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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

Cecil, Callie - Christie, J. C.

Date 18xx p-c
Cecil, Callie Of Brownville, Nebraska married Thomas L. Wiswall of Tippecanoe City, Ohio Nebraska Advertiser 10-7-69 2-8
Cecil, Henry & Wife Defendant S. M. Summers plaintiff foreclosure judgement for $241.91 Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-6
Cedar County Investment in school facilities Nebraska Advertiser 2-26-74 1-4
Celebration Celebration at Brownville, a Banner given away Nebraska Advertiser 6-18-73 2-2
Celebration Through the persuasive influence of our Brass Band a goodly number of citizens gathered to-geather at the Court House Tuesday P. M. to consider the expediency of celebration the coming National Anniversary it was voted unaminously, that the day he celebrated and by a barbacue. Nebraska 6-12-73 3-4
Celebration, 4th of July The citizens of Wyoming precinct will celebrate the anniversary of our National Independence in the grove east of the Lauer farm on the Missouri River. Oration, reading of the Declaration of Independence, barbecue, and dancing are the order of the day. Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-1
Celebration, 4th of July Citizens of Nebraska City are requested to meet in the back room of McCann's Bank tomorrow at 3 P. M. to make arrangements for a general celebration on the anniversary of our Nation's Independence. Nebraska City News 6-21-67 3-2
Celebration. 4th of July. Adv. Excursion on the steamer Turner to Omaha and back. Boat will leave Nebraska City evening of the 3rd and arrive at Omaha the morning of the 4th, and. return to Nebraska City the morning of the 5th. Officers of the boat have provided a St. Louis Brass and String Band. Round trip six dollars. Nebraska City News 7-1-68 2-5
Celebrations, July 4th. It was decided the various Sabbath Schools in Nebraska City will meet in a Sunday School Celebration July 4th and the schools throughout the country be invited to participate in the festivities of the day. Nebraska City News 6-12-67 3-1
Celebration. 4th of July. A letter from Dewitt, Comming County Nebraska, says "We are going to have a regular old fashioned Democratic Fourth of July Celebration at Sharp's Grove, Stanton County." Nebraska City News 6-14-67 3-1
Celebrations July 4th Ninetieth Anniversary. Nebraska City Programme - Officers of the Day, Pres. Alex Majors, Vice Pres. W. K. Hill, and Royal Buck. Chaplain, Rev. J. M. Taggart. Reader of Declaration, Frank Arnold. Orator, Rev. K. Huber; Marshal, John H. Croxton. Assistant Marshals, T. C. Crenshaw, and A. A. Arrison, W. Lampkin. Order of procession. - Band, Officers of the Day, Sabbath Schools, Civic Societies, Citizens and Strangers. Order of Exercises at City Park. Vocal Music - Star Spangled Banner. 2. Prayer by the Chaplain. 3. National Air by the Band. 4. Reading of the Declaration of Independence. 5. Vocal music by the schools. 6. Oration by Rev. K. Huber. 7. Vocal music 8. Speech of 15 minutes by Alex Majors. 9. Music by Band. 10. Vocal music, "America, My Native Land.", by the people. B. M. Davenport, Sec'y., H. K. Raymond, Ch'm. Nebraska City News 7-3-67 3-3
Celebration. 4th of July. The people of Seward County are preparing to celebrate in good style at Camden; Col. Gropsey of Lincoln will be their orator. Nebraska City News 7-1-68 3-4
Celebrations, July 4th There will be a great variety of picnics and amusements through the day. Nearly all the gatherings will in the evening collect to the Court House, where the Good Templars will hold a grand festival, for the benefit of that noble institution. They will have the largest and most luscious strawberries to be had and the most delicious ice cream made, the choicest lemonade and cake and everything to make it the grandest festival of the season. The best of music will be provided, regardless of expense. The volunteers are of the A No. 1 stripe. Nebraska City New 7-3-67 3-1
Celebrations. July 4th. Was celebrated at Lincoln with much fiusto. Hon. A. F. Harvey was Marshal of the day. Nebraska City News 7-8-68 3-3
Celebrations. Jewish New Year. Commenced on Sept. 9th and is general throughout the world, whereever the Israelites have a local habitation. Unlike the New Year of Christianity, the anniversary exercises occupy two days and are of a devotional and penitential character; the occasion being regarded as among the most solemn and sacred of the Jewish festivals. Divine services were held in the City and many of their business places closed. Nebraska City News 9-18-68 3-4
Celebrations. St. Patrick's Day. Was observed in St. Joseph. The Hibernian parade was 1500 strong. Nebraska City News 3-20-68 3-3
Celebrations. Xmas at Camden, Seward County. By a huge gathering which has never been equalled in Blue Valley. The crowd was so large that it filled the one story of Messrs. Roper and Parkers large flouring mills loaned for the occasion and fully appreciated the band of four musicians who played for the dance. A bountiful supper was served by the ladies of Camden and vicinity at midnight to which all did justice. Nebraska City News 1-6-68 2-2
Cemetery The Herald News says the cemetery is a disgrace to Tecumseh. It needs a fence, evergreens and shubbery. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 2-4
Census Commissioner Parker has mommunicated to Congress an enumeration of Indians in U. S. Total 378,577.
New York 4,991 Nebraska 6,483 Nevada 15,000
Michigan 8,148 Dakota 33,803 California 21,297
Wisconsin 9,811 Montana 17,703 Oregon 10,775
Minnesota 6,459 Wyoming 2,500 Washington 15,808
Iowa 262 Idaho 6,168 Indiana 408
N. Carolina 2,000 Utah 12,800 Alaska 75,000
Florida 500 Colorado 7,300 Indian Territory 57,658
Texas 500 New Mexico 19,397
Kansas 9,327 Arizona 36,777
Nebraska Advertiser 6-23-70 1-8
Census Complete Census returns from U. S. Marshal Hoile totals 116,888 for Nebraska. Omaha Republican Nebraska Advertiser 11-17-70 2-2
Census Of Nebraska. List of Counties and population Nebraska Advertiser 10-27-70 2-7
Census Shows Lincoln's population 2,100 Nebraska Advertiser 8-11-70 2-4
Census U. S. Marshal's census returns shows 3,396 people for Gage County. Nebraska Advertiser 12-8-70 1-2,3
Census The census of Lincoln, Nebr. completed last week, shows a population of 1200. Out of this number there are 36 lawyers. we pity the other 1164 unfortunates. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-69 1-8
Census Marshall Hoile has divided the State into districts for the purpose of taking the next census list of the districts. Nebraska Advertiser 3-24-70 2-3
Census Nebraska's population has increased 30,000 during 1875 regardless of the grasshopper plague. Nebraska Advertiser 12-16-75 2-1
Census Official census of Nebraska returns of Marshal Hoile - total 123,056 Nebraska Advertiser 2-9-71 1-7
Census The population of Nebraska according to the census taken last spring is 246,280. Nebraska Advertiser 3-2-76 2-1
Centerville, Iowa Families settled in saline County, Nebr. See Settlers from Iowa. Nebraska City News 9-21-68 3-1,2
Central House Has been taken over by its owner, Pat Kelcher. See Hotels Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 2-3
Chadsey, Frank Warehouse completely smashed by hotel building collapse. See Buildings Nebraska City News 9-16-68 3-4
Chadwick, Docker Took part in M. E. Sunday School program. See Amusements. Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 3-4
Chaffee, U. M. Three forths of personal property at distillery for sale, also 240 cords of wood. Also call C. M. Kauffman Nebraska Advertiser 10-27-70 3-4
Chaffee and Lewis Will open the distillery near Brownville Nebraska Advertiser 12-1-70 3-2
Chaffee and Co. Distillery at Brownville, inspected by J. E. Lamaster, Internal Revenue Collector. Nebraska Advertiser 6-2-70 3-2
Chambaugh and Richardson Law office at Nebraska City was destroyed by fire. See Fire Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-70 1-5
Chamberlain, Rev. Of St. Paul's, Council Bluff, Nebr. See Churches Nebraska City News 1-20-68 3-3
Chamberlain, P. P. Nebraska City. Nebraska. Peach Blow potatoes, Jenet apples. See Horticulture Nebraska City News 1-17-68 2-2
Chamberlain, (Rev.) W. F. Minister at Council Bluffs, Iowa Nebraska Advertiser 8-4-70 2-5
Chambers, B. A. Peru Pct. Elected Judge of Election. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Chandler, S. P. For coroner of Gage County Nebraska Advertiser 9-30-69 2-2
Chapin, W. F. Appointed Board of Director of the Merchants Bank at Lincoln, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 5-15-73 2-5
Chapin, W. F. Appointed Receiver of public moneys at Lincoln, Nebraska. See Nebr. Government Nebraska Advertiser 4-22-69 2-1
Chapin, W. F. Republican member of State Legislature and officer of Nemaha Valley, Lincoln City and Columbus railroad incorporated June 11th. See Land Stealing Nebraska City News 6-17-67 2-2,3
Chapin, Wm. F. Nominated for Senator for Cass, Sarpy, Saunders, Seward and Butler counties at Cass Co. Republican Convention. See Convention. Republican. Nebraska City News 9-21-68 3-2
Chapman, Ben Left for Texas last week to make his home one of the oldest citizens in Nemaha County. Nebraska Advertiser 5-22-63 2-4
Chapman, Miss Erie "Ruffled Dress" at St. Dervin District School exercises Nebraska Advertiser 5-8-73 2-5
Chapman, Thomas P. Postmaster at Wahoo. Postoffice site is moved six miles west to Section 4, Township 14, range 6. Saunders County Nebraska Advertiser 12-22-70 1-5
Charity Mrs. Grant is Greatly beloved by the poor in Washington. Nebraska Advertiser 3-2-76 1-5
Charles, J. Appointed minister at Dry Creek, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Charles, Wm A representative of London capitalists meets with Q. M & P R R officials to consider a railway project. See Railroads. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-2
Charter Oak School House Rev. W. D. Starr is holding a series of meetings at the Charter Oak school house, near Grant. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-75 3-7
Chase, Colonel Elected Vice President of the Old Soldiers Association. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 1-5
Chase, Col. C. S. From Omaha, appointed Regent of the State University by the Governor. See University Nebraska Advertiser 5-27-69 2-4
Chase, Col. C. S. Was at the April session of the University of Nebraska regents at the Capitol. Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 1-7,8
Chase, Salmon P. Chief Justice, died. Nebraska Advertiser 2-5-74 1-4
Chatfield, Fannie "The Thanks" rendered by Fannie to Dr. McPherson for his kindness in donation of the use of the Hall to the schools exhibition. Nebraska Advertiser 4-3-73 3-5
Cherokee Indian Met on the 26, elected Arch S. Croper President of the Senate, the cherokee Indian Council. Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-69 2-4
Cherokee Nation Pays not quite 1/2 the highest salary paid to teachers. See Education Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 2-1,2
Chesny, W. and Brother Beatrice Nebraska. Proprietors of Beatrice House, one of the three hotels. See Beatrice Nebraska City News 6-25-67 1-2
Cheyenne Work on the Monmoth Hotel will be resumed shortly. See Buildings Nebraska City News 2-5-68 3-1
Cheyenne Jim Wood's mule team of 13 wagons passed through Nebraska City for this point.l See Freighting Nebraska City News 4-20-68 3-2
Cheyenne County investment in school facilities Nebraska Advertiser 2-26-74 1-4
Cheyenne Indian Delegation visited Washington to confer with the Commissioner of Indian affiars to surrender their land for a tract in Indian territory. Nebraska Advertiser 11-5-73 2-5
Cheyenne Indians Are reported to have defeated our troops from Ft. Hays. See Indians Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 2-4
Cheyenne, Wyoming Correspondent to the Chicago Post,, mentions the names of the principal business houses and speaks of some from Nebraska City. Humphrey & Bro., dealer in grain, tents, flour, bacon etc., they opened Nov. 1, and sell from $4000 to $5000 per month. S. F. Nuckolls & Co., are heavy dealers in dry goods, have a large store and sold during the busy season about $30,000 per month. J. A. Ware & Co. of Nebraska City and Omaha have been conducting banking business at the end of the railway for some time past and moved from Julesburg to Cheyenne about Nov. 1. Mr. Ware has for years done a large business with overland traders, his residence at Nebraska City having induced much of this custom to his bank. the house at Cheyenne under the charge of Mr. P. S. Wilson, receives a large part of the same patronage. Their deposits average $60,000 to $90,000. Nebraska City News 4-6-68 2-1
Chicago Market prices, Dec. 10 of tobacco, cotton, flour, wheat etc in comparison with St. Louis and New York. See Prices Nebraska City News 12-11-68 2-3
Chicago Lumber Company Allowed $9.20 See Municipal Government, City Council Proceedings - Brownville Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-75 3-3
Chief Justice Mason arrived at home from Washington today. Nebraska City News 2-28-68 3-3
Chief Justice Mason Opened district court at Nebraska City. See Judiciary Nebraska City News 6-17-67 3-1
Child, Dr. Abel L. Of Plattsmouth, member of Board of Directors of the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb Nebraska Advertiser 11-10-70 2-3
Childs, J. G. Proprietor, Nebraska City and Lincoln Express. Bradley and Payne, agents. See Express Nebraska City News 3-30-68 2-4
Childs, James For a long time connected with the U. S. Express office in this city and now in Omaha, called at the News Last evening. Jimmie has many friends in this vicinity. Nebraska City News 7-26-67 3-2
China and Queensware Buxton and Brown. Importers. Wholesale and Retail. Also Glass, Cutlery, Lamps. Fancy goods, etc. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 1-4
Chinch Bugs Are injuring fall grain. See Agriculture Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75  
Chinch Bugs Injuring corn considerable in some localities Nebraska City News 7-20-68 3-2
Chivington, Col. Has recently sold his ox train to Wells Fargo & Co. Nebraska City News 6-14-67 3-2
Chivington, Col. Of Indian fighting notoriety, is in Nebraska City Nebraska City News 3-8-67 3-1
Chivington, Col. Train was attacked by Indians on May 2, 30 miles above Fort Laramie. See Indian Trouble Nebraska City News 5-17-67 3-3
Chivington, Mrs. Daughter, drowned by falling from the steamer Gallatin. Body not recovered. See Death Nebraska City News 5-3-67 3-1
Chivington, I. M. agent Church Extension Society. M. E. Conference. See Churches. Nebraska City News 4-13-68 3-4
Chivington, Rev. I. Former minister of Nebraska City, Methodist Episcopal Church. See Buildings Nebraska City News 10-22-59 3-1
Chivington, John M. Administrator of estate of James M. Self, deceased, late of Otoe County, Nebraska. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 3-13-67 2-5
Chivington, Thos. M. Funeral sermon in his memory in Methodist church in Nebraska City. See Death Nebraska City News 3-8-67 3-1
Chivington, Thomas M. Deceased, late of Otoe Co. Nebr. John M. Chivington administrator of estate of. Probate court hearing Aug. 12th to all interested. R. H. Dickey Probate Judge. See Legal Notice. Nebraska City News 3-13-67 2-5
Christian, William H. E. Of Atchison County, Missouri was married to Miss Mary E. Birchfield of Nebraska City, Nebr. at home of her Father W. P. Birchfield, by Judge R. H. Dickey. See Marriages Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-3
Christie, ___ Has removed from Howard to his farm in Washington Precince. Nebraska Advertiser 3-23-76 3-5
Christie, J. C. Nemaha Co., school teacher Nebraska Advertiser 2-19-74 2-3
Christie, John Has located in Johnson, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 3-23-76 3-6
Christman, Otto Omaha, Nebraska, public caterer takes own life. See Suicide Nebraska City News 12-30-68 3-1
Christie, E. J. G. Jeweler, Nebraska City. See Jewelry Nebraska City News 9-11-68 1-2
Christy, E. J. G. Esq. Returned from a two years trip to Germany this afternoon, looking well and in fine spirits. Nebraska City News 7-22-67 2-1
Christy, J. C. Real estate transfer from J. C. Hale Nebraska Advertiser 11-5-73 3-3
Church, Bertha "What the choir sang about the little bonnet", the schools exhibition at the Hall. Nebraska Advertiser 4-3-73 3-5
Church, J. S. Member of the Nebraska State Horticultural Society. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-70 4-1
Church, J. S. Nominated for Engineer of Brownville, Nebr Nebraska Advertiser 4-7-70 2-2
Church, Jas. S. Appointed by the Legislature to investigate the acts of the land and building COmmissioners. Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 2-5
Chruch, Jarvis S. Representative left for Lincoln for the extra session of the Legislature which convenes to-day Nebraska Advertiser 2-17-70 3-1
Church, Jarvis S. Elected to 3 year term as trustee Brownville school. See School. Nebraska Advertiser 4-6-76 2-2,3
Church, J. Of Brownville, Nemaha County appointed delegate to the National COmmercial Convention to be held at St. Louis shortly for the purpose of selecting a new site for the Capital of the United States. Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-4
Church, J. S. County Judge, Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha County, COmmissioners Proceedings, Jan 4 Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Church, J. S. Elected Senior Warden of Nemaha Vally A. F. & A. M. Nebraska Advertiser 13-23-69 2-3
Church, J. S. Erecting brick stable Block 19. See Building Nebraska Advertiser 8-5-69 3-2
Church, J. S. Has sold his interest in the Advertiser to Col. R. N. Furnas Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-69 2-1
Church, J. S. Married Charles A. Lucus and Mrs. Lavina Russell, Febr. 25th. See Marriage Nebraska Advertiser 3-2-76 3-7
Church, Judge J. S. Married Jerry Quisnel to Cornelia La Barge, Febr. 22. See Marriage Nebraska Advertiser 2-24-76 3-5
Church, Mr. ___ J. S. Took part in the M. E. Sunday School program. See Amusements Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 3-4
Church, J. S. Was made secretary of the resolved committee the 4 days trip to St. Joseph Bridge celebration and the Sorngerfest. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-2,3
Church, Mr. & Mrs. J. S. Of Brownville Delegate St. Joseph Bridge Celebration and Saengerfest. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-2
Church, Lucius B. "Horace Greeley" a leader of men" the school exhibitions at the hall. Nebraska Advertiser 4-3-73 3-5
Church, L. Is giving universal satisfaction in Johnson school. Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 3-6
Church, Lucius B. Is teaching the district school at Johnson Nebraska Advertiser 12-16-75 3-2
Church, Lucious Brownville, took part in school program Nebraska Advertiser 12-25-73 3-5
Church, Lucius B. Found Tecumseh a live town. Johnson items. Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 3-4
Church, J. S. gave short talks at the Stover's District No. 62 Teachers' Institute. Nebraska Advertiser 3-13-73 3-6

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