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Coal Smut - Colvin, Al

Date 18xx p-c
Coal Smut Specimens, or coal bloom found on banks of Squaw Creek, Otoe County, on deposit in store at Nebraska City. Also Four Mile Creek. See Geology. Nebraska City News 5-1-67 2-2
Cobb, General Of Wisconsin bought land at the Public Auction of Land at Lincoln, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 10-14-69 2-4
Coal S. F. Nucholls, Esq. of this place will soon begin to mine for coal in Richardson County. Nebraska City News 4-24-67 3-1
Cochan, S. Sheep ranch eight miles west of Brownville. Nebraska Advertiser 6-9-70 2-1
Cobb, (Gen.) Amaza Will move to Omaha in March when his term in Wisconsin legislature ends. Nebraska Advertiser 8-18-70 2-3
Cochran, J. N. Is preparing to go to the Black Hills gold fields. See Black Hills. Nebraska Advertiser 3-16-76 3-2
Cochran, N. Presented bill for $250. See Municipal Government - City Council Proceedings - Brownville Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-75 3-3
Cochran, S. Douglas Pct., Elected Judge of Election. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Coddington, ___ Bought 1 share of Centennial stock. See Expositon Nebraska Advertiser 11-25-75 3-2
Codington, ___ Has moved to Sheridan from Illinois. He is a cousin of Albert Leeper and comes with his family for his health. Nebraska Advertiser 11-11-75 3-7
Codd, J. S. Of Rock Creek. See Hogs. Nebraska City News 2-3-68 3-2
Coe, General Issac Has returned to the City. Nebraska City News 12-14-68 3-1
Coe, Isaac Of Nebraska City, Nebr. Residence on Main Street heavily damaged. See Fire Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-1
Coffee, Philip Gage Co., Lost hay by Prairie fire. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-4,5
Coffin, L. Y. Elected I. G. of the Odd Fellows Lodge. Beatrice, Gage County Nebraska Advertiser 1-26-71 2-5
Coffin, Viola Primary department teacher receives $40. per month. (Brownville school). See School Nebraska Advertiser 4-6-76 2-2,3
Coffman, Jacb Lafayette Pct. Elected Justice of the Peace. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Caffrey, Major Brownville. presented with a gold headed cane by the citizens of Brownville. Nebraska Advertiser 2-19-74 3-3
Caffrey, Wm Brownville, sold his interest in Nebraska Advertiser. Nebraska Advertiser 1-22-74 3-2
Coggesham, William R. Defendant with John H. Maxon, William W. Willingham, Plaintiff. Sherrif's sale. See Legal Notice Nebraska City News 10-21-68 1-3
Cogswell, A. J. Real Estate Dealer, Brownville, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-19-70 1-6
Cogswell, A. P. Brownville, M. W. G. Master I. O. of O. F. Lodge Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-69 2-2
Cogswell, Anthony P. Defendent action on account, judgment for $335 and cost against defendant in firm of John M. Graham. Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-6
Cogswell, A. Defendent in suit brought by S. Lockwood. See Legal Notice Nebraska Advertiser 9-8-70 3-3
Cogswell, A. P . Of Brownville was elected R. W. S. G. W. of the Grand Lodge of A. F. and A. M. Also elected E. G. S. See Societies and Organization Nebraska Advertiser 6-30-70 2-3
Cogswell, A. P. Defendant in suit brought by John R. Bell. See Legal Notice. Nebraska Advertiser 9-8-70 3-3
Cogswell, A. P. Delegate to the National Capitol COnvention to be held at Cincinnati. See Convention Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-3
Cogswell, A. P. Elected E. King of Brownville R. A. M. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 12-23-69 2-2
Cogswell, A. P. Has sold his Livery Stable in Brownville, Nebr. to Charley Tuttle. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 3-2
Cogswell, A. P. Incorporator of the Brownville Southwestern Railroad Company. Nebraska Advertiser 12-22-70 2-6
Cogswell, A. P. Marshall of the 4th of July celebration and barbacue at Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-2
Cogswell, A. P. Nominated for Mayor of Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 4-7-70 2-2
Cogswell, A. P. Of Brownville, M. W. G. Master of IOOF Grand Lodge Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-69 2-2
Cogswell, A. P. Real estate Broker corner 1st and Atlantic street, Brownville, Nebr. Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-69 2-5
Cogswell, Anthony P. Real estate transfer from Smith P. Tuttle lot 14 and 16 block 3, Middle Brownville, Nebr. $1,400. Nebraska Advertiser 6-26-73 3-6
Cogswell, A. P. Sold his livery business in Brownville, N. T. will carry mail from Brownville to Rulo. See Trade. Nebraska Advertiser 5-27-69 2-4
Cogwell, A. P. To the office of R. W. S. G. M. Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-69 2-1
Cogswell, Mary Brownville. Took part in school program. Nebraska Advertiser 12-25-73 3-5
Cohn, Henry Elected Treasurer of I. O. O. F. Lodge No. 5 Nebraska Advertiser 12-28-70 3-5
Cohns, A. F. Wanted an apprentice to learn the cigar trade at the factory. No. 61 Main Street. Nebraska Advertiser 12-16-69 3-1
Cole, D. C. Assessed value of 1871 of Peru precinct land at $175,430, lots at $53,050 and personal property $53,050 Nebraska Advertiser 4-13-71 3-1
Cole, D. C. Elected G. Stewart, Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M. See Masons Nebraska City News 6-29-68 3-3
Cole, D. C. Elected Secretary of Peru Lodge No. 14. A. F. & A. M. Nebraska Advertiser 12-30-69 2-2
Cole, D. C. Peru Pct. Elected road Supervisor. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Cole, Dan Is teaching in Peru district this winter. Nebraska Advertiser 2-10-76 3-4
Cole, Daniel C. Adm. plaintiff against Mary Ann Tate petition to sell real estate, petition granted. Nebraska Advertiser 4-17-73 2-6
Cole, Riley Brownville. Gave Recitation. High School program. Nebraska Advertiser 11-27-73 2-4
Coleman, A. E. Bought 5 acres of School Land, Section 36, Township 4, Range 12 at $20 per acre. See School Lands Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 1-6
Coleman, Isaac Island Pct. Elected Justice of the Peace and Road Supervisor. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Coleman, Joseph S. Peru. Teacher State Normal School. Nebraska Advertiser 12-11-73 1-3
Coleman, R. London Pct. Elected Clerk of Election. Nebraska Advertiser 10-23-73 2-6
Coleman, R. W. Elected Clerk of Election, London Precinct, Nemaha Co. See Election Returns Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Coleman, Robert W. Taken up on 3 year old black mare, Poney colt, also 1 white and red heifer calf. 6 miles west of Brownville, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-69 2-8
Coleman, Robert W. Took up one colt and one calf that had strayed to his home six miles west of Brownville. Nebraska Advertiser 12-9-69 2-8
Coleman, Theodore N. Of the Beatrice Express was recently married in the East. Nebraska Advertiser 7-14-70 2-4
Coleman, Theodore Takes charge of the Beatrice Clarion, a Republican Paper. See Press Nebraska Advertiser 4-14-70 2-3
Coleman, William Farm, on the Nemaha sold to D. J. McCann. See Land Sale Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-1
Coleman, William Otoe County farmer. Injury of strnger, native of England. See Accident - Land Sale. Nebraska City News 4-10-67
Coleman, William Proprietor of the Cincinnati House in Nebraska City, Nebr. is without doubt the largest sheep owner in Nebraska, having a herd of 2500 all free from disease. See Sheep Nebraska City News 4-10-67 3-2
Coleman & Brown Proprietors of Beatrice Express Nebraska Advertiser 1-15-74 3-2
Colfax County Organized two years ago, now proposes to vote $30,000 for a court house and $60,000 to bridge the Platte. Nebraska Advertiser 2-9-71 2-4
Colfax County Schuyler has a new newspaper called the Sun. See Press Nebraska Advertiser 11-18-75 3-2
Colfax County investment in school facilities Nebraska Advertiser 2-26-74 1-4
Colfax County Vacant land Nebraska Advertiser 2-12-74 2-6
Colhapp, D. B. Has been elected V. C. of Knights of Pythias. See Societies and Organizations Nebraska Advertiser 1-6-76 3-2
Colhapp, Furnas and Hacker Dissolved partnership by mutual consent Nebraska Advertiser 5-4-71 2-5
Colhapp, J. L. Will take orders for hard wood for Thomas Heady, Junior Nebraska Advertiser 11-10-70 3-3
Colhapp, J. L. Corresponding Secretary of Nemaha County Fair. See Fair, County. Nebraska Advertiser 8-19-69 2-2
Colhapp, J. L. Elected Corresponding Secretary of the Nemaha COunty Agricultural Society. Nebraska Advertiser 3-10-70 4-3
Colhapp and Hoadley Plaintiffs in suit against W. H. Wilson. See Legal Notice Nebraska Advertiser 9-8-70 3-3
Collector, U. S. Dr. F. Remer received his commission as United States Tax Collector of Nebraska, yesterday. Nebraska City News 3-8-67 3-1
College Prof. Clark Braden has opened a Normal School in Pawnee Seminary Building. Nebraska Advertiser 4-20-71 2-2
College List of Colleges and who named them. Nebraska Advertiser 11-3-70 1-3
Collin, Mr. Druggist from Lansing Iowa bought out Dr. Holladay's Drug Store. Main Street, Brownville, Nebr. See Trade Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 3-1
Collin, Dr. German doctor with his brother bought out Dr. Holladays drug store. Main St. Brownville, Nebraska. See Trade Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 3-1
Collins, ___ A farmer near Kearney City was murdered by Jordon P. Smith. See Judciary Nebraska Advertiser 12-23-75 2-1
Collins, Mr. With Mr. Clark the majority of the registration board of the North Platte Precinct refused to recognize Mr. Hinman's action and will certify only the legal vote to the Judges of election. See Election Game Exposed. Nebraska City News 9-25-68 1-2
Collins, Charles Editor of the Sioux City Times has reliable information concerning intended Indian Uprising. See Indians Nebraska Advertiser 10-21-75 3-4
Collins, G. W. Elected to the House in Nebraska Legislature from Pawnee County Nebraska Advertiser 10-20-70 2-4
Collins, J. S. Of Omaha, Board of Directors & Managers. Friends of Irish Liberty. See Societies & Organizations. Nebraska City News 2-4-67 3-1
Collins, Lewis Bought 80 acres of school land in Section 16, Township 6, Range 15 at $7 per acre in Nemaha County. See School Land Nebraska Advertiser 7-8-69 1-6
Collins, T.J. Republican member of legislature of state, and officer of the Nemaha Valley, Lincoln City and COlumbus railroad incorporated June 11th. See Land Stealing Nebraska City News 6-17-67 2-2,3
Collman, Norman J. St. Louis, Missouri. Editor of Colman's Rural World. Agricultural paper. See Press Nebraska City News 1-23-67 3-1
Colorado Territory
Colorado Charles Collins, editor of the Sioux City Times has reliable information concerning an intended uprising of cut-off Indian tribes in Colorado. See Indians Nebraska Advertiser 10-28-75 2-1
Colorado Government train destroyed, two soldiers drowned. See Military Nebraska City News 5-6-67 3-1
Colorado 2000 head of sheep and 100 head of milch cows passed through Nebraska City from Chillocotothe, Missouri bound for Colorado. See Livestock. Nebraska City News 7-10-67 3-1
Colorado Admission as a State. Senate Committee on Territories made a favorable report on Senate Bill to admit the State of Colorado into the Union. Nebraska City News 2-21-68 2-1
Colt, (Rev.) W. B. M. Of Brownville will preach at dedication of M. E. church in North Star. See Church Nebraska Advertiser 7-28-70 2-2
Colt, W. B. M. Appointed Minister at Oak Creek, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Colton, C. C. Article on War. See Military. Nebraska City News 4-3-67 2-1
Colton, J. M. Of the Cimmeron mines writes a discuraging account of the gold interest in the Denver Tribune. See Gold mines Nebraska City News 5-6-68 2-4
Columbian Steamboat Captain Barnes. 25 Nebraska City couples guests of officers of the craft, to Omaha and back. See Social Life Nebraska City News 6-25-67 3-1,2
Columbus Rev Colmar Mc Cune appointed Minister at Columbus Nebraska Advertiser 5-1-73 1-5
Columbus, Nebr. Damage from ice giving way in Platte river. See Flood Damage Nebraska City News 4-24-67 2-2
Columbus, Nebr. Nemaha Valley, Lincoln City and COlumbus railroad incorporated June 11th. Officers of Company. See Land Stealing. Nebraska City News 6-17-67 2-2,3
Colvin, Al Vice-President of the 4th of July celebration and barbacue of Brownville, Nebraska Nebraska Advertiser 6-19-73 2-2

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