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Cigar Factories - Coal

Date 18xx p-c
Cigar Factories Brownville has 3 cigar factories in successful operation. Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 2-1
Cinnamond, Mrs. Nebraska City, Nebraska. See Health Nebraska City News 7-13-68 3-2
Cinnamond, Annie Otoe Lodge No 4. I. O. of G. T. Committee on arrangement, soliciting, Strawberry table, July 4th at Strawberry Festival. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-4
Cinnamond, D. Otoe Lodge No 4. Independent Order, Grand Templars. Strawberry Festival, July 4. Committee, Lemonade Table. See Societies & Organizations Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-4
Cincinnati Rev. L. W. Smith appointed Minister at Cincinnati. Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Cinnamond, James Report on Drowth, Blue River, Big and Little Sandies. Nebraska City News 8-26-68 3-3
Circus Maginley and Carrolls, reorganized and equipped for the season of 1868, on June 12 at Nebraska City. A. W. Morgan, General Agent. Nebraska City News 6-3-68 2-6
Circus. Adv. Orton Brothers Great Southwestern Circus, six large Camels. The Female Silver Cornet Band of ten ladies. Nebraska City. Admission 75, children under 10, 50ç Nebraska City News 5-6-68 2-5
City Council Held its first first 1876 meeting Jan. 6, Brownville Nebraska Advertiser 1-6-76 3-3
City Telegraph Company Rates. Nebraska Advertiser 2-19-74 3-5
Claim of the State of Nebraska for 5% on the estimated value of Indian Reservations has been disallowed. See Indian Reservations. Nebraska Advertiser 11-18-75 2-4
Claire, Richard. Formerly and now a citizen of Otoe, after having scaled the heights of the Rocky Mountains, surveyed the magnificient parks of Colorado, visited the vine clad hills of Sunny France, seen the blue Rhine sweep along, returns at last to make his future and permanent home in Nebraska. Nebraska City News 4-3-67 3-1
Clapp, E. M. Of Tekamah appointed by the Governor as delegate to the Immigration Convention. See Immigration Nebraska Advertiser 11-24-70 1-2
Clark, Mr. And Mr. Collinam the majority of the registration board of the North Platte Precinct refused to reorganize Mr. Hinmans action and will certify only the legal vote to the Judge of election. See Election Game Exposed. Nebraska City News 9-25-68 1-2
Clark, Andrew Officer on the Kate Kinney. Excursion from Nebraska City to Omaha. See Pastimes Nebraska City News 7-15-67 2-2
Clark, C. C. Saline Co., Son falatly (sic) burned in prairie fire. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 1-7
Clark, Charles Saline Co., Fatally burned in prairie fire. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-4,5
Clark, Delia A. Wife of Daniel B. died October 9th. See Death Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-5
Clark, Edwin A member of the troupe producing Evadue last night at Nebraska City was imbued with the spirit that marks and actor, although suffering with a bad cold. See Theatre. Nebraska City News 4-3-67 3-2
Clark, Elam Elected to the House from Washington County. Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-4
Clark, E. H. Capt. of Calhoun appointed on Committee of arrangements for the re-union. Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-69 1-8
Clark, Elam Elected G. Stewart, Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. See Masons Nebraska City News 6-29-68 3-3
Clark, (Hon) Elam Appointed delegate to the National Commercial Convention to be held at St. Louis. He is from Ft. Calhoun, Washington County. Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-4
Clark, Frank Teamster of the B. Ft. K and P. R. R. Co. See Railroad, Brownville, Fort Kearney and Pacific Railroad Company Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 2-2
Clark, Geo. Peru Pct., Elected road Supervisor. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Clark, George Has a shoe shop in Lafayette Precinct. Nebraska Advertiser 3-23-76 3-5
Clark, Harrison and Don Fraker dialogue, "The Right Way", St. Dervin District, school exercises Nebraska Advertiser 5-8-73 2-5
Clark, Isaac Son born. Nebraska Advertiser 2-19-74 3-3
Clark, Isaac Stage driver of the Peru and St. Deroin Stage was presented with a robust son on last Monday evening, Dr. Crane assisted. Nebraska Advertiser 2-19-74 3-3
Clark, James Elected to the House from Dakotah County. Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-4
Clark, Marion "Bombastic Discription of a Midnight Murder," at St. Dervin District School exercises. Nebraska Advertiser 5-8-73 2-5
Clark, Mary Jane Defendant a promissory note for $1,096.46 in favor of James H. Drain. Nebraska Advertiser 2-3-70 2-8
Clark, Milton F. To John and Wm F. Craddock warrantee deed, Pt. lot 10, block 20, Brownville, $400. Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 3-6
Clark, Miss Mollie "Mrs. Bedott's Poetry" at St. Dervin District School exercises. Nebraska Advertiser 5-8-73 2-5
Clark, Ollie "The Biggest Piece of Pie" at St. Dervin District School exercises. Nebraska Advertiser 5-8-73 2-5
Clark, Miss Rhoda Mr. Candler, Lecture on Spring Clothes at St. Dervin District School exercises. Nebraska Advertiser 5-8-73 2-5
Clark, W. S. Has bought the Star Hotel who knows how to keep a hotel. Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 3-3
Clark, W. S. Of Omaha, His family resides at Nemaha. See Hotels Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-8
Clark, Mrs. W. S. Of Omaha will again reside in Nemah. Nebraska Advertiser 2-17-76 3-4
Clark, Wm. S. Defendent on promissory note for $1,096.46 in favor of James H. Drain, Plaintiff. Nebraska Advertiser 2-3-70 2-8
Clark, Miss E. awarded prize for essay on Nebraska. Nebraska Advertiser 2-5-74 2-4
Clarke, E. H. Of Washington County, elected on the executive committee of the Old Soldiers Association. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 1-5
Clarke, E. L. Of Seward County elected on the executive Committee of the Old Soldiers' Association. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 1-5
Clarke, Judge Gaylord J. Of Brownville, Nebraska has been chosen Judge of the District Court of Texas for an 8 year term at $3,500 per year Nebraska Advertiser 12-1-70 2-1
Clarkson, Dr. Nebraska City, Neb. Talbot Hall, direct supervision and patronage. See Schools. Nebraska City News 6-5-67 2-3
Clarkson, Bishop of Nebraska College for boys and youn men, Nebraska City. Nebraska Advertiser 8-5-69 2-5
Clarkson, Rev. Bishop Consecrated the new St. Mary's Episcopal Church in Peru on Sunday Aug. 30th. See Churches. Nebraska Advertiser 8-21-68 3-3
Clarkson, Bishop St. Pauls Chapel, Talbot Hall, Nebr. City. See Churches. Nebraska City News 3-20-68 3-2
Clarkson, Bishop Consecrated Episcopal church in Brownville. See Churches Nebraska City News 7-31-68
Clarkson, Bishop Of Nebraska City, entertainment of young people. See Social Life. Nebraska City News 7-29-67 3-2
Clart, Wm Master of Forest Grove Grange, Douglas Precinct. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 2-1
Clary, Wm. Nemaha Co., Elected county Treasurer. Nebraska Advertiser 10-16-73 2-6,7
Clay, Cassius M. Letter to Lexington (Ky)Statesman treating on causes of drouth and prevention of forest destruction. See Weather & Climate Nebraska City News 3-23-68 2-2
Clay County investment in school facilities Nebraska Advertiser 2-26-74 1-4
Claypool, Augusta Real estate transfer Nebraska Advertiser 11-13-73 3-5
Clayton, H. B. and companions were charged with robbing Annie Wilson. See Crime Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-75 2-1
Clayton, Powell Elected to U. S. Senate in 42nd Congress From Arkansas, to replace Alex McDonald. Nebraska Advertiser 2-2-71 2-6
Clayton, S. H. Grand Juror Nebraska Advertiser 4-10-73 3-6
Clayton, S. H. Supervisor, Bonds filed and approved. See Nemaha COunty. Commissioner's Proceedings. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Clayton, S. H. Was appointed road supervisor, London Precinct, 1st Dist. See Nemaha County. Commissioners' Proceedings, Jan 5. Nebraska Advertiser 1-13-76 3-4
Clayton, John D. One of Nebraska City's most prominent and successful freighters, leaves in a few days for Denver where he will look after the freighting trade in the Rocky Mountains. Nebraska City News 4-17-67 3-2
Cleland, (Rev.) T. H. Appointed to Home Missions Committee at the meeting of the Missouri river Presbytery at Brownville. See Church Nebraska Advertiser 4-20-71 4-2,3
Clemons, Albert F. Appointed Post Master at Ohiowa in Fillmore County at the new post office. Nebraska Advertiser 12-22-70 1-5
Cleveland, Mr. Proprietor of Barnum's Hotel, Nebr. City. See Hotel Nebraska City News 10-16-68 3-2
Cleveland, Ida (Miss) Nebraska City. Member of the Missouri River trip on steamer Columbia to Omaha and back. See Social Life Nebraska City News 6-25-67 3-1,2
Cleveland, Sussie P. Of Berks county, England, married to Brighan Young. See Marriage. Nebraska City News 9-9-68 3-2
Cliff, Wm Nebraska City, Nebr. Arrested in Kearney Ward for disturbing the peace. See Judiciary Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-1
Clifford, Mr. Killed in Boulder COunty Colorado. Arrest of four prominent settlers in connection. See St. Vrains Nebraska City News 5-8-67 2-1
Clifford, Mr. Murdered nearly a year ago in his camp, Boulder County. See St. Vrains Nebraska City News 5-8-67 2-1
Clifford, O. H. Of Nebraska City, erecting restaurant in Eastport, Iowa. See Buildings Nebraska City News 2-26-68 3-2
Cline, Mr. Nebraska City, Nebr. One of the scorers of the baseball game between Talbot Hall and Nebraska City Club. See Pastimes Nebraska City News 7-1-67 3-2
Clingin, George $1500 loss by fire at Nebraska City. See Fire Nebraska Advertiser 12-1-70 2-1
Clizer, Permelia S. Defendant with Jesse A. Jeffries, Plaintiff. District Court, Otoe Co. Nebr. See Legal Notice. Nebraska City News 9-30-68 2-4
Clockner, John Bedford Pct., Elected Constable. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Clot, ___ Is building a new house in Benton. Nebraska Advertiser 11-18-75 3-5
Clotfelter, Mr. Residence near Long Branch School House in Johnson County. Nebraska Advertiser 1-26-71 2-1
Clothing Light Scotch suits and white felt oxford hats will be the style for gentlemen this summer. Nebraska Advertiser 4-29-69 1-6
Clothing. Adv. H. Siegel Bros. Mammoth Clothing Emporium. Nebraska City, Nebraska. Fall and winter clothing of all grades, hats, caps and notions. Nebraska City News 9-21-63 2-5
Clothing D. P. Rolfe's Excelsior Clothing Store, Main Street, Nebraska City, Just received for the summer trade, a well selected stock of fashionable clothing and other goods for men's wear-Summer Overcoats, walking Suits, Linen goods, Boots and. Shoes, Hats, Caps and etc. or sale at prices lower than any house in Nebraska City, Jew or Gentile. Nebraska City News 5-6-67 2-5
Clothing Adv. Jos. Lyons, Philadelphia Clothing Store. Main St., Nebraska City. Clothing, Hats and Caps. Nebraska City News 1-15-68 2-6
Clothing E. S. Oppenheimer opposite the Seymour House. Goods purchased in Eastern markets when goods were at the lowest ebb, I am enabled to sell at almost Eastern price. Nebraska City News 5-8-68 2-6
Clothing Store D. P. Rolfe's "Excelsior" store. Overcoats, Cashmere Suits, Hats and Caps, Boots & Shoes. Trunks and Valises, etc. 162 Main St., Nebraska City, Nebraska Nebraska City News 1-15-68 1-3
Clover, R. G. The blacksmith, has the finest kind of steel for plow lays. See Industry Nebraska Advertiser 3-23-76 3-5
Clover, R. G. Blacksmith of Tecumseh located corner of 5th and Main in shop of J. H. Beason. Brownville Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 6-5-73 3-5
Clover & Huffman Blacksmiths in Nemaha City. See Nemaha City Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-8
Coady, Sergeant Michael had charge of Fort Kearney after the military post abandoned in 1871 Nebraska Advertiser 11-5-73 2-4
Coady & Ward Firm at tecumseh, Nebr. discovered a vein of coal while having a well dug. See Coal Nebraska City News 7-26-67 3-2
Coal A careful examination of the rooks in this vicinity by eminent geologists, locates them in the coal measures. There is coal under this section Of Nebraska in large deposits. We are now confirmed in the opinion; that at a moderate depth below the level of the Missouri River, at Nebraska City, there is a heavy thick, valuable, merchantable vein of coal. Nebraska City News 6-10-67 2-1
Coal Coal company in the vicinity of Boone, Iowa, on the Northwestern Railroad, commenced sinking their shaft in January last and have been working their mines only about four weeks. The vein is about 4 feet thick, and. the coal is as good as can be found in the country. Between 50 and. 60,000 pounds, or about 2 1/2 carloads are taken out daily. The company expects soon to quadruple this amount and hope to be able to supply western Iowa with fuel this winter. Boone County Index Nebraska City News 6-3-67 2-4
Coal Denver Post says there has been a fine vein discovered south of the Platte and thirty-five miles from that City. Nebraska City News 2-5-38 3-1
Coal From Wyoming is being brought to Omaha in great quantities by the Union Pacific Railroad and is taking the place of Eastern coal here. See Industry Nebraska Advertiser 12-2-69 2-5
Coal Mr. Giltner of Pawnee City brought in a huge piece of coal taken from a bank just discovered by Mr. Copperthait, on his farm six miles below that town. The vein from which it was taken is 22 inches in thickness and the coal of an excellent quality. Messrs. Nott and Wood purchased the bank a day or two ago for $1000. So great is the yield that it is sold at the bank for 200 per bushel and in the town of Pawnee at 25�. Nebraska City News 11-25-68 3-2
Coal A letter from Hon. Mason Crouch of Wyoming precinct to editor of the News states that coal blossom, in abundance, is found on Squaw Creek. Nebraska City News 6-7-67 3-1
Coal The shaft of the Home Coal Mining Company, of Nebraska City, is becoming very sulphurous and the prospects for coal are considred very favorable by the experienced miners now at work. Nebraska City News 6-5-67 3-2
Coal A sixteen inch vein has been worked in Richardson County. See Industry Nebraska Advertiser 1-27-76 3-5
Coal A three foot vein of excellent coal has been found on the Reservation, near Rulo says the Rulo Register Nebraska City News 2-14-68 2-2
Coal A vein of coal 3 1/2 ft thick has been discovered in the west part of Nemaha County. Nebraska Advertiser 1-20-76 3-6
Coal Work will proceed at the Home Mining Company shaft, at Nebraska City. They are now doubly certain of obtaining coal. The problem has been solved. The coal is under us at a workable depth, and in quantities to pay largely. The cost of reaching it will be enormous. Nebraska City News 6-10-67 3-4
Coal Wesley Vanlaningham of Benton Precinct has found a "big bonanza" in coal at the foot of a bluff on Long Branch. Nebraska Advertiser 4-6-16 3-1
Coal Home Mining Company Considerable excitement among the stockholders. A. miner of 20 years experience is in the city, who described accurately, after seeing a sample of the slate, the different stratas of rock through which the hole had been sunk and gives as his opinion that coal will be found before proceeding 20 feet farther. The stock has gone up and is now considered as good as United States Bonds. Nebraska City News 5-15-67 3-2
Coal Home Mining Company. Prospect is succeedingly flattering, A black slate indicitive of coal has been struck and its thought something more substantial will be found soon. Nebraska City News 5-8-67 3-2
Coal. Home Mining Company. The work of sinking the shaft goes rather slow. The miners have been drifting and blasting the hardest kind of grey limestone for 3 or 4 days. It is thought something "big" will be struck soon. It has cost the company at the rate of $2 per inch for excavation during the past 2 or 3 days. Nebraska City News 3-22-67 3-1
Coal. Iowa. The Oskaloosa citizen believes the coal product of county the past year aggregate 1,500,000 and that of the best quality found in Iowa. Nebraska City News 3-20-68 2-4
Coal Johnson County Mr. W. C. Jolly says that the firm of Coady & Ward who are having a well dug on the site of Tecumseh, struck a vein of coal over three feet in thickness at a depth 45 feet below the surface of the earth. The coal is said to be an excellent quality. The above fact is substantiated by Mr. Loomis of Johnson County. Nebraska City News 7-26-67 3-2
Coal Kansas. An association of gentlemen of Lawrence, Kansas principal among whom were our townsmen Gen. Deitzier and Hon. Sam Demnan commenced boring for salt at the edge of the Kansas River. An engine was procured, a derrick erected a neat and substantial building constructed for an engine house, by the association and a large amount of money expended for the purpose of assertaining if coal exists here. A thin vein of coal was penetrated at a depth of 90 feet. The company have bored in other parts of the city, but coal, has not been discovered. The obtaining of coal thus far resulted in failure but our State Geologist is decided that coal exists here, that the Charekee vein which crops out in various portions of Southern Kansas, will be found at the depth of about 600 feet at this place. The company do not feet warranted in expending more money in exploration of coal without aid from the city. The discovery of coal here will be of untold benefit and the company would no doubt obligate themselves to refund the amount asked of the city should a paying vein be discovered and probably would only ask that a portion of the expenses be paid by the city in further prosecuting the exploration and boring. Lawrence Journal Nebraska City News 7-29-67 2-4
Coal, Missouri River Mines. Located on the north bank of the Missouri river, about 75 miles below ort Benton, are in successful operation and the coal is of a very superior quality. They are worked by the owners, Messrs Nicholson, Crabtree & Hamilton. The vein now worked is 4 feet thick and the quality of the coal improves as they progress. A large quantity has been sold to steamboats plying in the 3t. Louis and Benton trade, and being situated at a point mid-way. between where wood is very scarce for 125 miles, they will prove of incalculable benefit to steamboat men, as well as yielding a fortune to the enterprising miners. Nebraska City News 8-2-67 3-1
Coal, Nebraska City. Another load from the "Home Coal Mining Bank" was brought into the City this morning. Nebraska City News 3-11-67 3-1
Coal. Nebraska. Exists in Pawnee County as well as Otoe and we are glad to hear of development there; Governor Butler and other prominent citizens being interested. The Home Coal Mining Co., of Nebraska City is still pushing work at their shaft which is down more than 100 feet below the general level of the country. All the rocks, twenty-seven distinct strata, through which they have passed, belong to the carboniferous formation, and we have faith in their finding a workable paying vein of good merchantable coal. Nebraska City News 3-27-67 2-1
Coal. Home Coal Mining Co. Nebraska City. Work done on the coal shaft on the Morton farm is progressing with great magnitude. The sinking of the shaft is entrusted to the well known contractor, James Bond, who with 4 or 5 hands is gradually sinking it deeper and deeper. The present depth is about 80 feet where a grey stone, mingled with red, somewhat harder than soapstone has been "struck". It was thought by the mineralists, Morton and Goodlett, that the red streak indicated, if not coal, perhaps gold. A lump of the heavy mineral from every bucket was carefully examined, pounded, and afterwards smelted to see if a carboniferous character existed. The work of drilling the rock is performed by Mr. Bond, while Joe Burton touches off the fuse. Artificer Hill and engineer Morton had erected an immense pulley and tackle worked by horsepower and up to 4 o'clock yesterday evening, some 55 large tubs of stone were taken from the shaft. There is no grumbling or disposition to "let up" among the stockholders-in fact all seem sanguine of success. Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-2
Coal. Nebraska City. Fever is unabated. The Home Coal Mining Company is pushing work at the "shaft" with renewed vigor and faith. Nebraska City News 4-10-67 2-1
Coal. Home Mining Company. Nebraska City There are now 600 shares unsold. It is a work in ich all Nebraska City citizens should be interested, every business house take a few shares-10-15- or 20 shares to each would furnish what is necessary to push it forward. Mr. Morton the proprietor has given a lease for 15 years for a small consideration and will reap no more benefit than anyone else, having simply given the company the use of the Land in order to prospect for coal. Press Nebraska City News 4-19-67 2-4
Coal. Home Mining Company. Nebraska City. Nearly all of the stock of the company has been "gobled" in the last ten days. What is up? Nebraska City News 4-22-67 3-1
Coal Nebraska City. The prospects grow more flattering every day. The miners have passed through a strata of slate and. are now in sandstone. Two experienced miners from the Eastern coal regions arrived in the city during the week, and. have already rented dwelling houses with the expectation of going to work after the coal is found. The miner now in the shaft speaks of it as a certainty, and has plans already laid out for tunneling, etc. Nebraska City News 5-31-67 3-2
Coal. Adv. Nebraska City. W. W. Wardeil & Co. New Coal Yard established in this City, for the sale of Missouri State coal. A good article of coal for cooking and heating delivered any part of the City for 51� per bushel. Nebraska City News 10-19-68 2-4
Coal. Otoe County. Editorial. The recent explorations and success in the coal beds of Pawnee and Johnson counties should inspire the citizens of Otoe County to make an earnest and unlimited effort to find coal within hailing distance of Nebraska City, somewhere in Otoe County. Nebraska City News 12-2-68 2-1
Coal. Pawnee County. Incorporators of the Pawnee County Coal Mining Company met by their commissioners at Pawnee City, Sat, the 9th at 4 P. M. Governor Butler called meeting to order and object and advantage of the incorporation explained. J. C. Peavey, Esq. was elected President protem on motion of A. S. Stewart; Dr. A. S. Stewart, secretary protem on motion of C. H. Gere. Communication from Hon. W. W. Wardell of Nebraska City expressing confidence in the enterprise. Dr. A. S. Stewart, Esq. Shelborn and J. C. Peavey, committee of three to prepare books to obtain subscription to said Conpany. C. H. Gere, Esq. was directed to draft rules for government of said mining company. Dr. J. A. MoCausland was elected temporary treasurer. Desire of meeting that subscription books be opened at Nebraska City, Pawnee City, Brownville, some point in Richardson County and St. Joseph, Mo. Nebraska City News 3-27-67 2-2
Coal. Richardson County, S.F. Nucholls, Esq. of this place will soon begin to mine for coal in Richardson County. Nebraska City News 4-24-67 3-1

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