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NSHS Territorial Newspaper Extraction Project

Church-Lincoln - Church-Peru

Date 18xx p-c
Church Rev. H. P. Peck was appointed pastor of the Presbyterian church in Lincoln Nebraska Advertiser 2-2-71 2-5
Church The Methodist Protestant conference met in Lincoln and appointed ministers to various places. Nebraska Advertiser 9-22-70 2-1
Church Nebraska Conference of the Methodist church met in Lincoln. Rev. J. Lamb, A. M. Woolworth and E. J. Willis were received as ministers. Rev. J. M. Young & William Harn were missionaries for the State. Nebraska Advertiser 9-22-70 1-4
Chruches Father Emanuel will commence the erection of a church at Lincoln shortly. Nebraska City News 7-31-68 3-2
Churches. Catholic Rev. Mr. Pirmin Kumly of the Roman Catholic Church will take charge of the congregation during the absence of Father Emanuel to Lincoln. Nebraska City News 7-31-68 3-2
Churches-Nebraska City
Church Rev. J. M. Taggart and family moved to Blair where he will serve as pastor of the Baptist Church. Nebraska CIty Cronicle. Nebraska Advertiser 10-27-70 1-3
Churches. Christian. Erection of edifice, Nebr. City, Nebr. See Buildings. Nebraska City News 2-14-68 3-3
Churches. Evangelical Lutheran church building, Nebraska City. See Bids. Nebraska City News 7-15-67 2-5
Churches Bishop Clarkson arrived in Nebraska City last evening and will officiate at St. Mary's church on Sunday morning, Rev. Mr. Gasmann in the evening. Nebraska City News 7-19-67 3-2
Churches Bishop O. German of Nebrasin will hold divine service at the Catholic Church in Nebraska City Sunday. Nebraska City News 5-20-68 3-2
Churches Has a goodly array of well-built church edificies. Methodist Episcopal Society have one of brick, which was built in 1855 not affecting much architectural beauty is a. substantial structure located upon a very eligible site, neither fenced in nor is there a single living tree or shrub on the premises. The Old School Presbyterians have a commodious and handsomely finished brick church, neither surrounded with a fence nor embellished with trees. The Protestant Methodist have a good brick building, but poorly located and unfenced with no trees. The Baptists have an extremely handsome edifice substantially constructed of brick and stone, yet its outward surroundings are almost as neglected as the others. The Episcopal denomination have a very neat wooden stricture with prettily stained windows and elaborately finished pews but is also unfenced and without tree or shrub. The United Presbyterians have a brick church, small but well built and entirely without fence or shade tree. The Catholic Church has the appearance of being the best constructed of any brick Church edifice in town and also rejoices in a fine brick school house adjoining and belonging to the same denomination but without tree, fence or shrub about it. Nebraska City News 3-29-67 2-1
Churches The Leavenworth Presbytery will meet in the Cunberland Presbyterian Church in Nebraska City. Rev. J. L. Riley, the Moderator of Round Prairie, Kansas will preach the introductory sermon. Sunday Rev. G. L. Mead, of Leavenworth City, Kansas, will preach a missionary sermon and in the evening Rev. II. S. Heed will be regularly installed pastor of the C. P. Church, Nebraska City, Nebraska. Nebraska City News 4-27-68 3-3
Churches Members of Methodist, Congregational, Presbyterian, Christian, Lutheran and Baptist to form organization. See Societies & Associations. State Sunday School Teachers. Nebraska City News 6-12-68 2-4
Churches Dr. Diefendorf has been preaching at the Wyoming school house for some time. Nebraska City News 8-26-68 3-2
Churches Nebraska City - the City of Churches. On Wednesday evening at prayer meeting the sum of $2680. was raised for the purpose of erecting a church building for the Christian denomination. The Southern Methodists are also trying to secure a house for worship. Nebraska City News 3-22-67 3-2
Churches. Methodist. Nebraska City, Nebr. new church to be built soon. See Buildings Nebraska City News 5-20-68 3-2
Chruches. Cumberland and Presbyterian. Brick edifice on Laramie and 10th Dimensions 40x60. See Buildings Nebraska City News 5-29-67 3-1
Churches. Baptist. Rev. J. M. Taggart will (D.V.) preach at the Church on Friday and Saturday evenings and on Sunday morning at 11. o'clock. Nebraska City News 3-8-67 3-1
Churches. Catholics. Of Nebraska City will hold a fair and festival. in a short time for the benefit of the Sisters. Nebraska City News 12-14-68 3-2
Churches. Catholic. Fair and Festival programme of vocal and instrumental music. Prof. Schwabsky's Full Brass Band First - Grand Entry Gallup, Band. Second - Jane O. Malloy Vocal Quartette Third - Everybodies Waltz - Band Fourth - Silence - Vocal Quartette Seventh Spring Bird Waltz. Eighth - Tommy, Dont go - Song and Chorus. Ninth - Amelia Polka - Band Tenth - Comic Song - By Prescott Eleventh - Duet Mrs. Cottam and Mrs. Wiscbmeyer Twelfth Crowding Awfully, Song - By Angel. Nebraska City News 12-30-68 3-2
Churches. Christian. Nebraska City We desire to notify the members and all interested that we have secured the use of the Court House room for religious purposes and will hold Divine service on each Lord's Day at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M. Preaching by Prof. Vogle. Elders Joseph Mc Glaskey, Thomas Warden, Keller Bradley. Nebraska City News 4-3-67 2-1
Churches. Christian. We, the building committee of the Christian Church, request, all those who have subscribed for the erection of our House of Worship and have not paid their subscription, to do so at once. The money must be paid or the work will not continue. N. L. Simpson, Daniel Gregg, S. J. Farris, Com. Nebraska City News 9-25-68 2-5
Churches, Christian. Elder Johnson returned home yesterday evening and will preach at the Court House on next Sunday at the usual hours. Nebraska City News 10-30-68 3-3
Churches Congregational The communion services will be held at the Baptist House of worship at Nebraska City, next Sabbath at 2 P.M. Preaching by Rev. N. Gaylord of Omaha. A lecture preparatory will be delivered on Saturday at 11 A.M. Nebraska City News 7-3-67 3-2
Churches, Episcopal The Sum of $350 was taken p at the church at Nebraska City Sunday morning, to pay off the indebtedness. Nebraska City News 4-26-67 3-1
Churches. Methodist. Appointments for the Nebraska Conference of the M. E. Church, Nebraska City District are - C. W. Giddings, Presiding Elder. Nebraska City - To be upp1ied. Peru - J. W. Taylor. Brownville - D. W. May. Nemaha City - A. J. Folden. St. Steven and Rulo - W. S. Blackburn. Table Rock - S. W. Smith. Falls City - M. Prichard. Pawnee City - W. A. Presson. Beatrice - R. C. Johnson. Duck Creek - H. C. Man:. Tecumseh - F. L. Brtt. Upper Nemaha - To be supplied. Upper Blue - B. S. Hawks. St. Deroin - To be supplied. Lincoln - H. T. Davis. A. J. White, Chaplain at Fort Dodge. J. M. Chivington, Agent Church Extension Society. Nebraska City News 4-13-68 3-4
Churches, Methodis Nebraska City A grand gala day for scholars and friends of the M. E. Church. The picnickers repaired to the grounds early and spent the day merrily and. happily. Ice cream and strawberries in abundance. Nebraska City News 6-21-67 3-2
Churches. Methodist. The M. E. Church of this City have received notice that Rev. Mr. Alexander, from the New England conference, has been appointed pastor in charge. THe first quarterly meeting of the church takes place tomorrow. Divine services in the evening and at the usual hours on Sabbath. Nebraska City News 6-5-68 3-2
Churches. Methodist. Nebraska City Rev. D. R. McAnaly D. D., editor of the St Louis Christian Advocate is expected to dedicate the M. E. Church, South of this City on or about Oct. 1st. Nebraska City News 8-21-68 3-2
Churches Nebraska City The foundation for the new Cumberland Presbyterian church on Laramie and 9th, Nebraska City, Nebr. is almost completed. See Buildings. Nebraska City News 7-15-67 3-1
Church Dr. Dickson, late of Baltimore, has arrived in our City and will most likely preach at the Presbyterian Church on next Sabbath. Nebraska City News 9-25-68 3-4
Churches Lutheran Nebraska City Fair and festival to be given by the ladies of the Church Dec. 22 will, be one of the most brilliant entertainments in Nebraska City. Articles for sale for holiday presents, a decorated Xmas tree valued at $75, needle work, refreshment stands. The supper table will be furnished with choicest delicacies; fancy toy stores, fish pond filled with fish, jewelry and china ware. Nebraska City News 12-11-68 2-4
Church Rev. H. W. Kuhns, for 14 years pastor of the Lutheran church at Omaha has resigned. Nebraska Advertiser 8-18-70 2-3
Church The Thanksgiving donation to Rev. G. W. De La Matyr and wife of the Methodist church at Omaha amounted to $330 Nebraska Advertiser 12-1-70 2-1
Churches Rev. W. H. Van Antwerp, of Trinity Parish, Omaha, and Rev. Mr. Chamberlain of St. Paul's, Council Bluffs are expected in the City. The former will probably preach at St. Mary's on Sunday. Nebraska City News 1-20-68 3-3
Churches Rev. N. B. Lemon of Omaha is in the city and informs us there will be a camp meeting commenced at Cannon's Grove, Gaas Co., on Friday. Nebraska City News 8-24-68 3-2
Churches J. L. Webster of Omaha will deliver a lecture entitled "Something Better" at the First Presbyterian Church, Feb. 28 or March 1. Nebraska Advertiser 2-17-76 3-2
Churches, Christian Eld. J. B. Johnson of the Christian Church will preach at the Court Rouse in Nebraska City next Sunday June 14, 11 o'clock A. W. and at 8 P. M. Subject for the morning: "The Heavenly Pathways". Evening subject; "Over the River". Eld. John will preach in East Port, Iowa at 4 P. M. on the same day. Nebraska City News 7-l2-67 3-2
Churches. Methodist. Nebraska annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church closed its session at Peru, Saturday, when Bishop Thompson announced the appointments for the Omaha District. Omaha District - T. B. Lemon, P. E. Omaha Station - H. C. Westwood. City Mission - Moses F. Shinn. Bellevue Circuit- J. B. Maxfield. Plattsmouth - J. J Roberts. Rock Bluffs - W. P. Granthorn. Mt. Pleasant - A. J. Swartz. Factoryville - To be supplied. Ashland - To be supplied. Fremont & Columbus - J. A. Vonandra. North Platte - To be supplied. Calhoun - Jacob Adriance. Decatur - Joel Warner. West Point - Lewis Janney. Nebraska City News 4-10-68 3-3
Churches, Methodist. Presiding Elder Rev. T. B. Lemon, of the M. E. Church, Omaha district, has been in Nebraska City. See Lemon, Rev. T. B. Nebraska City News 3-11-67 3-2
Church Dedication of M. E. Church at Peru on New Years Day. Nebraska Advertiser 1-19-71 4-2
Church The corner stone for the Methodist Episcopal church in Peru was laid Saturday, presiding Elder Lemon officiating assisted by Rev. Martin, Pritchard and Johnson. The building is 34x60 and cost $3500 Nebraska Advertiser 8-4-70 2-2
Church The corner stone of the Methodist Episcopal church of Peru will be laid July 30 at 10 A. M. Rev. T. B. Lemon will conduct exercises of the occasion. J. M.McKinzie. Nebraska Advertiser 7-28-70 2-2
Churches Methodist Conference of the State of Nebraska meet., at Peru Tomorrow. Nebraska City News 4-1-68 3-3
Churches. Episcopal. The corner stone for the new Episcopal Church at Peru will be laid July 4, 1868. Nebraska City News 6-22-68 3-2
Churches. Episcopal. THe new St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Peru will be consecrated on Sunday Aug. 30, by Rev. Bishop Clarkson, assisted by Rev. Geo. Gasmann, Dr. Oliver and other Ministers. Divine service at 11 A. M. and 4. P. M. Nebraska City News 8-21-68 3-3

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