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Church - Church-Brownville

Date 18xx p-c
Church Rev. L. F. Britt's revival resulted in increased membership in the M. E. Church Nebraska Advertiser 1-26-71 2-5
Church Rev. Peter Cartwright, noted and aged pioneer Methodist Minister of Illinois will give a series of lectures, proceeds to aid the Methodist Missionaary work. Nebraska Advertiser 11-3-70 2-2
Church Elder Davis of Lincoln preached the dedicartory sermon at the new Methodist church at Beatrice. $1,200 was raised to clear the debt. Colonel Cropsey gave $280 Nebraska Advertiser 12-8-70 1-2
Church Dedicatory sermon of the new M. E. Church in North Star by Rev. J. T. Boyle and Rev. W. B. M. Colt of Brownville followed by sacrament of Lord's Supper. Will be free ferry passage for those attending. Nebraska Advertiser 7-28-70 2-2
Church fairview M. E. Church donation party. Nebraska Advertiser 1-26-71 2-2
Church The Hill of Zion church was organized in Lafayette Precinct and met in the school house of District 11 with Rev. Snell, Pastor. Nebraska Advertiser 11-17-70 3-1
Church The new Catholic church at Rulo was blown down during the gale on Sunday night. Nebraska Advertiser 12-15-70 1-2
Church Sermon preached by Rev. T. F. Britt of Pawnee City at Fairview church. Nebraska Advertiser 7-7-70 3-6
Church Address of Bishop Simpson on Lay Delegates from the Pittsburg Commercial. Nebraska Advertiser 6-17-69 1-4 to 7
Church The Baptist have a pleasant house of worship good congregations, and a flurishing Sabbath school. Rev. O. T. Conger the pastor. Nebraska Advertiser 3-20-73 4-1
Church Blue River Association of United Baptists of Nebraska to meet with Mt. Zion United Baptists of Nemaha City in September. Elder P. Ballinger of Pawnee County will preach. Nebraska Advertiser 8-12-69 2-2
Church The cornerstone of the M. E. church at Blue Springs will be laid with accustomed ceremonies October 7. Nebraska Advertiser 9-30-69 2-1
Church Donation given to Rev. J. A. Phelen at Long Branch School House in Johnson COunty near Clotfelter's residence Nebraska Advertiser 1-26-71 2-1
Church A donation party was held on the 6th inst. at the Highland Baptist church at Glen Rock for the benefit of Elder Carrington, who for 3 years has been pastor of the Baptist church, the party was sufficiently large to make it a success. Nebraska Advertiser 3-20-73 1-6
Church Elder D. R. Duncan of Pawnee City will hold a series of meetings in Phelps City. On September 1st Bishop Robertson of the Missouri diocese will be with him. Nebraska Advertiser 8-26-69 2-1
Church Elder G. O. Snell of Lancaster County and Elder Carrington of Spring Creek held revivals in North Nemaha Baptist Church. Eleven were immersed last Lord's Day. Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 1-2
Church First Baptist Church is now finished. The Rev. T. S. Lowe, their new pastor, preached them for the first time on last Sunday to a large audience. The minister is not only talented, but zealously devoted to the cause of his master. Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-69 2-1
Church The following gentlemen constitute the vestry for the currant years. Nebraska Advertiser 5-29-73 3-6
Church Rev. J. C. Lawson of the Christian Church at London will preach at the Court House Saturday and Sunday Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 3-2
Church The Missouri River Presbytery met at Sioux City, Iowa, April 29, 1869. List of Ministers in Nebraska Advertiser 5-13-69 1-5
Church Of God. W. P. Shockey preaches once each month at Bethel and Aspinwall school houses, every fourth Sunday in the month. St. Dervin and vicinity each first Sunday in the month, also accordingly at other points in Nemaha County. Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 2-3
Church Nebraska Conference Appointments. Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 2-1
Church Plum Creek, Crab Orchard, Seward, York, West Blue and Meridan are yet to be supplied pastors by the M. E. Church Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 2-1
Church Rev. Roberts of Nebraska City has moved to Beatrice Nebraska Advertiser 5-11-71 2-4
Church Rev. Mr. Gaylord Agent of the American Home Mission Society for this State - several friends of this society in the neighborhood of West Branch, on the 15 - convened at the house of Capt. Fuller and organized a Congregational Church. Rev. M. N. Miles was chosen Pastor. Captain Fuller Deacon. Pawnee Tribune Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-69 2-5
Church Reverend Thomas Betts of St. James Church in Rulo has recovered from illness enough to occupy his pulpit. Nebraska Advertiser 3-9-71 2-4
Church, Christian The Christian churches of Southern Nebraska have appointed Clark Braden of Pawnee City, Sheriff Faulkner of Falls City, O. J. Tinker of Humboldt, R. A. Hawley of Clifton a commettee to meet at Pawnee City to locate a college. Nebraska Advertiser 4-20-71 2-2
Church, Prof. Will debate with Rev. J. L. Baird. See Religion Nebraska Advertiser 1-6-76 2-1
Church, Bertha Elected A. R. S. in Sons of Temperance. See Societies and Organizations. Nebraska Advertiser 4-6-76 3-2
Church, J. S. Delivered an address at the Good Templar's Festival, Nemaha City, Nov. 29. See Festival Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 3-6,7
Church affairs, Humboldt Theological discussion between P. T. Russell and W. P. Shockey. Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 2-4
Churches Appointments of the Nebraska State Conference M. Prichard, presiding Elder. Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Churches, Baptist Rev. Thomas of the Baptist church of Salem is hoolding 2 weeks protracted meetings in the Johnson school house. Johnson item. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-7
Churches The Baptist church at Highland will be dedicated on Christmas afternoon. The Mount Zion baptist church near Rev. Ira Moore, 3 miles west of Brownville will be dedicated on Christmas night and the First Baptist church in Brownville, will be dedicated on Sunday the 26th inst. The Rev. Dr. G. J. Johnson, of St. Louis will preach the dedicatory serman at each of these places. Nebraska Advertiser 12-16-69 2-1
Churches, Catholic Rev. John A. Hayes will preach in the Catholic church, 4th & Nemaha, next Sunday and on the first Sunday of each month. Nebraska Advertiser 2-3-76 3-2
Churches, Christian Church Elder Brown preaches once a month at Glen Rock Christian Church Nebraska Advertiser 2-3-76 3-6
Churches Bishop Clarkson will officiate in St. Paul's Chapel, Talbot Hail, Sunday afternoon. Divine services held regularly in his Chapel evevy Sunday afternoon. Nebraska. City News 3-20-68 3-2
Churches Bishop Clarkson will preach at the Episcopal Church on Sunday morning. Next Sunday Eld. Johnson will preach in the morning on "Things Wanting" and in the evening on "Apostolic Succession." Nebraska. City News 7-17-68 3-2
Churches Eld. J. B. Johnson of this City has received a call from the Church of Christ, in San Francisco, California. They offered him $1750 and travelling expenses to that City. His congregation here will endeavor to retain him another year - hi Sunday morning subject Sleeping in Gethsemene" evening, "Inside and Outside the Church." Nebraska. City News 7-24-68 3-2
Churches Eld. J. B. Johnson will preach at the Court House, Sunday morning on the subject of "The Years and Their Resoonsiilities." Evening Subject - "The Road to JerLcllo, Nebraska. City News 1-17-68 3-2
Churches Eld. Johnson will preach Sunday at the Court House on the "Beautiful Vision" in the morning, and in the evening on "The Priceless Nebraska. City News 1-24-68 3-3
Churches Eld. Johnson's subjects for Sunday Morning - "Living or Dying", evening -"Peace or War." Nebraska. City News 8-7-68 3-4
Churches Eld. Johnson's subject for Sunday morning, "The Realm of Faith"; in the evening, "The Jewish Tabernacle." Nebraska. City News 1-24-68 3-3
Churches The laying of foundations for two new churches in this City were commenced and when completed almost every orthodox denomination will be represented by an elegant church edifice. Nebraska. City News 7-1-68 3-3
Churches Rev. Mr. Lewis formerly a citizen of this city and now resident of Michigan is visiting here and will hold devine service at the Congregational Church on Sunday morning. Nebraska City News 8-7-68 3-3
Churches Methodist Episcopal. Rev. W. S. Blackburn of the M. E. Church is holding protracted meetings. Nebraska Advertiser 1-20-76 3-6
Churches Methodist Episcopal. The Methodists of Highland Church are holding a 2 weeks revival. Glen Rock items. Nebraska Advertiser 11-4-75 3-4
Churches Methodist Episcopal Church is holding quarterly meetings. Bro.l Boen pastor, in charge and Bro. Hedgepeth, P. E. are conducting the services. Nebraska City News 2-3-68 3-2
Churches Methodist Episcopal Sunday School. A benefit entertainment was given in McPherson's Hall. See Amusements Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 3-4
Churches New Baptist church being built at Glen Rock Precinct 34'x46' and 16' high, of pine and black walnut. Methodists raised $2000 for church there also. Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 2-1
Churches The new building of the M. E. Church South in this City will be dedicated on next Sabbath. Services will commence Saturday at 7.30; Rev. Jno. D. Vincil, Rev. H. H. Hedgepeth and other ministers are expected to be present. Nebraska City News 10-28-68 3-2
Churches Over $5000 has been subscribed for the erection of a Christian Church edifice in this city. Nebraska City News 1-29-68 3-3
Churches Rev. E. D. Phillips will preach at the Baptist church on Sunday July 14, at the usual hours. Nebraska City News 7-12-67 3-1
ChurchesC Rev. W. D. Starr is holding a series of meetings at Charter Oak School house near Grant. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-75 3-7
Churches United Brethern. Elder Smith of the United Brethern Denomination preached at Johnson Sunday Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 3-6
Church, Missouri river Presbytery Meeting at Brownville. Rev. S. M. Kier, Rev J. D. Kier, Rev. Payton, Rev. J. T. Baird, Neb. City, Rev. Wm. McCandlish, Rev. G. G. Ferguson, attended Nebraska Advertiser 4-20-71 4-2,3
Churches. United Baptist Association of Nebraska will meet in convention with the Vesta Church of the United Baptist of Johnson County Nebraska, to organize an association. The introductory sermon will be given by Elder M. P. Freeman. Ira Moore. Nebraska City News 8-3-58 2-4
Churches A Union Christian prayer meeting is held at McCann's Hall every day at 12:30 P. M.   7-24-68 3-2
Churches The State of Nebraska has been liberal in appropriating for setting aside three lots, at Lincoln fifty food by 134 feet, free to any society that will erect a church edifice on them. See Lincoln, City. Nebraska City News 11-2-68 1-2
Churches. Baptist. Mr. Bingham, a brother of Congressman Bingham is the newly appointed pastor of the 1st Baptist Church in this City. Nebraska City News 4-6-68 3-2
Churches. Baptist. Rev. Mr. Bingham is the new pastor of the church, having been elected by a unanimous vote of its members. Nebraska City News 4-2-68 3-2
Churches, Catholic Fair and festival for benefit of Sisters of Charity, New Year's Eve, Dec. 31, 1868, Committee of arrangements, soliciting refreshments, fancy work, lottery, lemonade, photographist, post office, telegraphist, lucky bag, reception and flour, music & printing, door committee and ticket agent. Tickets 50c. Nebraska City News 12-28-68 2-5
Churches. Christian. The ladies of the church will give a supper at the Court House, Nov. 19, to raise funds to complete and furnish the new church almost finished. Admission 50�. Nebraska City News 11-16-68 3-2
Churches, Congregational, Of Camp Creek have been building for the past three months, a house of warship. They have made a location that accommodates the people of Rock Creek and have been aided by them in the enterprize. The house is built of brick, 28x 44 arid finished in a plain and substantial manner at a cost of about 2500. Dedication services New Year's Day at 11 A.M. Nebraska City News 12-28-68 3-1
Churches. Episcopal. The Rt. Rev. Robert H. Glarkson, D. D. Bishop of Nebraska, will consecrate Christ's Church at Brown-vile to the worship of Almighty God, on Sunday July 26th and at the same time administer the apostolic rite of confirmation. Geo. R. Davis, Rector. Nebraska City News 7-10-68 3-3
Churches. Jewish. The Israelites of Council Bluffs have formed a Hebrew congregation called "Bni Israel", They have service on New Year's, Thursday and Friday, 17th & 18th, and on Atonement Day, Saturday the 27th. Nebraska City News 9-14-68 3-3
Churches. Lutheran. Ladies congregation purposes holding a fair and festival during Christmas week for the benefit of their church. Nebraska City News 11-25-68 3-2
Churches. Methodist. Rev. Hr. Alexander of the Providence Conference, arrived in town and will preach at the M. E. Church on Sunday. He is stationed at this place. Nebraska City News 6-26-68 3-3
Churches Methodist Bishop Doggeth of the M. E. Church, South, will preach in the First Presbyterian Church on next Saturday at 8 P.M. and Sunday at 11 A.M. & 8 P.M. Nebraska City News 5-20-67 3-1
Churches. Methodist. One of the finest church edifices in the City when completed, will be the Southern Methodist on the corner of Larainje and 8th Street. The design was gotten up by Mr. Edwards, the architect. The brick work is being done by John Hughes and the carpentry by John Darley. Nebraska City News 8-12-68 3-2
Churches. Methodist. The protracted meetings are still progress ing and the interest seems to be increasing. About twelve young men of the city were on the "mourners bench" last evening and as many more arose for prayers. Nebraska City News 12-23-68 3-1
Churches. Methodist Rev. Mr. Godbey of the St. Louis Conference of the M. E. Church (South) will preach in their room near the corner of Math and 10th this evening. Nebraska City News 5-15-67 3-2
Churches, M. E. South. Appointments at the late convention were made for this district:
Presiding H. H. Hedgpeth. Nebraska City
J.F. Shores. Rock Bluffs
J. S. Booker. Rulo
T. R. Hedgpeth.
Nebraska City News 9-21-68 3-2
Churches. Methodist. $1029.30 was raised by subscription at the Methodist Church, South, on last Sunday. This amount relieves the Church of all outstanding debts. Nebraska City News 11-2-68 3-2
Churches Methodist Conferance.

Of Bishop and Clergy are still holding daily sessions. Last night they held religious services for a large congregation. The choir under leadership of Mr. Bates was large and good. Prayer by Mr. Jennings; reading scripture by Mr. Smith; reading State Missionary report for last two years by Mr. Pritchard, Treas.
Omaha District-Omaha $93; Belleirue $5; Elk Horn $16.05; Fremont $15.50; De Sota 5; Decatur $19.15; Total $150.70.
Nebraska City District - Nebraska City $201.40; Mount Pleasant $60.75; Plattsmouth 32.50; Rock Bluffs 6.55; Salt Creek $5; Peru, $10; Helena $2. Total $328.20.
Nemaha District - Nemaha City $17.50; Marysville 2.30; St. Stevens and Rulo $12; Table Rock $52; Tecumseh $0.60. Total $87.40. T. J. Lemon, P. E. $80; J. G. Miller, P. E. $16.10. Total 97.10.
Total amount received $666.5O. Rev. Nicholis preached in favor of missionary cause - China with 500,000,000 population had only 30 missionaries. Rev. Jennings, Chivington and others spoke. Omaha Herald

Nebraska City News 4-5-67 2-2,3
Churches, Medthodist Leavenworth District, Presiding elder. See Hedgepath, Rev. R. H. Nebraska City News 3-8-67 2-1
Churches. Presbyterian. A concert will be given at the Court House Friday, proceeds from which are to be applied to the purchasing of an organ for the church. Nebraska City News 3-9-68 2-2
Churches, Presbyterian. Rev. G. S. Mead of Leavenworth City, Kansas, will preach in the First Cumberland Presbyterian Church in this City this evening and every evening during the week. Nebraska City News 12-9-68 3-1
Churches, St. Mary's Rev. Dr. Littlejohn will preach at the Church at the usual hour. Those who heard the Doctor on Saturday will not fail to be present this evening. Nebraska City News 7-31-67 3-1
Churches, Union. Is to be erected near the residence of Dr. Win. Fawlke's on Four mile Creek. $300. has already been suscribed for its erection. Nebraska City News 3-30-68 3-2
Churches - Brownville
Church Dr. Campbell of Mindon Illinois occupied the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church in Brownville. Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-69 2-1
Church District Sunday School Convention to be held at the M. E. Church, Brownville, October 13, 1869 Nebraska Advertiser 9-30-69 2-2,3
Church Programme of Nebraska District Ministerial Association of the M. E. Church to be held at Brownville, Nebr. June 12, 1873. Nebraska Advertiser 5-15-73 3-5
Church The Rev. R. Foster of the COngregational Church at Nebraska City will preach in the First Presbyterian Church, Brownville, next Sunday. Nebraska Advertiser 9-9-69 2-1
Church Presbytery of Missouri river met in the Presbyterian church of Brownville Apr. 6, 1871 Nebraska Advertiser 4-20-71 4-3
Church Rev. G. J. Johnson, of St. Louis, District Secretary of the American Baptist Publication Society preached in the First Baptist church at Brownville Monday evening. Nebraska Advertiser 11-18-69 3-1
Church Rev. J. C. Lawson of the Christian church, London, will preach in the Court House in Brownville next Saturday evening and Sabbath A. M. & P. M. The public is cordially invited to attend. Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 3-2
Church Rev J. S. Lowe, of Rushville, Illinois, an able, energetic and good man has accepted the pastorate of the Baptist church in Brownville. Nebraska Advertiser 8-26-69 3-2
Church Rev. T. J. Morgan of Rochester, New York will come to Brownville to become pastor of the First Baptist Church. Nebraska Advertiser 5-11-71 3-5
Church The Baptist church at Highland will be dedicated on Christmas. The Mount Zion Baptist church west of Brownville will be dedicated Christmas night and the First Baptist church in Brownville will be dedicated the 26th with Rev. G. J. Johnson of St. Louis at each. Nebraska Advertiser 12-16-69 2-1
Church Convention The Nebraska District Sunday School Convention met at the M. E. Church in Brownville, Wednesday P. M. Oct. 13, 1869 Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-69 2-2
Churches. Episcopal. Rev. Burgess of Plattsmouth will hold services next Sunday in the Episcopal Church, Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-1
Churches. M. E. Church Rev. D. F. Rodabaugh of Falls CIty will preach in the M. C. Church at Brownvieel next Sunday morning. Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-75 3-1
Churches. Methodist Episcopal Rev. Richards of Brownville will preach in Peru, Sunday. Nebraska Advertiser 3-2-76 3-6
Churches The new Episcopal Church in Brownville was consecrated on Sunday by Bishop Clarkson assisted by Dr. Oliver Gassman, Betts, Rice, & Davis. Nebraska City News 7-31-68 3-2
Churches. Presbyterian Rev Ellis of Lincoln will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday at Brownville. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-1
Chruches. Presbyterian Ex-senator Tipton lectured on the life, characteristics, and eccentricities of Thomas Corwin in the Presbyterian Church Friday evening in Brownville. Nebraska Advertiser 1-20-76 3-1
Churches, St. Mary's Rev. Mr. Davis of Brownville is in the city and will preach at St. Mary's church this evening at the regular evening service. Nebraska City News 6-12-67 3-1

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