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Cabinet Maker - Capital United States. Removal

Date 18xx p-c
Cabinet Maker E. Mathieu. Cabinet and Wagon Maker, Brownville, N. T. See Industry Nebraska Advertiser 21-10-58 1-1
Cadman, John Elected to Legislative Assembly to fill vacancy of Hon. E. Hardenburg, resigned. See hardenburg, Hon. E. Nebraska City News 4-26-67 3-1
Caffrey, Major Address the Teachers Institute at Glen Rock Nebraska Advertiser 3-13-73 3-6
Caffrey, Major Came by rail to the St. Joseph Bridge Celebration and the Saegerfest. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-2,3
Caffrey, Wm. Appointed on committee of arrangements of 4 of July celebration. Committee on Orator. Nebraska Advertiser 6-12-73 3-6
Cake, Rev. Otoe County, Otoe Precinct. Member of committee to solicit soutern aid. See Societies & Organizations. Nebraska City News 4-24-67 3-2
Calwell, Mr. Douglass county, elected on Board of Directors of St. Louis and Nebraska Trunk Line at stock holders meeting. See Railroads Nebraska City News 12-11-68 1-2
Caldwell, Alex Elected Senator fo Kansas, Edmund Goss retiring Nebraska Advertiser 2-2-71 2-6
Caldwell, Ern W. Of Omaha. Secretary of the Omaha Baseball Club. See Societies and Oganizations Nebraska City News 4-29-67 3-1
Caldwell, Wm Was married to Mrs. E. C. Gillis Feb. 20. See Marriages Nebraska Advertiser 2-24-76 3-5
Calhoun, Mr. Nebraska City, Nebr. See Attorneys Nebraska City News 1-31-68 2-5
Calhoun, Mr. Nebraska City. On committee of three to audit accounts and books of Mercantile Library association, to consider consolidation. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 1-6-68 3-3
Calhoun, Mr. Bloomington, leased his mill to Bound & Earsom Nebraska Advertiser 11-5-73 2-4
Calhoun, Mr. Bloomington, putting in stock of goods Nebraska Advertiser 11-5-73 2-4
Calhoun, J. D. Incorporator of the Brownville Southwestern Railroad Company Nebraska Advertiser 12-22-70 2-6
Calhoun, J. D. Elected N. G. of the I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 5. Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 12-28-70 3-5
Calhoun, J. D. Of the Democrat at Brownville. His revolver accidentally discharged and fatally wounded his hunting companion, Frank E. Parish. See Death by accident Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 3-1
Calhoun, J. D. Succeeds Dr. Halladay in control of the Democrat. See Press Nebraska Advertiser 9-16-69 2-2
Calhoun, Hon. S. H. Appearing for Prof. Corell in case Nebraska City vs Corell. See Judicial Nebraska City News 10-21-68 3-2
Calhoun, S. H. Elected to board of education of Nebraska City, total vote, 509. See Election Results Nebraska City News 5-6-67 3-2
Calhoun, S. H. Elected Director of the Nebraska Railray Company. See Railroads. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 3-5
Calhoun, S. H. Has been elected president of the State Bar Association. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 2-4
Calhoun, S. H. Mayor of Nebraska City, Nebr. Ordered special vote on question if city council shall borrow $25,000 to buy right of way for Midland Pacific R. R. See Election, special Nebraska City News 6-22-68 2-4
Calhoun, S. H. Mayor of Nebraska City. Prohibit use of Fire Crackers. See Nebraska City Ordinance. Nebraska City News 8-26-68 1-3
Calhoun, S. H. Nebraska City. Committee's choice for school Com. See Convention, City. Total vote 509 for S. H. Calhoun. See Election Results. Nebraska City News 5-3-67


Calhoun, S. H. Otoe Co. Committee on Resolutions, Convention, Omaha. See Convention, State Democratic. Nebraska City News 8-7-68 2-2,3
Calhoun, S. H. Of Nebraska City, candidate for Mayor on democratic ticket. See Election candidates. Nebraska City News 4-17-68 2-1
Calhoun, S. H. Mayor of Nebraska City. See Nebr. City COuncil Proceedings. Nebraska City News 10-26-68 3-4
Calhoun, S. H. President of the Nebraska City Times Nebraska Advertiser 6-16-70 2-3
Calhoun & Croxton Attorney's for plaintiff, Horation Vars vs Milton D. Anderson, et al. Otoe County district court. Mortgage Foreclosure. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 10-30-68 2-4
Calhoun & Croxton Real estate dealers Nebraska Advertiser 5-19-70 1-6
California Is 700 miles long with an average width of 220 miles, making an aggregate area of 98,634,240 acres. Of this amount 66,000,000 are adapted to agriculture, 15,000,000. to grazing, 4,000,000, are swamp and. overflowed lands and 14,034,240 are lakes, bays, and precipitious mountains. The Federal Government has granted to the State 10,782,162 acres of the public lands. Omaha Herald Nebraska City News 3-23-68 3-3
Caller, Norman Of Brownville, Nebr. Married Melissa Starry of Nemaha County, Nebraska. See Marriage Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-69 2-5
Camden Seward County. See celebrations 4th of July Nebraska City News 7-1-68 3-4
Cameron, (Rev.) D. W. Presbyterian Minister at the meeting at Brownville Nebraska Advertiser   2-3
Cameron, James Treasurer of the Building and Saving Association of Falls City, Nebraska. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 11-3-70 1-1
Cameron, John Of Omaha was elected Grand Steward of the Masonic Lodge. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 6-30-70 2-3
Camners, Andrew Wounded in a railroad accident near Fremont Saturday morning. See Accident, Railroad Nebraska City News 8-21-68 3-3
Camp Creek Otoe County. Emigration from Salt Lake, Utah will undoubtedly find homes. 40 wagons expected this week. See Mormons. Nebraska City News 7-29-67 3-2
Campbell, A. Elected Supervisor No 2 of Bedford Precinct. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Campbell, Alexander Petit Juror Nebraska Advertiser 4-10-73 3-6
Campbell, C. C. Elected Justice of the Peace London Precinct. See Election Returns. Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Campbell, Chas Justice of the Peace. Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Campbell, Chas Master of Pleasant Ridge Grange, London Precinct Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-1
Campbell, Charles M. Glen Rock Pct., died; son of William and Elizabeth Campbell Nebraska Advertiser 1-1-74


Campbell, D. Brownville Pct. Elected Constable. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Campbell, David Elected Constable, Brownville Precinct Nebraska Advertiser 10-16-73 3-2
Campbell, David nominated for Marshal on the People's Ticket. Nebraska Advertiser 4-7-70 2-2
Campbell, David Set out for Falls City with Sidney French and Frank Johnson Nebraska Advertiser 5-15-73 2-2
Campbell, J. C. (Dr) Of Nebraska City purchased a farm of 200 acres in Cass County. See Real Estate Transactions Nebraska Advertiser 6-17-67 3-1
Campbell, Hon. J. C. Candidate for Democratic State Senate. See Political Parties., Democratic. Nebraska City News 8-31-68 2-1
Campbell, J. C. Member of Democratic central committee. See Election, primary Nebraska City News 7-17-68 2-1
Campbell, J. C. Elcected alderman first ward of Nebraska City, total vote 88. See Election results Nebraska City News 5-6-67 3-2
Campbell, J. C. Of Nebraska city, Nebr. Candidate for city Board of Education on 1st ward on democratic ticket. See Election candates. Nebraska City News 4-17-68 2-1
Campbell, J. C. Nebraska City. Committee's Choice for city alderman of 1st Ward. See Convention, City.
Total vote for J. C. Campbell for alderman 1st Ward, 88. See Election Results
Nebraska City News 5-3-67
Campbell, J. M. Has bee building an addition to his store in Howard. Nebraska Advertiser 2-10-76 3-6
Campbell, J. M. Merchant of Howard has bought over 16,000 bushels of corn and sold it to feeders and farmers. Nebraska Advertiser 3-9-76 3-4
Campbell, Nathan Real estate transfer from Franklin W. Dort N 1/2 of S. W. qr. 3, 6, 13. $800. Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 3-6
Campbell, Robert Steamer. William Eads, captain. Two passengers died so Benjamin Ames prescribed weak lye solution be taken. Made from wood ash and water. Happened at Wackapaw Prairie on Missouri river. There was no more sickness on the boat during California Emigration. See Medicine. Nebraska Advertiser 9-2-69 1-7
Campbell, Robert Served as member of the Grand Jury. See Judicial. Nebraska City News 9-23-68 3-4
Canadians A large number contemplate settling in Nebraska in the spring. Agent from Canada will select land. See Emigration, Canada Nebraska City News 1-23-67 3-2
Canady, Sands A Stone-cutter at Omaha, Eloped with wife of Mr. West from Wyoming Territory. See Elopement.   10-16-68 3-3
Cannon, J. T. From Cass County, elected to the House in State Legislature Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-4
Capital To remove the capital to the center of the state. How to pay National Debt and Sell Public Lands. Nebraska Advertiser 5-26-70 1-4
Capital Location The capital lands are locate1 on the Southeast quarter of 23, Southwest of 26, and. East half of 26; West half of N. W. of 25, and. W. half of Southwest of 25, in Township 10, Range 6, making altogether five quarter sections--BOO acres. Nebraska City News 7-29-67 3-2
Capital Building F. Carr owns the quarry at Beatrice from which the stone is taken for the beautiful Capital front. Mr. Carr is a practical and thorough stone cutter and prepared to take contracts to any amount of rock. Nebraska City News 7-1-68 3-4
Capital Building Entire front wall taken from the quaries in Gage County, Nebraska. See Stone Quaries, Beatrice. Nebraska City News 9-23-68 2-2
Capital Building Freight bills for the lumber of State building at Lincoln has already exceeded $3000. Mr. Nelson Brook, attends to the forwarding of the lumber and payment of the freight bills. Nebraska City News 2-12-68 3-3
Capital Building Is completed to the second story says R. A. Bain Real Estate agent and C. H. Gere, editor of the Lincoln Commonwealth on a visit to our City. Nebraska City News 7-13-68 3-2
Capital Building Located at Lincoln is a fine building made of hewn stone from the Beatrice quary and will be ready for the use of the next legislature. The state has been very liberal in appropriating ten acres for the State House Square. See Lincoln City. Nebraska City News 11-2-68 1-2
Capital Building Carlos Morgan of this City received the contract for roofing the building. Nebraska City News 9-4-68 3-3
Capital Building. The stone work of the south half will he completed this week. The roof is framed and will be immediately put on. The work is getting along nicely considering the drawbacks that the contractors has had to contend with. 15000 feet arrived this week completing the bill. Commonwealth. Nebraska City News 8-17-68 1-2
Capitol Building Mr. Ward Contractor. See Banking. Nebraska City News. 6-l5-68 3-4
Capitol Building Work progressing. The stone work is finished and the carpenters and tinners at work. The next session of the Legislature will convene at the new Capitol building. Nebraska City News 9-14-68 3-2
Capitol Building Lincoln. Is now closed and the portion necessary for the use of the next Legislature is plastered and will be completed for the use of that body. Nebraska City New 9-30-68 3-5
Capital Location. An Act, to provide for the location of the Seat of Government of the State of Nebraska, and for the Erection of Public Buildings thereat, Sec. 1 to Sec. 16 inclusive. In the Senate the vote on the passage of the bill was: Yeas--Davis, Doom, Holden, Majors, Sheldon, Presson, Reeves and Wardell--8. Nays--Baird, Freeman, Patrick, Hascall and Rogers.--5 In the House the vote was: Yeas--Anderson, Beebe Bennet, Butler, Cadman, Clark, Cole, Colling, Crow, Daily, Dewesse, Duerfeldt, Fuller, Harvey, Haywood, Hicklin, Morton, Slader, Sroat, Townsend, Tucker, Unthank, Waldter, Wiles and Mr. Speeker-- 25. Nays--Baker, Bailzley, Crawford, Durham, Frost, Griffin, Hoile, Kelly, Parmelee, Preston, Rockwell, Trumbull, Wallichs and Woolworth--14. Nebraska City New 6-14-67 2-3.4
Capital Location. The Press published a large poster yesterday, announcing that the bill locating the State Capitol had passed the Senate by a vote of 8 to 5. The bill provides for the location of all the State Buildings at a single point in Lancaster County. It seems to meet with general favor and thought will induce, settlements westward, contributing largely at the same time to the success of many railroad projects now on the tapis. Nebraska City New 6-12-67 2-2
Capital Location. Rumor brought by Col. O. H. Irish of the Press that it had been agreed upon by a majority of the Legislature to locate the State Capitol, the State Prison, the State University, and. the Agricultural College in the county of Lancaster, immediately west of Nebraska City. Lands in Lancaster will advance if the rumor is verified.. Nebraska City New 5-31-67 2-1
Capital Location An act to provide for the location of the Seat of Government of the State of Nebraska and for the erection of Public Buildings. Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Nebraska - That the Governor, the Secretary of State, and the Auditor be and are appointed commissioners for locating the capitol and the Public Buildings of Nebraska, Sec. 1 to Sec. 15 inclusive. On or before July 15, 1867, the commissioners or majority of them shall, upon actual view, select from the lands belonging to the State within the counties of Lancaster, Seward, and the south half of Butler and Saunders, a suitable site of not less than 640 acres lying in one body for a town which shall be named "Capitol City" and declared to be the permanent seat of Government of State of Nebraska at 'which the public offices of the State shall be kept and which all of the sessions of the Legislature shall hereafter be held. Nebraska City News 6-7-67 3-4
Capitol Location. In locating the capitol of Nebraska, destined to count its inhabitants not by thousands but by millions, the Omaha Republican says the true theory would have been to locate it somewhere in the vicinity of the geographical center of the State. These have been disregarded and the capitol and all our public buildings have been located in the southeast corner of the State. The future City of Lincoln can boast no river or railway communication. It is located on the site of a little village which, although two years old, contains less than 40 inhabitants. The truth is, the whole scheme of the Capitol removal has been managed in the interests of Nebraska City. Plattsmouth favored Ashland more nearly at the geographical center north and south; and no one believes the present location can be permanent. It would have been better to locate at Nebraska City at once-it is a point of consIderable commercial importance; accessible to river, and well provided with hotels. There is one novel feature connected with this location. The proprietors of the town site of Lancaster agree to make a clear deed to the State for the entire amount of land embraced within its limits an(' one of a section south of corporation limits of the town in the bargain, if they, will select that point as the future capitol. What do the proprietors of Lancaster expect to make out of the transaction when they give away all the lots in the town and a section of land besides? Nebraska City News 8-2-67 2-2
Capital Location (editorial) And other Public buildings of the State of Nebraska have been located at Lincoln City about 5 miles to the Westward of Nebraska City, between Yankee Hill and Lancaster, in Lancaster Conty, upon Sections 23, 25 and 26; Township 10, Range 6. Whatever of advantage can accure to any river point from this location is thus secured and insured to Nebraska City whence all merchandise, lumber and other supplies must necessarily be transported. Now is the time to endorse the location, now is a time when every citizen of Otoe County may boast over that location. It is no longer, floating about throught the four counties of Saunders, Seward, Lancaster and Butler, but is anchored in the beautiful and fertile valley of Salt Creek and not far from the great Olathe Rock Quarries. The News endorses the good judgment of Gov. Butler and his colleagues upon the Commission, for having made to Nebraska city this eminently satisfactory selection. Nebraska City News 8-29-67 2-1
Capital Location. Telegrames announcing the vote and final decision of the House upon the location of the Public Buildings of the State at some unknown point west or north-west of Nebraska City, were received at 2 o'clock and in less than ten minutes the news had spread to all parts of the city. The court House bell told the people that the Public Buildings had been located and that Nebraska City was rejoicing. As if by magic, every business man commenced preparations for a grand illumination and at early candle-lighting the match was placed to the candles and Nebraska City was ablaze. At 8 o'clock about 600 persons had assembled in front of the Seymour House to listen to addresses from prominent citizens. The Court House was illuminated from the cupalo to the cells; red tn-colored lanterns were suspended from awnings and roman candles and skyrockets sent up from every quarter of the city. Nebraska City News 6-14-67 3-2
Capital Location. Yesterday Gov. Butler, Auditor Gilliespie, Secretary Kennard and a large number of citizens started for Lancaster County. The location of the Capital under the law passed at the late session of the Legislature will be made immediately. It is the general opinion that Lincoln City will be built near the magnificent stone quaries upon the Mill's farm, at the Olathe crossing of Salt Creek, as the best building material, at the least cost, can be secured in that neighborhood. Nebraska City News 7-19-67 2-1
Capital Location. Editorial. Time, taxes and. the people will determine whether the law locating the public buildings of Nebraska, is a good. and. just one, or whether it is not. Success will sanctify it; failure will damn it. For success, the law depends upon the brains and financial ability of David. Butler, the radical governor of the State, to whom is mainly confided its carrying out and execution, and its failure depends upon his lack of brains. If he and his party do not successfully execute the law, it is quite certain that the law will successfully execute him and. his party. Nebraska City News 6-25-67 2-1
Capital. Location. Yesterday was a day of great excitement and no little rejoicing in Nebraska City over the location of all the State Buildings upon State lands at a point, not definitely known, called Lincoln City, to the westward of this place, possibly on Salt Creek. A3 a political movement by the dominant radical party of the State, we regard it with a feeling of exultation and for once, have no tears to shed over a radical triumph. The Otoe delegation supported the bill because it was the best they could get for what they considered the vital local interests, as Representatives of the foremost county in the State they have in their charge and under their protection. The removal of the Capitol and the location of all the public buildings of Nebraska was long since determined upon by the dominant party of the State but while they had the power to remove they could not agree where the Capitol City should be, and at this point, the copperheadical delegation of the Democratic County of Otoe became holders of the balance of power and said:-"Locate here within these bounds so as to be of benefit to our constituents particularly, and the people generally and we will help you: but refuse and we will burst your entire programme." Otoe triumphed and though Otoe Democracy did not originate the movement, it did control its ultimate determination after the radicals had it under way and got to fighting among themselves, about town lots and plunder. The commissioners to locate the public building are Cov. Butler, Sec. Kennard and Auditor Gillespie. The name of the Capitol City Is Lincoln. Nebraska City was illuminated in honor of the event-speeches made from the �ur House portico and much good feeling manifested. Col. O. H. Irish, D. J. McCann, Hon. Chas. W. Symour, Wm. MeLennan, Rev. J. M. Taggart, Judge Minor, S. E. McCrackan and Hon B. M. Davenport were among he speakers. Nebraska City News 6-14-67 2-1
Capital National Governor Butler, has appointed delegates to the National Commercial Convention to be held at St. Louis, to select a new site fo the Capital of the United States. Pawnee Tribunt Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-4
Capitol. Removal. Democratic candidate for Governor Jas. R. Porter in his speech on Saturday states positively be was not in favor of removing the Capital from Lincoln and should the Legislature pass a bill for removal, he would vetoe it. Nebraska City News 8-24-68 3-2
Capital. United States. Removal. The Council Bluffs Nonpareil advocates the removal of the Capital of the United States to that City. We are not opposed to the plan but would suggest Lincoln the CapItal of Nebraska as a more central point. Nebraska City News l-20-68 3-3

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