verses the People Editorial. Illegal salary drawn by David Butler, appropriated by a radical Legislature to be so drawn, knowing that no service had been rendered for said sum of money, may be found on page 35 item 7, Vol. 1 State laws. Butler drew pay for being governor of the State of Nebraska from July 1, 1866 to Jan. 1, 1867. But the State was not a State until March 1867. Nebraska City News 3-17-68 2-2
Butler, David versus the People Editorial. The Republican at Omaha dodges the denial business. It dare not declare that David Butler was not drunk at the St. Andrew's supper and it dare not deny his big drunk at Lincoln in June; it dare not deny his drawing unearned salary. The Republican knows that just as soon as it puts in a denial of these charges, the Nebraska City News will proceed with the proof. Nebraska City News 8-21-68 2-2
Butler, David verses the People Editorial. The law providing for the erection of the Capitol Building in Lincoln, declares that the building shall not cost to exceed $50,000. But the friends of D. Butler have declared the sale of Lincoln Lots amount to more than $150,000. Then where is the $100,000 of the people's money which cannot be put into the Capitol Building? The State Treasurer, Hon. Augustus Kountze, republican, says he has received only $148. on that account, then there is in the hands of David Butler, Torn P. Kennard and John Gillespie about $100,000 which by law they are prohibited from expending in public buildings and which by law should be in the State Treasury. We charge then that David Butler, Tom Kennard and John. Gillespie are in law defaulters to the State of Nebraska for whatever sum, over $50,000 they have taken in for the lots, excepting the $148 which has already been paid over to Treasurer Kountze. Nebraska City News 9-18-68 2-1
Butler, David versus the People Lincoln Lot Ring. The law which relocated the Capitol at Lincoln was approved the 4th of June last year. Three commissioners, D. Butler, Governor, T. Kennard., Sec'y. of State, and John Gillespie, Auditor were appointed to locate the seat of government and the public buildings of the State of Nebraska and were required to give bond for faithful performance of the duty under the provisions of this act. First "no lot shall be sold for any less sum than the minimum price," nor upon any other terms than cash on hand. Sec. 5. Rev. Statutes 1867. Sec. 6 reads: "Every purchaser of lots shall deposit the purchase money with the Commissioners." David Butler and Tom Kennard, the Commissioners deposited their money by giving notes to and obtaining titles to lots from each other, the purchase to stand in case they could sell them at a profit, which went into the pockets of these loyal speculators upon a violated law which they were bound on oath to execute faithfully and impartially. Thus large sales were made under the mock auctions of Butler, Kennard & Co. Sec. 7. Law relocating Capitol - All monies received by Commissioners for sale of lots shall be deposited by them in State Treasury, held by him as a State Building Fund and separately accounted for. A. Kountze, State Treasurer in a letter from the office at Omaha, Sept. 1st, 1868 in answer to a request for an official statement of the money received from sale of Lincoln lots says "the sum total of all money paid in by Commissioners Butler, Kennard & Gillespie, is shown to amount to $148 and is the only amount received by the treasurer on the sale of the Lincoln lots, Where are the thousands of dollars that have been received by these Commissioners? $50,000 were claimed to have been received, at the first sale alone. Nebraska City News 9-16-68 2-1,2
Butler, David versus the People Editorial. Hon. A. F. Harvey called as a witness to David Butler concerning the Lincoln lots, says he knows of no property in Lincoln held by Gov. Butler, Mr. Gillespie and Mr. Kennard, which they have not acquired legitimately. The sale and reservations of all lots were entered upon the commissioners books and in no case was any lot assigned to any person which had not been offered for sale to the highest bidder and knocked down under the rules of the vendue. The commissioners bid upon the lots marked down to them as other persons bid and they paid for their purchases exactly as other buyers paid for theirs. Mr. Harvey adds in regard to the Lincoln Lots, that if Gov. Butler, Gillespie, Kennard and James Sweet had not, when the lots were first offered for sale in the midst of a two days rain, bid on lots at prices above the appraisements, Lincoln would have fizzled out. Lincoln Statesman Now Mr. Harvey told the editor of the Nebraska City News that he himself had bid off several hundred dollars worth of Lincoln Lots, and had not paid for his lots and did not expect to until after he had sold them, - "exactly as other buyers (in the ring) paid for theirs". Against this evidence of Mr. Harvey we call attention to the official statement of State Treasurer, A. Kluntze, of Sept. 1, 1868 of only $148 having been received by him for the sale of lots in Lincoln. Nebraska City News 9-21-68 2-3
Butler, David versus the People David Butler, radical Governor of Nebraska, by virtue of radical Rock Bluffs swindles, now stands convicted before the people, by the testimony of August Kountze, Republican State Treasurer, of having violated the laws of the State and of having kept public monies out of the State Treasury and in his own hands when under his oath of office he should have put them into the State Treasury. Nebraska City News 10-5-68 2-2
Butler, James On whose land the tree fell which broke James Parish's leg. Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-4
Butler, James Mr. Parish while cutting wood upon James Butler's land had his leg broken near the ankle joint by a falling tree. Dr. Mc Caslin and Dr. Stewart took care of him. See Accident Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-4
Butler, W. A. Pawnee Co., elected county treasurer Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-4
Butler County investment in school facilities Nebraska Advertiser 2-26-74 1-4
Butler County One of Joseph Grunteral's children was fatally scalded last week. See Deaths. Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 3-5
Butler, Charles Petit Juror Nebraska Advertiser 4-10-73 3-6
Butterfield, F. E. Rodsman of the B, Ft. K. and P. R. R. Co. See Railroad, Brownville, Fort Kearney and Pacific Railroad Company Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 2-2
Butzerin, Jos. Manufacturers of Italian and American Marble, Nebraska City, Nebr. See Marble Yard Nebraska City News 8-12-68 4-3
Buxton & Brown City Crockery Store, Nebraska City, Nebraska. See Queensware. Nebraska City News 6-21-67 2-3
Buxton & Brown Nebraska City. Wholesale & Retail. See China & Queensware. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 1-4
Buxton, Mr. Nebraska City. Member of the Missouri River trip on steamer Columbia to Omaha and back. See Social Life Nebraska City News 6-25-67 3-1,2
Buxton, J. D. Co-partnership, "City Crocokery Store", Nebr. City, Nebr. See Dissolution. Nebraska City News 6-1-68 2-3
Buxton, J. D. Librarian Youn Men's Literary Association. Nebraska City, Nebr. See Societies & Associations. Nebraska City News 8-17-68 3-2
Byron, A. and Company Of Atchison. Contract for building telegraph line from Atcison to White Cloud. See Telegraph. Nebraska City News 12-11-68 2-4
Byrne, Chas H. General Superintendent of State Fair at Lincoln. Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 4-1,2
Byron, W. S. Elected G. S. Bearer, Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. See Masons Nebraska City News 6-29-68 3-3

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