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Carden, T. B.- Caveny, John

Date 18xx p-c
Carden, T. B. W. C. T. of I. O. of Good Templars for ensuing quarter. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska City News 5-1-67 3-1
Carson, Jno L. Bought 5 shares of Centennial stock. See Exposition Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-75 3-4
Carder, W. W. Otoe Lodge No 4, I. O. of G. T. committee on arrangements, Strawberry Festival, July 4th. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-4
Carder, W. W. (Mrs) Otoe Lodge No 4. Independent Order, Good Templars. Strawberry Festival, July 4. Committee, Peach Table. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-4
Cardiff Giant A protion of the Cardiff Giant is at the County Clerk's office. It was presented to Mr. Marjors by Squire Ebright. He has placed it among the rare collections of his museum. Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-75 3-1
Cardon, Mr. Clerk in the Post Office for a long time, left Nebraska City Saturday, bound for California. He will travel as far as Salt Lake in company with Dr. Ralph's train. His parents, whom he has not seen or heard from for several years, are supposed to reside in that state. Nebraska City News 7-22-67 3-1
Candy, Jessee P. Aspinwall Pct. Elected Constable. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Carey, Belle Peru. Teacher State Normal School Nebraska Advertiser 12-11-73 1-3
Carlisle, J. G. Nebraska City. Wagon shop burned Nebraska Advertiser 11-13-73 2-4
Carlton, A. E. St. Deroin Pct. Elected Judge of Election Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Carlyle, Alex Waverly, Missouri, Texas. Mares for sale. See Horses Nebraska City News 6-17-67 2-4
Carlyle, John Has sold his mule outfit of six teams, six mules to the team to John Heth. See Freighting. Nebraska City News 4-1-67 3-1
Carpenter F. W. Wood, Nebraska City News. Employed on court house. See Buildings Nebraska City News 4-17-68 3-2
Carpenter, D. W. Of Omaha. President of the Omaha Baseball club. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska City News 4-29-67 3-1
Carr, F. Beatrice Nebraska. Stone Quarry & cutter. See Capitol Building Nebraska City News 7-1-68 3-4
Carr, F. Owner stone Quarry at Beatrice from which is taken the capitol front. also stone cutter. See Capitol Building. Nebraska City News 7-1-68 3-4
Carre, Mrs. Gage Co. widow; loss from prairie fire Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-4,5
Carrington, Col. Removed from command for cowardice, on account of which the massacre at Fort Phil Kearney occured. See Military Nebraska City News 3-11-67 3-2
Carrington, Elder Of Spring Creek has been holding revival meetings at North Nemaha Baptist Church. Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 1-8
Carrington, Geo. Martial Music at 4th of July celebration and barbacue at Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-2
Carroll, (Rev.) G. R. At the meeting of the Presbytery, was appointed to organize churches. See Church Nebraska Advertiser 4-20-71 4-2,3
Carrol, John Of Nebraska City, has planted through the agency, the different varieties of potatoes brought from Pennsylvania by Oliver Stevenson. See Agriculture Nebraska City News 5-31-67 2-1
Carson, ___ Allowed $102.36 for lumber. See Municipal Government- City Council Proceedings Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-75 3-3
Carson, Capt. Chairman of the 4th of July celebration and by a barbacue. Nebraska Advertiser 6-12-73 3-6
Carson, Gen. Christopher Death of. (Kit Carson) See Death. Nebraska City News 6-1-68 2-1
Carson, J. J. Elected alderman at Brownville, Nebraska. See Election Returns Nebraska City News 4-13-68 3-4
Carson, J. L. Elected a director of the Brownville and Hamburg Railroad. Nebraska Advertiser 5-25-71 2-1
Carson, Jno. L. Elected Treasurer of Brownville, Ft. Kearney and Pacific Railroad. Nebraska Advertiser 4-14-70 2-1
Carson, J. L. Member of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-70 4-1
Carson, J. L. Brownville Pct. Elected road Supervisor. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Carson, Jno. L. Brownville. elected Road Supervisor Nebraska Advertiser 10-16-73 3-2
Carson, Jno. L. and Wm Hoover hold the B&Ft.K.R.R. bonds. See Judiciary Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-75 3-2
Carson, John L. Plaintiff against Jacob Erisman foreclosure judgement against Jacob Erisman for $1,438.32 Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-6
Carson, John L. Plaintiff against Smith & Wilcox note judgement for $140.64 Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-6
Carson, John L. real estate transfer from Mary E. Furnas Nebraska Advertiser 11-13-73 3-5
Carson, John L. Brownville. Elected Board of Director. First National Bank Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 3-2
Carson, John L. Nemaha county, Paymaster General rank, Brig. General on Governor's Military Staff. Nebraska Advertiser 2-12-74 2-3
Carson, Kit Death of. Famous trapper, scout and guide. See Death. Nebraska City News 6-1-68 2-1
Carson, Robert Has sold his country residence on South Table Creek to N. S. Harding, Esq. See Real Estate Nebraska City News 8-19-68 3-3
Carson, Samuel Served as a member of the Grand Jury. See Judicial. Nebraska City News 9-23-68 3-4
Carter, Dr. Lincoln. treated a would be suicide. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-4
Carter, Mr. Former jailor of Nebraska City is on trial for allowing prisoners to escape. See Judicial Nebraska City News 9-23-68 3-4
Carter, Mr. A colored gentleman, broke the monotony of the "Impartial Suffrage" meeting by his eloquence April 2nd at Topeka, Kansas. See Suffrage. Nebraska City News 4-17-67 2-1
Carter, Willis Peru Pct. Elected Judge of election. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Carter, Willis Elected Judge of Election, Peru Precinct. See Election Returns. Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Carter, Zouave Troupe Preformed last evening to an audience of about 350 persons. The entertainment was excellent in every respect. Nebraska City News 4-24-67 3-2
Carter, Zouave Troupe 3 nights at Nebraska City. See Pastimes Nebraska City News 4-22-67 2-5
Cartwright, Rev. Peter Noted pioneer Methodist minister of Illinois will give a series of lectures to aid the Methodist Missionary work. See Church Nebraska Advertiser 11-3-70 2-2
Casenback, Mr. For assault, with intent to kill him, James Wright was indicted by jury in District Court in session at Brownville, Nebr. See Judiciary Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-69 2-1
Cash, John B. McWilliams precinct, Otoe county. See Strayed. Nebraska City News 4-19-67 3-3
Casper, T. Benton Pct. Elected Judge of Election Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Casper, T. Elected Judge of Election, Benton Precinct. See Election Returns, Nemaha County Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Cass County People resolve to issue $50,000 in precinct bonds in aid in construction of the Omaha Southwestern railroad Nebraska Advertiser 12-8-70 1-3
Cass County Crop report and prices. See Agriculture Nebraska City News 6-10-68 1-2
Cass County Success with Black Tartary Oats. See Agriculture Nebraska City News 2-17-68 3-2
Cass County Depredations of the grasshopper reported extensive. Wheat fields destroyed. See Grasshoppers. Nebraska City News



Cass County Growth & Development Card #1 Estimated double the amount of land under cultivation of a year ago. Western precincts being settled by emigrants locating under Homestead Law. Farmers mostly making preparations to plant trees this coming spring, as the success of Dr. Wiley of Three Grove, who has 20 acres planted in forest trees, argues well for the benefits. Cass County is decidedly progressive in its school houses, as in nearly every sub-district, substantial school houses have been built, many of brick and of commodious size. Many substantial residences have been built, the most conspicuous is that of Hon. S. M. Kirkpatrick on his farm in this precinct, and commanding a fine view of the Weeping Water Valley. Factoryville, through the firm of Messrs. Jennings & Co. begins to assume the appearance of a country village and a new hotel by the above firm will soon be completed. The increase in population of Gaas County during the past year, is estimated at 1600, the increase of voters as per returns of registration, something over 300, which gives a population of about 8000 in the county. The increase is mainly of an agricultural character and speaks largely for the improvement and development of our agricultural resources. The agitating topics with the people are herd law and division of the county. The herd law has many bitter opponents along the river but the western part of the county is in favor of it. The question of taking a strip off the Southern part of Gaas and a strip off the Northern part of Otoc to form a new county, with Factoryville the county seat, is receiving some attention; also favor in Western Gaas of taking a strip off and attaching to Saunders for county purposes. Letter from Mount Pleasant Gass Co., Dec. 10, 1868. Nebraska City News 12-11-68 2-2,3
Cass County investment in school facilities Nebraska Advertiser 2-26-74 1-4
Cass County Senatorial Ingratitude. Cass County by fraud among its county officers made Nebraska a State and by the same fraud made Thayer and Tipton U. S. Senators. The rottenness and corruption of Spurlock Pottinger and their confederates in unmitigated rascality built up the State fabric and Thayer and Tipton were by the same agency made the crowning figures thereupon. Of course Cass County expected and demanded offices and plunder, first and foremost, the radicals demanded that Col. Livingston should receive the office of Surveyor General of Nebraska. But basely ungrateful, as the Cass fellows say, Thayer and Tipton permitted Hon. P. W. Hitchcock to glide from the seat of Delegate to the Surveyor Generalship. The Herald and rejoice in this. Lieut. W. A. Pollock, who served as Speaker of House of Representatives during the war, by preventing the "sine die" adjournment of the Legislature, completed the iniquity of electing Senators Thayer and Tipton. His reward is commissary Carson Receiver and Squirt Atkinson, son-in-law of Senator Tipton, Register of the Land Office at Brownville. Omaha Herald. Nebraska City News 5-1-67 2-4
Cass County Dr. J. C. Campbell of Nebraska City purchased 200 acres near Buck's Grove. See Real Estate Transactions Nebraska City News 6-17-67 3-1
Cass County, Nebr. Co-partnership existing under name of Gennings, and Dill is this day dissolved. George Gennings continuing the business. See Dissolution Nebraska City News 3-9-68 2-5
Cass County, Nebr.

Mr. Maxwell, former memmber of State Legislature, appointed selector of state lands. See Maxwell, Mr.

Nebraska City News 7-15-67 2-1
Cass County Mr. Spurlock, County Clerk. See Spurlock, Mr. Nebraska City News 6-21-67 3-1
Cass County Charles Walker, one of the largest sheep raisers in Nebraska. See Livestock. Nebraska City News 4-24-67 3-2
Cassady, Senator of Council Bluffs, Nebr. See Attorney. Nebraska City News 5-20-68 2-1
Cassel, Mr. Of Lincoln, Lancaster County, appointed delegate to the National Commercial COnvention at St. Louis to select a new site for the capitol of U. S. Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-4
Cassel, J. W. Two miles south of Nebraska City. See Horticulture Nebraska City News 3-29-67 2-4
Cassine, Prof. Harpest and piano tuning, Nebraska City Orchestra. Music furnished for balls and paraties. See Music Nebraska City News 9-30-68 2-4
Caster, Tobias Reports Saline Co. Crop prospects. See Agriculture Nebraska City News 7-24-68 3-4
Castor, Mr. Tobias County Clerk of Saline County was in Nebraska City and reports the county rapidly settling with an intelligent and industrious class of people, and the Democracy organized for the November fight. Nebraska City News 7-24-68 3-3
Catholic Church Rev. John A. Hoyes will preach next Sunday. See Churches Nebraska Advertiser 2-3-76 3-2
Catlin, N. B. Aspinwall Pct. Elected clerk of Election Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Catron, J. H. Had a mule and horse stolen from the river opposite Nebraska City. See Outlaws Nebraska City News 6-3-67 3-1
Cattell, Alex G. Retiring U. S. Senator for New Jersey Nebraska Advertiser 2-2-71 2-6
Cattle at De Witt County, Texas, are selling at $3 per head. See Depression Nebraska City News 6-5-67 3-1
Cattle Mr. David P. Bailey, democrat farmer from Weeping Water, in Cass County, delivered to Smith and Farber, Buthcers on Main St., four head of stall-fed oxen weighing seventeen to eighteen hundred pounds each, and contracted to sell the came firm sixteen head more of the same sort. Nebraska City News 3-30-68 3-3
Cattle J. W. Coleman has a contract for purchasing government stock and wishes all spare cattle in this region. Nebraska Advertiser 8-19-58 3-1
Cattle Mr. Gilmore of Otoe precinct is making arrangements to have a large number of blooded cattle shipped to this place. Nebraska City News 8-14-68 3-2
Cattle Durhams. Nebraska City. Herd purchased in Morgan, Cass, Adams and Saugamon Counties in Illinois by D. J. McCann and James Gilmore of Nebraska City and on exhibition at his farm. Herd consisting of 24 head, all yearlings but four. The bulls cost $250 each. They were shipped from central Illinois by rail and is the first importation of fine bloods into Nebraska since Mr. Morton's Devon cattle. Nebraska is destined to become the great cattle raising state of the Union and ourfarmers should select their breeds with care, and adopt the breeds of cattle to the soil, climate and purposes for which they are required. With the farmers of Nebraska the great object is to fatten for eastern markets. Nebraska City News 9-30-68 3-4
Cattle Gillmore, the younger, of Rock Creek has arrived home from the Illinois State Fair bringing with him twenty head of Durham stock cattle. Nebraska City News 9-28-68 3-2
Cattle. Adv. A herd of 600 head of Choctaw beef and stock cattle, including cows will arrive near hebraska City about the 25th. Parties wishing to purchase call C. A. Haley, Nebraska City. Nebraska City News 8-17-68 2-4
Cattle C. A. Haley, Herd of 600 head, choctaw beef and stock, including cows, Nebraska City, Nebr. See Haley, C. A. Nebraska City News 8-19-68 1-2
Cattle A large number of Cherokee cattle were offered for sale on our streets a few days ago. Buyers are scarce, owing no doubt to the cattle disease prevailing among the species known as Texas cattle. Nebraska City News 9-23-68 3-2
Cattle Milch cows and. calves find ready sale at from $35 to $50. Not. many offered. Nebraska City News 11-6-68 3-1
Cattle Nebraska City will be able to supply the market of Chicago with beef cattle during the coming season. Many of our freighters who have from 25 to 200 yoke of cattle are making arrangements to fatten them for the eastern markets. Nebraska City News 6-19-68 3-2
Cattle One hundred and sixty head of Texas Cattle arrived in Nebraska City yesterday, for Dr. Ralph. The doctor's train leaves for Salt Lake tomorrow. Nebraska City News 7-19-67 3-2
Cattle Smith and Farber purchased four stall-fed bullocks which weighed 5600 pounds. they were raised on the valley of the Weeping Water, seven miles north of Nebraska City. Nebraska City News 4-27-68 3-2
Cattle A son of Dr. Gant left the City for Texas to purchase cattle. Nebraska City News 9-18-68 3-4
Cattle, Dairy, There is no enterprise a farmer can go into, with better prosects of success than that of raising cows for dairy purposes. Good animals with a fair reputation for milking qualities, command ready sale at high prices. Nebraska City News, 12-21-68 3-2
Cattle. For Sale. Adv. one calf, one yearling and one 3 year old bull from the best herds in Illinois. Herd Book Pedigree. Will sell either of them for 4100 each, cash or approved paper. H. 3. Eaton, Sidney, Ia. Nebraska City News 11-16-68 2-3
Cattle. Milk Cows. Over 1000 head of cattle, principally cows, are wanted for the different tribes of Indians belonging to the Northern Superintendency, as advertised for by the Indian Superintendent Denman. Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-1
Cattle, Texas. The annual beef crop of Texas is worth not less than thirty millions. There is only wanting a mode of packing and preserving beef to make the five million cattle of Texas a source of great wealth to the State. Many different processes are practiced but none with perfect success. Nebraska City News 12-2-68 3-3
Cattle drives cross Missouri River at Brownville. Nebraska Advertiser 11-13-73 3-3
Caveny, John Will pay reward for return of one brown mare, brand "D" Bring to Daniel Reordan farm. See Livestock, stray Nebraska Advertiser 9-23-69 2-8

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